Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 370 The Curse of Oliha Gang

"Lord Sok..."

Neosphia pretended to be calm and respectfully said to Sok: "You are the unquestionable overlord of the underworld, so as a gift to duel with low-level demons, can you let me attack first?" It is obviously level ten. The devil now has to completely abandon his face in order to survive.

And Sok seemed not to be aware of Neosphia's sinister intentions at all, and easily agreed: "Okay."

"Hey... I got fooled!"

Neosphia could hardly suppress the ecstasy in her heart and laughed out loud.

The decks of both sides were not shuffled at all. Even before the duel, Neosfia had already put the combination that could kill in one turn at the top of the deck!

There have been rumors in the dueling world for a long time.

Sock is also a veteran who often adds cards to the top of the deck and cheats without shuffling the cards, but he must not have expected that today I would use the same method to kill him instantly! Hahaha……

Even if the other party agrees to cheat, it’s useless!

Because his turn was over before his turn!


Neosphia showed a fierce look in her eyes and put her hand on top of the deck: "I'll attack first! Draw..."

But at this moment!

"Bridge's sack!"

Sok's sharp shout shocked Neosphia, and his innate domineering spirit almost made Neosphia's liver and gallbladder burst with horror.

"Ha ha……"

After finally regaining her composure, Neosphia wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and carefully asked Sok: "Lord Sok, may I ask... is there anything else?"

"Of course."

The corner of Sok's mouth curved up, revealing a strange grin: "At the moment when I decided to act first, the magic card 'Oliha Gang's Curse' in my deck was also activated at the same time!"


Neosphia was surprised: "How is this possible!? I have never heard of a magic card with such activation conditions..."

"With your status, of course you cannot see cards of this level..."

Sok looked down at Neosphia arrogantly, his contemptuous eyes seeming to be silently mocking: "This is from another dimension, the strongest and most unrivaled one produced by the Youth Hall, which is even more creative than K Club." The ultimate deck... hum, the strongest deck matches the strongest me, doesn't it match well, Faceless Ghost?"

Before he finished speaking, a dark green card with a skull engraved on it appeared out of thin air on the battlefield!

"Oliha Gang's Curse!"

[Oliha Gang's Curse, a quick-attack magic card, effect: This card can only be activated from the deck before the game (after deciding the first attack order, before drawing cards), and the following effects will be obtained depending on our hand first:

1. Our side attacks first and selects five cards from the opponent's deck to add to our hand. In this duel, the control of these five cards belongs only to our side.

2. Our team attacks from behind and selects ten cards from the opponent's deck to remove them from the game. They cannot be used again in this duel. 】

Damn it! ! !

When Sok explained the effect of this card to Neosfia, Neosfia was immediately stunned!

There are such shameless cards in the world! ?

I was already very shameless, but I didn't expect that each mountain would be higher than the other, and the other party would secretly print this kind of card and add it to the deck secretly!

No need to draw, impossible to counter!

Completely fool-proof operation!

This was not prepared to leave a way for the opponent to survive from the beginning!

Neosphia's right hand placed on the duel plate kept shaking...

He chose to strike first...that is to say, Sok can banish ten cards in his deck!

No matter what the deck is, once the ten optional cores are destroyed, everything is over...

"Hey... if you are surprised just like this, it will really make it difficult for me..."

Sock sneered and took out two more cards from the deck and slowly inserted them into the duel plate: "Based on the effect of 'Oliha Gang's Curse', I can exclude ten cards from your deck...and, There are three 'Oliha Gang's Curse' activated at the same time! In other words..."

"The total number of excluded cards in your deck is thirty!!!"

Neosphia's vision went dark and she almost fainted.

Green light emerged, and the pattern of a reverse hexagram surrounded Sok and Neosphia.

All the cards in Neosfia's deck were displayed in front of Thok, not even one was missing...

"Oh, that's very insidious. You actually dare to play dirty tricks with me..."

Suoke noticed the problem with this deck after just one glance. He sneered and took down all the five cards at the top of the deck and threw them aside: "Although in terms of despicableness, I am tens of thousands of times better than you, but you If you dare to use this meanness on me, then don’t blame me for beating you to death!"

Watching her deck continue to decrease, Neosfia's mind went blank.

It’s over…

It's all over...

Artificial satellite...artificial satellite base...photon satellite...

Not a single one left!

In the end, when Sok put the remaining ten cards back into the Neosfia deck, Neosfia was completely despairing.

"I'll attack first..."

"Draw cards..."

Neosphia looked at the five magic cards she had just pulled out in her hand and wanted to cry, but she didn't even have the strength to cry.

Not a single monster is left, and all that is left to me are auxiliary magic cards that work with artificial satellites...

But all the satellites have been excluded, what use are these cards?


Neosphia smiled miserably and put her hand on the card deck of the duel disk: "I...I admit defeat...Kill me, Great Evil God!"

"To deal with you, I don't need to do it myself."

Sok turned around and said as he left: "Because there are cards that have been excluded, the 'Martyr Brahma Moko' that exists in my deck can be specially summoned, and every excluded card will be given to him. 1000 points of attack power..."

The scorching flames of hell soar into the sky!

The Demon God, born from the power of his old enemy Oriha Gang, is now more powerful than ever!

[Martyr Brahma Moko, 12 stars, attack: 30000]

Neosphia's eyes widened: "Attack... attack power... 30,000!?"

Its body stretched as far as the eye could see, huge enough to cover the sky. Brahma Moko's sharp claws stretched out and grabbed Neofia. With just a squeeze, he crushed Neofia, the number one general under DANKNESS, into a Jifen, couldn't even scream.

The duel is over.

This game that was destined to be impossible to win from the beginning finally came to an end.

time flies.

Soon, the official start date of the GeneX competition has arrived.

Strong men from all over the world gathered on the small island of Duel Academy and tried their best for their dreams.

If you observe carefully, there are some familiar figures among them, once again active on the stage of this grand event...

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