Seeing Noa's monster charging towards the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Yami Yugi immediately said nervously,"Oh no! The last mammoth has a special effect that makes the other player bear all the battle damage. If this battle succeeds, Kaiba's health will be completely deducted!"

"Don't worry, Yugi!" Patting Dark Yugi's shoulder gently, Li Youfeng said with a smile,"President Kaiba has been prepared for a long time. Didn't you notice his cover card in the backcourt?"

Just as Li Youfeng said, seeing the last mammoth rushing towards him, Kaiba Seto laughed and said,"Naya, just like I said, you don't have a chance to show the so-called bullshit seventh round! Open the cover card and destroy the wheel!" (Original anime effect!)

"This card can destroy a monster, and both players will take damage equal to the monster's ATK!"

"I placed the destruction wheel on the last mammoth, and at the same time activated the quick-attack magic defense wheel!"

"Noa, you have to bear these 800 points of damage by yourself!"

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

Seeing the destruction wheel detonate the last mammoth, a layer of cold sweat seeped out of Noah's forehead. At this critical moment, he suddenly pointed at the Ark of Miracles in the sky and said loudly:"I will activate the third special effect of the Ark of Miracles. By eliminating the monsters on the Ark, I can restore 500 health points for each one!"

"There are now six monsters on the Ark, so I restore 3000 HP!" (Nonsense!)

Seahora LP150﹥2350


Seeing that Naiya actually recovered his health during Kaiba's turn, Li Youfeng touched his chin and smiled contemptuously.

"I remember that this effect can only be activated during the main phase, but I didn't expect Noa to be so desperate and even lie to the president again! From this, it seems that my tips are quite helpful to Kaiba."

"My turn is over."

Since the attack declaration has been made, Noa can only choose to end her turn at this time. Looking at Kaiba Seto in front of her, Noa, who is basically desperate, can only pin her hopes on Kaiba Keipi, the ten thousand year hostage.

"What's wrong, Noa? Didn't you say you wanted to show me your true strength?"

Looking at Noa, who was no longer protected by any monsters, Kaiba Seto pointed at Noa.

"I don't want to waste my time talking to you anymore. This round, I'm going to finish you off! My turn, draw a card!"

Kaiba Seto drew a card from the deck, put it in his hand, and gave the order.

"Noah, this boring game ends here!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack directly!"


"Haha~ Seto, look who this is?"

Just when Kaiba Seto gave the order to attack, a hole the size of a person appeared in front of Noa. In full view of everyone, Kaiba Keihei opened his arms to block Noa.

At this time, Kaiba Keihei's eyes were dull, and even the focus in his pupils could not be seen. His appearance was obviously controlled by someone.

"Naiya, you are really a despicable villain!" He slowly put down the arm that was pointing at Naiya. Kaiba Seto was mentally prepared and did not panic like in the original anime.

"Hehe~ How about it, Seto, can you still calmly launch an attack against your own brother?"

(This is the original anime scene. I don't know how many friends were furious when they saw this! )

Thinking that she has completely mastered Kaiba Seto, Noa's face is full of smug smiles

"Come on, call me quickly! Just like you abandoned Keipi before, there is no need to show mercy!"


He suddenly burst into laughter, glared at Noa and said coldly:"I have never abandoned Keipi, and I will never abandon Keipi!"

"The reason why I did that back then was actually to protect Keipi, because Kaiba Gosaburo had no intention of treating us well, and our value to him was at best just a pawn that could be used!"

"Keipi! I know you can hear me!"

Pointing at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in front of him, Kaiba Seto shouted loudly:"Keipi, do you see this monster? This is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This is the bond between us. This is our common ideal! Didn't you say that you would follow me to build the most luxurious, beautiful and interesting amusement park in the world?"

"Guiping! You are not such a coward. Haven't we been through so many ups and downs together? Do you want to fall down here and be controlled by this shameless and despicable villain?"

"Answer me! Keipi!!!"


Along with Kaiba Seto's deafening roar, two lines of hot tears slowly flowed from Kaiba Keihei's eyes. The figure of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was reflected in his pupils, and the arms that were blocking Kaiba Seto slowly dropped.

"How is this possible?!"


Seeing that Keipi gradually regained consciousness with his own willpower, Noa was completely panicked at this time.

