(Note: The author is Eryang. I have had a headache, sneezes, and a runny nose these days, but I still have to go to work and write. It’s so sad and painful! But it doesn’t matter (broken voice), the story of the three evil gods is basically finished, and I have a draft again. Starting tomorrow, I will enter the daily explosive update state again. As long as I still have breath, I will never stop updating!)

The following is the text:

"What's going on?"Finally coming to his senses, Kaiba Seto discovered that the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon seemed to be in an abnormal state.

"Kaiba, the answer is actually very simple, because when you defeated the Red-Eyes Thunder King, I had already activated the Trap Card!"


Under Kaiba Seto's surprised gaze, a trap card appeared on the ground in Jonouchi.

"Trap card activated, fellow traveler!"

"The effect of this card is that when a monster on your field is destroyed, you can choose a monster on your opponent's field to be destroyed. I choose to destroy it, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"Damn it, this is also the Trap Card that the bastard You Feng used before!"

As the Trap Card was activated, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon turned into pieces and returned to the cemetery in the city. After seeing this scene, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but said,"I didn't expect that a mortal player like you is so difficult to deal with. In this case, I will let you live one more round. My turn is over."

"Haha, what do you think, Kaiba? My fighting spirit is very strong. It's not that easy to defeat me. It's my turn, draw a card!"

With his eyes closed, he nervously drew a card from the deck, and Jonouchi looked over slowly with trepidation.

"Alms from an angel? Haha, I'm so lucky!"

"I activated Angel's Charity, drew three cards from the deck and discarded two!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Three more cards were drawn from the deck, and Jonouchi's face was immediately filled with joy.

"Red-Eyes Flying Dragon, Red-Eyes Dark Dragon, Black Steel Dragon!"

"Haha, you guys are just in time!"

After taking a look at the card in his hand, a plan quickly emerged in Jonouchi's mind.

"Kaiba, I'm so sorry, it looks like this duel will end with my victory!"

"Oh? You are just a small fry and you dare to speak so arrogantly. Are you going crazy because of too much pressure?"After hearing Jonouchi's declaration, Kaiba Seto certainly didn't take it seriously.

"Haha, Seahorse, you can only say these arrogant words now. I will let you know how powerful I am!"

"I will send Red-Eyes Flying Dragon and Black Steel Dragon to the graveyard, and then activate the face-up card on the field!"

Pointing at the face-up card on his field, Jonouchi raised his hand and pressed the button to activate the trap card on the duel disk.

"Trap Card Activation, Grave Robber!" (The original anime effect does not require life points to pay)

"The effect of this card is that you can select a magic card in your opponent's graveyard and use it as your hand. Kaiba, the magic card I want to use is Resurrection of the Dead in your graveyard!"

"Hmm?"Seeing that Jonouchi had actually resurrected the dead in his own cemetery, Kaiba Seto immediately understood what Jonouchi was trying to do.

"Transcend the boundary between life and death, and return to my place once again!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, defense position!"(Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon's special effect is activated!"

"Special Summon the Red-Eyes Black Dragon in your Graveyard!"

"Next, I will release Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Special Summon it from my hand!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Dragon!" (Attack 2400 Defense 2000)

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Dark Dragon is activated. The attack power of this card increases by 300 points equal to the number of Dragon monsters in my graveyard. There are four Dragon monster cards in my graveyard: Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Red-Eyes Flying Dragon, Black Steel Dragon, and Legendary Black Stone. Therefore, the attack power of Red-Eyes Dark Dragon increases by 1200 points!"

Red-Eyes Dark Dragon's ATK 3600 UP!

(Having written this, some readers will definitely ask, why did Jonouchi insist on reviving the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon? Wouldn't it be better to let it stay in the graveyard to increase its ATK by 300 points? As for this question, the author will say, if you are going to ask, then you must not have read the original anime or did not understand the original anime.

As we all know, anyone who has read the original knows very well that the duelists in this world have a unique obsession with their ace monsters. Ace monsters are like their own avatars and souls to the duelists! For example, Kajiki Yuta, in the original work, he would rather be defeated than let the legendary fisherman stay in the graveyard. Therefore, if it is really written like that, it is really not in line with the duelists' worldview.)

