Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 401 Satan

day after day.

Time has no meaning at all to Lucifer, whose life is almost eternal.

Just staring blankly at the sky, with longing for the girl in his heart, Lucifer spent countless days and nights.

As time goes by, the longing not only does not fade away, but becomes more urgent.

do not know why.

Don't know what happened to me.

No matter what the cost, Lucifer also hopes that he can see her again, no matter what.


A small sound came from underfoot.

Lucifer lowered his head and saw two black fruits rolling to his feet.

That is something that demons and fallen angels use to feed themselves, but at Lucifer's level, there is no need to use this kind of thing to draw energy to sustain life.

Looking up, an ugly little girl was hiding not far away and looking quietly at this side.

When she found Lucifer looking at her, the little girl was startled, turned around and ran away.

The hierarchy in hell is very strict, and the low-level fallen angels are not even qualified to look directly at Lucifer, let alone this kind of behavior similar to "charity".

Lucifer glanced in the direction where the little girl was going, then continued to raise his head to look at heaven, with a stern face and unspeakable longing and sorrow in his eyes.

the next day

That ugly little girl is here again.

Holding two more black fruits in her small hands, she quietly hid among the dead trees and looked at Lucifer, who didn't even change his sitting posture compared to yesterday.

The two fruits lay there quietly on the ground, not moving.

The girl was obviously disappointed, but she was not discouraged. She still threw the newly picked fruit at Lucifer's feet as she did yesterday, and then ran away quickly.

day after day.

The girl would bring some food every day and throw it in front of Lucifer from a distance. Even though Lucifer never took a bite of the food, the girl would immediately run away after each "feeding". Dare to stay longer.

Finally one day.

When the girl threw the food to Lucifer again, Lucifer finally spoke...

"You don't have to bring me food every day."

Lucifer leaned on the sacred tree, still looking up to heaven, as if talking to the air: "I am the highest level fallen angel in hell. There is no need to use such low-level methods to absorb energy. Just do your own thing. ,I do not need you."

The girl was about to run away, but was startled when she heard Lucifer's voice.

Standing there awkwardly, the girl lowered her head, a little at a loss.

Lucifer turned his head and looked at the girl.

She is really ugly, with black wings and a black face. She is the lowest fallen angel. Even her clothes are very simple and rustic.

The fallen angels in hell are not all descendants of fallen angels. There are also the next generation of fallen angels who were united. Because they were deemed guilty by God, all the fallen angels turned into an ugly appearance, and the next generation inherited the original sin of both parents. As a fallen angel, the appearance will become even more ugly and the status will be very low.

For example, the girl in front of me has obviously been living in hell since she was born.


In her body, Lucifer seemed to see a light that was more dazzling than the sun.

Section 3

Fallen Angel Mary

Hell is dark and twisted.

The monsters that survive in this environment always have a manic desire for destruction in their hearts.

When nerves break through reason and restlessness needs to be released, the monsters in hell will begin to gather and start their own carnival - hell rampage.

The carnival of Warcraft will last for a whole month.

But this has nothing to do with Lucifer, because even a monster that has fallen into an irrational state will instinctively fear the brilliance of Lucifer and subconsciously avoid Lucifer's territory.

"That stinky girl probably won't come today."

Lucifer thought that morning.

The roaring and galloping sounds of beasts around him lasted for a whole day.

In heaven, from sunrise to sunset, the ugly girl never appeared.

This is normal.

Her level was too low and she was no match for those monsters, so of course she had to hide.


Why do I feel so uneasy?

After hesitating for a moment, Lucifer spread his wings and flew in the direction where the girl came every day.

Along the way there were corpses strewn all over the place, including those from monsters, fallen angels and demons.

The ground was covered with huge trampled footprints, and you could imagine how powerful and unstoppable the group of rampaging monsters were.

Finally, after flying for a while, Lucifer found a destroyed fallen angel lair.

Countless fallen angels died in battle, and their bodies have become trophies for the monsters.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The sound of chewing and eating makes people shudder.

Lucifer fell to the ground and walked among countless monsters. The monsters noticed his figure and power, and they all roared at Lucifer in a bluffing manner, trying to scare away the tiger who had stepped into the wolf pack.

But Lucifer didn't care, pacing and examining the corpses on the ground.

The peripheral vision glanced at the corner.

Lucifer's steps suddenly stopped.

A black arm wearing rustic clothes was torn and thrown to the ground, covered with bite wounds.

Lucifer's pupils shrank, and when he got closer, he saw the body of that familiar figure.

Fallen angels carry sinful karma and deserve to die.


She is the only exception!

A huge skeletal beast walked in behind him and made a hoarse and harsh voice: "Lord Lucifer... our rampage is permitted by Satan. As a high-ranking fallen angel, you should not interfere..."

"call out!"

A pale beam of light shattered the skull of the skeletal beast without mercy.

The leading beast had died cleanly and completely before he even understood what was happening.

The monsters immediately went berserk and rushed towards Lucifer desperately!


It's winter in an instant.

Lucifer pulled out the frost-wrapped magic sword from his waist, and froze thousands of monsters gathered here with just one blow. Then the ice cracked, and the monsters' bodies also fractured layer by layer like ice. I will never die with my eyes in peace.

Bending down to hold the little ugly body in his arms, Lucifer broke through the lair and came to Satan's palace.

Attack all the way, no one dares to stop.

Finally, when he came to the throne, Lucifer stared at the tall figure hidden in the shadows on the throne, and sneered in his heart.

What is the difference between hell and heaven?

Just as arrogant, just as arrogant.

I will never give in!

"Lucifer, I have seen all the good things you have done."

The devil's eyes on the forehead of Satan, the devil of hell, twisted and turned, and his tone was filled with dissatisfaction and arrogance: "And I am very clear about your purpose, but I refuse to resurrect the alien in your arms who still has a 'conscience'. "

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