"Damn it, I will never let you recover!"

Seeing Keipi start to move towards the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Naiya quickly reached out to grab him, but at this moment, something strange happened!


With a crisp sound, Naiya's hand that wanted to grab Keipi was suddenly slapped away. In Naiya's incredible eyes, a blue-eyed, silver-haired girl appeared in front of him out of thin air and gently embraced Keipi.

"You? Who are you? How did you appear?"


Looking at the angry expression on the face of the young girl, Noa, who was confused about the situation, was completely shocked.

In fact, not only Noa was confused on the spot, but even Kaiba Seto, Muto Yugi and other protagonists were also stunned by the sudden appearance of the silver-haired girl.

"Who is that girl?"

"How did she appear?"

"Why did she protect Keipi?"

These three questions popped up in everyone's mind at the same time. However, the only one who didn't react was Li Youfeng, who had already discovered the existence of the blue-eyed girl.

Leaning over Kaiba Keipi's ear, the beautiful blue-eyed girl whispered in a voice that only Keipi could hear:"Keipi, it's time to go home. Set is waiting for you."

(For popular science, the homonym of Seto in Japanese is Seto. Now everyone should understand it, right?)


Just like waking up from a dream, the girl's sweet voice awakened Keipi's sleeping soul like a wind chime. His eyes were full of color again, and Kaiba Keipi ran towards Kaiba Seto with excitement.


He happily hugged his brother. When Kaiba Seto looked up again, the blue-eyed girl had already disappeared without a trace.

"Seto! How dare you use witchcraft!"

Noa felt a clear pain in her hand and gritted her teeth.

"Witchcraft? Humph! Are you kidding me? I never thought that you, who claim to be the creator, would say something so unscientific. How stupid!"

"What about that girl who just appeared on the field? She doesn't look like a human being at all!"

"Enough! I don't want to listen to your boring nonsense anymore!"Raising his hand to interrupt Noa's words, Kaiba Seto turned his head and looked at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on his own field,"You bastard who tried to threaten me with Keipi, I will make you pay for what you did now!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack directly!"

""Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"

Strong wind pressure slowly gathered in the mouth of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and a huge white light bomb was ejected from the dragon's mouth and hit Noa fiercely.

"We won! The president did a great job this time!"

The field was empty, and with the loss of Kaiba Keipi's shield, Li Youfeng was quite happy when he saw Naiya with a gloomy face.

"Damn Seto, you actually pushed me to this point, it seems I still underestimated you."

However, just when Li Youfeng thought that this wave was stable, Naya~ shamelessly talked nonsense to the president again.

"But this doesn't mean that I have lost. Now, I will let you see the ultimate special power of the Ark of Miracles!"

"I destroy the Ark of Miracles and Special Summon the Leader of my Deck!"

""Celestial King Shinate!" (Attack 3300, Defense 3000)

Seeing the monster suddenly appearing on Noa's field, Yami Yugi shouted in disbelief:"Attack 3300 points? Oh no, Kaiba has already launched an attack. The attack power of Blue-Eyes White Dragon cannot compare to that of Celestial King Shinate!"

""Oh my god!"

Li Youfeng said that he was completely numb when he saw that Naia actually summoned a ritual monster during the president's turn.

In fact, in the original anime, Naia also talked nonsense about the president, because there was such a passage in the original book, that is, after Kaiba Seto launched the final battle, Naia actually let the Ark of Miracles go on the field and fight against the Blue-Eyes White Dragon?!

I still remember that when I saw this passage, Li Youfeng almost fell to his knees, because how could you have imagined that a ritual magic card could actually run to the field and fight against a monster card?!

This What is this operation?

What is the principle?

After finding this card from his Void Deck, Li Youfeng became even more annoyed, because this card actually has only one effect, which is the ritual magic used to summon the Celestial King Xinat. The other effects are nothing!


Just as Li Youfeng's mouth twitched as he looked at this ritual magic card, the Celestial King also clashed with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon, with an attack power of only 3,000 points, was naturally no match for the Celestial King. After a simple encounter, it was directly smashed into pieces.

"The special effect of Celestial King Sinatra is activated!"

Not only did he get an 8-star ritual monster for free during Kaiba's turn, but Noa also activated his ability to talk nonsense.

