Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 363 Returning to the old place

The early morning sunshine shines on the ground, and there is a constant flow of pedestrians coming and going.

When you revisit your old place, you will inevitably be a little emotional in the city.

But when he thought of the 'Place of Confession' in the navigation manual, Jonouchi's face twitched, and his heart was filled with unknown anger.

Standing in front of the turtle toy store, Jonouchi swore that he really wanted to kick the door open and call Yugi's grandfather a hundred times.

But after a long time, that kick still couldn't go down.

Finally helpless, Jonouchi knocked on the door.

"European Chicken Sauce!" (Grandpa)

With a creak, the door opened.

An old man with the same hairstyle as Muto Yugi poked his head out of the room energetically and looked around: "Oh! What a familiar voice! Is he Yugi's friend..." When he saw Jonouchi's appearance clearly, The old man burst into tears all of a sudden, and held onto Jonouchi's hand tightly without letting go: "My chief disciple, Jonouchi-kun... we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Yeah, long time no see..."

Jonouchi was also very moved. He grabbed the old man's hand to prevent him from running away. His eyes twitched and said: "Although it is a bit inappropriate, grandpa... can you explain to me what the 'Land of Confession' in that manual is about?" Is it something..."


Muto Shuangroku's tears disappeared in a second, and he said: "This... this is a very popular marketing method recently. I just tried it. Who knew it would be so popular..." Looking at Jonouchi's face Bad, Muto Shuangroku quickly explained: "Actually, I asked the publishing house to stop publishing, but because the sales were so good, they ignored me at all..."


Jonouchi scratched his hair with a headache and said: "Forget it... I hope my wife and children won't see it. I don't want them to ask me this kind of thing every day in the future..."

"Oh! Jonouchi, you already have a child!"

Muto Shuangroku happily pulled Jonouchi: "We haven't seen each other since you got married. I didn't expect that the naughty boy back then has now become a father. It's like a world away, haha... Look at you, these years, Are you doing well?"

"It was quite hard for a while before, but it's much better now..."

The inner side of the city turned around, pointed at the three people behind who were full of little stars, and said: "Well, Grandpa, I work at Duel Academy now. These three are students of the academy. I brought them here to visit you... "

Before Jonouchi finished speaking, the three Kagurazaka people had already rushed in front of Muto Sugoroku, bowing in unison: "Kagurazaka (Marufuji Sho) (Misawa Daichi) greets you, Mr. Game’s grandpa!”

"Ah! That's great!"

Kagurazaka clenched her fists excitedly: "It is indeed a holy land for duelists. There are real legends everywhere! Priest Simon!"

"Ah...this kid!"

Muto Shuangroku was startled by the game-like shape and appearance of Kagurazaka, but he quickly realized it and said with a smile: "Oh, I understand, this is the thing called COSPLAY that young people play, right? You and Yu Yu are so similar, I almost thought Yu Yu had returned from traveling..."


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Misawa Daichi was a little disappointed and said: "Why... Mr. Muto Yugi is not at home?"

"Yeah, I haven't been back recently..."

Muto Shuangroku opened the door with a smile and said to everyone: "But although Yugi has not come back, it is a coincidence that another Duel King is in my store now..."

Another...another duel king! ?

The hearts of Jonouchi and others jumped...

Should...should it be...

The door opened, and a very familiar figure was lying on the counter with a girl, pointing at the cards inside.



Suoke, who was flirting with the illusion, turned around, not surprised at all: "Oh, it's you."

"Teacher Suoke..."

Kagurazaka rubbed her eyes vigorously and said in disbelief: "You...didn't you go on a family trip with your daughter? Why are you here too?"

"Oh? Don't you know?"

Suok raised his eyebrows, reached out and took out a travel voucher from his jacket pocket and shook it: "I said it's a family trip, so of course the tickets with such an expensive price are going to the best amusement park in the world...then... , if you want to see it, you can see it for yourself, the parent-child tour organized by this travel agency is at the Kaiba Paradise in Domino Town... I thought you knew it."

Ju... is actually like this...

Kagurazaka, Sho Marufuji, and Misawa Daichi fell to their knees in defeat, wanting to cry without tears.

If I had known that Sock was so easy to talk to, then what on earth would our crowdfunding be for...

"By the way..."

At this time, False Illusion stood up, hugged Sok's arm with a sweet smile, and said to everyone: "Actually, my dear and I are not father and daughter, but lovers, so everyone has spent a lot of money on crowdfunding. , I’m really sorry, hehe..."

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

Except within the city, everyone seemed to have ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past!

Kagurazaka, Marufuji Sho, and Misawa Daichi immediately turned around and gathered together, whispering...

"Is Mr. Sok so popular!? I originally thought it was just Mr. Hibiki Midori, but I didn't expect so many girls to like him!"

"That being said, it seems that Asuka often mentions Mr. Sok..."

"No, no! You have misunderstood the point! That girl looks like she is just a junior high school student!...Isn't this illegal?"

"The law cannot restrain lawless lunatics like Mr. Sok..."

"But this is wrong..."

The three students here were talking passionately and the discussion was in full swing.

Over there, Sok looked at the cards displayed on the counter and clicked his tongue: "Chaos Emperor Dragon... Chaos Warrior... Destruction Dragon Gandora..." Seeing this, Sok turned back to Muto Sugoroku and said: "Hey , old man! No wonder Chapo has so many rare and expensive cards, you opened them first and then sold them after you finished selecting them, right?"

Muto Shuangroku was furious: "Who would do that kind of thing!"

"It's really possible that you can make money with the 'Confession Place', old man."

Suok clapped his hands, turned around and walked out of the store with False Vision, waving: "I originally planned to come over to see Chapo. Since he is not at home, I will continue to play somewhere else. See you later!"

The scenery in front of the door remains unchanged.

When I revisit my old place, the scenes of that year are still before my eyes, so clear.

When passing a certain platform, Thok glanced...

It was there that I stabbed the back of my hand with a knife and earned the first pot of gold in the world...

The past and present overlap.

At that time, I never thought that there would be such a day in the future...

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