Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 407 Boss, can you give me the water bottle after drinking?

game Master……



Scenes of blurry scenes and sounds flashed through my mind, and countless obscured memories were slowly being revived...

In an instant

Suoke woke up from his sleep and found himself lying on the hospital bed, facing the white ceiling.

It turns out that there has never been a duel monster in the world, there is no great evil god of the underworld, and Sok has never traveled through time...

Gradually, Sock remembered everything. He was a patient who was sent to a mental hospital due to extreme autism. He had been in the hospital for eight years. All his memories stayed in the morning eight years ago. Everything was just him. fantasy...


Thok's brain, which is more developed than ordinary people, sensed something was wrong.

How could that kind of real memory and feeling be just a fantasy...

But before he could think about it, the patient Nobita Nobita, who had been lying on the bed next to Sock, also woke up, looked around in horror, and shouted the name "Doraemon".

But the answer to him was only endless silence.


Nobi Nobita fell to his knees in pain, his vision blurred by tears: "Could it be...are these all fake...I don't believe it, this is impossible..."

The noise attracted hospital staff.

The expressionless staff took Nobi Nobita away by force, and no matter how much he struggled, it was to no avail.

Finally, when closing the door, a man who looked like a doctor looked back at Sok and said something creepy: "Are you awake too? Don't you think you are some evil god from the underworld, Sok?" ? If that’s the case, you and Nobita Nobita will soon become new patients.”

The moment of clarity was drowned, Suok swallowed quietly and shook his head.

"very good."

The doctor sneered: "Stay there and don't cause trouble. Wait until night, and the penguin you raised before will come to bring you food."

After that, the doctor closed the door.

But Suoke was suddenly surprised!

Penguin! ?

The scorching sun

The asphalt road seemed to be baked by the sun, and even breathing in the hot air was a torture.

At the end of the road, a short and fat figure was standing next to the vending machine, carrying a tattered bag that was even bigger than it. He looked longingly at the middle-aged man who had just bought a can of Coke.

The middle-aged man noticed the penguin's gaze and glanced at it.

Many people in this world have highly intelligent pets, and people have long been accustomed to it.


The little penguin awkwardly wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Can you give me the water bottle after drinking?"

The middle-aged man was obviously in a daze, but he still nodded.

Generally speaking, families that can afford to raise highly intelligent pets should have good conditions, at least they won't let such high-end pets come out to work and collect waste.


Maybe it's some homework assigned by the pet school?

Not long after, the Coke was finished.

The middle-aged man handed the bottle to the little penguin.

The little penguin bowed politely and thanked him, then took the bottle and threw it into the torn pocket on his little shoulder. He continued to walk forward step by step under the scorching sun.

The sun sets.

After picking up bottles for a day, the little penguin ate nothing.

It's starving.

But if you want to buy food, you still have to wait until you sell the bottles to the owner of the scrap station.

Dragging the heavy bag forward, although the bag is very heavy, the little penguin is very happy because he picked up a lot of bottles today and can sell them for more money. In addition to paying for Sok's hospital bed, he can also buy him some good ones. .

With this thought in my mind, even my hungry stomach was no longer so uncomfortable.

When we arrived at the scrap station, the boss greeted the penguin familiarly.

"There are a lot of bottles today. In addition to the basic price, I will give you two more dollars."

"Really, thank you!"

All the bottles were sold, and with a happy smile on the little penguin's face, he took the money and left with the torn bag on his back.

Leave the scrap station and come to the commodity street.

As the sun sets, the place becomes lively and bustling again, with many adults and children walking and playing here.

The penguin carefully held the money and avoided the rushing children.

But this actually aroused the curiosity of those naughty children.

"Hey! There's a penguin here!"

"Wow! It seems to be holding money in its hand!"

"Let's grab it and buy a doll!"

The naughty children, with ferocious faces and holding sticks, surrounded the penguin aggressively.

The little penguin was startled, turned around and ran away.

However, it had been picking up bottles under the scorching sun for a whole day and had not eaten anything. It had been relying on faith to support itself and did not fall down. Its weak body could not bear this run. After a while of dizziness, the little penguin "popped" With a sound, he fell to the ground and scattered all the money in his hands. The coins bounced off the ground and made a crisp sound.

So the naughty children stopped chasing and started noisily picking up the money the penguin dropped on the ground.

"You are not allowed to rob, give it back to me...Give it back to me!"

The little penguin lay on the ground and tried hard to stand up, but his body was so weak that he began to lose control.

Watching the naughty children snatching away the money and squeezing into the crowd to be out of sight, the little penguin's nose became sore and tears still flowed down.

"That's Sok's life-saving money..."


"Give it back to me quickly..."

The little penguin huddled there, avoiding the people coming and going.

Finally, feeling that his body had regained consciousness, the little penguin reluctantly stood up and swayed hard to the fountain pool on the roadside and drank a few mouthfuls of water, so that he would not feel so hungry.

Staggering back.

The little penguin wiped away his tears and tried to make a smile.

come on……

Even if Suoke is still unconscious, he can't let him see his sad look.

I'll discuss the hospital bed and nutrition drip with the doctor and see if we can take it easy. I just need to pick up more bottles tomorrow...

"Woof! Woof!"

A burst of dog barking woke up the little penguin who was thinking about something.

Looking up, the family was mixing half a bowl of leftover rice and some dog food together and placing them in front of the kennel in the yard.

The pit bull tied next to the kennel obviously disdained this kind of thing. He just sniffed it and never looked at it again. Instead, he stared at the steak on the table in the room without letting go.

When the owner saw this, he sighed helplessly, divided the steak on the table into half, put it on another plate, and brought it in front of him.

The Pitbull was finally satisfied and began to eat.

The little penguin outside the yard looked at the bowl of leftover rice mixed with dog food next to him. His saliva was almost drooling. He touched his growling belly. Finally, he couldn't hold back his hunger and quietly walked into the yard...

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