The Sky Arena!

Located on the top floor of the Duel Tower, it was absolutely packed with everything, both in terms of venue and style!

The sky was clear and the azure blue sky was cloudless. At this moment, two young men were standing in front of each other in the Sky Arena. After confirming their eyes, one of them was the one he had to kill, while the other was the one whose eyes were wandering because he felt guilty.

"It seems~I shouldn't have come!" With a dodging look in his eyes, a blond boy said helplessly

"It's too late to realize it now!"The black-haired boy's eyes were full of anger, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Everyone will definitely come up to watch the game soon, so can you please give me some face?"With a guilty smile on his face, the blond boy, knowing that he was in the wrong, said from the heart

"Give you some face? Why didn't you give me some face when you beat me with the card I gave you just now?"The veins on his forehead bulged, and the black-haired boy angrily scolded the blond boy

"Hey, Jonouchi, You Feng, you haven't started the duel yet, that's great! If I missed this execution, I would regret it for the rest of my life!"

"Haha, Honda, you are so mean, but I like it! Jonouchi, I'm here to cheer you on, I hope you won't lose too badly later!"

Taking the elevator to the Sky Arena, Honda and Mika Ryuji mocked Jonouchi on the spot. Looking at these two bad friends, Jonouchi had a sad face at this time, and he looked like he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"You two bastards, did you come here just to see me in trouble?" Gnashing his teeth and looking at his two bad friends, one can imagine how Jonouchi felt at this moment.

"Jonouchi, come on, I believe in you, and you also have to believe in yourself. You can definitely defeat You Feng!"

"Humph~ I've said it before, as a mediocre person, your bad luck should come to an end. Now let me enjoy your pitiful appearance of a loser!"

While he was talking, Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto also came out of the elevator. Seeing these two people who colluded with each other and betrayed him, Jonouchi's mentality had already collapsed before the duel even started.

"Yugi~! Kaiba~! You two are so abominable. You actually teamed up to plot against me!"

"Within the city~, I……"

Seeing Kong Quewu hesitant to speak, Jonouchi said with a gloomy face:"Mai, just say whatever you want to say. I can bear it."

"Oh, I see." With a smile on her face, Kongquewu encouraged Jonouchi with a twitching mouth,"Keep calm, even if you are going to lose, don't lose too badly, let us appreciate your final struggle, hahaha~ Sorry, I really can't help it!"


"elder brother~!"After taking two steps forward, Kawai Shizuka said with some concern,"Why don't you just give up? Don't lose the game and then lose your mentality. That would be a loss."


"Haha! Jonouchi, you are asking for trouble, but don't worry, I am on your side at this moment, come on! I will support you, let us all enjoy your miserable appearance!"

Compared with the more reserved Peacock Dance and Kawai Shizuka, Izayoi Kaoru is not so conservative. At this time, she is almost laughing with tears, especially when she sees Jonouchi's bitter face, she feels even more refreshed.

Jonouchi: (;゚Д゚i|!)

"Is this how you come to cheer me on? Thank you so much!"

Looking at the crowd of spectators below the duel, a feeling of dissatisfaction surged in Jonouchi's heart.

"Are you kidding! After all, I bear the title of the number one killer of gods, how could I be defeated so easily!"A sense of heroism surged into Jonouchi's heart. At this moment, he felt that he was omnipotent!

Pointing at Li Youfeng, Jonouchi said loudly:"Come on, Youfeng, today I will let you see how powerful I am when I am serious!"

"Now that the contestants are ready, let me host this match!"

Standing in the center of the duel arena, referee Isono announced loudly:"The first match of the battle city semi-finals, contestant Jonouchi versus contestant Li Youfeng, starts now!"


City LP4000

Li Youfeng LP4000

"You Feng, I got the first move, draw a card!"

Drawing a card from the duel disk, Jonouchi thought to himself,"You Feng likes to cover cards in the backcourt the most, and I also experienced his duel style during the melee just now, so I must not let You Feng get the first move!"

"In the first round, I have to stabilize my own position first, and at the same time, I have to find a way to restrain You Feng's trap!"

Looking at the two cards in his hand, the seven props of the thief and the hurricane, Jonouchi immediately had an idea.

"I activate Red-Eyes See Through from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is that you can send a Red-Eyes monster from your hand or deck to the graveyard to activate it, and add a Red-Eyes Spell or Trap Card other than Red-Eyes See Through from your deck to your hand."

"I send Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck to the graveyard, and then cover this card on the backfield!"

"I Normal Summon Baby Dragon, then activate Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon's special effect!"

"By banishing a Dragon-Type monster on your field, this card can be Special Summoned!"

"True Crimson King, spread your jet-black wings and descend upon my territory!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon's special activation allows you to revive a Dragon-Type monster other than this card from your hand or graveyard during your main phase. I choose to revive Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"They actually made such a big scene in the first round, it seems that Jonouchi's fighting spirit is very high!" Seeing Jonouchi's performance, Yami Yugi smiled and praised him.

"Humph, it's just a last-ditch struggle after all. I don't believe this mortal bone can defeat You Feng. After all, he is my acknowledged enemy!"Holding his arms, Kaiba Seto sneered contemptuously.

"Good job, Jonouchi! That's it. Defeat You Feng and let us see what a small fry's counterattack is!"

"That’s right, come on, Jonouchi, let us appreciate you struggling a little longer!"

"Come on, brother. It doesn’t matter if you lose, as long as you have tried your best!"

"Hey, are you kidding me? If you don't know how to cheer, just shut up! Are you guys cheering me on? Why do I feel so uncomfortable listening to you!" Looking at the area below the duel arena with an angry face, Jonouchi was too tired to complain about Honda, Myouga Ryuji and his sister Shizuka.

