"Hum hum……"

Judai behind him glowed with red light. When he opened his eyes, his two pupils, one orange and one green, fluoresced in the dark night. It was extremely strange: "That guy may be dead. Even if he is not dead, all the bones in his body should be dead." Only after the pieces are broken...hahaha..."

The harsh and sinister laughter echoed in the night sky, making Kagurazaka's hair stand on end.


Kagurazaka turned around and swallowed deeply: "Why did you suddenly make that scary laugh..."

"Because I can't restrain the joy in my heart..."

Judai's right hand was suddenly covered with magma and dragon scales, and turned into the shape of a dragon's claw. He lowered his head and couldn't help but tremble with excitement: "I finally merged with the person I love deeply... This This feeling is so wonderful, hahaha..."

In an instant, Judai's voice turned into a female voice, and when he raised his head again, demon wings had grown out of his back!

"Come on! Impostor!"

'Yushiro Judai' suddenly opened the duel disk and laughed wildly at Kagurazaka: "As the first sacrifice after my lover and I reunite, you, the shadow of the duel king, are really the most suitable! The duel energy extracted from you will definitely make me more happy, right? Hahaha..."

"Who are you...?"

Kagurazaka did not respond to Yubel's request for a duel. Instead, he stepped back step by step, and his eyes subconsciously glanced behind Yubel...

That is the courtyard where Sok lives!

To deal with such a supernatural ghost, even if you win the duel, the other party may not let you go...

If you want to survive, you must ask Teacher Suoke for help!

Thinking of this, Kagurazaka took a deep breath suddenly and yelled with all his strength: "Help..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Before Kagurazaka could say the second word, Yubel had already pushed his hand and sent out a shock wave that knocked Kagurazaka to the ground. Then he opened a barrier under his feet and brought Kagurazaka into a world surrounded by rainbows. A different-dimensional world of light and shadow!

"Boy, don't try any tricks..."

Yubel looked at Kagurazaka with a sneer, obviously regarding him as his inevitable prey: "This is the gap between another dimension and your world. No matter who you ask for help, your voice will not reach anywhere else, no matter how far you run away. , and you will never be able to break free from this natural prison... Obediently pick up the duel plate in your hand, and then give me all your power..."


Seeing this, Kagurazaka already knew that nothing could be done.

"It seems that besides dueling, there is no other better way..."

Opening the duel disk, Kagurazaka threw away all worries and showed his courage as a duelist: "Don't underestimate me! I am the No. 1 in the third grade of Duel Academy, and I am proficient in Muto studies. All of Mr. Yugi’s dueling tactics and thinking patterns, even the deck of King’s Shadow are exactly the same! Against a small character like you, I can easily kill him!”

"It's too early to talk nonsense, kid..."

The corner of Yubel's mouth raised an evil arc, and he said coldly: "Even Duel King Muto Yugi is just a defeated general under me. You are just a mere shadow, and you actually want to punch me? Hahaha... Really That's ridiculous!"

After hearing this, Kagurazaka was suddenly stunned.

Yubel thought he was scared, and was about to continue saying something to completely seduce the cowardice hidden deep in his heart, but at this moment...


Kagurazaka suddenly smiled and patted his chest reassuringly as if he had put down his worries: "Originally, I was a little worried about whether your dueling level would be too good, but you actually used this kind of lie to deceive me. It can be seen that you It’s actually pretty weak, right?”

Yubel's face turned cold: "Lie?"


Kagurazaka's face was suddenly full of confidence, and she confronted Yubel: "Even if you are as strong as Mr. Sok, you are only tied with Mr. Muto Yugi. You, a ghost who came out of nowhere, dare to say Don’t make people laugh at such big words!”

"You will know soon if this is a lie!"

Yubel had a sullen face, inserted the deck of cards into the duel plate, and shouted coldly: "Duel!"

Kagurazaka stretched out her hand and pressed it on the card deck of the duel plate, slowly closing her eyes...

Mr. Muto Yugi......

Please lend me your strength!

At that moment, it seemed as if the figure of a king emitting golden light merged with Kagurazaka!

His eyes suddenly opened, and his aura became extremely fierce in an instant!


Time passed minute by minute.

In the rift of another dimension, the fighting between the two sides continues...

But Yubel felt that this fight seemed like a never-ending torture...

what happened……

Yubel gasped and looked at the lemon magic girl and apple magic girl at Kagurazaka with disbelief in his eyes.

Isn’t he the shadow of Muto Yugi! ?

Why are there so many inexplicable monsters in this guy’s deck! ?

Those cards clearly don’t exist in the game deck! I can easily beat Muto Yugi, but I'm actually in a tough fight with an impostor like you! ?


It’s just that I’m in a tough fight!

That guy... was at ease and didn't take himself seriously! ! !


Kagurazaka looked at Yubel and said slowly: "You said you defeated Mr. Muto Yugi. Now it seems that it is a lie... You can't even win the shadow, how can you win the 'King'? "

"No! There is definitely something wrong!!!"

Yubel shouted angrily: "Obviously in that system, I easily killed Muto Yugi. He was just a weakling in name only who used his mouth to gain power! I have a deck that is eight years ahead of that era. Why? Maybe lose to that old man from the past era!?"

"I see...you also played that game..."

Kagurazaka suddenly realized, shook his head and smiled: "What you won was just an NPC in the game, not Mr. Muto Yugi himself. Moreover, we are making progress. As the duelist king, of course his deck is also evolving with each passing day. Become stronger..."

"From the slate duel in ancient Egypt to today's card duel, it has gone through three thousand years of evolution..."

Kagurazaka raised his head with some emotion and said slowly: "But even so, when the king woke up, he was the undisputed strongest man of this era. Because he was too powerful and unbeatable, in the end he could only Being able to take off his sword and return to hell in his own reincarnation... No matter what era, no matter what the duel mode will be in the future, the king... will always stand at the pinnacle of duelists, the eternal undefeated king!"

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