"Jounouchi, I have a card for you too."

In order to conceal the secret that he had a storage space, Li Youfeng pretended to take out a card from the card pocket on his waist and placed it on the table.

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)?!"

(In Duel Masters, this card is translated as Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon. In Chinese, it is also called Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon.)

"What is this! What a beautiful, powerful card!"

Seeing this card on the table, Jonouchi and Muto Yugi exclaimed in amazement at the same time.

"This~ Such a precious card, are you really going to give it to me? I~ Am I dreaming?" Compared to Xiaobiao, after seeing this card, Jonouchi was already a little incoherent because of being too excited.

"That's right, Jonouchi, you are not dreaming, accept it."

Looking at Li Youfeng with a sincere face, Jonouchi was so excited that he trembled all over.

"No! I can't take it!"

"What's wrong, Jonouchi, why did you say that? Don't you like this card?"

After closing his eyes and shaking his head fiercely, Jonouchi clenched his fists and continued unwillingly:"I liked this card when I first saw it, but now I don't have the strength to control the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon. This card will only shame it in my hand!"

Seeing that Jonouchi had such an awareness at this stage, Li Youfeng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He really deserves to be the man who slaughtered gods with his mortal body. Jonouchi must have his reasons for becoming a first-class duelist in the end.

"You are wrong, Jonouchi!"

In order to make Jonouchi accept this card, Li Youfeng directly started the mouth cannon mode

"This Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is not only a token of my love, but also a symbol of our friendship and bond! You have great potential, and I believe that you will grow into an outstanding duelist in the future, and this Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon will be your most loyal companion and witness on your growth path!"

"This card will become your spiritual sustenance. It will help you all the way and grow with you. My only hope is that you will not desecrate the friendship between us, and will not do anything to disappoint Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

Thinking that Jonouchi might be controlled by a mentally retarded child in the future, Li Youfeng also prepared a vaccination for the former in advance. Coupled with Jonouchi's own strength, Li Youfeng believed that this card might really be bred into a duel spirit by his unyielding fighting spirit in the near future.

"You Feng!" Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Jonouchi carefully took the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon in his hand. As if he was taking an oath, Jonouchi stared at the card in his hand and said firmly,"I swear, even if it costs my life, I will never violate our friendship, and I will never do anything to let down the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon."

"Great, Jonouchi-kun! With the help of this card, I believe you will be able to achieve a good result in this game!"

"Ah, thank you for your kind words, Yugi! To be honest, I can't wait to find someone to see the powerful power of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon! And I can assert now that with this card, I dare to fight Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon head-on!"

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon: Damn, I'm innocent again!)

"Game, I have a card for you too."

"Huh? Even me?"

"Yes, it is this card, Black Magic Wand (Attack 1600 Defense 100)."

Seeing this card being placed on the table by Li Youfeng, Yugi Muto was immediately attracted by it.

"This card? Another me, do you see it?"

"Ah, aibo! This card is so powerful, and its special effects are perfectly in line with our existing deck tactics. It can be said that this card is just like it was tailor-made for us."

"How about it? Yugi, as a symbol of our friendship and bond, do you like this card?"

Seeing the undisguised excitement on Yugi Muto's face, Li Youfeng was also very proud.

As a card that appeared ahead of time, the Black Magic Wand, which has the ability to retrieve cards and jump to graves, can be said to be one of the must-use cards even in the future duel environment.

Even in some specialized decks, it is not an exaggeration to have three of this card. It is conceivable that in the current duel environment, if this card falls into Wang Yang's hands in advance, what kind of power will it explode?

"I like it, I really like it!" Nodding vigorously, my cousin said happily,"You Fengjun, I have received your kindness. As a symbol of friendship, I will cherish and use this card!"

"Well, I won't say so much thanks. I just heard from the bodyguards on this ship that we will arrive at the Duel Kingdom tomorrow morning. The real battle is still waiting for us. We should hurry up and adjust our decks to face tomorrow's game with the strongest attitude."

"Ah, You Feng is right! This Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is incredible. I think I should rebuild my deck around it!"

"Haha, the effect of this black magic wand is also very powerful. With its help, some of my tactics can be greatly expanded. I will adjust the deck now."

Seeing Jonouchi and Yugi busying themselves with their heads down, Li Youfeng secretly showed a fatherly smile in his heart.

For Yugi Muto, who runs through the entire story line, as the protagonist, he is the real son of destiny. Although he doesn't know how big a wave this butterfly has stirred, it is always right to build a good relationship with the protagonist group in advance.

Besides, if the sky falls, there is someone higher to support it. The stronger the protagonist group is, the safer he will be, right?

If such a good tool person is not used well, how can he complete his beautiful retirement plan of lying down peacefully?

Haven't you seen in a certain theater version, a bear child who has never been beaten by society beat up his cousin, and ended up making Wang Yang, who has returned to the underworld, run away on the spot!

The consequences, tut tut~, are terrible!

(Wang Yang: You dare to hit my aibo, even Jesus can't stop you, I said!!!)

The night passed quickly, and after building their own decks, the three people living in the luxury stateroom also had a good sleep.

The next morning, the cruise ship arrived at the private island of Pegasus, the so-called Duel Kingdom, as scheduled.

The only thing that surprised Li Youfeng was that although everything had been discussed, Anzi and Honda still smuggled to this island as in the original book.

You promised to take care of Jijiang's body before, but the two of you said one thing and did another. How can Jijiang, who loves you, feel embarrassed?

Fortunately, I was smart in advance and kept Izayoi Kaoru at home, otherwise what would you do with Jijiang who has lost his soul and become a vegetable? Do you really think that a vegetable doesn't need to eat, drink, defecate or urinate?