"When Celestial King Shinate destroys the opponent's monster, he will also inflict damage to the opponent by half of his HP, and that half of the HP damage will be added to me!"

(The original effect of the anime, the author is already too weak to complain!)


Is this an effect?

This is simply a village rule!

In fact, the effect of this card is that when destroying a monster in defense position on the opponent's field, it can inflict damage to the opponent by the same amount as the attack power of the destroyed monster. As for the effect of this monster now, it is completely nonsense that Noah made up on the spot!

Even the miracle Ark Ritual Magic Card was made up by him on the spot. After all, a card that is not even a monster can actually become the leader of a deck, and it has as many as four extremely perverted special effects. Special command effect, who are you kidding?

What's even more ridiculous is that the Ark of Miracles uses the story of Noah's Ark. The style of your Celestial King Sinatra is obviously a bit wrong?

Although this monster is indeed an angel, it is obvious from its appearance that it does not believe in God!

Do you really think everyone is an idiot and can't understand?

He quickly found the Celestial King Sinatra card from the Void Deck. Li Youfeng said that he wanted to rush out with this card and give it to President Kaiba. After all, based on President Kaiba's strength, it should be impossible for him to lose to this little brat in a real-life PK!

(Li Youfeng: Hehehe~! President, this is going to���If I punch her, Noa will probably cry for a long time! )

Kaiba Seto LP1600﹥1300﹥650

Kaiba Noa LP2350﹥3000

"Hahaha, what do you think, Seto? The situation has been reversed now. You have no chance of winning against the King of Heaven!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Noa, since your Miracle Ark has been destroyed, all the monsters that originally belonged to me have returned to my graveyard!"

Pointing to the last face-up card on his field, Kaiba Seto said loudly:"Now, I'm going to open the face-up card and activate it, Resurrection of the Dead!"

"Come back, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Defensive statement!"


Seeing that Kaiba Seto actually chose to defend, Kaiba Keihei, who had regained consciousness, immediately shouted nervously.

""Keiping, don't worry. As your brother, I will never lose to such a despicable person!" With a confident smile on his face, Kaiba Seto looked at Keiping and raised his hand to take out another card.

"I cover a card on top of my backcourt and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon curled up in a ball, Noa had a smug smile on her face.

"Seto, you don't think that you won't get hurt if you're on defense, do you? Haha, you're really naive!"

"Heavenly King Sinatra, attack the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Six Paths of Reincarnation!"


With an explosion, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was destroyed again and sent to the cemetery.

"The special effect of Celestial King Sinatra is activated!"

"While destroying the opponent's monster, inflict half of the opponent's health as damage, and add it to my health!"

Seahorse Seto LP650 ﹥ 325

Seahorse Noa LP3000 ﹥ 3325

"Hahaha, what do you think, Seto? You should be glad that I didn’t draw a monster card this turn, otherwise, you would have been completely defeated by me!"

"But it doesn’t matter!"

"Your health points are already like a candle in the wind. I will completely kill you in the next round. I advise you to take this opportunity to say goodbye to your brother and friends!"


Extra Chapter 3

(Note: After the end of this extra chapter, there will be about three extra chapters that will not be accepted by readers, because the author's energy and length are very tight, so it is definitely not possible to take care of most readers. Please understand.)

Tong Shiye, Leping General Hospital.

On the day of the Duel City competition, a handsome young man in white sportswear came to Leping General Hospital holding a bunch of freshly picked carnations.

"Miss, may I ask if there is a girl named Mo in the hospital here?"

""Wow! So handsome!" The busy young nurse looked up at the young man and was instantly fascinated by his handsome appearance.

The young man had brown hair, sword-like eyebrows, a high nose bridge, perfect facial features, and the electronic dragon core earrings on his left ear, which made the young man gentle as jade and added a bit of indescribable wildness.

Seeing that the young nurse was blushing and speechless because of her appearance, the young man was also quite speechless.

It took a long time for the young man to use a fake contact method to exchange the information he wanted from the nurse. On the third floor of the inpatient department, after arriving at the door of the ward, the young man suddenly became nervous. After repeatedly checking his hairstyle and clothes, he mustered up the courage to knock on the door of the ward.

"Junior sister, are you in there?"

"Who is it?"

Hearing the familiar voice, the young man couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile on his face.

