Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 362 Study Trip

"Damn it! Leave someone behind!!!"

At the moment when Snake God Yi's attack was about to hit Yubel, Sok's figure suddenly appeared in front of Yubel, blocking all the energy impacts for her with one hand!

These are the Dazi and Snake God Yi transformed by the system.

Its attack power is actually infinite, so strong that it can damage the real world with virtual attacks.

If Yubel had eaten her head-on, her soul would have disappeared in less than a second without even thinking about it.

This is not possible!

Keep her, she will be of great use in the future!

"Mom Dan..."

Suok looked at the unconscious Yubel on the ground in distress, scratched his head and said: "What happened during my rest... Why did you come back again?"

After calling up the surveillance video on Yubel's virtual duel disk, Sock fast-forwarded through what happened today.

He sighed helplessly.

"You are also unlucky..."

Suok felt a little sorry for her: "If you are looking for trouble, look for trouble, but how did you find the three toughest guys in the Duel Academy... Fortunately, the Pharaoh is not a BOSS, otherwise you will encounter the three illusory gods again, it will be terrible what to do……"

"Lord Thok."

Behind him, Dazi stepped forward and bowed: "She took the initiative to challenge me, so I fought back."

"I see."

Suok nodded: "You continue to observe the movements of the source of Oliha Gang. I have other plans for her."

Dazi nodded and stepped back, following the good example.

Reaching out to grab Yujo Judai who was possessed by Yubel, Sok casually shattered the passage between the earth and another dimension with his other hand and threw her in.

Ten thousand years ago, the black hand hidden behind Oliha Gang dropped the crystal meteorite carrying his dark clone into this universe.

But in the end, the meteorite was absorbed and shattered by the martyr's god-king, and his true form also suffered heavy damage.

So today, 10,000 years later, the guy who was manipulating everything behind the scenes once again extended his claws to the universe...

Different from the last time, he learned the lesson of failure and no longer attacked the universe in that simple and crude way. Instead, he chose a certain spokesperson and used that puppet to merge and annex the world...

This time, the unlucky guy chosen is the 'Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God' who will be created by 'super fusion' in the near future!

Only by killing him will the mastermind behind the scenes lose all patience and truly descend in his true form.

At that time, it will be the best opportunity for you to solve all the troubles and return to the third dimension!

Hum...it's really good...

The letter written by his future self to his past self came back to Sok's mind.

This method of taking advantage of the enemy, almost cheating, is indeed very consistent with his identity as the Great Evil God, hehehe...

Just wait for me!

The unparalleled disasters of the martyrs for thousands of years, as well as the pain and torture they suffered...

I want to get all my debts back!

a month later

"We're here! Domino Town!"

Many students were getting off the boat on the Duel Academy's school trip one after another. They looked excitedly into the distance, their hearts filled with longing.

This rumored holy land for duelists has now been developed by Haima Company into a very famous tourist attraction. Every day, duelists from all over the world come here from thousands of miles away just to visit every section that the duelist king once walked through. journey.

There were many cruise ships docked at the pier, and the people on and off all wore duel disks on their arms.

"It truly deserves to be the legendary holy land. Even the air is filled with the duelist's unique murderous aura..."

Misawa Daichi and Kagurazaka stepped onto the pier side by side, looking at this dream city with some emotion. It seemed that for a while, they could still see the deadly fight between Muto Yugi and Jonouchi Katsuya on the pier, which witnessed friendship and romance. The place of confession.


Kagurazaka sighed: "Judai had been looking forward to coming here for a while, but he suddenly disappeared..."

Next to him, Misawa Daichi also nodded empathetically: "Yes, although Teacher Suoke said there is no need to worry, but without Judai together, I still feel not as happy as I imagined..."

Next to them, Sho Marufuji also stood with them at some point, and said gloomily: "If big brother doesn't come, I won't even be able to cheer up when I see Mr. Yugi and Jonouchi confessing..."

At this point, the three of them clasped their hands on their chests and nodded in unison.

"I said you three brats..."

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms hugged Kagurazaka, Misawa Daichi and Marufuji Sho. Jonouchi's big face squeezed into the middle of the three of them. The corners of his mouth twitched and his head seemed to be on fire. He gritted his teeth and said, "A place of confession? If you don't explain this matter to me clearly today, I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself..."


The three of them were so frightened that they were covered in cold sweat.

I actually forgot that the legendary Jonouchi Katsuya is currently in Duel Academy, and he is also the captain in charge of the cruise ship!

It is said that Mr. Jonouchi used to be a famous fighting king in Domino Town...

Now that I accidentally offended him, can I still live?

"Spare... spare my life!"

Sho Marufuji was the first to cry. He reached out and took out a pamphlet from nowhere and handed it to Jonouchi: "The place of confession is all written in this navigation book. We are innocent..."

Kagurazaka and Misawa Daichi nodded quickly: "Yes, yes! We made preparations for a long time before coming here. This navigation manual is the most popular one sold online. There are close-ups of the pier in the book, and it is very special. I’ve noted the place to express my feelings, Mr. Jonouchi, please forgive us!”

"What crappy book!?"

Jonouchi took the booklet from Sho Marufuji's hand with a look of displeasure on his face, and hummed while flipping through it: "You young people, what are you thinking about in your minds right now? The relationship between Yugi and me is stronger than a chain. The friendship...poof!!!"

A mouthful of water spurted out, Jonouchi stared dumbfoundedly at the author's name with the picture "Land of Confession" in the book...

Muto Sugoroku! ?

The grandpa of games! ?

Jonouchi tore up the navigation with a dark face, threw it on the ground and stomped on it: "Grandpa, what on earth did that guy do! Even if it's for sales, you can't write like this!"

When Kagurazaka and the others heard this, they were shocked! With a look of understanding in his eyes, he nodded in agreement.

Even if you call the grandpa of the game grandpa, why are you saying we are not a family?

Remember it, remember it...


Jonouchi stood in front of the three of them, with his hands on his hips and said: "To prove my friendship with Yugi, let me, Master Jonouchi, take you to visit Doumino Town in person today! I will definitely use every part of my passion during the journey. and be moved to cleanse the dirty things from your minds!"

After that, turn around and wave!

"Follow me, boys! First stop - the Turtle Playhouse!"

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