Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 400 Lucifer

The two men, who looked like gods, began a new round of their contest in the outer world. The majestic tide of chaotic energy continued to impact this void space. The sounds of piercing the air and explosions were endless, and even the sounds of countless two-dimensional universe itself. The consciousness of the universe is also trembling in this contest between gods and evil gods.

The more they fought, the deeper the grin on Suoke's lips became.


As his output becomes greater and greater, the blessings he gets back from the shock become weaker and weaker. Eventually, when the energy he outputs exceeds the limit of his rebound, he has to use his own strength to fight against himself. confrontation!

Hey, what bullshit Source God!

It’s as simple and easy to understand as a single-celled organism!

The hostile gods and evil gods are constantly fighting, and the collision of energy even makes the unbreakable outer sky begin to tremble. In an instant, countless two-dimensional worlds inexplicably trigger tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters, as if it is the end of the world.

Finally, after fighting for a long time.

The balance is broken!


Suok raised his hand and hit Oliha Gangyuan Shen's chin with a punch, sending him flying dozens of meters away and turning over countless somersaults in the void.

Oliha Gangyuan Shen looked in disbelief at Suoke, who was getting stronger and stronger, feeling inexplicably horrified.

"How can it be……"

Oliha Gangyuan Shen covered his chin with one hand, feeling the real pain: "You guy...how could you hurt me!? When you killed the Twelve-Dimensional Fusion God, I had already done this to you. Without energy assessment, it should be absolutely impossible for you..."

Before he finished speaking, Oliha Gangyuan Shen was punched in the stomach by Sok again!

The hit abdomen was dazzlingly white, and the darkness behind it was extremely thick.

The slime-like body gradually twisted and melted, and only the nebula-like eyes stared at Suok, as if there was endless unwillingness and anger.


Suoke sneered and condensed the Qigong knife in his right hand, ready to stab him to death.

But at that moment, the nebula on the face of Oliha Gangyuan God suddenly burst out with an astonishing light. Suok's eyes suddenly turned blank due to a moment of carelessness, and then the whole person suddenly lost all color and fell down like a vegetative state. .

Oliha Gangyuan Shen once again condensed his entity, and in his right hand he condensed the same Qigong knife as Sok. He panted slightly, and a victor's smile appeared on his face: "Now, who among us will be eliminated?"

The blade was already at Suok's throat, and in the next moment, Suok was about to die on the spot.

But where Oliha Gangyuan Shen didn't pay attention, a little penguin crept up behind him with a mace, and then "bang!" hit Oliha Gangyuan God bloody on the head with the stick.


Oliha Gangyuan Shen looked back with eyes like a ferocious beast, staring fiercely at the little guy who dared to plot against him as if he wanted to eat a penguin.

The little penguin was almost scared to tears.

The mace in his hand was also frightened, and he cried loudly and wiped his tears.

Oliha Gangyuan Shen looked at its pitiful little appearance and hesitated for a second or two with the Qigong knife in his hand.

But just taking advantage of this gap, the little penguin suddenly changed his face, suddenly took out a meteor hammer from behind and hit Oliha Gangyuanshen's face hard, then quickly picked up Sok, who was in a vegetative state on the ground, and ran away Just run.

Oliha Gangyuan Shen was confused at that time.

He never thought that after traveling through different worlds and devouring countless universes, he would be tricked by a penguin in the end!


Damn thing! ! !

Oliha Gangyuan Shen was so angry that he suddenly disappeared and appeared on the little penguin's way of escaping, grabbing the little penguin's neck.

"I know you, Illusion God Elf 'False Illusion'..."

Oliha's nebula-like eyes were full of madness: "The relationship between you and this bastard who ruined my plan twice seems to be very good..."

"let me go!"

The little penguin struggled: "Knock on your mother, do you hear me? Dasha, knock on your mother!"


Oliha Gangyuan trembled with pride, gritted his teeth and said: "Ah, I have already thought of how to torture you... I will not kill you so easily, I will banish you to the most cruel and desperate nightmare. In the midst of eternal depravity and eternal reincarnation, I can already imagine the happy expressions on my face when you two kill each other to death..."

Before he finished speaking, Oliha Gangyuan Shen distorted the space and threw Sok and the little penguin in together.

The nebula closed together, leaving no trace.

Oliha Gangyuan Shen sneered, turned around and flew over the earth, transformed into a green crystal meteorite again, and fell into the earth.

Every universe has a most critical core.

When that core disappears, this universe will completely cease to exist.

At this moment, Oliha Gangyuan God began to assimilate this planet, assimilate, this universe with the posture of a winner...

Section 1

The release of the fallen angel

Wails filled the fields, and ruins lay in ruins.

When Suoke opened his eyes again, what he saw were thunderclouds glowing with golden light in the sky, and countless corpses on the ground.

They all have wings, and I... also have wings...

This is where?

Who am I?


From the thunderclouds in the sky, a stern voice as loud as a bell resounded throughout the earth.

"You have committed an unforgivable crime. Now, in the name of God, I will banish you to the other side of hell - the bottomless pit of eternal calamity. All the angels who follow you will transform into ugly images, but as my last Outstanding work, I grant you permission to continue to have wings!"

After the words were settled, the response that made Lucifer extremely disgusted sounded again in heaven.

“The mercy of God, the gift of God.”

Section 2

Fallen Angels Arrive

Sacred tree.

It is the only place in hell where the sun shines. It is said that if you raise your head here, you can see heaven.

The place has always been empty.

Because both demons and fallen angels hate the sun, and they don't want to see their lifelong enemies standing high above them.

But starting from a certain day, there was an extra figure here.

He has white hair, cyan skin, and six black wings that symbolize the highest level of fallen angels.

He always leaned against the sacred tree, looking up at the distant heaven, with a dazed look on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Because he has forgotten many things, and he can't even tell whether his name is Sock or Lucifer.

Every time I look at heaven, there is always a girl's figure flashing in my mind...


Only her name is still deeply imprinted on my heart, indelible.

Want to see her...

No matter what, I want to see her again...

my sweetheart……

Such otherness is not welcome in hell.

Even though he is the highest level fallen angel, second only to the devil Satan.

The demons in hell consciously distanced themselves from him. The originally uninhabited land of light has now completely become Lucifer's territory alone.

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