Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 403 Dragon Killing Warrior

As Oliha Ganggenshen said, this is a never-ending nightmare of the abyss.

Every wrong ending will cause Suok to fall into a deeper dream. The deeper the dream, the weaker and weaker Suok's innate evil power will be. If he cannot find the right choice in time, he may eventually become Become a paramecium, without even a little power to change destiny.

Second level dream

Section 1

Master of the Destroying Sword - Destroying Swordsman

In this world, there are all kinds of creatures and races, whether they are humans or elves, whether they are demons or angels, they all have their own unique identities.

Among them, the legendary monsters known for their brute strength and power, which are said to be able to subvert even gods, are the giant dragons entrenched in the 'City of Dragon Souls'.

They are not afraid of magic and look at them freely.

He also plundered countless treasures and hid them in his lair, occupying one place.

Countless people and merchants who had been plundered could not bear the suffering and joined forces to launch an expedition against the Dragon Soul City. Unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

The dragon was raging, and countless families were destroyed.

The king finally began to pay attention to the problem and invited the legendary master who once slayed the Tyrant Dragon, the warrior known as the Destroying Swordsman-"Basda Beida"

The sun is shining brightly.

An armored warrior appeared under the city wall. On his shoulder, a white baby dragon was twisting its little head playfully and rubbing the cheek of the swordsman-breaker.

The soldier also touched Banlong's back affectionately, his eyes showing tenderness behind the mask.

"what happened?"

On the city wall, the king frowned and asked the attendant beside him: "Is he really the 'Basda Bireda'? Why does he have no murderous intent at all, and he doesn't even look like a warrior who can slay dragons?" "

The attendant cautiously stepped forward and replied softly: "He is indeed the warrior who once killed the Tyrant Dragon. The white baby dragon wrapped around his shoulders is said to have hatched from the dragon egg he obtained after killing the Tyrant Dragon. , this is his symbol and his merit..."

"Then issue the royal decree to him."

The king waved his hand, turned and walked towards the palace: "I will go back and rest first. Only after he successfully slays the dragon will he be eligible to be received by the king and receive a generous reward and the 'Certificate of Dragon Destruction' that I have prepared. I hope he is as powerful as the legend says."

Carrying the hope of the whole country, Basda embarked on the journey.

The City of Dragon Soul stands deep in a dense forest shrouded in fog all year round, which caused great trouble and obstacles to the warriors in the past.

But Basta was different.

He has an inseparable companion dragon, has the ability to see through all fog, and can easily smell the scent of the same kind.

for example……

"Right, Busta!"

"OK, partner!"

Basta easily dodged the spear fired from a distance than Radar, and then a group of patrols led by black dragon men appeared in front of Basta.

"Human? Are you here to die again?"

The giant axe-dragon in the lead was obviously just a minion, unable to see how extraordinary the enemy was. He waved the giant ax in his hand with a grin: "What a pity. You look like a pauper. You probably didn't use it to buy your life." of gems and gold... In this case, we won’t be polite!”

"Lance Dragon Team!"

The giant axe-dragon man's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted: "Knead this kid into a sieve!"

The spear dragons all echoed loudly and rushed towards Basta.

But facing this kind of scene that would scare most people to death, Basta showed no fear or hesitation at all. Instead, he immediately stretched out his hand in front of Ban Long and calmly shouted: "Weapon Destruction Sword, partner!"


Banlong reached out and touched the back of his tail. He took out a lightsaber with sparks from nowhere and handed it to Basta's hand.

Immediately afterwards, Basta held down the hilt of the sword and made a sweeping sweep. Immediately, a huge sword light rushed out, cutting the dragon people's weapons and bodies into two pieces!

Blood flowed all over the ground, and the smell was pungent.

Basda Bireda reached out and returned the weapon, the Sword of Destruction, to the companion dragon. Without any hesitation, he continued to move deeper into the forest.

Along the way, countless low-level dragons blocked the way, but without exception, they were killed one by one.

Until the legendary Dragon Soul City...

Section 2

City of Dragon Soul

Different from the previous one, this is the most dangerous place in the entire Mist Forest, because all the highest dragons gather here to guard the supreme throne.

Emerald dragon, white-horned dragon, blue-eyed silver dragon...

Countless dragons that only appear in legends are everywhere here like cabbage.

The two people who were hiding in the dark and snooping quietly retreated.

The white companion dragon stuck out its little tongue and said in disbelief: "Wow, why are so many big guys gathered here? Are they having a meeting here?"

Basta shook his head and said softly: "No, they are protecting this castle."

Banlong blinked curiously: "The Blue-Eyed Silver Dragon is the highest-level dragon clan. Who is qualified to let it guard?"

"Of course there are."

Basta said slowly: "The owner of Dragon City calls himself the Ruler of Dragons. He has special spells that can protect the dragons from magic traps. The magical tool he carries with him - the 'Hulong Flute' can freely summon and drive the dragons. I want to To kill these evil dragons, I must use my 'Dragon Sword of Destruction', but the spell of the Dragon Ruler will make my 'Dragon Destruction Sword' ineffective, so now I must sneak into the castle and kill that The most critical point must be solved!”


The white companion dragon immediately jumped down from Basta's shoulder, then pulled out a sword from behind its tail and handed it to Basta: "To deal with that kind of guy who is proficient in magic, this 'Magic Destruction Sword' is perfect. Now, I'll go out and lure those giant dragons away, and you can take the opportunity to kill that dragon ruler!"

"OK, partner!"

Basta stretched out his hand, high-fived Banlong's little paw, and immediately changed his position.

The companion dragon moved its limbs a little, trying to pretend to be super fierce, and then turned into a white light and rushed out, shouting at the giant dragons: "You! You! Careful! Careful! Listen! I !explain!"

Although the sound was crisp, it was very obvious in the quiet dense forest.

The giant dragons raised their heads and looked at this new kind of creature curiously, without any warning.

Banlong raised his claws to his mouth and yelled with all his strength: "You! You! All! Yes! Big! Silly! Bi!"

As soon as he said this, Banlong turned around and wanted to run away.

But before running two steps, Banlong suddenly discovered that the group of idiot dragons behind him had not caught up with him at all. They all looked at him blankly, as if they didn't understand what "silly than" meant.

Banlong slapped his little paws on his face and scratched his fur with a headache: "Ah, I made a mistake..."

But at this moment, the Dragon Ruler in the castle also heard the noise and looked outside.

Originally, his expression was just slightly curious, but the moment he saw the white companion dragon, his whole body suddenly trembled, and he blew the dragon summoning flute as if he was going crazy, and used dragon language to drive the dragon.

Affected by the Dragon Summoning Flute, the originally dazed giant dragons immediately showed a fierce look on their faces, their eyes glowed red, and they galloped towards the companion dragon fiercely!

Banlong was startled, turned around and ran away.

Although I don’t know what happened, the goal was finally accomplished!

Basta, the baby can only help you so far, you have to work hard!

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