Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 408 New Cosmic Power


The pit bull immediately smelled the scent of a stranger, turned its head and started barking.

The little penguin was frightened, and he quickly picked up the bowl of dog food and tried to run away, but he was so weak that he couldn't run fast at all. In the end, he was bitten by the pit bull several times and escaped in a bloody mess.


If there was no chain, the little penguin might be bitten to death.

The night has grown dark.

Lying in the hospital bed, Sock never waited for the penguin who was said to come to visit him on time every night and pay him.

Is that just my imagination, or did something happen to it outside...

Just as Suoke looked out the window worriedly, the door to the ward opened...

Turning around, a figure that was so familiar that it was unforgettable was there.

Chunky little penguin.

When the little penguin saw Sok sitting on the hospital bed, his eyes widened in disbelief, and then the expression on his face was complicated, with sadness, joy, and various emotions flooding into his heart.

After rubbing his eyes to confirm that he had read correctly, the little penguin finally showed his brightest smile:

"You're awake, honey!"

In an instant, time overlapped, just like before.

Suoke looked at the little penguin that was covered in injuries and was dirty. Even if he didn't know anything, he could still tell how much suffering it had suffered: "You..."

"I...I picked up a lot of bottles today!"

The little penguin walked up to Suoke, with blood still dripping from his legs. He picked up the broken bowl in his hand and showed the brightest smile on his face full of bruises and scars: "But the boss said the payment will be settled tomorrow, I...this is me …You can eat the stolen rice and biscuits, I’m not hungry!”

Like a pinprick.

As bright as its smile was, Sok's heart ached.

It was dog food and leftovers, and of course Thok could recognize it.

But at this moment, what dignity and pride do they mean?

The Evil God, who had never shed tears before, howled like a newborn child at this moment.

The little penguin climbed up on the bed and wiped the tears from Suoke's face with his scarred little arms: "Don't cry, you are a man upright, you can't cry, don't cry, you just woke up, you can't cry... …”

That night, Sock and Penguin finished the bowl of dog rice together.

That was the worst thing Thock had ever eaten in his life.

It was also the most bitter and unforgettable thing he had ever tasted in his life.

That night, Sock and Penguin talked a lot. From Penguin's mouth, he knew what happened during the years when he was in a coma...

My family was originally very wealthy, but I was born with severe autism.

In order to cure himself, his father took him to adopt a little penguin that could talk and act coquettishly.

The little penguin is like a sun.

It gradually melted Sok's claustrophobic inner shackles and began to gradually become like a normal person.

But just eight years ago, a car accident killed both Suoke's parents, and the family property and compensation were divided among the relatives who used to be groveling.

In an instant, he was destitute.

Sock suffered a huge blow and fell into more severe autism and fell into a coma.

Although medical insurance reimbursed most of Sok's treatment costs, the small part that needs to be paid out of pocket is not something Sok's family can afford today.

Due to various reasons, Little Penguin could not find a formal job, so over the years, Little Penguin has been picking up bottles and waste products on the street to support Suok's daily expenses and life support.

That night, they chatted until late, as if they had returned to the moment when they first met...

the next day

Penguin opened his eyes, only to find that Sok on the hospital bed was gone.

The little penguin was so anxious that he immediately rushed out of the ward and hospital with his torn bag on his back, looking for Sok everywhere.

He has just woken up and his muscles haven't fully adapted yet. He should rest now...

Where have you gone...

Where have you been, my dear...

Time seems to stop.

Little Penguin saw Sok sitting on the ground on the street corner outside the hospital, begging for alms from passers-by.

People showed disgusted expressions and avoided him in disgust.

Suoke was not discouraged and continued to beg for money from passers-by.

Suddenly, he raised his head.

When Suoke saw the little penguin standing in front of his tearful eyes, he scratched his head with a smile. He smiled guiltily and gave the little penguin the only bread he had begged for in the morning: "Sorry... this is the best I can give you now." That’s it…”

The tears finally broke out at this moment.

The little penguin hugged Sok and cried loudly: "Don't be like this, you are a man who is upright and upright. You can't ask for help. I am so useless. I will pick up more bottles today..."

Decades of cold and heat.

The penguin still picks up bottles every day.

Suoke also gradually adapted to his body muscles, gave up begging, and started working in supermarkets or convenience stores.

Life has gotten better, but it can only barely fill our stomachs.

Their lives are still very poor.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters.

During the ten years, Sock and Little Penguin experienced countless pains and tortures, but they never thought of being separated from each other.

One day, another car accident ended their lives.

Before dying, Sock and the little penguin hugged each other tightly, and their smiles were so happy and sweet.

The most supreme love in the world is nothing more than this: holding your child's hand, growing old together with your child, sharing the same bed during life, and sharing the same hole in death.

This life is undoubtedly the correct ending.

The torture of the human heart and the perseverance in the face of hardships amaze even the will of the universe that designed this dream.

Return to the first level of dreamland.

This time, things are starting to look a little different...

When Sok and Little Penguin opened their eyes, seven meteors of different colors suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of them!

New Spaceman Sky Hummingbird...

New Spaceman·Water Wave Dolphin...

New Spaceman Flame Beetle...

New Spaceman·Earth Mole...

New Spaceman: Shining Moss...

New Spaceman Dark Panther...

as well as……

E·HERO Xinyuxia!

Carrying the power of hope, the self-protection and correction system derived from the will of the universe has now broken through the dimensional barriers and arrived in front of Sok!

"The evil god with the right dark power!"

E·HERO Xin Yuxia stepped forward and uttered seven overlapping voices: "Our universe is being assimilated by high-dimensional demons. Now only you can stop him. Please, please help us!"

Suoke was stunned: "You..."

"Lord Evil God, you were plotted by the devil and trapped in this nightmare space..."

With E·HERO as the center, the other six new universes turned into points of light, wrapping Sok in it: "As long as we use the power of our new universe, we can break through this nightmare dimension and return to our universe. At that time, you will naturally remember everything!”

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