Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 361 Destruction Dragon GandoraX

"Judai...no, that unknown person possessing Judai..."

Kagurazaka and Yubel looked at each other and said slowly: "You used a deck from eight years ago to defeat a copy of Mr. Muto Yugi who used a deck from eight years ago. Is there anything to be proud of? Why can you say such ridiculous words in front of me that you defeated the Duel King?"

"shut up!"

Yubel shouted angrily and waved his hand: "You just had a slight advantage, but you started preaching to me! I also have 'EHERO·Flash Flame Winged Man' with an attack power of 4300 points on the field. I want to If you talk big talk, defeat my trump card first and then talk about it!"

"In that case, please watch carefully..."

Kagurazaka slowly drew a card from his hand, placed it on the duel plate, and shouted in a concentrated voice: "Black Gold Tyrannosaurus! Break the shackles that imprison you in the cracks of the world, and bring destruction to my enemies. ! I offer two magical girls on the field as a sacrifice—come out—"

"Destruction Dragon Gandora X!!!"

[Destruction Dragon Gandora All monsters on the field except this card are destroyed, and inflict damage to the opponent equal to the attack power of the monster with the highest attack power among the destroyed monsters. This card's attack power becomes equal to the damage dealt to the opponent by this effect. At the end of the summoning phase, your base points are reduced to half. 】

The Dragon of Destruction, whose body is engraved with energy gems, descends here.

The annihilation light that always accompanies him will end everything!

"The special ability of 'Destruction Dragon Gandora X' is activated!"

Following Kagurazaka's declaration, the raging and restless destructive energy on the body of 'Destruction Dragon Gandora

"Destroy all monsters on the field except 'Destroyed Gandora X'!"

Countless criss-crossing dark red lights of destruction and death fill every corner of the cracks in the different dimensions. When the legendary tyrannosaurus, which is capable of killing gods, fully activates its power, anyone and anything will be destroyed by its unrivaled power. Destroy everything with violence!

The death light pierced through the 'E·HERO Flash Flame Winged Man' on Yubel's field like a chicken and a dog. Immediately afterwards, even the space in the interdimensional cracks burst apart, and the cage imprisoning Kagurazaka seemed to be like a sieve. It collapsed like a dike!

Another dimension is the space where elves exist, and the earth is the world where humans live.

And it is this unrivaled Tyrannosaurus that dominates the gap between the two worlds!

An astonishing golden light seemed to glow all over Kagurazaka, and in the vortex of endless destruction, it looked like a king: "Then, the damage equal to the original attack power of the monster with the highest attack power among the destroyed monsters will be given to you, Yubel. ! And, ‘Destruction Dragon Gandora X’ increases the attack power by that value!!!”

Yubel cried out in horror: "Wha...what!?"

"The Black Gold Tyrannosaurus..."

Kagurazaka crossed her arms, then suddenly opened them, her arrogance rising to the sky: "Destroy everything for me! The ultimate light of destruction!!!"

Along with this roar, 'Destruction Dragon Gandora It washed away Yubel's soul, almost erasing all traces of her existence in this world!

Yubel, LP: 3300→0

After a long time, the light dimmed.

The virtual system stopped functioning, and the destruction dragon Gandora X disappeared from the real world without a trace.

Kagurazaka immediately put away the duel plate and rushed towards Yujo Judai who was lying lifeless not far away as quickly as possible.

"Judai! Are you okay!?"

Kagurazaka called Yujo Judai's name loudly, but Yujo Judai seemed to be dead, paralyzed there powerlessly, unable to move.


Kagurazaka quickly turned around and carried Yujo Judai on her back, preparing to send him to Sok's dormitory.

The school doctor obviously had no effect on the trauma he suffered from being attacked by an elf. If he wanted to revive him, Sok would still have to take action.

But before Kagurazaka could carry Judai on his back, a huge force suddenly hit Kagurazaka's neck from behind and knocked him out.

The camera zooms out.

The moonlight shone on the murderer's face, and it turned out to be the 'Yushiro Judai' who had already passed out!


Yubel, who was possessed by Yujo Judai, covered his chest, turned around and walked away.

Yubel's spirit was weakened to the extreme after being hit head-on by the Destruction Dragon.


how so……

Yubel staggered away while feeling like a turbulent wave in his heart.

What the hell is going on in this school...

Why is it that every person I meet is a monster of this level...

It's obviously just a fake...

But myself...

But he almost died in his hands!


Holding his chest, Yubel gritted his teeth and walked hard towards the student dormitory.

I don’t believe this evil anymore!

There is no way that I am so unlucky that I always meet that kind of ridiculously strong guy!

Now I have been bruised all over...

This time...

You must find a prey that can provide a lot of duel energy!

God seemed to hear Yubel's voice.

So when it took Yubel half an hour to barely walk to the red dormitory, the first thing she saw was the man sitting on the roof of the red dormitory, wearing a sacrificial robe, looking up at the moon...

After mentally comparing the famous duelists in this world and confirming that the opponent could not match any of them, Yubel felt relieved.

Very good!

I finally met a nobody!

This prey...I accept it without mercy!

Thinking of this, Yubel emerged from the forest and shouted to the man on the roof: "Hey! That guy with a hairstyle similar to that of Daitokuji! Come down here immediately, I want to duel with you!"

Hearing the sound, the man on the roof turned around and floated to the ground.

The Oliha Gang gemstone on his forehead shone brightly in the moonlight.

Dazi narrowed her eyes: "Excuse me...what's the matter?"

five minutes later

Yubel once again fell into the hell of despair.

"How... how could it be... like this..."

Yubel retreated as if in a panic: "Why is it this ridiculously strong monster again..."

The snake demon in the shadow kept swaying.

"What a shame, Yubel."

Dazi raised her right hand coldly: "When the 'Snake God Yi' enters the scene, the outcome is no longer determined by health points... Then, the final blow..."

"Infinite ultimate power!"

[Snake God Yi, 12 stars, attributes, race unknown, attack: infinite, defense: infinite, effect: This card cannot be normally summoned. It can only be special summoned by the effect of "Olihagon Xinonos". When this card is successfully Special Summoned, your basic points become 0. As long as this card is on the field, you will not be declared defeated in the duel (when this card is not on the field, you will be defeated in the duel). You must send the top 10 cards of your deck to the graveyard before this card can declare an attack. 】

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