Seeing Jonouchi actually launched an attack, Honda, as Jonouchi's friend, shouted in confusion:"Jounouchi! What are you doing? The attack power of the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is not as strong as that of the Black Magician Cavalry. Are you trying to die?"

"No, Jonouchi must have his own reasons for doing this! He must be hiding something!" After spending so much time with Jonouchi, Kongquewu has also learned a lot about him.

"Please, Brother Youfeng, you must hold on! Humph, brother is so bad that he actually teamed up with others to besiege Brother Youfeng. It's really too much."As Li Youfeng's little fan, Kawai Shizuka expressed extreme dissatisfaction with Jonouchi's behavior.

""Huh? ?!!"

Hearing Shizuka's words, Honda, Ryuji Miga, Mamoru and Anko Masaki immediately showed an embarrassed expression. The feeling of being backstabbed by their own sister was simply too good. They didn't know how Jonouchi would react after hearing this.

In fact, just as Mamoru said, seeing the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon rushing towards him, a bad premonition surged into Li Youfeng's heart.

Especially when he saw the two covered cards on Jonouchi's field, Li Youfeng immediately realized what this kid wanted to do.

"Open the card, angel's dice!"

(The author has explained in the previous article that the dice effect will be changed after the end of the city chapter, so in order to avoid confusion, the dice used here are all real card effects)


Li Youfeng couldn't help but swear when he saw Jonouchi playing with the dice. It was he who reminded Jonouchi of this idea, and even the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon was originally his.

This feeling of shooting oneself in the foot was simply too good. Seeing the dice points slowly stop at six, Li Youfeng said that he couldn't help but want to curse!

The strength of the Las Vegas knife was so terrifying. It was not until this moment that Li Youfeng realized how terrible the luck of Jonouchi, this idiot, was!

"Hahaha, six o'clock! You Feng, you're done this time!" With a gloating smile on his face, Jonouchi announced happily,"Because of the effect of the angel dice, the attack power of my Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon has increased by 600 points again!"

Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon's attack power 4000UP!

""Oh no, even though the attack power has been improved, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is still no match for the Black Magician Cavalry!"

Although there is only a 400-point difference, An Yugi knows that if he can't pin Li Youfeng to the ground completely in this round, who knows what this guy will suddenly pull out.

After a chuckle, looking at the solemn face of An Yugi, Jonouchi patted his chest and said in a somewhat obscene manner:"Yugi, don't worry, I have already calculated it and opened another covered card!"

"Devil's dice!"

"This card rolls a dice, then selects a monster on your opponent's field and reduces its attack power by the number of points rolled x 100."

"Damn~ I knew you would cover this card!"

Looking at a red dice thrown by Jonouchi on the duel field, Li Youfeng said that he could almost choose to lie down now.

Glancing calmly at the last covered card on his backcourt, Li Youfeng was also rapidly calculating the damage he would suffer in his mind.

Just when Li Youfeng was secretly calculating how to break the game, the devil's dice also stopped on the duel field. Looking at the big six points on the red dice, Li Youfeng felt that he was extremely aggrieved at the moment. Li Youfeng

:"This is not scientific!!!"

Jonouchi:"Hehe, six points again! Youfeng, I'm so sorry, it seems that the goddess of luck is still on my side!"

Li Youfeng:"This is not a question of whether the goddess of luck stands on your side or not. I can now completely suspect that you are her illegitimate child!"

Jonouchi:"Haha, there's no point in saying more! Due to the effect of the devil's dice, the attack power of the Super Magic Cavalry is reduced by 600 points. In addition, the devil's dice is an effect that does not take a target, so the attack power of Labiris on your field will also be reduced by 600 points."

(Note: Because some people don't understand why the Silver City Lord also loses attack power, the author has specially modified it.)

Super Magic Cavalry's attack power is 3800.

Silver City Lord Labiris's attack power is 2300.

The noble effect of not taking a target, there is nothing you can do about it!

"You Feng, you are out of options this time. Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, attack the Super Magic Cavalry!"

"True Red Breath!"


"I fuck~!!!"