"It's me, little sister. When I heard that you were hospitalized in Sakura Country, I rushed to see you as soon as possible. I... eh? ?"

The young man pushed the door and walked into the ward. At first glance, he saw the lovely girl he had been thinking about. However, what the young man didn't expect was that the little sister he had a crush on was not lying on the bed at this time.

"Hey! It's Yunuo, what brings you, a crybaby, here?"

""Xing Ziyang? You bastard, you're still alive?"

Seeing Xing Ziyang lying on the hospital bed, Yunuo felt like his lungs were about to explode.

(The final destination of every Caesar is either a wheelchair or a hospital bed!)

If we talk about this, we have to start from the time when he was studying at the Electronic Flow.

When Yunuo first entered the mountain gate, he fell in love with the gentle and lovely Mo at first sight. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Mo already had someone in his heart at that time.

Looking at Xing Ziyang playing with Mo every day, the young Yunuo felt uncomfortable. It was not until Xing Ziyang had no news for more than ten years after he left the apprenticeship that Yunuo, who thought he had let down his little sister, made up her mind and began to pursue Mo.

Unfortunately, Mo always remembered the childhood promise and had been waiting for that person to come back.

Sighing at Mo's infatuation, Yunuo became more and more infatuated with his little sister, and therefore regarded Xing Ziyang as his biggest rival in love.

"Hehe!"After hearing what Yunuo said, Xing Ziyang shrugged nonchalantly,"How could I possibly walk ahead of you before I danced on your grave?""


Is this human language?

After hearing this, Yunuo instantly became furious!

"You bastard, do you know how Junior Sister has been through all these years because of you? You ungrateful bastard! How dare you betray your master! I'm going to duel with you right now, for the reputation of the Electronic Flow!"

"Hey, Yunuo, what are you doing? Rabbit is very weak now, he needs more rest, if you are ok, please go first!…?!"

"Junior Sister, this bastard is…"


With a trace of anger on his delicate face, Mo directly pushed Yunuo out of the ward.

"Yunuo! I'm not saying anything bad to you, Junior Sister. Rabbit's health is not good. Can't you be more considerate of him when you're already that old?"

"What? I gave in to him? �� With a surprised expression on his face , Yunuo was immediately a little unhappy

"Hey, little senior sister, that bastard is three years older than me, and you want me to give in to him?"

"Oh! Don't be so fussy about such a small matter. Besides, you look and are more mature mentally. How can you act like a child when you are so old?"

"Me! This! You?"


At this time, Yunuo said that he was a little numb.

"Eh? It's wife cake! Did you bring it from China? It just so happens that Rabbit also likes to eat this snack since he was a child! Okay, I accept the gift. If you have nothing to do, go back quickly! Our master is old, and he can't live without someone to take care of him!"

"No~ I didn't buy it for him, Junior Sister,…!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Yunuo was pushed into the elevator by Mo. As if she had thought of something, Mo smiled and said to Yunuo,"Junior brother, you are now the leader of our electronic school. Today, Tong Shiye has held an unprecedented duel event. If you can win the title of duel king, I promise to make you your favorite Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!"

"Duel King? Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!!!"

He walked out of the general hospital door absentmindedly, looking at the duelists everywhere on the street, and a blazing fire gradually ignited in Yunuo's eyes.

"Junior sister made Buddha Jumps Over the Wall for me?! Haha! Nice! This is what I want!"

When Yunuo thought about being alone with the junior sister he secretly loved, a very obscene smile instantly appeared on his face.

"Isn't it just the Duel King? With my strength, shouldn't it be easy to defeat him?"

After wiping the saliva that accidentally flowed from the corner of his mouth, Yunuo showed his duel disk and actively began to look for an opponent to duel with.

Two hours later

"I banish all three Cyber Dragon monsters in the Graveyard and Fusion Summon them!"

"Cyber End Dragon!" (Attack 4000 Defense 2800)

"Next, the magic card quick attack is activated!"

"This card allows the Fusion Monster to attack the moment the fusion is successful!"

"This is the final blow, die!"


With a scream, a duelist fell in front of Yunuo again.

"Okay, according to the rules of the competition, hand over all your most precious rare cards and puzzle cards!"

"Woo~ Damn it, I finally got this rare card!"