Turning his head to look at Li Youfeng, Jonouchi took a deep breath and said loudly:"My turn is over, Youfeng, attack with all your strength, let me see your true strength!"


Grinning at Jonouchi, Li Youfeng placed his hand on the deck of cards on the duel disk.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, 2 times remaining in this game

"I activate the field magic, Silver Labyrinth Castle Lavirisse!"

"Next, I'm going to Special Summon this big cute baby to your field!"

"Accept my gift, Warmth Devil!"

As a card was slapped by Li Youfeng on the field in the city, the two monsters, Red-Eyes Black Iron Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon, rolled to the graveyard very smoothly. In the dull eyes of everyone, a huge Lava Devil appeared on the field in the city.

Lava Devil Magma Golem (Attack Power 3000 Defense Power 2500)

"Sister, this~isn't this my card? You Feng actually said it's a treasure?" Seeing the monster appearing on the field in Jonouchi, Malik, who was standing at the back of the team watching the battle with Isis, couldn't help but speak up.

"Yes." Nodding and smiling, Isis touched Malik's head and said happily,"It seems that Mr. You Feng likes this card very much. As a gift, it is really a great thing to be loved by the recipient." In the

Sky Arena, seeing his two red-eyed monsters suddenly turned into such a"big baby", Jonouchi's mouth couldn't help but twitch fiercely, just because Jonouchi had seen in the electronic world how Li Youfeng used this lava demon monster to torture the five giants.

"I cover two cards in the backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Turning the card over, Jonouchi was stunned, because this card was not an ordinary card, but one of the three god cards, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

"Hahaha! You Feng, you're finished!" Holding the card, Jonouchi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Honda:"What's going on?""

Miga Ryuji:"Is Jonouchi under too much pressure and mentally ill?""

Kongquewu:"Jonouchi, you idiot, don't be careless!""

Kawai Shizuka:"Brother, if you really can't do it, just surrender. I'm scared of you like this."

"Oh my god! Can't you have a little confidence in me? Are you all sure that I will definitely lose?"Furious and pointing at the supporters who were booing him below the duel field, Jonouchi showed a helpless expression.

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Shrugging at Jonouchi, Mazaki Anko's words were undoubtedly like a bucket of cold water poured on Jonouchi's head.

Everyone:"Well, that makes sense!"

"Damn it, now I will let you see how powerful I, Jonouchi, am!"

Pointing at Li Youfeng who was standing opposite him, Jonouchi had a confident smile on his face.

"You Feng, I'm so sorry, the card I just drew is not an ordinary card, but one of the three mythical gods, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

"What?"X2 saw Jonouchi showing the God Card in his hand, and Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto opened their eyes wide at the same time. In fact, just as Li Youfeng analyzed before, in the Duel City chapter, Yami Yugi, Malik and Kaiba Seto made a huge mistake, that is, they believed too much in the power of the God Card.

Although compared with the real card, the three mythical gods in this world do have absolutely powerful power, but for the netherworld players like Li Youfeng, the God Card still has too many weaknesses, and about the weaknesses of the gods, at least Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto, at present, have not yet clearly realized this.

Just like Jonouchi in front of him, he who got one of the three mythical gods also subconsciously believed that the God Card was invincible.

"Jonouchi, don't be happy too soon. At this moment, I will activate the special effect of the Warm Demon and deal you 1,000 points of damage!"

"Finished, I thought I could get away with it! Ah~ hot~ hot!"

With Li Youfeng's voice, the Lava Demon directly smeared a ball of feces-like lava on Jonouchi's body. Although it was not as excessive as the Dark Game, it still inevitably made Jonouchi scream in embarrassment.

Jonouchi LP4000﹥3000

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter. Did you see how miserable Jonouchi is?"

"This is called getting carried away with success. I'm afraid he didn't expect You Feng to give him a warning right away!"

Completely ignoring Jonouchi's dark face, Honda and Yuga Ryuji burst into laughter on the spot.

"You Feng~I’ll show you what’s happening now!"

"Okay, I'm waiting, come quickly!"

Unable to bear the ridicule of his companions, Jonouchi's face became more and more ugly, especially when Li Youfeng saw that he was still as calm as before after showing the God Card, which made Jonouchi even more angry.

"Open the cover card!"

"Real red-eyed soul!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon a Red-Eyes Monster in your Graveyard to your field!"

"Revive, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"The effect of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is activated. During your main phase, you can revive a Dragon-Type monster other than this card from the graveyard. I choose to revive Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"Awesome! You gathered three sacrifices in one go! Jonouchi, you really are a true duelist!" Seeing the three monsters on Jonouchi's field, Yami Yugi immediately exclaimed.

"What? Is this mediocre person really going to summon God? Could it be? Impossible, You Feng will never lose to this mediocre person!

"Looking at Jonouchi raising the God Card in his hand, Kaiba Seto's eyes were full of fear.

After all, Kaiba Seto had already seen the power of Pteranodon.

If Jonouchi really used the three monsters on the field to summon Pteranodon, then the attack power of Pteranodon would reach an extremely terrifying 8200 points!

The significance of Pteranodon with 8200 attack power is self-evident.

It can be said that even if his own Giant God Soldier is on the field, he will also die on the spot because of the attack of Pteranodon!

"Haha, this handsome guy Jonouchi will completely defeat you today! You Feng, I don't want to lose, now, let you see my final struggle!"

He slammed the Sun God's Winged Dragon on his duel disk, and Jonouchi's face was full of smug smiles.

""Go! Winged Dragon of the Sun God, obey my call and appear on my field!"

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