Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 402 The Altar of Fallen Angels

Lucifer's eyes turned cold: "Then I will kill you!"

"Hahaha! You can't do it! Even God can't kill me, let alone you, a fallen angel who was exiled by God?"

The devil Satan kept laughing wildly, and the deafening sound made the royal city tremble. Finally, having laughed enough, Satan pointed at Lucifer and said jokingly: "However, seeing as you are the strongest person in hell after me. For my sake, let me tell you another way to resurrect her...Have you ever heard of the altar of fallen angels?"

Section 4

Fallen Angel's Altar

According to rumors, there is such a place in hell.

That place can bring fallen angels back to life, and it can even make fallen angels become holy again and return to heaven.

But if you want to return to the light, you must first go through a cruel trial.

When the stairs of hell reach the end, the golden stairs leading to heaven will appear, but when the trialist steps on the first step of the ladder, angels will continue to attack the trialist, and the trialist You are not allowed to fight back. Once you fight back, the stairs will disappear and the tester will fall back into hell, all their previous efforts will be wasted. (This is also the reason why the monsters resurrected using the Fallen Angel's Altar are in defense position)

No one had ever tried it before.

Because this trial is simply not something that ordinary fallen angels can accomplish.

But today...

Lucifer held the girl in his arms and came to the place guided by Satan.

The altar of the fallen angels.

Looking up, the high altar stretches as far as the eye can see, and the dark stairs lead to the top of hell. This legendary altar stands here, as if it has existed since ancient times.

This is the trap of the devil Satan.

He doesn't need a rebellious maniac like himself.


I have no choice.

Lucifer stepped firmly onto the first level of the stairs, followed by the second level, the third level...

Satan in hell sneers.

And God in heaven is aware of it.

After setting aside the clouds, God looked towards hell and saw a blue figure walking towards heaven step by step on the altar where no one had dared to climb for millions of years!

"Is it Lucifer?"

God was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lucifer to be so stubborn that he would want to return to heaven in this way.

But soon, he noticed the ugly girl in Lucifer's arms.

I see……

Is it because of this lowly fallen angel?

Huh, for everyone's sake, since you have stepped onto the altar, of course you have to accept the test, even if you are my most perfect work ever!

"Angels! Come to me!"

"The dirty fallen angel in hell is trying to return to heaven. Please use all your abilities to drive him back!"

God's will resounds through heaven.

Soon, the archangels gathered together, entangled the golden stairs leading to heaven and fell into the mortal world, and began to attack Lucifer one after another!

Archangel Geralt

Archangel Christia

Archangel Michael

The sharp blade of the knife stabbed Lucifer's body hard, causing blood to flow profusely.

The power of light continued to corrode Lucifer's body and bones, and his whole body seemed to be burned in extreme pain.


Can't fight back...

Can't fight back...

Lucifer gritted his teeth and moved forward step by step. Even though his consciousness had begun to blur and his body was almost unconscious, his steps remained firm and unwavering!

The archangels took turns attacking. They thought Lucifer should have fallen long ago, but he kept getting higher and higher, completely beyond the angels' imagination!

As time went by, Lucifer's originally cyan skin returned to color, and his jet-black wings and armor also turned back to gold.

The final chapter

The evil fallen angel

Lucifer is about to enter heaven.

God also frowned.

what happened……

Although Lucifer is the strongest and most perfect angel, there is no way even he can persist in this stormy fighting until now.

Could it be said that Lucifer in hell has become more powerful than before...


After God thought for a moment, he immediately discovered the clue: "It was the fallen angel in Lucifer's arms who was constantly healing him, so the angels' attacks became less deadly! So that's the case, no wonder Lucifer would bring this body with him." Is this why the corpse was put on the altar... In that case, let’s get rid of her first!”

[Fallen Angel Mary, effect: As long as this card exists in the graveyard, you will recover 200 basic points each time during your preparation phase. 】

God raised the staff in his hand, and a thunder struck from the sky!

Lucifer had almost completely lost consciousness and had no time to defend himself. The girl in his arms was directly struck by the lightning and her soul was shattered. There was no trace of her body and she could never be resurrected.

Time seemed to stand still for a few seconds at that moment.

Immediately afterwards, the originally determined pace collapsed in an instant. Lucifer knelt down on the steps, holding the empty burnt smelly air in his arms, wanting to cry but unable to do so.

In the end I...

Who should I hate? ! !

The figure of God appeared at the end of the stairs, still so arrogant and aloof: "Lucifer, I have seen through your little cleverness, but as my most perfect work, I will give you some special privileges, as long as you can step on it." Once you pass the remaining stairs, I won't hold you accountable for your tricks and allow you to return to heaven, how about that?"

The sound is like a bell, resounding through the sky.

The angels knelt down and praised in unison: "God's tolerance, God's gift."

Lucifer's eyes were blood red, and he raised his head and scanned the faces of the archangels one by one. Ishtab, who he had been thinking about so much in the past, was among them, but that charming face now looked like this. Abominable!

Suddenly, Lucifer felt inexplicably sad.

I finally returned to heaven and finally saw her again...

But why...

I am not happy at all, only filled with emptiness and desolation?


God keenly noticed the changes in Lucifer and shouted sternly: "This is heaven, not a place where you can do whatever you want!"


The image of the ugly girl who brought him fruit every day appeared in Lucifer's mind again.

The overwhelming hatred in my heart has suddenly become reality.

"The world with her is paradise..."

The wings that had turned into gold were once again dyed as black as ink, and the blood-colored skin gradually turned purple. Lucifer tore his hair like a collapse, gritted his teeth and said in a ferocious voice: "I hate you, but I hate you even more. Hate myself... hate that I am weak, hate that I am not strong enough..."

Gradually, the black sun rose behind Lucifer.

The dark power within it even shocked the Creator of all things, Jehovah!

For the first time, the eyes of the omnipotent God showed despair and panic: "Evil and darkness far beyond Satan! What is this!?"

On that day, heaven was slaughtered, and God's body lay in the clouds.

That day, hell was flattened and the devil Satan was torn into pieces and sank into the bottomless abyss.

Only the last lonely fallen angel was left leaning on the sacred tree, gradually turning into a stone statue, waiting for a miracle to happen one day. The ugly girl came here and threw herself two more fruits like before...

The dreamland on the first level ends here.

The final outcome... ended in failure.

The name of each section corresponds to a card. Interested friends can search and see the pattern on the card.

By the way, the correct ending of the first level of dream is that Lucifer accepts the fruit of the girl and chats with her, so that when the monsters invade, the fallen angel Mary will evolve into 'Joan of Arc' and persist on the road. Xifa arrived.

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