Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 388 The Sealed One

"Eight years ago?"

Suoke was stunned for a moment, feeling somewhat inexplicably familiar.

So he turned his head and looked towards the place pointed by the Chaos Phantom. In Sok's field of vision, there was indeed a dark purple energy source that was constantly and feverishly agitating. The energy fluctuation was not only familiar, but also something that needed to be explored. Overcome the power of "a little attention"!

"Ah! I remembered it!"

After thinking for a while, Suoke suddenly clapped his hands: "Isn't that the 'Undead of Exodia' that I sealed to another dimension back then? I threw it down by him at that time, but I didn't expect it to be here..." said At this point, Sok dragged his chin and thought for a while: "Well... indeed, if Yubel wants to deal with me, joining forces with that guy is the best choice..."

The Chaos Illusion Demon next to him said cautiously: "Lord Great Evil God...?"

"Okay, it's none of your business!"

Sok came back to his senses, jumped off the Chaos Phantom Demon's face, and shook his fist in a demonstrative manner: "You are lucky this time, I will let you go, but that guy Yubel may still come to you to help deal with it. Me, please keep your eyes bright for me, don’t seek death, remember?”

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The Chaos Illusion Devil rubbed his paws and said with a smile: "Thank you, Lord Evil God. I will behave in a disciplined manner from now on and be a monster honestly."

Only then did Suoke nod with satisfaction: "Okay, go back and lie down!"

The chaotic phantom was relieved, and he carefully bent down to open the tattered phantom door and got in. He lay on the ground, locked the door again, and scratched his face happily.

The corners of Sok's mouth twitched from behind.

Your house has collapsed, but it’s useless for you to open and lock the door! Besides, your door is also broken!

At the same time, on the battlefield ahead, the final battle of annihilation has begun.

Dazi stood alone on the watchtower and stared at the battlefield in the distance.

As always, it was another one-sided massacre.

The three phantom gods of Oliha Gang flew across the sky and the earth, turning everything into scorched earth. The Eye of Oliha Gang easily found the hiding places of all the opponent's monsters, and sniped them at a single point, without giving any chance to the monsters in the dark world. Opportunity.

It won't be long before the monsters in the dark world will be extinct from this world, and of course the so-called Overlord Army will also disappear.

An opponent of this level...

It's really boring...

Raising his head, Dazi looked at the dimension invisible to ordinary people in the sky. The meteorite representing the power of Oliha Gang has become more and more conspicuous, and soon it will penetrate the world...

That is the real powerful enemy!

instead of...

"That warrior hiding behind the pillar, please come out."

Dazi turned around and looked coldly at a stone pillar behind him: "I have discovered you!"


A black shadow suddenly jumped out from behind the stone pillar, staring at Dazi with hatred in his eyes: "But a mere human... can actually find my traces!"

Dazi said expressionlessly: "Oh, the military god of the dark world—Siba."

"There is nothing I can do about the great evil god of the underworld..."

The war god of the dark world showed his saber in his right hand and rushed over suddenly: "But I can still do it if I want to kill you as a human! Let's pay the price for our crushed ambition! The dark double sword slash!!!"

The demonic sword in the dark world was coming fiercely, but Kadazi's expression remained unchanged, with just an imperceptible sneer at the corner of his mouth.

After the fireworks.

With a "thump" sound, the magic knife fell to the ground.

The Military God of the Dark Realm fell to the ground with his pupils dilated and no longer alive.

And Dazi's whole body was glowing with green light, and the Oliha Gang barrier in front of her forehead was so dazzling...

Since then

The Dark World was completely annihilated in the long river of history.

The Overlord Army, which was once a flash in the pan, disappeared...

In the dark cave, the sealed iron door was constantly being hit.

The harsh sound of the chains rubbing against each other could be heard clearly even by Yubel, who was standing on the ground.

That's right.

Bewitched by the illusion of chaos.

Yubel has indeed come to find the sealed souls of Exodia.

In fact, since being defeated time and time again by Sok's copies in the system, the dark power in Yubel's body has almost completely dissipated.

The reason why she is still trying to unify the twelve dimensions is because her purpose is very simple, that is, to make Judai the king.

Everything went smoothly in the beginning. Although there was another force in another dimension that was comparable to him and opposed him, the two sides were only equally matched.


Just two days ago, everything changed!

The darkness of DANKNESS was wiped out in an instant, and those ridiculously powerful martyrs swept across everything.

Only then did Yubel realize how ridiculous his previous self was.

Guys as strong as monsters are as numerous as stars in this world!

Now she no longer expects to be a twelve-dimensional god, she only hopes to have a good talk with Sok and let herself live.

Come to find strength, not to fight, but to prevent yourself from being killed like an ant.

After all, it was the cruel methods of the martyrs who slaughtered the monsters in the dark world that scared Yubel a few days ago. There is no room for negotiation between the weak and the strong. Only when you are also strong can you have a chance of survival. !

With firm belief, Yubel, who possessed Judai, stepped into the sealed place.

Feeling the breath of strangers, the noise inside became more intense.


A cold, fishy wind came from the underground passage. Yubel frowned and waved his hand to dispel the strange smell.

After walking for a long time, I finally came to the door that sealed Exodia.

Through the gap in the iron door, Yubel could clearly see two bright red eyes full of hatred inside the door. The undead of Exodia also clearly saw Yubel, and began to frantically hit the unbreakable cage wrapped in chains.


Yubel clasped his hands on his chest and shouted to the undead of Exodia: "I don't have much time. If you can't listen to me carefully, then I will leave immediately!"

The cage fell silent, and a dull and cold voice sounded directly in Yubel's mind:

"Unlock my seal, and I will give you unlimited power!"

"Hey, this tone is really annoying!"

Yubel looked coldly at the burly and unknown figure behind the door: "I also inquired a little about why you were sealed here. As expected, only the legendary evil god of the underworld has the ability to do such a thing... For the sake of our common opponent, I hope that we can at least cooperate on an equal footing. Neither I nor you are his opponent individually, but if we unite, then maybe the situation will become different..."

The great evil god of the underworld...


Great evil god!

The moment the undead souls of Exodia heard this name, they immediately fell into a kind of madness. Their souls were constantly agitated with anger, and waves of air continued to impact the dark sealed place!

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