Suffering from the fierce attack of the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, the Super Magic Cavalry, which had been given too many negative states, could only die on the spot. At the same time as his monster was destroyed, Li Youfeng opened the last face-up card on his field with a grim smile.

Li Youfeng LP1600>1400

"Take it, Jonouchi! Trap Card activated, fellow traveler!"

"The effect of this card is that when your monster is destroyed by battle, you can choose to destroy any monster on the opponent's field. The monster I want to destroy is Red-Eyes Dark Dragon!"


Giving up destroying the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon with a higher attack power, Li Youfeng directly chose the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon that has not yet attacked.

Because there is still the Silver City Labyrinth Master Labyris with an attack power of 2300 points on his field, as long as the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon with an attack power of 3000 points is destroyed, the Red-Eyes Iron Knight with an attack power of only 1800 points will not be able to attack anyway.

And judging from Yami Yugi's current attitude, he is unlikely to attack himself head-on. Helping Jonouchi to deal with him from the side should be the limit of what Yami Yugi can do.

As long as he can survive this round, then Jonouchi~hehe~!

Just prepare to die!

However, just when Li Youfeng thought he could survive this round, Yami Yugi made another very unkind move.

"I will exclude the magician's navigation in the graveyard and invalidate the effect of fellow travelers!"

"Yugi~you?!"Li Youfeng stretched out his shaking right hand and pointed at An Yugi, wanting to cry but without tears.

His last card was also defeated by the opponent. This time, Li Youfeng undoubtedly had no other means.

"Yoshi! Great job, Yugi!"

He made a rather exaggerated facial expression towards Yami Yugi with one hand clenched into a fist. At this time, Jonouchi's heart was completely swollen.

"Hahahaha! You Feng, let me give you a ride!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Dragon, attack the Silver City's Labyrinth Master Labilis!"

With a difference of 700 attack points, even the Silver City's Lord had to leave the field in dismay.

Looking at Li Youfeng, who had nothing on the field and no hand cards, Jonouchi laughed wildly and ordered the Red-Eyes Iron Knight to launch the final wave of attacks!

"Red-Eyes Iron Knight, attack directly!"


Seeing the knife hit Li Youfeng's body firmly, Jonouchi felt that he was omnipotent!

"Very good! You Feng! You are finished. I, Cheng Nei, must not only be the first person to kill a god, but also the first person to defeat you!"

"You Feng, remember this, the first person to defeat you is neither Yugi nor Kaiba, but me, Jiunieda!"

"Haha! Just go up there honestly!"

"I'm so mad!"

Li Youfeng LP1400﹥700﹥0

""Woo woo~ You Feng!" Seeing Li You Feng's elevator start to move, Izayoi Kaoru bit her handkerchief and whimpered unwillingly.

Looking at the frustrated Izayoi Kaoru, Li You Feng was even more speechless at this time. He originally thought that Kaiba Seto would be the target of concentrated fire, but who could have thought that Jonouchi, this traitor, actually discussed with Yugi in advance to mess with him together?

This feeling of being backstabbed by a friend is simply too refreshing. As a heavy pit underworld person, how could Li You Feng bear such grievances?

"Jonouchi, we are not done with this matter yet!" The elevator began to rise rapidly, and Li Youfeng's angry roar was heard from the sky above the circular arena,"Don't let me see you in the semi-finals, otherwise I will definitely let you, a jerk, see what real cruelty is!!!"


"Haha! You Feng, I'm sorry to tell you that you don't have this chance! Goodbye, you are not good!"

As Li You Feng's unwilling cry slowly dissipated, Jonouchi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a refreshed look on his face.

"Hehe~, if you want to meet me, you'd better let Kaiba, that bastard, put out the fire!"Thinking of the agreement with Yami Yugi, Jonouchi couldn't help but let out a sinister laugh.

At this time, it was obvious that Li Youfeng must be angry, so the next step was to send Kaiba Seto to Li Youfeng to put out the fire, and the whole thing would have a perfect ending.

"Kaiba, I'm so sorry!"