(Chicken sauce: You two unlucky kids, you are so filial to me!)

Without any more accidents, after Pegasus's brief opening speech, the battle of the Duel Kingdom chapter officially started.

As the earliest chicken-eating game in the history of anime, Li Youfeng couldn't help but call Pegasus an expert at this series of operations.

40 players are gambling on this island. There is no limit to the number of bet stars. The time limit is 48 hours. Those who have 10 star pieces can enter the castle and participate in the semi-finals.

It sounds very high-end, but if you actually participate in it in person, it is really full of problems!

No daily necessities are provided for two days, perfunctory duel rules, unstable and unclear venue BUFF bonuses, etc., which make the entire Duel Kingdom chapter highlight four big words: mess!

However, what makes Li Youfeng collapse the most is that the key to determining the outcome of the game is not the duelist at all. 's technical ability and card strength, but"nonsense"!

In a word, whoever can talk nonsense can win in the end!

It's pretty speechless.

Although he has read the original work, Li Youfeng, who has no confidence in his"nonsense", decided to let the two seniors around him try the waters first.

After all, with his help, Jonouchi and Muto Yugi have also strengthened their decks.

He also took this opportunity to systematically learn the skill of"nonsense" from the two big guys, so as to avoid encountering emergencies when it is his turn to play and being unable to deal with them.

After joining Apricot and Honda, this three-person team became a five-person team.

Fortunately, this is a duel beast, otherwise they can really go to fight a certain king pesticide.

(The enemy has thirty seconds to reach the battlefield!)

"Li Youfeng, I am here to seek revenge on you. I will repay all the humiliation you have brought upon me today. Follow me if you have the guts!"

With an abrupt shout, a young man dressed like a cabbage worm appeared in front of Li Youfeng and others. After saying the harsh words, the young man turned around and ran away decisively, which made Li Youfeng, who had just picked up a stone from the ground, couldn't help but call him an expert!

Li Youfeng and others quickly chased after him without thinking too much. After passing through a jungle, two huge game battle arenas appeared in front of them. The insect Yu Moth, as the provocateur, ran swiftly onto one of the arenas, while the other arena was occupied by the cannon fodder player in the original book, the dinosaur Long Qi.

It can be said that fate is so wonderful. The two were killed by Li Youfeng one after another in the national competition, and therefore the seeds of hatred were planted in their hearts. Unexpectedly, in the Duel Kingdom, the two cannon fodder players actually united together.

"Li Youfeng, I was careless and didn't dodge in the national competition, so you had the opportunity. This time the duel is on my home court, and a miracle won't happen again. Are you ready to die?"

"Hey, Yu Moth, it's agreed that You Feng is my prey, so don't snatch it from me!" He glanced expressionlessly at the location of the duel arena where the two were. Sure enough, it was the forest and wilderness terrain that was extremely favorable to them.

Looking at these two annoying flies, Li You Feng, who was quite annoyed, immediately reached out to touch the card set on his waist. However, before he could take out the card set, the insect Yu Moth and the dinosaur Long Qi who were already on the duel arena actually shouted at the same time in panic.

"Muto Yugi, do you dare to fight me when I call you? Haha, you coward are no match for me, but who made you get so close to You Feng? You deserve this fate!"

"Jonouchi, you are a fourth-rate duelist with a third-rate deck, do you have the guts to fight me? You little rubbish, I guess you don't dare!"

""Huh?!" X5 was scared.


You read that right. At the moment when Li Youfeng stretched his hand to his waist, the insect feather moth and the dinosaur Longqi were scared at the same time!

Based on the principle that if I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed, the insect feather moth and the dinosaur Longqi did not think that there was anything wrong with their actions. The two of them put on an attitude of who else but me, but they tacitly did not dare to say a word to provoke Li Youfeng.

"Insect feather moth, how dare you desecrate the friendship between You Feng and I, it is unforgivable! I will not forgive you!" After the Millennium Building Blocks emitted a burst of light, the angry Wang Yang appeared,"I bet on the bond card between You Feng and I, I will definitely defeat you!"

"Dinosaur Ryuzaki, you dare to look down on me! Today I will let you see how powerful your uncle Jonouchi is!"

"Duel!" X4 saw the angry Wang Yang and Jonouchi walk away���The duel arena started their respective battles. With a serious attitude of learning, Li Youfeng naturally began to observe the two people's fighting styles!

Well, the fighting styles of these two people, what the hell do I have to learn?!

Let's talk about Wang Yang first. After the battle started, the insect feather moth first summoned the unicorn beetle (attack power 1500 defense power 2000), and then used the field advantage to increase the attack power by 30%, making it directly become a big monster with an attack power of 1950. Then Wang Yang was not vague and directly summoned the small horned demon (attack power 1300), and then put on a unicorn horn with an attack power of 700 and hit it directly.

The result was good. The insect feather moth directly said nonsense that because my monster was in the forest terrain, it was magic immune and did not eat equipment cards, and then killed Wang Yang's monster in the backhand.

Wang Yang sighed when he saw this, and immediately began to defend silently and draw cards. Seeing this, Li Youfeng actually wanted to remind Insect Feather Moth that Wang Yang now had Exodia in his hand. Under the rules of this game where players cannot be attacked directly, you are going to fight with Wang Yang to consume him? Can you afford it?

Sure enough, when Insect Feather Moth was gloating because he had summoned the big moth and could release poison and reduce attack power, Wang Yang was too lazy to talk back to him.

Without any nonsense, he gathered all five sealed cards of Exodia and slapped them directly on the console. Because of this, Insect Feather Moth became the first victim to be blasted to pieces by the Egyptian Grand Mage since Wang Yang debuted.

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