Along with Jonouchi's call, a bright light like the sun illuminated the entire Sky Arena. The pressure of the gods descended instantly. Not only Jonouchi and Li Youfeng in the Sky Arena felt the strong pressure, but even the audience watching the fight below the arena could not raise their heads because of the pressure.

"It's really a god, Jonouchi really called out to the god!"Looking at the ball of light in the arena, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Good job, Jonouchi! Haha, You Feng is in trouble this time. I don't know if he can withstand the attack of the gods."Yami Yugi was also surprised. Although he was not optimistic about Jonouchi before the game, the development of things to this point was completely beyond his expectations.

"What's going on? Could it be that Jonouchi can really defeat You Feng?"

"Wow, this is going to be fun. Is this the sign of a comeback?"

"Good job, Jonouchi, I was right about you, keep going, Jonouchi!"

Seeing that the god was about to descend on Jonouchi's field, Honda, Mika Ryuji and Madoka shouted on the spot. After all, such a duel was too interesting, especially when they could see Jonouchi, the dark horse, become an upset again. How could such a situation not make everyone excited?

"You Fengge~!"

"You Feng~!"

Shizuka and Izayoi Kaoru were also worried, especially at such a close distance. Izayoi Kaoru, who was also a duelist, felt an indescribable palpitation.

However, just when everyone thought that Jonouchi had won the game, only Li Youfeng on the field and Malik and Isis off the field were still calm.

The light from the god began to gradually weaken, and everyone regained their vision. Just when everyone wanted to admire the posture of the pterosaur, a huge ball~ oh no! It should be said that it was a golden egg, appeared on Jonouchi's field! The spherical shape of the sun god (attack power 0 defense power 0)

Everyone:"Why is it a ball!!!"

Dumbfounded! Jonouchi, as the person involved, was completely dumbfounded!

"What’s going on? Why is my God Card a ball?"

"Haha, Jonouchi, you asked for this, so don't blame me!" As the light of the sun god gradually faded, Li Youfeng, who already knew the result, smiled sinisterly and said,"After all, the Winged Dragon of the sun god is a god with a temper. You, who don't understand the ancient Egyptian priest's blessing, can't really control it!"

"Do you need to know the ancient Egyptian priest's blessing?" Looking at Li Youfeng with a sneer on his face, Jonouchi was already sweating profusely.

Folding his arms and nodding, Li Youfeng looked down at the sky arena.

"This matter needs to be explained by someone who knows the subject. Malik, please explain it!"


Malik smiled and stood out from the back of the crowd. He looked at the egg on the Jonouchi arena and explained with a smile:"This is the original form of the Pteranodon. If the ancient Egyptian priest's blessing cannot be recited correctly, the Pteranodon will not be able to exert its original power. Moreover, as its most primitive form, both its attack power and defense power are 0 points!"

"Although I can help you recite the correct priest's blessing from the sidelines, if you do so, you will be directly disqualified for a foul."

"Oh, there is one more thing I want to explain in advance, that is, even in the spherical form of Pteranodon, it cannot be attacked or selected as a target of an effect, so based on the current situation, you are still safe in the city."

"I'm dizzy~ Are you kidding me? What's going on? This is not fair!"

I was devastated!

Looking at the huge golden egg in front of him, Jonouchi's mentality collapsed and he held his head in his hands and fell into complete confusion.

"No, I have another way!" Suddenly thinking of something, Jonouchi turned to look at Judge Isono,"Mr. Judge, can I apply to learn this ancient priest script on the spot?"

"On-site learning?" After hearing Jonouchi's speech, Isono said he was a little confused,"There is no problem with this, but according to the rules of the Duel City Tournament, I can only give you one minute to think and learn. If it exceeds one minute, I will directly judge you as a failure!"

"One minute is enough, Malik, come up and teach me!"

Everyone:"How the hell do I play like this?"

""Okay, no problem!" Shaking his head helplessly, Malik walked onto the Sky Arena with a smile on his face.

30 seconds later.

Malik:"This is pronounced as 'mi', and when put together it's 'mi'.";%@$, how is it? Have you learned it?" Cheng

Neizhi scratched his head frantically,"Fuck! I don't understand it at all!!!"

Malik covered his mouth and laughed,"It's normal, after all, it took me five years to learn these."

Cheng Neizhi was puzzled,"Then do you think I can learn it within a minute?"

Malik said he would not pretend anymore,"Sorry, I don't think so!"

"Shit! Are you here to make fun of me? Get off here right now!"

