Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 405 Three-Eyed Monster

Thousands of years ago, gods and demons ruled heaven and hell.

At that time, heaven was the forbidden area of ​​​​God, while hell was a cruel death battleground where people killed each other.

But from that day on, everything gradually became different...

Section 1

tour guide from hell

"Everyone, please line up and visit in turn~"

In the bustling demon world, a tour guide waving a small flag led a group of tourist passengers to the most famous attraction in hell - the sacred tree.

Here is the most abundant sunshine in the demon world, as well as the legendary god who created the world.

"According to ancient book records, thousands of years ago, the fallen angel Lucifer destroyed the demon Satan and the angels of God, and brought light to hell, allowing the weak races in the demon world to thrive and develop to such prosperity today..."

The beautiful tour guide, who was no different from a human girl except for a slight bluish tint of skin, explained to the tourists with the sweetest smile: "As you can see, the thing in the middle of the fence is the one that brings the light into The sacred tree of the demon world, and sitting under the sacred tree is the most noble sacred object in the demon world - the stone statue of Lucifer that transformed after his death. He is great and immortal, and his eyes are pitiful because he feels that all living beings in the demon world The pain you suffered, the great kindness you stood up for! Anyone who disrespects the stone statue will be severely punished with life imprisonment, so please be careful when visiting and paying homage!"



"Is this really made of a living person?"

"I have to write it down... go back and show off to my classmates..."

A group of strange-looking tourists looked at the fallen stone statue with an unknown expression, exclaimed in wonder, and then took out their cameras from their bags and hurriedly took photos.

The flashlight kept flashing blindingly.

Chi Shi's orcs, earthbound spirits, and bones all showed the latest scissor-hand gestures and took selfies with various expressions.

But the smallest killer tomato was sweating profusely.

It had forgotten that it had no hands when it arrived, and now it wanted to take a photo, but it couldn't get the camera out of its backpack.

Just when it was crying and almost despairing.

Suddenly, a small fur ball with three eyes appeared in its sight.

"Ah! Three-eyed monster!"

Killer Tomato jumped up and down and excitedly jumped towards the little fur ball: "Hurry up and take a photo for me. You can take a photo with the God of Creation. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..." Before he finished speaking, Killer Tomato suddenly He was stunned for a moment and stopped bouncing.

Because it saw the usually shy little fur ball staring blankly at the stone statue of Lucifer, his eyes full of inexplicable sadness and desolation.

Killer Tomato moved to the three-eyed monster and asked carefully: "What's wrong with you?"


The three-eyed monster woke up.

At that moment, for some reason, countless scenes of fighting came to my mind...

Ugly fallen angel girl...

Step onto the ordination altar...

And the heart-wrenching despair at the end...

How could this happen... It's obviously just an illusion, but why does the inexplicable sadness in my heart never go away?

Looking at the stone statue of Lucifer not far away, the three-eyed monster said with a complicated expression: "I... I seem to know him..."

"Haha, are you kidding me, man!"

Killer Tomato shook his head loudly, and explained as if he had experienced it: "When I was a child, I often imagined that I would be a relative of some big shots, and then arrange a decent job for me... But as you know, I am already in the Witch The circus has been a mascot for more than three hundred years. My friend, sometimes you have to face reality, and then you will find that it is actually quite fun to work with a group of scantily clad, protruding witches every day."

After hearing this, the three-eyed monster didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you talking about..."

Just then, an accident happened.

In the sight of the three-eyed monster, he could clearly see outside the guardrail, a witch with eyes on her forehead throwing two black fruits towards the statue of Lucifer.

Immediately afterwards, in the panic-stricken eyes of everyone, the statue of Lucifer was shattered into pieces and scattered on the ground!

There was a dead silence, you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone looked at the witch who destroyed the statue of the God of Creation with their mouths open and at a loss.

The three-eyed monster was as shocked as everyone else.

But it was not because of the witch's boldness, but because at the moment when the idol shattered, the three-eyed monster actually saw a fallen angel with a golden light all over his body, flying high into the air, and left this world with no regrets!

And the three-eyed monster's originally suppressed chest suddenly opened up at this moment.

"He finally waited..."

The three-eyed monster looked at the sky and muttered to himself, even he didn't know what he was talking about.

Soon, the police rushed to the scene and took away the Black Forest Witch who destroyed the statue of the God of Creation.

The residents of the demon world angrily threw trash at her and asked her why she did this.

But the Witch of the Black Forest didn't resist, nor did she say anything.

But the three-eyed monster knew that she had fulfilled Lucifer’s long-cherished wish. She was not a murderer, but a benefactor of God!


The three-eyed monster pushed forward desperately and shouted with all his strength: "She did nothing wrong! You can't arrest her!!!"

However, the small body could not produce a powerful voice at all, and the three-eyed monster could not even squeeze through the crowd. He could only watch helplessly as the police took away the witch.

Disrespecting the Creator God is a heinous sin.

Damaging the incarnation of the Creator God is an unforgivable sin.

If found guilty, she will be sentenced to death!


The three-eyed monster gradually became determined.

He was weak and cowardly in the past and he has never been as brave as he is today!

"I want to save her!"

Section 2

Sightseeing bus to prohibited areas

The sightseeing was over, and the tourists returned to the bus, except of course the three-eyed monster.

The tour guide waited for a long time but did not see the three-eyed monster. In the end, she could only regretfully ask the police to pay attention and left with other passengers.

There is a dark side everywhere, and hell is no exception.

Invisible to law-abiding citizens, there is another group of monsters living in the dark world, quietly holding their own gathering...

In a dark bus composed of countless monster fangs, the three-eyed monster sat tremblingly in the corner.

Lowering his head and trying to curl up, the three-eyed monster tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.


Pirate Chestnut Ball did not lie to himself, he finally got on the bus to the depths of hell smoothly.


The three-eyed monster carefully glanced at the strange monsters on the seat in front of him and swallowed deeply.

Demonic Frankenstein…

Badai Wu...

Rescue cats…

The same race is infected with the virus...

Demon Franken…

For some reason, the three-eyed monster's mind suddenly popped up with the words "Little Black Room Boss". Although he didn't understand what it meant, he knew that these monsters were not easy to mess with even just by looking at their appearance...

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