"Hmph, Naiya, your childish behavior is really boring!" With Kaiba Seto's intelligence, the moment Naiya opened her mouth to refute Li Youfeng, he had already discovered the hidden message.

That is, Li Youfeng was reminding him in disguise that Naiya was going to"turn the table" again.

"Shut up!"

Having Li Youfeng expose her true colors and being mocked by Kaiba Seto, Naiya, who was already quite unconvinced, was already furious.

"Giant Rex, attack the Spear Dragon!"

After receiving Naia's order, Giant Rex bit the Spear Dragon's neck and threw it out with force. The Spear Dragon screamed when it hit a rock and turned into pieces that dissipated on the ground.

"After attacking, the Spear Dragon will be in defense mode. Thanks to this monster, Seto, you don't have to lose health."

"Heh~, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you blind? Don't you realize that I have the upper hand in terms of health now?"

In response to Noa's ridicule, President Kaiba said that he would not indulge him.

"Seto, stop deceiving yourself. Are you still unwilling to admit that I am better than you?"

He pointed to the sky, and a round sphere emitting silver-white light slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

"See? That is where my consciousness is. Since I lost my body, I have been learning all the knowledge of this world there."

"From the humanities to common sense, I can grasp all the knowledge that you will not be able to learn in five, ten, or even a hundred years in life in just a few seconds!"

"Now I am almost omnipotent. As long as I can make reasonable use of the technology of the Seahorse Group, what is impossible for me to become the new creator of this world?"


After hearing what Noa said, Kaiba Seto burst into laughter.

"Originally I had some expectations, thinking that you would be able to say something that would interest me, but what I didn't expect was that you, who thought you could surpass me, actually said a lot of complaints. How could this not make me laugh?"

"As for the things you have mastered, my laptop can also do it. This is exactly the difference between humans and computers. If you talk nonsense about ruling the world, it's just your excessive self-awareness."

"I'm going to say something you don't want to hear. Right now, you are just an artificial intelligence computer. Do you still want to dream of becoming the creator of the world? I advise you not to take yourself too seriously!" With a dangerous look in her eyes, Noa pointed at Kaiba Seto and said,"That's why my father left you to me. As long as I can surpass this final test of yours, I can get everything I want in the end!"

"You said I was the last test left for you by Kaiba Gosaburo? Haha~, stop deceiving yourself, Noa!"

As if he had seen through Kaiba Gosaburo's thoughts, Kaiba Seto sneered and said,"In fact, you have already realized it a long time ago, right? That man has begun to distrust you, otherwise he would never do such an unnecessary thing as training me!"

"The tragedy that happened to you has nothing to do with me, and I have no obligation to pay for you!"

"Just as you said just now, you can learn knowledge in a very short period of time that a person may not be able to learn in his entire life. However, the price of having this ability is that your thinking will become mechanical, and your emotions will become increasingly weak. You have even lost the most basic conscience of being a human being. How can you gain the trust of Kaiba Gosaburo?"

"Hehe, Seto, you got one thing wrong. I haven't lost my humanity, but I have surpassed human emotions!"Noa sneered at Kaiba Seto and said calmly,"Now I have abandoned my human identity and embarked on the path of the Creator."

"You can call yourself a creator by making something fake like this? Are you kidding me?!"

"Then let's test whether I really understand human nature!" Slowly stretching out three fingers, Naia said with a smile,"I predict in the name of the Creator that in the third round of the creation of heaven and earth, something will appear that will shake you. My round is over!"

"What did you say? Make me waver?"

"Kaiba!"Just when Kaiba Seto was puzzled, Li Youfeng, who was standing aside and watching the game, spoke again with a sly smile on his face.

"If you use your brain, you will know the answer. What he said about being able to shake you is nothing more than trying to use Keipi as his shield."

"If I'm not mistaken, this guy must have used some despicable means to control Keipi's mind. As for how to free Keipi from hypnosis, it depends on your means!"


After hearing Li Youfeng's words, not only Kaiba Seto's forehead was throbbing with anger, but even Muto Yugi and other members of the main cast were filled with righteous indignation.

"What's the point of the Creator making prophecies? After all this fuss, you actually hypnotized someone's brother and took him hostage. Noah, you are too shameless!" Thinking of the time when he was controlled by Malik and had a life-and-death duel with Yugi, Jonouchi was the first to stand up and curse Noah.

"Noah! You are such a despicable person who plays with people's hearts. You actually did such a despicable thing. It's simply unforgivable!"After transforming his body into Yami Yugi, Wang Yang also expressed strong indignation at such a despicable behavior.

"After all this time, you actually used such a despicable method. I really thought you could defeat President Kaiba in an upright manner!"As a strong woman, Peacock Dance also has the dignity of being a duelist, so she hates this kind of cheating in a duel the most.



"This is the Creator? Pah!"

As a fan group, Masaki Anzi, Honda and Mika Ryuji spoke without hesitation, and the atmosphere at the scene made Noa's face change again and again.

"Damn it, how could it become like this!"

His past was once again exposed by Li Youfeng in public. At this moment, Naiya felt like he was screwed.

"Li Youfeng! You~you~!"Pointing at the culprit's nose, Naiya, who was in a state of mental breakdown, couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

(Li Youfeng: Lululu, what can you do to me?)

""You despicable bastard, so this is what you have been planning all along!"


At this time, President Kaiba said that he was furious!

Looking back at Li Youfeng, Kaiba Seto asked with a gloomy face:"Youfeng! How did you judge that this bastard would use Keipi to deal with me?"

"The answer is very simple, because your brother is a hostage for ten thousand years~ Bah!"

Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Li Youfeng quickly changed his words and said:"Because we are the only one who has not shown up. When it comes to things that can shake you, President Kaiba, there are only two things: the duel and Keiping. In addition, let me remind you that perhaps the Blue-Eyes White Dragon can help you, so that Keiping can regain consciousness completely. As for how to do this, I am not sure about this."

"I understand!" Facing Noa again, Kaiba Seto said calmly,"Your suggestion is very useful to me. I would like to say thank you here."

"Noa, I declare here!"

With the blue-white fighting spirit entangled all over his body and the momentum rising due to anger, Kaiba Seto pointed at Noa's nose and shouted:"In the next duel, I will break your ambition and completely smash your so-called seven rounds of creation of heaven and earth!"

Just as Kaiba Seto made the declaration, Li Youfeng suddenly discovered that a blue-eyed white dragon appeared faintly behind the former, roaring angrily!

Above the head of the blue-eyed white dragon, Li Youfeng also clearly saw a young girl with silver hair and blue eyes standing there, also looking directly at Noa with anger on her face!

"That's ~ the blue-eyed girl?!"

Seeing Kaiba Seto's duel spirit clearly, Li Youfeng finally understood why the world rules only allowed Kaiba Seto to use the White Dragon deck.

The man favored by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was so terrifying. No matter what he had done before, at least now Kaiba Seto had completely abandoned the heart of darkness and grew into a true duelist.

His beliefs and will were recognized by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, thus awakening the duel spirit that belonged only to Kaiba Seto!

At this moment, the destined Lord of the White Dragon had begun to slowly wake up because of anger!

""Haha, the president won't fail again this time!"

Li Youfeng laughed heartily when he saw this scene. In fact, in the original anime, Kaiba Seto had at least two chances to win the duel with Noa!

Because of this damn plot killing, President Kaiba was willing to be turned into a stone statue in order to save his brother.

I still remember that when I saw this scene in the anime when I was a child, Li Youfeng almost exploded his lungs.

I can tolerate nonsense, card printing, and fabricated deck leader skills, but what the hell is using someone's brother as a shield in a duel?

And the seven rounds created by heaven and earth?

In fact, everyone who has read the original anime knows very well that strictly speaking, President Kaiba only took three rounds to completely flatten you, so how could he let you play for seven rounds?

What a big joke!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the only two cards left in his hand, Kaiba's face was not panicked, but instead had a confident smile on his face.

"I will place a card on the backfield, and then I will activate the magic card Life-threatening Treasure!"

"The effect of this card is to draw cards from the deck until you have five cards in your hand, and at the start of your fifth standby phase after this card is activated, send all cards in your hand to the graveyard."

Seeing that the empty-handed Kaiba president had refilled his hand in an instant, Li Youfeng couldn't help but privately play a 666 on the former.

"Now, I'm going to open the cover card that I just covered on the field!"

"Ancient rules are activated!"

"This card's effect is to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher Normal Monster from your hand."

"My pride, my soul, my most faithful servant!"

"Heed your master's call and come now!"

"Blue Aizi~White Dragon!" (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

"Next, I will activate Angel's Gift, draw three cards from the deck, and discard two!"


"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, let your enemies tremble at your mighty power!"

"Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"

Feeling the master's anger deeply, a white shock wave gushed out from the mouth of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and the Giant Rex was directly hit by the light wave, turning into fragments and disappearing on Noa's field.

Seahorse Noa LP1300﹥300.

Taking out two cards again, Kaiba Seto said loudly:"I cover two cards on my field, my turn is over!"

"Humph, is this the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon? It really lives up to its reputation!"

Faced with the powerful pressure from the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Noa has become serious at this moment.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate the magic card, Deepest Impact!" (The original card in the anime is actually a fake card!)

As the magic card was activated, the sky suddenly turned red. Just as Li Youfeng said, meteorites flew from the universe and suddenly hit the surface of the earth. Even the blue-eyed monster on Kaiba Seto's field���Dragons are also inevitably hit hard by meteorites

"Haha, Seto, the effect of Deepest Impact can not only destroy all monsters on the field, but also reduce the health of both players by half at the same time. Now, give me blood!"

Kaiba Noa LP300>150

Kaiba Seto LP3200>1600

The smoke and dust dissipated, and snowflakes gradually fell from the sky. However, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that was supposed to be destroyed by the meteorite still stood on Kaiba Seto's field.

"Why? Why was the Blue-Eyes White Dragon not destroyed?"After seeing this scene, Noa couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"The answer is simple!"Raising a finger, Kaiba Seto explained expressionlessly,"I admit that the effect of Miracle Ark is indeed very powerful, but it can only absorb monster cards that enter the graveyard, and it is powerless against magic cards and trap cards!"

"Thanks to You Feng's reminder, I already knew that you would use indiscriminate destruction, so I threw the Gospel of Resurrection into the cemetery in advance."

"The effect of this card is that when a Dragon-Type monster on your field is destroyed by battle or effect, you can banish this card from your Graveyard instead."

"Because of this, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon will remain on my field!"With anger flashing in his eyes, Naiya glared at Li Youfeng fiercely and then raised his hand to show a card.

"I'm going to activate the magic card Ice Age Panic!"

"This card can only be activated when there are no cards on your field, and you can Special Summon a monster with Earth attribute from your deck."

"Kaiba, now I will let you know that even the powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragon has to bow down before my creation of heaven and earth!"

"Come out, the last mammoth!" (Attack 800) (Anime original card, no doubt, this is a fake card!)


"The last mammoth attacks the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

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