"Hahaha~ Didn't you ask me to come up and teach you? Can you blame me for all this?"

After driving Malik, who was laughing so hard, off the Sky Arena, Jonouchi knelt on the ground with a frustrated look on his face.

"So I put on such a big show, but in the end, I could only summon a ball?!"

Everyone:"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed. Seeing Jonouchi's miserable state, everyone present laughed!

Honda:"Oh, I can't do it anymore. I really thought Jonouchi could turn things around. I didn't expect that with such great momentum, he could only summon a ball?"

"Haha~! He just exaggerated and said he would kill You Feng. I...���I really want to interview Jonouchi, how did you beat You Feng with just one ball!"

Peacock Dance:"Jonchouchi~Haha! You~what can I say about you? Are you here to duel or to make people laugh? You Feng hasn't even made a move yet, but you've already ruined your mentality!"

Kawai Shizuka:"Brother~Pu~Haha, you~you'd better surrender quickly, I can't stand it for you!"

"Damn it, I will never surrender. You Feng cannot attack the spherical form of Pterosaur now, so I still have a chance to turn the tables!"

Because of the ridicule of his friends and the supporters, Jonouchi was so angry that his face turned red.

"Player Jonouchi, you have five seconds to think!"

"I understand, don't rush me!"

Standing up from the ground, Jonouchi quickly took out a card.

"Damn it, I overwrote a card on my backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there is 1 remaining in this game.

Looking at the spherical body of the Pterosaur on the field of Jonouchi, Li Youfeng was also in a dilemma for a while. Although this monster is basically useless now, even if it is in spherical form, it has strong resistance to the opponent's attack and effects.

And the most common solution to this monster is to summon it at a higher level!

Yes, in a formal game, if the opponent sends an egg to your field, you must not panic, because this is a ten-star card. Whether it is synchronized with it or sacrificed by higher liberation, it can prevent the opponent from summoning the Pterosaur card in the next round. Of course, the premise is that the opponent has the Pterosaur card in the deck.

Another point to note is that the effect of the spherical body of the Pterosaur targets the effect of the opponent's monster. If your card or monster effect is not affected by other effects, you can attack the spherical body of the Pterosaur.

(For example, when the Eternal Soul is on the field, the Black Magician can attack the spherical body of the Pterosaur.)

"Humph, since I can't attack, then I won't attack. It won't be difficult for me anyway." After quickly organizing his thoughts in his mind, Li Youfeng smiled sinisterly and pulled out three cards from his hand.

"I placed two cards on the backfield, and then activated the Spell Card Treasure Drop from the Sky from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is that it allows both of us to replenish our hand cards to six!"

As a common magic card of this era, the Treasure Card from Heaven is not a rare commodity, and in order to match his own health-reducing deck, Li Youfeng also added one to his deck.

After replenishing his hand cards to six, Li Youfeng immediately activated the trap card he had covered in the previous round.

"Open the trap card and you will find a built-in machine gun!"

"The effect of this card is to inflict 200 points of damage to your opponent equal to the number of cards in their hand and on the field!"

"Jonouchi, including your six cards in hand and the two cards on the field, you have a total of eight cards, so you will take 1600 points of damage!"

"Don't even think about it!"

He waved his hand to interrupt Li Youfeng's words.���He hurriedly opened the cover card on his field

"Trap Card activated, Thief's Seven Items!"

"This card can pay 1000 life points, negate the activation of one of your opponent's Trap Cards and destroy it!"

Jounouchi LP3000 > 2000

"Well done, Jonouchi, you handled this wave very decisively!" Nodding and praising Jonouchi's operation, Li Youfeng continued,"But it doesn't matter. The reason why I covered two cards in the last round was because the previous trap card was just a bait. My real trap card is still behind. Open the cover card, welcome to Labris!"

"The effect of this card is to select a Labris monster from your deck and Special Summon it, Come Out!"

"Labyris, the Labyrinth Master of the Silver City!" (Attack 2900, Defense 1900) was summoned by Li Youfeng again. Labyris bowed slightly to Li Youfeng very gracefully. As Li Youfeng's favorite card in his previous life, this card naturally has a duel elf living in it.

Li Youfeng smiled calmly at Labyris and continued,"Labyris' special effect is activated!"

"Once per turn, this monster can place a Normal Trap Card from its Graveyard onto its field, and I chose to place the Built-in Machine Gun back on the field!"

"Okay, my turn is over!"

"What? You can actually retrieve the trap cards in the graveyard and reset them?"

