Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 404: The Broken Dragon

The dragon ruler standing on the castle looked excitedly at the white young dragons running around below being chased by the giant dragons. The joy in his heart was simply indescribable.

Five years ago, the Tyrant Dragon broke free from the shackles of the Dragon Summoning Flute and caused a scene here.

Because he was unprepared, he suffered heavy losses at that time, and it stole the most important treasure passed down from generation to generation in the Dragon Soul City - the Dragon Soul Stone!

It is said that the dragon soul stone can hatch the ultimate demonic dragon with the power to destroy the world under certain conditions. Later, although he sent dragon soldiers to search for it, only a broken corpse was found. I thought I would never get the Dragon Soul Stone back, but I didn’t expect that the Dragon Soul Stone actually hatched successfully, and for some unknown reason, it was delivered to my door!

That’s right!

Absolutely right!

That white baby dragon is exactly the same as the one described in the ancient books handed down from our ancestors!

As long as you own it, wait for it to grow up, and then bring the controlled dragon army with you, you will soon become the emperor of the world! He is also the only emperor!

The dragon ruler fell into a dream and couldn't extricate himself.

But he didn't realize that behind him, a warrior holding a big sword was ready to attack!

The broadsword was raised and slashed straight down!

For a moment, chills filled his heart, and the Dragon Ruler subconsciously hid to the side. This saved his life, but his right arm that was holding the Dragon Summoning Flute was cut off completely and fell to the ground.

"Click" a crisp sound.

The Dragon Summoning Flute was trampled to pieces by Basta.

The Dragon Ruler looked at the war-god-like figure with a twisted face: "You...who are you!?"


Bastali ignored it and swung his sword to strike at the Dragon Ruler again.

"Damn it, how dare you underestimate me!!!"

The Dragon Ruler was extremely angry, and a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from his body, and then a white divine dragon suddenly burst out from the ground of the castle, carrying the Dragon Ruler into the sky.

Since the Dragon Ruler is the Dragon King, of course he also has a combat mode!

The white divine dragon and the Dragon Ruler merge into one in the sky, and the Dragon Ruler's true form is finally revealed at this moment - "Dragon Demon Man·King of Dragon Knights"!

The dragon demon blew the dragon summoning flute in his left hand, and the giant dragons that were originally chasing the companion dragon changed their targets and rushed towards Basta!

Banlong was also slightly sluggish because of the ripples of the dragon-calling flute.

But Basta relied on his strong hands and the flying ability of the dragons flying towards him, stepping on their backs to keep approaching the dragon demon!

"Partner! Dragon Killing Sword!!!"

A sharp shout woke up Banlong, who immediately took out a new big knife from behind his butt and threw it towards the sky: "Catch it!!!"

The Dragon Sword of Destruction spun and flew into the sky, and Basta grabbed the hilt.

At this time, the Dragon Demon is close at hand!


Before he finished his sentence, the dragon-killing sword had split the dragon demon in half, cutting him from head to tail!

The magic power of the Dragon Demon gradually disappeared, and the giant dragons were gradually no longer restrained, regaining their consciousness one after another, and hovering aimlessly in the sky.

But Basta didn't hesitate at all, stepped on the body of the dragon demon, turned around, and countless sword lights flashed by. The dragons died one after another, and the blood sprinkled on the ground like rain.

After witnessing the murder of his own people, Banlong, who had not cared about it in the past, suddenly felt empty in his heart for some reason.

Then an inexplicable irritability began to spread in his heart.

"The mission is over, it's time to go back."

Basta fell to the ground, but the companion dragon did not jump on his shoulders as usual.

Sensing something was wrong with it, Basta knelt down and gently stroked the down on Banlong's forehead and asked, "Is there any problem, partner?"


Banlong's expression was obviously startled, but then he shook his head: "No...it's nothing..."

Section 3

Dragon Swordsman

After slaying the evil dragon and completely destroying the City of Dragon Soul, Basda Bireda received the highest level of courtesy from the king and received the empire's highest honor - the "Certificate of Dragon Destruction".

And Basta also officially received the title bestowed by the empire - Dragon Swordsman!

This should have been a joyful thing.

But Basta no longer cared about this.

Because Banlong is sick.

It suffered from an illness that could not be cured by any doctor in the empire. It lay in the cradle every day, its body as hot as a fever, and its originally white down began to lose its luster and gradually dimmed.

Basta declined all invitations and stayed at home to accompany Ban Long every day.

But its illness became more and more serious until...

One night...

Section 4

Destroy the swordsman's fate

There was a thunderstorm and the sky and the earth were dark.

In the hundreds of years since the empire was established, today is also an extremely rare heavy rainstorm.

In the darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes opened. The dark dragon awakened today and revealed its fangs that had been hidden for a long time.

Nature's best killer will disguise itself as cute and weak when it is young to arouse the sympathy of natural enemies and ensure its survival rate. When its fangs grow and it is no longer afraid of danger, it will remove some of its disguises. No matter how sincere you have been in the past, you will eventually awaken the wildness and become what it was meant to be - the Ring-breaking Savage Dragon - the Destruction Dragon.

Basta was awakened by the loud noise and walked out of the room.

Looking up at the sky above the city, what he saw was no longer the cute baby dragon that would curl up on his shoulders, but a dark dragon that covered the sky and breathed out the aura of destruction.

The dragon swallows fire, controls thunder and lightning, and continuously destroys and kills.

The medal "Dragon Destruction Certificate" on his body seems to be as dazzling as a curse now.

At that moment, Basta seemed to understand something. He looked down at his hands, as if he saw his pitiful and ridiculous self.

dragon slaying swordsman

This is your destiny.

Section 5

Memories of the Destroying Sword

After a battle of swords and swords, the warrior finally defeated the dragon just like in the storybook.

But there was no joy in Basta's heart.

The huge destruction sword was stuck on the ground, and the evil dragon was dying, looking at the once extremely close partner in front of him with a complicated expression.

Both sides have thousands of things they want to say, but they don't know how to speak.

Just looking at each other like that, the Broken Ring Barbaric Dragon breathed his last. His once most trustworthy and dependable partner was completely dead.

Basta knelt down and reached out to stroke the fur on its forehead.

The two figures were reflected on the blade, just as innocent as when they first met.

The final chapter

Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction

After that rainy night, Basta completely disappeared from people's sight, and the former hero was gradually forgotten.

But many years later, when another village was attacked by an evil dragon, a man who had settled there for decades took out a flashing fluorescent sword and used a weapon called "Flash of the Destroying Sword". Moves...

The second story ends, without a doubt, with another wrong ending

The key to this world is the dragon summoning flute of the dragon demon. Because of hearing the sound of the flute, the companion dragon will awaken its wild nature and become a broken dragon. The correct choice should be not to accept the king's summons, or not to fight against the evil dragon. Bring a companion dragon.

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