Unwillingly, he handed the bet agreed upon before the game to Yunuo, and the duelist collapsed to the ground with a look of dejection.

"Humph, now I already have two puzzle cards!"

Walking out of the alley, Yunuo looked at the puzzle cards and rare cards in his hand, and rubbed his hair in annoyance.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many people taking advantage of the situation in this duel competition, especially with the puzzle cards. It's really hard to find duelists above level five!"

"Are you looking for a duel too?"

Just as Yunuo was thinking about his next opponent, a voice came from not far away from him.

"Um���"Yes!" Looking at the young man in a suit in front of him, Yunuo nodded quickly,"Do you have a puzzle card? So you are also a duelist?"

"That's right!" The young man in a suit gently adjusted his glasses with a scornful smile on his face,"From your accent, you should be a duelist from China. If I'm not mistaken, you should be the current leader of the Chinese electronic school, Yunuo, right?"

"You know me?"

Yunuo's expression gradually became serious after his past was exposed by the other party.

"That's for sure!" The young man in the suit smiled and said,"I have a general understanding of the main guild members of the Holy Hanno Knights. For example, your senior brother Xing Ziyang was killed by me."


His pupils shrank suddenly, and Yunuo suddenly remembered something.

"A black suit, gold-rimmed glasses, a pair of demure villain outfits, and always holding some strange dolls in your hands. Are you the Golden Death God of the Kryptonian Guild, Xingfeng?!"

"I never thought that my name would be remembered by the current head of Huaxia Electronics. It is such an honor for me!"

Putting the frog doll in his hand on his shoulder, Xing Feng said with a smile:"Today's fortune is not too good for me, but I have prepared a yellow frog doll, and I also wore green socks, and I left the room at nine o'clock. The fried eggs for breakfast were medium-rare, the milk was turned off before it foamed, and the bread was spread with fresh garlic in advance, so my fortune now is perfect!"

"Damn! Are you crazy?"

I've heard that the golden god of death seems to have some quirks. Until this moment, Yunuo really experienced what paranoia is.

The black duel disk on the back of his hand was lit up, and Xingfeng made a very elegant gesture of invitation.

"Then please let me start today's hunt, Yunuo, your soul will be harvested by me!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Yunuo said loudly, preparing for a duel,"Don't compare me with that idiot Xing Ziyang. Just like my master said, Sebadoragon is the strongest school. I can't be defeated by you so easily!"

"Humph~ Yunuo, I'm sorry to tell you that the divination prediction has clearly stated that your fortune today is extremely bad!"

"Duel!" X2

Yunuo LP4000

Xingfeng LP4000 looked up at the sky, and Xingfeng smacked his lips and said,"My luck today is not suitable for taking the initiative, so I'll let you take it.""

"Oh, oh? Let me go first, sure, it's my turn, draw a card!"

With a confident smile on his face, Yunuo raised his hand and pulled out a card.

"Magic Card Emergency SOS Electronic Launch!"

"The effect of this card is that you can add a Cyber Dragon monster from your deck to your hand!"

"Next, I Normal Summon, Cyber Dragon Core!"

"The special effect of the Cyber Dragon Core is activated"

"When this card activates its effect, you can add a Spell or Trap Card with a Cybernetic or Artificial Brain to your hand."

"Magic card fusion activated!"

"I send three Cyber Dragon monsters to the Graveyard and Fusion Summon them!"

"Cyber Dragon! Defense Position!"(Attack 2800 Defense 4000)

"Next, I cover a card in my backcourt, and my turn is over!"

Looking at Yunuo ending his turn, Xing Feng adjusted his glasses with an extremely elegant posture. He looked as if he felt quite bored, and shook his head slightly and said:"Same routine as Xing Ziyang, so you guys in the Electronic Dragon School are really a group of stubborn guys."

"Ah? What do you want to say?"When Yunuo heard Xing Feng insulting his beliefs, veins immediately appeared on his face."I might as well tell you that my electronic permanent dragon is……"

"I know the effect of this monster, so you don't need to explain it to me. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Interrupting Yunuo's words, Xingfeng quickly started his turn.

"Magic card, Black Awakening Eldrish activated!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon an Eldridge Monster from your deck."