Everyone:"Attack power 3600? This has completely surpassed the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Looking at the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon on the Jonouchi Field, Dark Yugi below the arena couldn't help but say:"The Black Dragon with infinite possibilities and the White Dragon with infinite power, who will be the winner in this duel?"

"Attack power 3600! ? Jonouchi, your growth rate is really amazing."

Looking at the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon on Jonouchi's field, Kaiba Seto's forehead was already sweating. Although he didn't admit it, in fact, at this moment, Kaiba Seto's heart has already recognized that Jonouchi is qualified to be his opponent.

"Hippocampus, I'm coming!"

"True Red-Eyes Dark Dragon attacks Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

""Crimson Flame!"


The crimson fireball hit a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on Kaiba Seto's field. Under the violent explosion, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was directly blown into pieces.

Kaiba Seto LP1100>500

"Brother, don't give up, come on!!!" Seeing Kaiba Seto being forced to this point by Jonouchi, Kaiba Keihei below the arena couldn't help but shout

"Well done to Jonouchi!"

"Kill him! Come on Jonouchi!"

Seeing Kaiba Keihei start to cheer for his brother, Honda and Mika Ryuji were not to be outdone. They put their hands to their mouths in a trumpet shape and shouted loudly towards the top of the arena.

"Hehe, how is it, Kaiba? Isn't my Red-Eyes Dark Dragon very powerful?"

Wipe his nose, Jonouchi showed a smug smile on his face,"There is only one Blue-Eyes White Dragon left on your field, and you only have 500 HP left. You are like a candle in the wind. Enjoy your last turn, President Kaiba! Hahaha! My turn is over!"

"Oh my god! How dare Jonouchi say a forbidden word? He is getting cocky again!"Looking at Jonouchi standing in the arena in amazement, Li Youfeng said that Jonouchi was definitely getting cocky!

"My last turn? Hehe~!"

He laughed coldly. At this moment, President Kaiba's face was gloomy, and a bluish-white fighting spirit slowly emerged from his body, just like a burning flame. At this moment, Kaiba Seto was about to explode.

"↗ trough↗?!"(Two sounds, expressing surprise!)

Li Youfeng keenly noticed the bluish-white fighting spirit appearing on Kaiba Seto, and he quickly wiped his eyes. After confirming that he was not seeing things, Li Youfeng could not help but mourn for Jonouchi for three seconds.

"It's really a case of bringing trouble upon yourself. Do you think you can just mock the president's temper?"

"Jonouchi, what you said is such a joke!"Just as Li Youfeng expected, after a loud shout, Kaiba Seto, whose pupils had turned into dragon pupils, pulled out a card from the deck.

"My turn, draw a card!!!"

After checking the card in his hand, Kaiba Seto directly slapped it on the duel disk.

"Equip card magic card activated, giant!"

"The effect of this card is that if your LP is less than your opponent's, the equipped monster's attack power becomes twice its original attack power. I equip it to Blue-Eyes White Dragon and increase its attack power to 6000!"

Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack power 6000UP!


"Hey~ Hey! Are you kidding me?"


Seeing this scene, Jonouchi was completely dumbfounded!

However, for Li Youfeng, Jonouchi had to suffer such a fate. It was understandable that he provoked the president, but why did you keep raising a flag for yourself? Do you really think your life is too long?

In this case, if you don't die, who will die?

""Jonouchi, die!"

Waving his hand towards Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto decisively gave the order to attack.

"Look inside the city, this is the strongest dragon that has the power to kill gods. Only in my hands can the Blue-Eyes White Dragon exert its most powerful power!"

"Fight, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon!"

"The explosive gust of wind of destruction!"



Amid Jonouchi's terrified screams, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack directly hit the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon.

The huge explosion in front of him completely let Kaiba Seto's mind go, and he shouted at the top of his voice:"Hahaha, smash it! Die with honor! Cheers!"

