Turning back to Jonouchi, it was even more eye-catching!

This duel made Li Youfeng's stomach churn and his face dumbfounded. How could a whole duel be expressed with just one word"Fuck"? The whole duel was like this.

(I'm too lazy to calculate the attack power because it's meaningless.)

Dinosaur Ryuzaki first summoned the Little Tyrannosaurus (Attack Power 1100), Jonouchi was immediately happy when he saw it, and clapped his hands to send out the Dragon Warrior (Attack Power 1500) and slashed it.

Who knew that after killing the Little Tyrannosaurus, Dinosaur Ryuzaki said that because you killed the Little Tyrannosaurus, its mother was very angry, and I can special summon the Two-Headed Dinosaur King (Attack Power 1600) from the deck.

To be honest, Li Youfeng, who was watching the battle under the ring, almost burned the CPU in his brain, and he couldn't figure out how these two blank cards looked like a mother-son relationship.

In the blink of an eye, his dragon warrior was killed by Dinosaur Ryuzaki. Jonouchi was not happy, so he played Flame Swordsman (1800 attack power) and equipped with Legendary Sword Card (+300 attack power), which directly increased the attack power of Flame Swordsman to 2100 points.

According to common sense, such a blank attack power is not weak, right? After all, your two-headed dinosaur king only has 2080 attack power with the terrain advantage, and the Flame Swordsman here has 2640 attack power after the terrain bonus! But who knew that Dinosaur Ryuzaki actually said nonsense that the two-headed dinosaur king has wings and can fly, and your Flame Swordsman can't hit it!

Hey! 。◕ᴗ◕。I just want to ask you if you are angry?

Then I saw the two-headed dinosaur king hit the Flame Swordsman who was armed to the teeth with a whirlwind, and the latter exploded on the spot!

Yes, you read it right, the two-headed dinosaur king with 2080 attack points easily beat the Flame Swordsman with 2640 attack points!

(Flame Swordsman: Damn it!!! Sarilang!!!)

Who can accept this?

What is the meaning of attack points?

However, what made Li Youfeng almost vomit blood on the spot was that Jonouchi actually accepted it like this! ? What was even more surprising was that he said at the end,"Simata, I was careless!" Li Youfeng wanted to ask at that time, which link in this made you careless? What was even more infuriating was that even the damage judgment system of the battle arena actually recognized the words of Dinosaur Ryuzaki, and it really passed like this!

Just when Li Youfeng thought that Jonouchi would temporarily fall into passive defense due to the loss of the Flame Swordsman, who could have expected that he would raise his hand and shoot a Monster Hunter with only 1500 attack points, saying that the Monster Hunter was an expert in hunting dinosaurs, and casually shot a bow and arrow to blow up the two-headed dinosaur king in mid-air.

(Li Youfeng: How come I didn't know that this blank card had this ability?)

Dinosaur Ryuzaki, whose life value was greatly reduced, was also angry at this time, and said directly,"You are quite capable! Next, I will get serious!" Then he played his trump card monster, the blank Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

Yes, a dragon monster has been living in the dinosaur card group for a long time, and Dinosaur Ryuzaki didn't think there was anything wrong.

Seeing that Dinosaur Ryuzaki played his strongest trump card, Jonouchi simply stopped pretending. With a wave of his hand, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon appeared directly on the duel arena in a crushing posture.

That's right, stop pretending! I'm going to show my cards. This is my strongest trump card monster! After killing Dino Ryuzaki's Red-Eyes Black Dragon without any suspense, Jonouchi announced another special effect of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon. As the strongest dragon king of the Black Dragon Clan, he can revive a dragon monster from the graveyard to his field.

Then, Dino Ryuzaki's Red-Eyes Black Dragon jumped ship without hesitation.

(Red-Eyes Black Dragon: Hello, big brother, I will follow you from now on.)

After seeing this scene, not only did Dino Ryuzaki kneel down to Jonouchi on the spot, but even Li Youfeng, who was below the duel arena, followed Dino Ryuzaki's steps and knelt down.

After watching this shocking duel intently, Li Youfeng, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, fell into deep self-doubt.

After all, I have played this card for so many years, how come I didn't know that it has such an awesome effect?

