Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 390 Am I not moving? impossible!

Suok stared at the monster in front of him, sneered and raised his eyebrows: "You seem to have become a little stronger, but you have become much uglier."


Exodia turned around and a blast of God's wrathful fire was sprayed out. He struck without mercy and was about to kill Sok with one blow!


Suoke casually slapped the flames away, and then his horns gradually grew taller, turning into the appearance of the Great Evil God!

Countless white and black chaotic energy streams burst out and exploded from Sok's hand!

The evil spirit is overwhelming!


With the enemy of life and death approaching, Exodia once again lost all reason in anger, and the god's flame in his hand was dazzling at this moment, reaching its peak!

But before he could push the flame towards Sok, only a trace of chaotic light remained where Sok originally existed.

The next second, the Great Evil God came forward!

The fist entwined with the power of chaos hammered deeply into Exodia's stomach!

The divine fire in Exodia's hand dissipated instantly, and she staggered back two steps while holding her stomach, suddenly feeling nauseated!

With veins protruding on his neck, Exodia opened his mouth wide and spat out a three-color demon covered in unknown mucus!

It's the Chaos Phantom!

Exodia has lost the power he just took away!

The wings on his back began to degrade, and his body continued to change. At the same time, the aura on his body also continued to weaken, even becoming weaker than before absorbing the Chaos Phantom!

"Gu..." (How could this happen!)

For the first time, a look of horror appeared in Exodia's eyes: "Gulu uh..." (How can the soul that has been absorbed by me be deprived again...)

"So! Gram!"

Exodia exploded with all her strength, wanting to attack Sok again.

But before he could take action, Sok suddenly arrived in front of Exodia, turned around and kicked Exodia's jaw to pieces!

The familiar feeling of vomiting came, and Exodia covered her mouth in despair, but there was nothing she could do.

Another demon with eyes on its forehead was spit out.

The eyes on her chest gradually disappeared, and Exodia turned back into the dark soul.

There is no way back.

"Oh, that's pretty cool, Exodia."

Sok glanced at the vomited Yubel next to him, raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "This guy was probably planning to take away your power, but you actually killed him... Tsk, so you are talking about unrealistic things. Just don’t have delusions, otherwise you will die miserably...are you right?"


Exodia wanted to resist, but Thok kicked him to the ground and stepped on his chest, making him unable to move.

Bending down to grab the hand of Yujo Judai who was still unconscious on Exodia's shoulder, Sok looked down at Exodia. The chaotic light that always accompanied him was now more intense: "I will take this kid away." Yes, but if you provoke me again and again, don’t think I will let you go..."

After saying that, the demon dragon on Suok's waist opened his mouth, and a black flame spurted out, burning the undead soul to ashes in an instant.

After solving a problem, Sok turned his attention to Yubel who had just been spit out on the ground, thinking about how to deal with her...

Why not just kill him?

Anyway, she has ordered the monsters in the dark world to massacre humans and elves. There are countless people who have died because of her. Even if she kills her now, she will still die unjustly.

Think of it!

Suoke's eyes turned cold and he was about to take action immediately!

But at this moment, the duel disk on Yubel's arm suddenly glowed with golden light, and twelve phantoms flashed in front of Sok's eyes!

Yubel·The Extremely Sad Dragon (12 stars)

Yubel: The Hated Knight (11 stars)

Yubel (10 stars)

Dark Demon Dragon (9 stars)

Lava Demon·Dummy of Love (8 stars)

Water Demon God Sika (7 stars)

The Devil's Call (6 stars)

Card Hunter Death (5 stars)

Newt (4 stars)

Four Star Ladybug of Death (3 stars)

Giant virus (2 stars)

Thousand Eyes Cult God (1 star)

Seeing this scene, Suoke's pupils shrank slightly, and a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You can't calm down so quickly, you are really stupid!"

Between the lightning and flint, the ground shook, and even the space seemed to be distorted.

The super fusion in Yubel's deck is activated at this moment!

Twelve monsters of different levels were rolled together by the whirlpool, then flew into the wormhole in the sky and merged into one!

The magic sound is chanted.

The god with three white and three blue wings slowly fell from the wormhole.

Two dark red energy balls centered on his body, constantly drawing dazzling halo trails.

[Twelve-dimensional unified fusion god

13 stars

Dark attribute, demon clan

attack:? ,Shou:?

Effect: Fusion. This card cannot be used for special summons other than fusion summons. The original cards in your hand and on the field are named "Yubel", "Yubel: The Hated Knight", "Yubel: The Demon of Extreme Sorrow". Dragon' and one monster with an original level of 1 to 9 can only be Special Summoned when used as fusion materials. The Special Summon of this card will not be invalidated, and the player who Special Summoned this card will win the duel. 】

"Oh, 13 stars."

Suoke folded his hands in front of his chest and looked at the contemporary spokesman of Oliha Gangyuan God with great displeasure: "Even I only have 12 stars, why is your level 13? Even for this I will kill you. !”


The twelfth-dimensional fusion god looked at the evil god full of ruffian energy before him, and suddenly smiled: "I have admired my name for a long time. Ten thousand years ago, I am grateful for your care, His Majesty the God King." With the last words "Your Majesty the God King" As the sound fell, the twelve-dimensional fusion god's eyes glowed red, and Oliha Gang's barrier light seal appeared on his forehead.

In an instant, endless murderous intent appeared.

The divine power displayed by the 12-dimensional fusion god is actually comparable to that of Sok!

The old enemy of the martyrs, the real mastermind behind Oliha Gang...

Through the puppet in front of the curtain, Sock seemed to see the extremely terrifying demon king behind the scenes who transcended this dimension!

"whispering sound!"

Suok frowned slightly: "Who are you trying to scare? I'm also a three-dimensional monster, so I'm afraid of you, you idiot?"

The murderous intention is even worse, and the war is about to break out.

At this moment, the Chaos Phantom lying on the ground quietly woke up.

When it found the gods fighting above its head, the Chaos Phantom almost peed a few drops from the fright. Where did this boss come from? It's okay for you and Sok to fight against each other. What if you accidentally blow me up! ?


While being frightened, the Chaos Phantom suddenly became excited.


Now that the two of them are confronting each other, it's a good time to escape!

In a battle of this level, there should be no time to care about oneself!

What a God-given opportunity!

Thinking of this, the Chaos Phantom almost jumped up with joy. In order not to overly irritate the two big bosses in the sky, the Chaos Phantom was very considerate and moved back like a caterpillar on the ground, for fear of being misunderstood by moving too much. Disaster affects the fish pond.

"Don't move, Armitel!"

The afterglow in the corner of Sok's eyes glanced back: "Just stay there, and when I deal with this bastard, you can come back and explain to me why Exodia can use your power to deal with me! "

(Chaos Phantom: I’m not moving? Impossible! Being still is a bastard!)

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