Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 391 Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God

Of course, this can only be thought about in the mind. With Sok's words, the Chaos Phantom was so frightened that he threw himself on the street, not daring to move. He was overwhelmed by fear and at a loss.

"Hmph... He is indeed the reincarnation of the God King."

The eyes of the twelve-dimensional fusion god became a little solemn: "I probably already know your strength, but don't think that I am afraid of you. I have the power bestowed by higher dimensions. It is not difficult to deal with you, but that is really practical. It’s too time-consuming and it’s hard to tell the winner…”

Sok raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"The battle rituals of this dimension that have been passed down from ancient times to the present..."

The twelve-dimensional fusion god stretched out his right hand, and light and darkness immediately transformed into a duel disk: "Now, let us bet our souls and everything on both sides, and use a duel to determine life and death!"

Sock almost laughed out loud: "Are you sure?" (Oliha Gangtianshendang, Martyr Hell God and other more than 300 fake cards expressed great praise)

"Of course it won't be that simple."

The twelve-dimensional fusion god sneered: "I remember that a long time ago, you seemed to have played the only fair duel in your life with a subordinate of DANKNESS, right? In that case, let's use a similar duel this time. How about deciding victory, defeat, life and death?”

Suok raised his eyebrows and looked at the twelve-dimensional fusion god as if he were looking at a dead person: "You want to play a dark duel with me in Duel City?"

"No, under your rules, it is very disadvantageous for me, so..."

The twelfth-dimensional fusion god stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and countless cards immediately appeared out of thin air, constantly refreshing: "Here is the information on all the cards in the world. With this information, I built an all-inclusive card library. Cards appear randomly. The cards we use in this duel are drawn from this constantly refreshed card library, and we are not allowed to use already prepared decks... A true duelist can even decide what cards he draws. It’s decided, if you’re lucky enough, it’s not impossible to collect all five ‘Sealed Exodia’ at the beginning.”

Sok raised his eyebrows: "That is to say, if you are unlucky, forty lion wizards are waiting for you, right?"


The twelfth-dimensional fusion god created another duel disk in his left hand and threw it to Sok: "This duel disk is connected to the card library, and it is also imprinted with an oath that can restrain high-dimensional lives. How about it? I have always maintained my own authority without having any If you are afraid of the punishment of the dark game, do you have the courage to have a fair and true dark duel with me?"

"Stop being so wordy!"

Suoke put the duel plate on his arm without hesitation: "I still don't know what fear is in this life!"



Twelve-dimensional Fusion God, LP: 4000

Soknenufa, LP: 4000

"My first strike, draw a card!"

The Twelve-Dimension Fusion God Split Hand drew a card from the deck, looked at the Phantom Demon Emperor, Divine Flame Emperor, Demon's Sanctuary, Angel's Alms and two Triangular Barriers in his hand, and sneered.


How can it be!

Suoke, who has always been used to only cheating on himself and not afraid of others cheating, finally became negligent this time!

Use the duel disk that you have already set to see if you survive this time!

Looking down at the deck, the grin on the corner of the Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God's mouth got even bigger.

You don’t even need to look at the next two cards. One is the magic card ‘Value Increase’, and the other card is the third ‘Triangular Barrier’!

[Triangular barrier, permanent trap card, effect: When this card is activated, the card with the same name in the graveyard can also be activated. When there are 3 cards of this card on your field, once per turn, you can activate the card on your field. The battle damage of one monster becomes 0. During the turn this effect is used, the effects of 'Triangular Barrier' other than this card cannot be activated. 】

Soon, you will feel the despair you once brought to others with your Martyr deck...


"The magic card, 'Angel's Alms' is activated!"

The Twelve-Dimension Fusion God threw two 'Triangular Barriers' from his hand into the graveyard, and shouted coldly: "The effect of this card is that I draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards from my hand to send cemetery!"

[Angel's Alms, Magic Card, Effect: Draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards from your hand. 】

"Draw cards!"

Get the ‘Added Value’ and the third ‘Triangular Barrier’!

It even comes with a ‘Dark Summoning God’!

[Dark Summoning God, 5 stars, dark attribute, attack: 0, defense: 0, effect: 1. This card on our field can only be activated by liberating this card on our side, 'God of Flames Uriah', 'Thunder Emperor· One of Harmon' and 'Phantom King Rabiel' is specially summoned from the hand and deck, ignoring the summoning conditions. This turn, your own monsters cannot attack.

2. This card in the graveyard can only be activated by excluding this card. Add one of 'Godly Flame Emperor Uriah', 'Thunder Lord Harmon', and 'Phantom Demon Emperor Rabiel' from the deck to your hand. Card. 】

"In this way, we can gather three phantom demons on the field in the next round...Sock, let me see how you die!"

The twelfth-dimensional fusion god's pupils suddenly shrank, and he inserted the 'Devil's Sanctuary' and 'Value Increase' in his hand into the duel plate: "The magic card chain is activated! Special summon the three-body 'Devil Derivative' on our field! Immediately afterwards , offer the three-body demon derivatives as a sacrifice, come out!"

"Illusion Demon King Rabiel!"

The bodies of the three demon derivatives shattered and turned into black smoke that twined and rose. Then, the phantom that looked like Obelisk revealed its true appearance from the smoke!

Phantom Demon King Rabiel, Attack: 4000

"Immediately afterwards, I put a cover card on the card to end the turn."

The twelve-dimensional fusion god confidently placed the 'triangular barrier' on the field, and made the next plan clear in his heart...

The deck he prepared for Sock is all normal monsters with less than 1500 attack power. After he summons monsters in the next turn, the Phantom Emperor will give birth to Phantom derivatives. If Sock chooses to attack the Phantom derivatives, then activate' Triangular Barrier' to protect the Phantom Creatures. Wait until your next turn, and use three Triangular Barriers as a sacrifice to summon 'God of Fire Uriah', and the Phantom Creatures as a sacrifice to summon the Dark Summoning God, and then Use the special ability of the Dark Summoning God to specially summon 'Thunder Lord Harmon'!

Everything is in order!

The three demons gathered together, the outcome was decided! Ha ha ha ha……

"My turn, draw cards."

Sock squinted and pulled out a card from the deck, turned it over and took a look, then frowned.

I started with six cards, and all I drew were normal monsters with an attack power of less than 1,500 and no system at all! And the opponent summoned three phantom demons without blocking his hand. How the hell are you telling me this is fair?

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