Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 386: Huangquan Tianlun Laguang Chuang

"The other me...no, Pharaoh..."

Muto Yugi's nose felt sore, and tears suddenly flowed down: "You...you have indeed returned to the underworld...I'm so sorry, I'm so useless...I still have to disturb your sleep in the end..."

"What are you talking about, partner."

The Pharaoh gently patted the back of Muto Yugi's hand and put him down gently: "Even if we are three thousand years apart, even if we are in the human world and the underworld, as long as you are in danger, how can I sit idly by and ignore you?"

"Give me a minute..."

Standing up, Pharaoh faced DANKNESS directly, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he was as powerful as hell: "In just one minute, I can finish him off!"

"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

DANKNESS was so frightened by the pharaoh's courage that even his bones were shaking, but as the dark side of the card, his dignity almost made him go crazy: "Damn it! He's just a dead man, how dare you look down on me!? Wait for me After defeating you, I must crush you to ashes and torture your soul to make my anger subside!!!"

"You're too weak, DANKNESS!"

The Pharaoh raised the duel disk in his left hand: "Even if I only use this duel disk with no cards left in the deck to duel you, you can't beat me!"

"Stop talking so shamelessly to me!"

DANKNESS said angrily: "No one can win in that situation!"

The Pharaoh raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Oh? Do you want to give it a try, DANKNESS? I have no other requirements. I just need to take over after the battle phase of Osiris' attack just now. Do you dare to give it a try? Or, you are known as a card His dark side is actually just a coward?"

"You mean...seriously?"

DANKNESS's face sank, and he kept thinking in his mind: "There is not a single card left in his deck. It doesn't matter even if there is Osiris' Sky Dragon on the field. The battle phase has passed, and there are only four cards in his hand." , even if you have to collect all five Exodia, it’s simply impossible… there are no blind spots at all, and there is no possibility of winning!”

"He's just bluffing!"

DANKNESS thought he had figured it out, but he immediately said, "Since you are seeking death, I will accept your soul without mercy!"



Pharaoh, LP: 3200


"My turn continues!"

The Pharaoh drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate: "The magic card 'Huangquan Tianlu' is activated! DANKNESS, in each subsequent round, both of us can special summon monsters from the graveyard regardless of conditions! I The round is over!”

[Underworld Heavenly Wheel, continuous magic card, effect: When this card is activated, all monsters on the field will be destroyed, and the monster cards in both decks will be removed from the game. Players on both sides can select a monster in their respective graveyards to special summon during the preparation phase of each round. As long as this card is on the field, you can summon or special summon monsters regardless of the summoning conditions. If a monster specially summoned by the effect of this card is destroyed, it is removed from the game instead of being sent to the graveyard. 】

"So this is your purpose!?"

"Huh huh huh... Hahaha... It's so ridiculous! I thought what kind of tactics it would be, and it worried me for a long time!"

DANKNESS laughed wildly, and the entire skeleton was trembling: "You want to resurrect a god? Hahaha... That's ridiculous! It's useless. No matter what god you summon, even the highest-level Sun God among the three illusory gods is nothing. I can't do it! I don't need to confront God at all, but I only need the round to end, and you will lose because you have no cards to draw! I won this duel! Hand over your soul honestly, Pharaoh king!!!"

After saying that, DANKNESS stretched out his right hand and conjured a card: "My turn..."

"At this moment!"

The Pharaoh stretched out his right index finger and shouted sternly: "The 'Heavenly Wheel of the Underworld' is activated! I want to call for the coming of God from the cemetery!"

DANKNESS was a little puzzled and said: "What are you doing!? Didn't I tell you that it's useless for you to summon gods, even the highest-level Sun God..."

The Pharaoh suddenly laughed: "If the Sun God is not good enough, then go to a higher level..."


DANKNESS was shocked: "What are you talking about? How could there be a higher-level god than the Sun God..."

"Of course there is!"

The Pharaoh King was determined, he clenched his right fist up to the sky, and shouted sternly: "In the name of the Pharaoh King, command the three illusory gods! The light that illuminates everything, come here! The highest and most powerful god——"

"Creator of Light, Hel'Akti!!!"

(“Holy shit!” Suoke, who was paying attention remotely, was shocked at the time: “The Heavenly Wheel of the Underworld pulls the light creation!?”)

The BGM of God's Coming sounded at the right time, which was more shocking than ever before!

Divine light penetrates the sky and the universe, even the past and future!

In the light that shone through the sky and the earth, the goddess of light and hope landed in this dimensional universe eroded by darkness. She stared pitifully at the world and the devil who was shrouded in darkness.

The Pharaoh waved his right hand suddenly and roared: "Under the illumination of light, all darkness will disappear without a trace! Disappear, DANKNESSS!"

The Creator God of Light points forward with his right hand, for an instant of eternity.

"Light Creation!"

Countless rays of divine light stabbed DANKNESS's skeletal body into a sieve like a torrential rain.

"Ah————!!!!!" (Fuck! Trough! Mud! Horse!)

DANKNESS's screams were infinitely stretched in the light. In the desperate screams, Suok seemed to hear him curse "Fuck you mud horse".

Destroyed by the ultimate light, DANKNESS truly disappeared from this world this time.

The original darkness of the universe is still there, but there is no independent consciousness derived from it.

The Pharaoh's body also began to become blurry and unreal.

Yugi seemed to have noticed something. He pursed his lips and looked at the extremely familiar figure, who was even thinking about it in his dreams: "Are you... going to leave?"


The Pharaoh turned around and squatted down: "There is no ship in this world that can carry the king. I can use this child's elf power to illuminate the passage between the underworld and the elf world. I am very satisfied to see you again..."

Muto Yugi shed tears and forced a smile: "Then we...can we meet again in the future? The other me...no, the Pharaoh..."

"Although I am a king, I will always be your partner!"

The face of the Pharaoh is still so steady and strong, and has never changed: "The friendship between us will never disappear even if we are separated for three thousand years!"

Muto Yugi tried hard to wipe away his tears, but more and more tears flowed.

At this moment, the door of the venue was suddenly knocked open, and a figure rushed in!


It's within the city!

"I saw it all on the live broadcast!"

Jonouchi waved desperately at Atum: "In that world, you have to take care of yourself! I will never forget you!!!"


Atum nodded affirmatively and gave a thumbs up.

As he spoke, the Pharaoh's clothes gradually changed into those of the ancient Egyptian king.

The soul turned around and rolled up its cloak.

It's clearly right in front of you, but it's a thousand years away.

When the light dissipates, everything seems like a dream, but how can we forget the real memory just now?

DANKNESS was eliminated, and all the forces it occupied in the different-dimensional world collapsed in an instant. The areas occupied by darkness had all faded away, and were replaced by an army of martyrs belonging to the Great Evil God!

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