Just like in the original novel, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon naturally fell into Jonouchi's hands because the time magician Dinosaur Ryuzaki set the rules for gambling cards before the game.

After handing over the card reluctantly, Dinosaur Ryuzaki looked at Jonouchi with anger, and repeatedly said that he was tricked by Jonouchi.

If he knew that Jonouchi had this card in his deck, he would never take the initiative to come forward and give himself a head.

Jonouchi was very excited to beat Dinosaur Ryuzaki.

He held Li Youfeng's hand tightly and announced loudly that this victory was thanks to the card Li Youfeng gave him.

This is the power of friendship and bond.

Li Youfeng, who was almost mentally collapsed, complained in his heart, how did your"nonsense" ability connect to the power of bond? There is no direct relationship between the two?

However, before Li Youfeng could reply, Wang Yang on the side actually said with approval:"You are able to use the power of bond so well, Jonouchi-kun, you have really become stronger!"

Li Youfeng said that this sentence really sounded very"wow", after all, this word is profound in Chinese culture, and it can be used as a compliment to express admiration.

(Don't think I'm scolding you when I say"fuck", I'm actually praising you!)

Seeing the two of them so happy, Li Youfeng, who had completely fallen into autism, really didn't know how to interrupt, so he could only try to keep smiling to show respect.

He secretly opened his board deck and repeatedly checked if there was anything he had overlooked, in case he was hit by their"nonsense" tactics when he faced these two masters.

"What a beautiful dragon! Apart from the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful dragon that can rival the Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon: So, why are you comparing it to me again? )

Following a pleasant voice, a woman with long wavy golden hair and fashionable clothes appeared in front of Li Youfeng and others. The one who came was Peacock Dance, the official CP who had been entangled with Jonouchi in the original work.

After introducing each other, Peacock Dance looked at Li Youfeng with great interest and asked:"So you are Li Youfeng who defeated Kaiba Seto and killed the insect feather moth in seconds in the Sakura Country National Competition to win the championship. I only heard your name on the boat. It's really exciting to see you up close like this."

In response to Peacock Dance's compliments, Li Youfeng quickly replied angrily:"No, no, it was just luck."

"Haha, you are really modest."

Modest? Li Youfeng said that I am really not modest, especially after watching the duel between these two great gods!

Through these two duels, Li Youfeng said that the most direct reason why President Kaiba couldn't beat Wang Yang was because of this!

Throughout the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, how many times has the president lied, and how many times has Yugi Muto lied? Isn't it clear from this comparison?

Remember what Wang Yang said when fighting against the Five Dragons? As long as you believe in the existence of the card, then this card must exist!

The ordinary bone player said that he couldn't afford it!

After a round of greetings, Peacock Dance, who already had 6 stars, joined the team very familiarly. Looking at her gentle and amiable appearance, Li Youfeng knew clearly that if it weren't for the change in the plot that made her not completely sure, this woman would probably have attacked Jonouchi long ago.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Seeing the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon in Jonouchi's hand, Peacock Dance She was really shocked.

As a second-rate duelist, she naturally knew the value of this card. However, after measuring her own combat power, Kong Quewu immediately chose to be patient for a while. After all, she didn't know if there were any other cards hidden in the city. Things like capsizing in the gutter were not her dueling style.

Time soon came to noon. Because they were afraid of Li Youfeng, the champion of the national competition, many duelists with unknown reputations did not dare to take the initiative to challenge. This also led to Li Youfeng having only two star pieces in his hand.

After cooking the fragrant rice with local ingredients, Li Youfeng took out some pickled vegetables from the backpack given by Izayoi Kaoru as a side dish.

After all, everyone came to rescue Mutou Sugoroku, and they didn't prepare so many things in a hurry. This was also thanks to Li Youfeng's extra care to take some more ingredients when getting off the boat, otherwise, they might not even have rice to eat.

"Pickled vegetables and rice, oh, I really want to eat meat!" Jonouchi complained while picking at the rice in his hand,"That bastard Pegasus didn't even prepare food for us, how can he hold a duel contest like this?"

"Jonouchi-kun, just be content. Thanks to You Feng-kun for making preparations, otherwise, we might not even have rice to eat."