"Come out, immortal golden lord Eldridge!"(Attack power 2500 Defense power 2800)

"Angel's Charity is activated, I draw three cards from my deck and discard two!"

"Continuous magic card, the Seven Heavens of the Golden City is activated!"

"Then, the magic card White Fate's Eldrish is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that when you have Eldridge on your field, you can select an Undead monster from the Graveyard to Special Summon. I choose to Special Summon Vampire Scarlet Scourge!" (Attack 2200 Defense 2200)

"The effect of the Continuous Magic Card Golden Town's Seven Sky Sky is activated. When an Undead-Type monster is Special Summoned, you can choose a Magic Card or Trap Card on the field that cannot activate its effect. I choose the face-up card on your backfield!"

"What?!"Seeing Xing Feng blocking his cover card so casually, Yunuo's forehead immediately broke out in cold sweat,"The Golden Grim Reaper is indeed worthy of its reputation, but my Cyber-Permanent Dragon has a defense of 4000 points, he will definitely not be able to beat it."

Without noticing Yunuo's expression, Xing Feng continued his operation.

"The special effect of Vampire Crimson Scourge is activated, and by paying 1000 life points, I can Special Summon a Vampire monster from the Graveyard!"


"Vampire Red Baron!" (Attack 2400 Defense 1000)

"I Normal Summon a Vampire's Familiar, in Attack Position!"(Attack 500 Defense 0)

"Then pay 1000 HP to exchange control with the Cyber Dragon on your field!"

Xingfeng LP4000>3000>2000

""Oh my god!" Seeing the monster on his field suddenly turned into a small bat, Yunuo immediately widened his eyes,"Oh no, I was careless, I should have buried a fusion monster in the graveyard in advance!"

Yunuo hit his head hard and regretted it. In fact, his cover card was the weakness of the attack. It was only because the current duel rules made it impossible for the fusion monster to fight immediately. So in order to save cards in his hand, Yunuo planned to delay the decision until the next round.

"Sorry, you lose!"Giving a cold look to Yunuo, Xing Feng directly gave the order to attack.

"Golden Lord, Vampire Red Baron, Scarlet Scourge, attack me!"

"Damn it!!!"

Unable to activate the Trap Card, Yunuo could only reluctantly endure the beating of three monsters.

Yunuo LP4000﹥0

"Okay, according to the agreement, hand over your puzzle card!"Walking in front of Yunuo, Xing Feng said lightly

"Damn, you really are worthy of being the Golden God of Death. But don’t be complacent, I will never underestimate you next time!"

"Humph, it's no use saying all this. You electronic flow guys are all the same. You are no match for me at all. What's more, I have perfectly avoided some bad luck factors. Today, I am in a very perfect condition!"

Xing Feng took out a milk lollipop from his pocket and put it directly into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Yunuo asked in confusion:"How old are you?"

"Humph, what do you know?"Xing Feng glanced at Yunuo with contempt,"My fortune today is that after the duel, I must eat a milk lollipop made from colostrum from a newly born calf produced in the Mongolian grasslands. Otherwise, my originally perfect fortune will turn into bad luck. Of course, these words……"

""Hey, are you a duelist? Jigsaw puzzle card? Great, I'm in a hurry, so let's have a duel and bet on the puzzle cards in our hands!"

Before they could finish their words, a boy with a golden starfish hairstyle, a blue school uniform and an upside-down pyramid hanging from his chest appeared in front of them.

"Oh? Challenge me, interesting, let's get started!" Xing Feng straightened his golden glasses very elegantly, and licked the corner of his mouth slightly in a very obscene way.

Ten minutes later!

"The Black Magician attacks directly!"

"Black magic!"

"Ah! This is impossible!"

Knocked to the ground by the black magician, Xing Feng knelt on the ground with a decadent look on his face. It seemed that the young man was really in a hurry, so after getting the puzzle card, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Looking at the confused Xing Feng, Yunuo couldn't help but asked:"Didn't you say that your luck was perfect today? How could it be?"

"Pah!" Xing Feng spit out the lollipop in his mouth and said with gritted teeth,"Damn, unscrupulous merchants, I was wondering why this milk candy tastes weird, it turns out it's Sanlu brand, I've been eating it for so long, damn!!"

(Yunuo:"No wonder I thought there was something wrong with your IQ, so this is the problem!")

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