Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 385 Long time no see

"The attack power of 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' can be increased by 1,000 points for every card in my hand!"

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack: 2000

"However, I want to activate this card!"

Kagurazaka reached out and inserted a card from his hand into the duel disk, and shouted: "The magic card 'Despair' is activated! Three cards were drawn from the deck, and then all the remaining cards in the deck were Send it to the graveyard! In this way, Osiris' attack power will become 4000!"

[The Treasure of Despair, magic card, effect: Draw 3 cards from your deck, and send the rest of the deck to the graveyard. 】(comic version)

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack: 1000→4000

Already...there is nothing we can do...

Hibiki Momiji took a deep breath...

The cover card I covered is "Hero Barrier", but a trap of this level cannot stop God at all...

Heroes can be defeated, but...

"I will never be afraid!"

Hibiki Momiji held his right hand tightly and punched with the fullest enthusiasm: "Go! Earth Man! Earth Scorching Slash!!!"

Kagurazaka also waved his hand and shouted: "God's attack! Superelectric guided wave!!!"

The current flooded the hero like a waterfall, and with it, Hibiki Momiji's last health point completely dropped to zero.

Is there anything happier in this world than fighting with heroes who believe in you?

Looking up at the sky, Hibiki Hongye no longer has any regrets: "What an interesting duel..."

(Sock: Tsk, the hero’s lifelong enemy.)

There was total silence.

Then, a sudden burst of applause and cheers!

Some students even went into shock with excitement on the spot!

"I didn't expect to see the legendary phantom god here! It's really... it's really..."

"It's wonderful! It's wonderful! Both sides are great!"

"Mr. Hongye! We forgive you for killing the dark magician girl! Please give us your autograph!"

Facing the enthusiasm of the audience, Hibiki Momiji responded with a smile.

But now I should withdraw and give up the place to the real protagonists...

Kagurazaka, and...

Duel King - Muto Yugi!

Muto Games has already stood on the stage.

Behind Kagurazaka, Muto Yugi seemed a little confused and hesitant: "... Kagurazaka... who are you...?"

The king's aura dissipated, and Kagurazaka turned back into the ordinary student.

Looking back, Kagurazaka excitedly rushed to Muto Yugi, held his hand, and said excitedly: "Mr. Muto Yugi, I am a super fan of you and the Pharaoh! Ah... How can I fix it! Today I finally saw you in person. Yes, I'm so happy! Hahaha..."


Muto Yugi's originally expectant eyes gradually turned to disappointment, and even his smile became forced: "Ah...Is that so? Thank you, Saka-kun..."

But before he finished speaking, a burst of darkness suddenly struck!

Time was frozen in an instant, and the originally noisy and cheering environment suddenly turned into dead silence!

Kagurazaka looked at what was happening in front of her in horror. She wanted to scream but couldn't make any sound!

Gradually, a black smoke poured in from outside the gate, transforming into a sheep-headed demon holding a death scythe!


He actually appeared here so quickly!

"Quack... I seem to be lucky..."

DANKNESS looked at everyone present as if they were animals waiting to be slaughtered in the market. With black smoke in his mouth, he said in a relaxed tone: "Although we have lost contact with the earth, we have lost money fighting against the group of bugs in the dark world." We lost a lot of soldiers, but it was just luck... The teleportation array I left behind seems to have worked, hahaha..."

"let me see……"

DANKNESS looked at everyone's faces in turn, and he was obviously very satisfied: "Not bad... They are all familiar faces in the professional dueling world. They can become my elite warriors with just a few modifications... Oh, I didn't expect a supernova in the dueling world. Ed Phoenix and John Anderson are also there, which is an unexpected bonus..."

Finally, when DANKNESS's blue flame-like pupils looked towards the stage, the flames shrank suddenly!

"Duel King——Muto Yugi!?"

Of course DANKNESS can tell that the Muto Yugi on the stage is definitely not a fake!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

DANKNESS laughed so hard that his voice became distorted and sickly: "Even the duel king fell into my hands. Who is the overlord of the dark world!? Who is the twelfth-dimensional fusion god!? Everything will belong to me. Everything!" At this point, DANKNESS suddenly stretched out his bone-filled claws towards Muto Yugi: "Become my strongest magic warrior! Dark brainwashing!!!"

Black smoke instantly enveloped Muto Yugi's body!

As far as Kagurazaka could see, Muto Yugi was screaming in pain, but no sound came out!

The darkness is corroding his brain, and he may soon lose himself completely...

what to do! ?

what to do! ?

What can I do to save him!

"Lend me your body!"

At this most critical moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of Kagurazaka's heart!

Then there was a clear "ding" sound, and suddenly a burst of golden light burst out from Kagurazaka's chest, as if it illuminated the darkness of the whole world!


DANKNESS, who was originally in control of everything, suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and his whole bones were creaking. He could only try to block the penetrating golden light with his clothes!

"What...what's going on!?"

DANKNESS was inexplicably horrified, and her mind was turbulent: "The time here has obviously been frozen by my authority! Why is there still such a thing...!? And this light..."

From the source of the light, a golden cone that should have disappeared from the world suddenly appeared!

And when the golden light enveloped Kagurazaka's body like a flame, the person who appeared was...

"What do you want to do to my partner!?"

The king who is protected by the Phantom God and is absolutely sacred and inviolable finally reappears in this world!

"You...you are..."


DANKNESS took several steps back in horror, and the darkness that tortured Muto Yugi also dissipated: "How could this happen...haven't you disappeared long ago!? Why...why...why are you still carrying it?" Those monsters appeared!?”

Perspective shift.

As far as DANKNESS could see, right behind the Pharaoh, the phantoms of the three illusory gods seemed to be real!

"Damn it!"

DANKNESS stabilized his mind and tried hard to make the final struggle: "Even if your phantom god is still there, our strength is only about equal! In this world, two sides with similar power have to decide life and death, and ultimately they have to rely on duel. ! Do you dare to accept my challenge, Pharaoh!!!???"

The aloof figure ignored DANKNESS, just walked to Muto Yugi's side, hugged his body in his arms, and smiled softly:

"Long time no see, mate."

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