Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 399: Heaven and Earth


Osiris, the king of Hades, disappeared, and the demons once imprisoned in hell were freed again.

After countless cruel struggles, the demons known as "Seventy-Two Pillars of Solomon" led by the Seven Lords of Hell were victorious.

Their notoriety was so great that their legends still exist in the world today.

"Beast King Barbaros", "God of Destruction Vasak", "Thunder King Harmon", "God of War Gabu"...

Pegasus must have never imagined that these cards made from mythology actually reflected the true appearance and existence of the demon gods.

But today...

Oliha Gang's light illuminated hell, turning everything visible into scorched earth.

Time Domain

The time machine gods were torn into pieces and then trampled to pieces.

Red Dragon, Earthbound God, Gudong...


Regardless of whether it is a god or a demon, no matter how famous they are in their respective territories, in front of Oliha Gang's endless demon army, everything has been flattened. No one or god can stop even the slightest bit of evil. Li Ha Gang's footsteps.

The invaders this time are many times stronger than the ones from ten thousand years ago.

But there is no longer the God-King on earth who is willing to sacrifice himself and is the only one with the power to seal Oliha Gang.

The earth is plunged into a bloody storm.

Suok can see all these with his inner eye, but his heart is as steely and he doesn't even have the slightest pity.

If the martyrs were arranged to be scattered around the world, they could have repelled the first wave of Oriha Gang's attacks, but Sok did not do that. He just watched countless people being killed and remained indifferent.

The Evil God showed his true appearance, fluttering his wings behind his back, and then soared up!

Breaking through countless clouds, passing through the blocking barrier of Oliha's new barrier, and finally, after breaking through the last barrier, Sok flew into the universe.

Even with the power of the Chaos Evil God, Suok still felt heavy in his heart.

This is definitely not because of the discomfort caused by the vacuum environment of the universe, but because of the green meteorite floating in space not far away - Oliha Ganggenshen!

"I'm here!"

Suok floated there, staring at the huge crystal meteorite, and shouted angrily: "Hurry up and get out of your turtle shell. I know you can't wait to get revenge, you bastard!"

There is no air in space, so sound cannot travel.

But three-dimensional life forms transcend the rules of two-dimensional life. If the other party is really a three-dimensional creature, then he will definitely be able to hear his own voice.

The words have not yet finished.

The huge green meteorite had broken into pieces, and a ball of fluorescent green soft body floated in front of Suok, gradually changing into Suok's appearance. Except for the green light on his body, everything else was the same.

"Don't be so anxious..."

Oliha Gangyuan Shen put his hands behind his back and smiled mysteriously: "The speed of time passing in the second dimension and the third dimension is different. We still have about ten minutes to have a good chat."

Having said this, Oliha Gangyuan Shen took a step back and bowed slightly like a gentleman: "Let me introduce myself. For some reason, I have to hide in the gap between low-dimensional space and time as a wanderer - Oliha Gangyuan God. Counting this time, this is the third time we have met, His Majesty the God King."

Suok snorted in displeasure: "Don't be verbose, I am the great evil god of the underworld, not some bullshit god king!"

"Well, if you insist..."

Oliha Gangyuan Shen glanced behind Suoke jokingly: "By the way, where are your martyrs? Let them come out together, then maybe you still have a chance of survival."

"Stop pretending to me!"

Suok sneered: "The space here has completely become your domain, that is, I have the ability to penetrate the barrier of Oliha Gang woven by you. It's really disgusting to say such hypocritical words. !”

"That's such a shame."

Oliha Gangyuan Shen didn't care about Sok's ridicule, his smile was still gentle, and he said slowly: "For a long time in the past, I annexed countless two-dimensional universes, but I never took action personally, because that was very dangerous and very dangerous. My enemies may find clues and trace my whereabouts..."

"But in this universe, you really forced me into embarrassment, His Majesty the God King..."

Oliha Gangyuan Shen's expression gradually turned cold, and his body began to twist uneasily: "You stopped me twice in a row, forcing me to show up in person and take huge risks... I can't kill you with my own hands. Crushed into pieces, even my soul was trampled to pieces, it’s really hard to explain the hatred in my heart!!!”

Suoke was not at all frightened. The explosion mode was turned on, and the black sun rose behind him. He shouted angrily: "So you are so rude and say where is your second aunt!?"

"I just want to tell you..."

Oliha Gangyuan God also roared angrily, and green light burst out all over his body: "You alone are not worthy of being my enemy!!!"

Along with this roar, countless violent shock waves suddenly swept towards Suoke!

Suoke used a backhand of chaotic light to break Oliha Gangyuan Shen's attack, and got close to him at an extremely fast speed to fight with him. His fists clashed, and Oliha Gangyuan Shen's fists instantly It turned into pure white, and behind it turned into pure black, and the repulsive force from the fist directly knocked Sok away!

For the first time in history, Sock lost to someone else in terms of strength!


Something weird!

Suoke looked at his slightly trembling fists, his thoughts racing in his mind.

This guy looks like he has a lot of leisure time, it doesn't look like he is exerting any force on his own at all! Instead... he borrowed his own power to counterattack!

No wonder!

No wonder he defeated this guy so easily after traveling through time nine years ago!

So that’s it!

Thinking of this, Sok immediately changed his combat strategy.

Since attacks that are not at full strength will be countered by his special ability, then just use more energy than he can bear at once!

In an instant, the chaotic light around Sok shone like never before!

"Old dog!"

A cold light flashed in Sok's eyes: "I can't show my fists here. Do you dare to compete with me in the river of the multiverse!?"

Oliha Gangyuan Shen directly answered Sok's provocation with action.

The two of them turned into divine light, intertwined and broke through the void space, transcended the dimensional barrier, and came to an unknown world.

This is the long river of the two-dimensional multiverse.

Every shining star point is a completely independent real universe, but no matter how strong the two-dimensional characters are, they can never surpass this barrier, because this is no longer a field that lower-dimensional creatures can touch!

It can also be called - "the sky beyond the sky".

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