"Yes, Jonouchi, this pickled vegetable rice is actually quite delicious. Didn't you see the envious looks on the faces of those duelists passing by when they watched us cook?"

To Jonouchi's words, the gentle cousin and Anzi immediately refuted

"Well! I didn’t mean that pickled vegetable rice is not delicious, huh?! What’s that smell? It smells so good!" Holding his bowl, Jonouchi’s nose suddenly moved,"The smell is coming from over there, let’s go over and take a look!"

Before he finished speaking, Jonouchi ran towards the beach with excitement on his face.

""Fuck, don't go to Jonouchi!" Looking at Jonouchi's agile steps, Li Youfeng said that he really couldn't afford to get hurt. I've brought food with me, and you're still going to cause trouble.

"Within the city!"

"Wait for us!"

Fearing that something might happen to Jonouchi, Xiaobiao and the others followed him. Seeing this, Li Youfeng knew that he really couldn't escape this time.

Yes, because he was really not used to this legendary"mouth nonsense" style of play, Li Youfeng, who didn't want his wisdom to be ruined, said that he was really scared this time.

Thinking of the fact that Xiaobiao finally rescued Shuangliu Chicken Sauce in the original work, Li Youfeng's idea changed from taking action at the beginning to waiting and watching. Anyway, what the protagonists can do, why should I be in the limelight? Isn't it better to be a waiter in a game store and spend his life in peace? Why do you want to risk your life? Do you think I'm stupid?

Following everyone to the edge of the cliff near the sea, Jonouchi, who ran a step ahead, had already grabbed a grilled sea fish and ate half of it. Xiaobiao, who was originally going to persuade Jonouchi, couldn't resist the temptation of Jonouchi, and also picked up a grilled fish and ate it, which made Li Youfeng, who had cleaned up the tableware and arrived late, have a black line on his face.

"Hey! You thieves, you stole my fish!"

At this moment, a man with a tanned body and a big hair with a lot of hairspray climbed up from the cliff, holding several fresh sea fish strung with seaweed in his hands.

"What? This is the fish you caught?" Jonouchi was stunned when he found something wrong. There was only half a fish head left and you didn't say anything. How do you want me to return it to you?

"Wait a minute, there must be some misunderstanding here!" Knowing that he was in the wrong, the cousin immediately jumped out to smooth things over,"I recognize you, your name is Kajiki Yuta, and you, like Jonouchi, are both among the top eight in the national competition, right?"

"Just like Jonouchi, that sentence is redundant!" Putting the fish in his hand next to the campfire, Kajiki Fisherman laughed and sat down,"It was just a joke just now, don't be polite, everyone please sit down, and I have some fish I just caught, let's grill them together"

"Really? Great, thank you, Kajiki-kun!"

"Wow, such delicious grilled fish, I am in for a treat."

Seeing his companions happily sitting around the campfire, Li Youfeng could only sigh and sit down as well.

"Hey, You Feng-jun, we meet again." Looking at Li You Feng sitting opposite him, Kajiki Yuta smiled faintly with ill intentions,"I still remember that you were the one who eliminated me in the quarterfinals of the national competition. You didn't use your full strength when you dueled with me, right? Do you think I'm not as good as the insect feather moth, so it's not worth it for you to summon the Skeleton King?"

"Wow~ Aren't you supposed to be picking on the game? Why are you picking on me?"

Li Youfeng secretly complained in his heart, but he kept a warm smile on his face,"What are you talking about? I just simply felt that the deck didn't match yours very well, and I was afraid that it wouldn't work."

"Haha, is that so? So you admit that I am better than the insect feather moth?"

"Well, you could actually say that."

"I am very happy to get your recognition. What's wrong? Don't you want to eat something together?" He handed a grilled fish to Li Youfeng, and Kajiki Yuta's face was full of fighting spirit that could not be concealed.

"No, I'm full just now." After a faint smile, Li Youfeng waved his hand slightly and said,"Besides, not all fish are so easy to catch, right, Kajiki-kun"

"That's right, you are right!" Kajiki Yuta did not change because of Li Youfeng's attitude. He took a big bite of the grilled fish in his hand and then said,"But for an excellent fisherman, if you want to catch the strongest and fattest fish, you need to take the initiative. So, this time I also plan to take the initiative!"

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