Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 371 Copy Card Sun God


"Isn't that Wan Zhang Mu!?"

In the camp of Duel Academy Northern Branch, Sho Marufuji saw a figure who had been missing for a year!

Hearing his name, Wan Zhangmu looked back.

"Oh, he's Judai's follower..."

Wan Zhangmu's expression was a little complicated, but it was fleeting. He looked Marufuji Sho up and down, and coldly snorted: "Even you can upgrade to Sun God Yellow. It seems that Duel Academy has completely declined after Caesar graduated... and It really annoys me that you have the same score, boy!"

"Huh? What's going on with this attitude?"

Marufujixiang adjusted his glasses unhappily: "We were very concerned about you when you disappeared! Brother and I have been looking for you for a long time, but you are still so annoying!"

"Hmph, I don't appreciate it!"

Banjome turned around and no longer looked at Marufuji Sho: "Tell Judai, I am now the No. 1 in the Northern Branch. I will take back all the things I have lost through this competition! I want to show my gratitude to everyone People prove that even if I don’t cheat, I am still the strongest lightning among them all!”

on the other hand

In Sok's office, an uninvited guest came today.

"Mr. Sok, long time no see."

Pegasus, who had shawl silver hair, walked to Sok's desk, put a small package on the table, and said with a smile: "This is a specialty brought by my friend from Nagoya, so I brought it here specially. If you try it, I guess you will like it..."

"Don't do this to me."

Sok leaned back in his chair and glanced at Pegasus sideways: "First, I just went to the United States to give you a beating some time ago. Why haven't we seen each other for a long time? Second, even if you look worried Even a fool can figure this out... He even brought a special gift. Why, do you need my help with something? "

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you..."

Pegasus finally stopped smirking, sighed, and said worriedly: "The thing is like this... Recently, there were some problems within my International Illusion Company. The copy card 'Winged Dragon of the Sun God' used for research Stolen by the company's chief designer..."


Suoke said in pain: "You blind Yinka are not afraid of being struck by lightning? When you first made it, you were so scared that you almost peed your pants and forgot about it?"

"...I just woke up from a nightmare."

Pegasus sighed helplessly: "And it was originally only used for research, just like Mr. Sok, your martyrs, such a powerful deck that has left a strong mark in the history of duels, if you can't It is such a pity to pass it on in a complete manner..."

Sock banged his knuckles on the table: "So? What do you want to ask me to do?"

"As the Great Evil God, of course you know that if you are not the chosen one, you cannot control the God Card..."

Pegasus said worriedly: "But the chief designer of our company has developed a card that can control gods... Even if it is just a copy, the power of gods cannot be underestimated by mortals. That card is really Can it appease God's anger... Just yesterday, I learned that he had infiltrated into the GeneX Duel Competition, so I hurried over. If he used the copied God Card in the duel, maybe both sides of the duel would be better. His life will be in danger! No matter what, he must be stopped..."

Suoke raised his eyebrows: "So this is why you came to me?"

"Yes, Mr. Sok, please help!"

Pegasus took Sok's hand and sincerely requested: "In terms of duel level, he is indeed not very good, but as the author of the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" manga, you should be more aware of the destructive power of the God Card. That's right...just like the duel between Jonouchi Boy and Licid in the comics, they almost all died there..."

"Okay, I get it."

Thok shook off Pegasus and stood up from his seat: "Let me ask first, the martyr deck I asked you to copy was not stolen by that guy, right?"

Pegasus quickly brought up another suitcase: "Of course not. I have always carried and protected this card deck, and no one can steal it!"

"That's fine."

Suoke nodded and made a call using the communicator...

"Kagurazaka, come to my office immediately. I have already found your first duel partner!"


Pegasus was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Is he the boy who is very similar to the game BOY, and even the deck is completely imitated? Although he is very strong, he may not be able to withstand the kind of power that seems to be real..."

Suoke raised the corner of his mouth: "Don't worry, I do things in a measured way."

Three minutes later, Kagurazaka arrived in Sok's office.

"Alas! Sun God!?"

Kagurazaka was subconsciously afraid: "That kind of legendary card...can I really do it?"

"You're afraid of a ball!"

Suoke said angrily: "The eyes of the Sun God are not very good. You have a starfish head, so it will definitely not attack you... Moman, I forgot that you just changed to my hairstyle, but this is better, Sun God will definitely be scared to shit when he sees me dueling with it, so you don’t have to worry!”

"Ha ha……"

Kagurazaka laughed twice and immediately remembered the video of Sok tearing apart the Sun God in the Duel City video.


Even if he is a god, there is a great evil god that he fears...

"By the way, just in case..."

Suoke seemed to suddenly remember something. He took a piece of paper from the side and wrote on it. After a while, many incoherent Japanese pronunciations appeared.

Passing this piece of paper to Kagurazaka, Sok patted him on the shoulder: "Then, put this paper away, and when that guy summons the Sun God, you can quickly take it out and read it, as long as you can read it faster than him , the control of the Sun God belongs to you, do you understand?"

Damn it!

Pegasus next to him was shocked.


And this trick!

Mr. France does not know how to read the ancient priestly language used to control gods. In theory, he cannot control the sun god at all!


As expected of Mr. Sok, he solved such a problem easily!

Kagurazaka was also startled, but then she said depressedly: "But isn't this a lie... Although I'm scared, I kind of want to try using my deck to defeat the Sun God head-on..."

This is obviously proof that a student is making progress, and as a teacher, he should be encouraged.


"Young master, you are giving me such nonsense!"

Sock forced the paper into Kagurazaka's hand: "If you dare not read it, I will beat you!"


Kagurazaka wanted to cry but had no tears.

I have been frightened by the same threat for two semesters...

Sure enough, the trick is not old, as long as it can scare people...

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