Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 387 Old Friend of the Chaos Phantom Demon

The army of martyrs affiliated with Sok continues to extend its tentacles in other worlds with absolutely overwhelming power and overwhelming troops. Whether it is the Overlord Army or any local force, they will be forced to surrender under the iron cavalry of the martyrs.

The speed of the attack was extremely fast. In just two days, almost all the twelve dimensions had become Suok's territory.

This is not difficult to understand.

In the original book, a mere tenth-level demon in Yubel can unify the twelve dimensions. There are more than a dozen martyrs under Sok with twelve stars, and the ten stars are as numerous as the stars in the sky, and among them, the leaders of various The leader of Lu Dajun is a monster with infinite attack power at the lowest level. The strength comparison between the two sides is not at the same level at all.

In the past two days, the Dark Realm army was beaten to pieces by the martyrs. No matter how many people there were, no matter what tactics were used, the final result was that the Dark Realm monsters were wiped out by the martyrs like killing chickens and dogs.

The battle is decided.

Surrounded by the army of martyrs, Sok came to the throne at the apex of the twelfth dimension.

This was originally the zenith that Yubel designed for himself, but it ended up falling into Sok's hands.

Apart from the martyrs, the place was empty, with only an endless rainbow of light.

It is generous and has a bit of girlish dreaminess.

It seems that this place is not only used as a royal palace, but at the beginning of the design, Yubel should have considered it as the most private space for himself and Judai.

Yubel disappeared, and even the system map could not find her trace.

Suok sat down on the throne and raised his eyebrows slightly.

That guy Yubel is not too stupid... She should have discovered that the duel disk is the monitor she arranged for her...

Oops, it’s hard to do now…

Suoke had time to cross his legs and pretended to be worried leisurely: "What should I do..."

"Lord Sok!"

Under the throne, the god general knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "There has just been a military report. The last base of the Dark World has been discovered. Dazi has led his troops to encircle and suppress it. Perhaps the commander behind the Overlord Army is there. indefinite!"

"Oh, then let Dazi come on!"

Sok stood up from the throne and thought for a moment: "Yubel should not be there... She has suffered a loss and should know how difficult I am to mess with. Even if she doesn't know, she should be there during these two days of battle. I have a little understanding of how powerful you are...ah! If you think about it, you can probably guess where she will go!"

After saying that, Suok disappeared in an instant and came to the boundary of the dimensional rift, in front of a door engraved with ancient runes. Unfortunately, the door was in tatters and the colors were not completely coordinated. It seemed that it had once been The feeling of being kicked to pieces and then patched up again.

Suok stepped forward, without saying a word, kicked the door open again, and shouted inside: "Old dog Bi! Come out and see me!"

As soon as the curse came out, a deafening roar of anger immediately sounded in the empty space behind the door!

The entire space was shaken instantly!

The rock cracked, and the barrier behind the gate was shattered by countless energy beams and completely opened. An extremely ferocious and terrifying monster revealed its true appearance, showing its majesty!

Chaos Phantom——Amitair!

"who is it!?"

The Chaos Phantom was strangely angry and roared: "Who destroyed my door! I will make you pay the price with blood..."

"Okay, okay."

Suok picked his ears and waved his hands in disgust at the behemoth in front of him: "I kicked you, what can you do to me? Sit down obediently, or I will pin you to the ground and hammer you when I am unhappy. That won’t look good for everyone.”

"How dare you be so arrogant...!"

Halfway through the words, the Chaos Phantom finally saw clearly the appearance of the villain in front of him. At that time, his heart became cold, and his boundless anger suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Sok Nenufa!

The Chaos Phantom Demon's teeth were chattering, and his heart was pounding.


Why did this guy come to the door again?

I haven’t done anything recently! Did he offend him somewhere else? ?

do not care!

It’s always right to apologize first!

Thinking of this, the Chaos Phantom knocked his head to the ground without saying a word, crying heartbreakingly: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know I made an extremely serious and unforgivable mistake, but please You! Please spare my life, Lord Evil God!"

"Oh? You're not asking for it!"

Suoke was stunned for a moment, then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he rolled up his sleeves: "Since you are so sensible, then I will reluctantly leave you a whole body... Come on, tell me before you die, what did that guy Yubel hide? Where!?"


The Chaos Phantom was so frightened that he shook his claws and explained in a panic: "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I admit my mistake just because I am afraid of being beaten. Lord Evil God, I don't know Yubel at all. I am wronged!"

"I don't know you and you are so anxious to admit your mistake?"

Suoke sneered, jumped up and landed on the face of the Chaos Phantom Demon, stretched out his hand to tug at its nose hair: "Stop nagging me! Tell me what you know as soon as possible! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless and treating you like a crayfish." It’s spicy!”

The Chaos Phantom almost cried.

I was lying at home, sleeping well, looking for someone to offend, but somehow I offended such an unreasonable bastard.

The front door of my house was kicked in twice by him, and I finally repaired it!

I wanted to resist but didn't dare.

There are so many imbeciles in the dark world who are not afraid of death who have challenged the great evil god, but in the end they all died without exception.

I still want to live for two more years!


We have to find a way to divert the trouble away!

While the Chaos Phantom begged for mercy, he was thinking hard in his mind, trying to find an unlucky person to serve as a favor to Sok.

Suddenly, Chaos Phantom's eyes lit up!

Got it!

I remember that there seemed to be a big guy who was sealed not far away. He was just right tall, short, fat and thin. He was perfect to be the scapegoat!

"Wait...wait a minute! Lord Evil God!"

Seeing that Sok's fist was about to fall, the Chaos Phantom Demon quickly panicked: "I have a clue! I have a clue! The person you are looking for might be there!"


Suok stopped and said with a half-smile: "The person I'm looking for is trying to gather strength to deal with me. You can't just find a scapegoat!"

Gathering power?

Wouldn’t that be more consistent? ?

The Chaos Phantom was ecstatic and said quickly: "You definitely didn't find it randomly, Lord Great Evil God! About eight years ago, not far over there, a monster with extremely terrifying power was sealed. Its power Even I feel palpitated by it... Of course, I can’t be your opponent, the Great Evil God, but if you need strength, that’s definitely the most suspicious place!”

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