Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 369 Don’t forget your original intention

At this point, even a fool knows that he has been plotted by others!

Lord DANKNESS has clearly informed all the Dark Legion that the most dangerous guy in the world is here. How could he come to such a place! ?

Prince Aojin turned his head and said angrily: "What's going on, you mediocre ghost!"


The mediocre ghost Liushen Wuzhu continued to control the computer, trying to regain control of the helicopter but was still unable to break through the system set up by the hacker: "The other party's performance and technological level are far above me... He and I are not opponents of the same level at all... Perhaps there is nothing that can be done, Prince Aojin..."

"What did you say!?"

Prince Aojin's face turned ferocious in an instant, he grabbed the mediocre ghost with one hand, and said angrily: "I value you so much, not to let you say you are powerless to me! If you are no longer useful, then the meaning of your existence has been lost. !”

The mediocre ghost's eyes widened, already feeling something bad: "Wait...wait a moment..."

But it's too late.

Prince Okin's facial features all disappeared in an instant, his hair grew suddenly, and a huge eye opened in his chest!

Immediately afterwards, a black light burst out from the eye, directly opening a big hole in the mediocre ghost's stomach!

The broken body was ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

The mediocre ghost who once thought he would become a successful person suddenly saw his ridiculous self through those eyes.

At the last second before death, the mediocre ghost seemed to be relieved, but also seemed to be unwilling to close his eyes, crying and laughing: "I... is really just a... mediocre ghost... just..."

The low-level monsters that were destroyed casually could not make any waves in Prince Aojin's heart.

The most important thing now is to escape from here as soon as possible!

Even DANKNESS is no match for Sok, so of course I need to say no more!

With a "crash", two wings, one black and one white, sprouted from Prince Aojin's back. They were the wings symbolizing angels and the bat wings symbolizing demons.

At this moment, the demon disguised as Prince Okin finally reveals his true form!

[Dark Demon Neosfia, 10 stars, dark attribute, demon clan, attack: 4000, defense: 4000, description: a high-level demon walking in the depths of the demon world, the spokesperson of DANKNESS ruling the dark army, and the dark army Second place inside. 】

The helicopter was already landing, and Niofia opened the door of the helicopter without hesitation and flew out!

You must report what happened here to DANKNESS-sama!


You must not die here!

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel and directly gave him a blow in the head!

A black light flashed, and the great evil god whose body was burning with the demonic fire of hell blocked the way of the demon.


A fierce light flashed in the corner of Suoke's eyes, and he showed the most evil smile: "You are very energetic, Faceless Ghost! I have something to ask you. Would you like to go down and cooperate with the questioning, or should I beat you half to death first, and then force you to question me?" Woolen cloth?"

Although the facts were before her eyes, Neosphia still held on to the last bit of luck. Her eyes were bloodshot and she tried to look fierce: "Who are you!? I don't know you! Get out of my way immediately. !Otherwise I will kill you!!!”

"Don't you know me?"

Suoke raised his eyebrows and rolled up his sleeves: "This is easy to handle. I will let you get to know each other today..."

ten minutes later

Neosphia, who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, knelt on the beach on the coast of Duel Academy: "I'm sorry."

"whispering sound!"

Suok stood in front of Neosphia and said with disdain: "Looking at your thick eyebrows and big eyes, I thought you had more backbone. I didn't expect you. I didn't expect that you, Zhu Shimao... No, you are so easy." I rebelled against DANKNESS! It gave me no sense of accomplishment at all!"

Neosphia sounded aggrieved and did not dare to reply, so she could only nod her head in agreement.

"Okay, I think everything is clear now..."

After Sok said that, he raised his right hand, and a black energy ball condensed in the palm of his hand: "Say something, I will give you a song, and when the time is up, I will personally send you on your way!"

"Wait... wait a minute!"

Neosphia was shocked: "Lord Sok! Didn't you just say that if I confess everything, you would let me live!?"

Sok said impatiently: "Didn't I give you time for a song?"


Neosphia almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Seeing that she had no hope of survival, Neosphia simply gave up!


Neosphia gritted her teeth and said angrily: "You bully! Do you, the great evil god of the underworld, only use force to force people to surrender!?"

Sok nodded naturally: "Yes."


Neosphia suddenly found that she seemed unable to communicate with this lunatic.


Seeing Sok approaching step by step, Neosphia tried her best to make the final struggle: "Sock! Do you dare to duel with me!? Duel is a battle ritual in the demon world that determines life and death. If I lose in the duel, I will die. , then I have nothing to say, but I will not be willing to be killed by you with force like this! I will never be willing to do so!!!"

"Oh, playing cards?"

Suoke suddenly stopped, touched his chin and thought for a while: "Indeed... when you say that, it seems that I haven't played cards for a long time..."

Hearing what Sok said, Neosphia immediately saw hope in her heart, and said extremely eagerly: "In this case, then come to a duel with me! I know that the duel ritual cannot do anything to you, the great evil god, but if I win, I hope you can keep your promise and let me go!"


After thinking for a while, Suoke nodded and said, "Okay, I agree. Come on, take out your deck and watch me smash your face!"

Neosphia was overjoyed and secretly happy.

Very good!

This guy was fooled!

The deck used by the Arcane Prince possessed by him is a super instant kill tactic that is good at killing in one turn!

No matter how strong the opponent's deck is, no matter how good the opponent's tactics are, it's all useless!

I won't give you a chance to expand at all. Before it's your turn, you've already lost!

I'm asking you how to win against this unreasonable deck! ?

Duel King?

The evil god of the underworld?

Hahaha... I really want to see this guy's ridiculous face when he loses!

On the other side, Suok took out the main deck that he had not used for a long time and shuffled the cards casually.

The little penguin on the shoulder asked quietly: "My dear, if he wins, are you really prepared to let him go?"

"of course not."

Suoke sneered: "If he loses, he might still have a chance to survive. If he dares to win...I'll scald his penis with boiling water!"

This shameless style is still the same as before.

The little penguin nodded in approval.

If you don’t forget your original intention, you will always succeed!

In this way, both sides started a duel with their own motives...

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