Jonouchi LP1300﹥0

"I knew this would be the result."

Standing at the bottom of the Sky Arena, Li Youfeng smiled and shook his head, then looked at the side of Kaiba's president, only to see a silver-haired, blue-eyed girl who had appeared somewhere again. At this moment, she was smiling brightly, and with her own pair of small hands, she was clapping for Kaiba Seto with great joy.

"The blue-eyed girl, is she actually the incarnation of Kisara? Haha, Kaiba, you still dare to say that power is everything you pursue, but in the end, you are no exception."

As if she had discovered that Li Youfeng could see her, the spirit of the blue-eyed girl, that is, Kisara, turned around with some confusion. When she found that Li Youfeng could really see her and was nodding at her, she was also a little surprised and covered her mouth with both hands.

"The winner! Kaiba Seto!"Seeing the match was decided, referee Isono also announced the result loudly.

"What's wrong, Jonouchi? Did you lose confidence because of the big blow? Haha, that's right, this look of a loser really suits you now."

Looking at Jonouchi who was still half-kneeling on the ground, Kaiba Seto sneered and mocked him. However, what he didn't expect was that Jonouchi was not angry at all, but laughed happily instead.

"Haha, oops, it’s a pity that I lost, but the duel was really fun, Kaiba, you’re really strong"

"Hmm? Interesting?"Hearing Jonouchi's words, Kaiba Seto was also slightly stunned,"How stupid, I thought you were going to say something, boring!"

"What's wrong, Kaiba? Am I wrong? You like duels so much, isn't it because you like duels that you become so powerful?"

After hearing this soul-searching question, Kaiba Seto was extremely silent. After standing there for a few seconds, Kaiba Seto snorted and replied,"The final match of Duel City will start soon. You are taking up space, idiot!"

"Oh, how dishonest!" Seeing Kaiba walk down the arena, Jonouchi smiled helplessly, shook his head, and followed him down.

"Jonouchi, you only have 500 health left to defeat Kaiba, what a shame!"

"Yes, Jonouchi, I never thought you have grown to this point, I am really impressed by you!"

""Brother, you are so great. It's hard to imagine that you can become a real duelist. I am so proud of you!"

Seeing Jonouchi coming down, Honda, Mika Ryuji and Kawai Shizuka quickly surrounded him and smiled at the three of them.���After saying a few compliments, Jonouchi looked at Kongquewu a little embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry Mai, I also lost to Kaiba. Sigh, I didn't expect that guy to be so strong. But I am confident that I will not lose to him again in the next duel!"

""What nonsense are you talking about, Jonouchi!" With both hands on her waist, Kongquewu said with a smile,"You are already an outstanding and reliable man now that you can force Kaiba Seto to this extent. I am very satisfied with your performance, so you can hold your head up with pride!"

"Mai-chan~You are so nice!"

"Hate it~, what are you talking about, I have always been fine!"

"Mai sauce~!"


Everyone:"This dog food is really unexpected!~!"

Watching the match between Kaiba Seto and Jonouchi up close was quite shocking to Izayoi Kaoru.

Especially after seeing these two people use this tactic of controlling the other monsters and messing with people's minds, it was as if the door to a new world had been opened. Izayoi Kaoru suppressed her inner shyness and actively shook Li Youfeng's hand and said a little embarrassedly:"Youfeng, hey~ I want to ask you a favor"

"Hmm? If you have anything to say, just ask me. There is no need to be so polite to me."Somewhat surprised by the change of Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng squatted in front of her with interest and answered.

"Well, I just heard Miss Peacock Dance tell me that you were the first to use this duel method of controlling the opponent's monster, so I want to learn this technique from you!"

"Ha!? You want to learn Tauren tactics?!" With a very subtle expression on his face, Li Youfeng felt that his boss was going further and further down a path of no return.

""Eh? Minotaur tactics? What is Minotaur tactics? Is it a Minotaur monster card? No way! That one is ugly." It seems that she is a little disgusted. As a face control, Izayoi Kaoru has a tangled expression on her face.

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