After seeing this, Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto realized the seriousness of the problem at the same time.

"Humph, how shameless!" As a direct victim of Li Youfeng, President Kaiba has personally experienced how powerful Li Youfeng's red pit is."Using trap cards to an almost perverted degree is really in line with the style of this despicable Youfeng!"

Everyone secretly said:"Is there a rule that says you can't use trap cards? President Kaiba is just incompetent and furious!"

Although they said they were disgusted, in fact, after observing Li Youfeng's methods, not only did Kaiba Seto begin to secretly figure out how to adjust the deck, even Yami Yugi was secretly discussing with Biao Yugi in his heart what method they should use to crack Li Youfeng's trap tactics.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment!" Just when Jonouchi drew out a card, Li Youfeng said with a sinister smile,"I'm going to activate the built-in machine gun in the trap card. What do you think, Jonouchi? You're helpless now!"

"Including the card you just drew, you now have a total of eight cards in your field and hand, so you will take 1600 points of damage!"

"You Feng~! You!"

Watching the trap card being activated and a volley of bullets coming towards him, Jonouchi could do nothing but hold his head.

Jonouchi LP2000>400

"Damn it, I was screwed by the Pterosaur!"

Looking up at the two covered cards on Li Youfeng's field, Jonouchi took out a card first.

"I activate the Spell Card Hurricane from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is that it can return all the magic cards and trap cards on the field to the holder's hand!"

"You have no chance, Jonouchi!" Li Youfeng made a GAME OVER gesture to Jonouchi and then opened his own card,"Activate the trap card, and enjoy yourself!"

"The effect of this card is that for every monster on the opponent's field, you will take 500 points of damage!"

"Haha, You Feng, this is useless!"

Waving his hand to interrupt Li You Feng, Jonouchi quickly retorted:"The ball on my field~ Bah! It's on my field, even though it's an egg! Damn, what am I talking about! What I mean is that the ball on my field is a god, so it can't be treated as a monster, so your Trap Card is invalid!"

"What the hell? Are you kidding me?" Staring at the egg on Jonouchi's field with eyes wide open in disbelief, Li Youfeng realized that Jonouchi had really fooled him.

Seeing the effect of his trap card being invalidated, Li Youfeng's forehead suddenly showed several blue veins.

"Okay, as long as it involves your egg, the effect will be invalid, right? No problem, then I will chain open another trap card!"

(Jounouchi: I suspect you are deliberately making trouble, but I have no evidence!)

"Trap Card activated, Cemetery Bomb!"

Kill Card!

"The effect of this card is to inflict damage equal to the number of cards in your opponent's graveyard x 100 life points!"

"You now have Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Red-Eyes See Through, Thief's Seven Items, and Red-Eyes Soul in your graveyard!"

"So you will take 500 HP of damage. You can't say I'm targeting God, right?"

Jonouchi LP400 > 0

"How could this happen! Another 500 points of damage, it turns out that You Feng, you have already calculated it!" Covering his head with both hands, Jonouchi looked at Li Youfeng in disbelief. Although he had long expected that he would fail, Jonouchi never thought that he would lose so miserably.

After all, he was beaten to full health by Li Youfeng!


Of course, just as Li Youfeng guessed, Jonouchi was too dependent on the God Card, otherwise, he would not have lost so aggrievedly as he did now.

"The winner is Li Youfeng!"

""You Feng, you are awesome!" Seeing Li You Feng's victory, Izayoi Kaoru was so excited that she almost jumped out of her wheelchair. If Shizuka hadn't been watching her carefully, she might have fallen to the ground.

"You Feng, I lost. Although I didn't hold out hope of winning against you before, after experiencing it myself, I realized that the gap between you and me is so huge!"

Walking in front of Li You Feng, Jonouchi smiled and handed the Winged Dragon of the Sun God to Li You Feng.

"Now this egg, oh no! It's this ball! Damn it, I can't change it! The Winged Dragon of the Sun God is already yours, I'm so angry, this card is really���You screwed me up, otherwise I would never have lost so miserably. You Feng, don't blame me for being nosy. Anyway, you have to be careful when using it!"

"Don't worry, I know how to use it!"

After getting the Winged Dragon of the Sun God that he had been dreaming of, Li Youfeng's previous extremely frustrated mood was also swept away

"Thank you to Jonouchi and Li Youfeng for the wonderful duel. Let's give a warm round of applause to the outstanding performance of the two players!"

As the referee, Isono was also very happy with this interesting duel. Seeing the two players come together, he took the lead in applauding.

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