Folding his arms and looking at Kaiba Seto confidently, Jonouchi's face was covered with the same expression as An Malik

"Hehehe~, as you can see, You Feng must be very unwilling now, so���It would be the best thing for you to be his opponent. Game, it's up to you from now on. My turn is over!"

"Don't worry, Jonouchi, I'll take care of it!"

"Kaiba, you only have one Dragon Ruler on the field. You will not be able to withstand my attack from now on!"

Nodding to Jonouchi, Yami Yugi began his turn.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Black Explosion Magic Break!"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be used when the Black Magician and the Black Magician Girl are on the field at the same time, destroying all cards on the opponent's field!"

"The one I want to destroy is you, Jonouchi!"


Bang, bang, bang!

Everyone:"This reversal? It's really exciting!"

A sound like firecrackers rang out on Jonouchi's field. Before Jonouchi could react, his field had already been cleaned up by An Yugi. Looking at the pair of black magicians with red eyes on An Yugi's field, a drop of cold sweat slowly fell from Jonouchi's forehead.

"Yugi~you???" Stretching out his trembling right hand, it was now Jonouchi's turn to point at Yami Yugi and cry without tears.

"Hehe~ I'm so sorry, Jonouchi!" He smiled, and now Yami Yugi was laughing without any concealment,"In fact, I have already made an agreement with Kaiba, so in this situation, you should go and face Yu Feng. After all, the person who tied the bell should be the one to untie it."

"Ah~ No! Yugi, you can't do this to me, I'm your best friend!"Thinking of Li Youfeng's murderous expression when he was sent up by him, Jonouchi was already sweating profusely.

"There's no point in saying more! Black magician, black magic girl, attack Jonouchi directly!"

"Double black magic!"

"Game!!! Ahhh!!! Ahhhh!"

Jonouchi LP4000﹥0

"Ah, Jonouchi, that idiot, is in trouble now! Seeing that his health was reduced to zero by Yami Yugi, Masaki Kyoko had a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Haha! I knew Jonouchi, this idiot, would be in trouble. I didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly!"At this time, Honda fully demonstrated what it means to be a bad friend. Seeing Jonouchi kneeling on the ground in despair, Honda laughed without giving him any face.

"Honda, you are right, it is so much fun. You Feng must be very angry now. This first game will be very interesting. I can't wait to watch it!"Yu Jialonger, who knows Li Youfeng's methods, said that after such a big injustice, Li Youfeng will definitely take revenge on Jonouchi, so this duel must not be missed.

"Brother~ Hey! What can I say?"Looking at Jonouchi's miserable face, Kawai Shizuka couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"This is more exciting than a spy movie!"For Kongquewu, who was giving advice to Jonouchi, she never expected that Muto Yugi would suddenly turn against her. Looking at the slowly starting elevator, Kongquewu showed a face that was in a dilemma.

"NONONO! I don't want to go up, please stop!"

Jonouchi slapped his elevator hard, and was completely panicked. However, the elevator ignored him and sped up directly, and rose to the duel arena above.

"Game~! We are not done with this! Remember this!!!"

Just like Li Youfeng's shouting just now, Jonouchi's screams resounded over the circular duel arena again!

No one had expected that things would turn out like this. In addition to gloating over the misfortune, Xingzi and other accompanying members of the protagonist group were full of anticipation for the first game.

"Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter, Jonouchi, you've finally got what happened to you!" Because the reversal was so hilarious, Izayoi Kaoru covered her stomach and laughed without any image,"Referee, let us go up quickly, I can't wait to see my You Feng beat Jonouchi!"

"Yes, yes, let's start the first game quickly, we can't wait! Hahahaha!"

Not only Izayoi Kaoru had this expression, but even the other members of the family and friends group also looked excited.

As the referee, Isono had a smile on his face that was hard to hide, and he announced directly:"The first game of the Battle City Tournament has been decided. Player Jonouchi will play against player Li Youfeng, and the second game will be player Muto Yugi against player Kaiba Seto. Now please move to the Sky Arena, let me watch the first execution together~ Hahahahaha, no, it should be the first game!"

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