(From today on, I will resume the explosive update state, two chapters per day with more than 4,200 words. You say I am short? Humph, I don’t accept it!)

"Ah? No, of course it won’t be a monster with a bull’s head!"

Li Youfeng smiled awkwardly, then he remembered that the minotaur meme seemed to have not spread widely in this world.

(Note: Yu-Gi-Oh was first broadcast in 1998, but was eventually discontinued because the original author could not keep up with the pace. It was not until 2000 that a remake was released. Having said that, I believe all readers should be very clear about this.)

Holding Izayoi Kaoru’s little hand, Li Youfeng smiled and nodded and said,"Don’t worry, boss. I already have a few plans that are suitable for you. When the Battle City Competition is over, I will teach you step by step, okay?"

""Yeah!" With a bright smile on his face, Izayoi said shyly,"Hey, don't call me boss anymore. I don't like this title."

"If you don't call me boss, what should I call me?" Li Youfeng understood what Shizaiya Kaoru meant in an instant, and a naughty smile appeared on his face. At the age of sixteen, it is the blooming season of love, and the shyness in her heart almost turned Shizaiya Kaoru into a steam girl.

With her head lowered, Shizaiya Kaoru said in a voice as thin as a mosquito's hum:"Just call me Xiaoxun."

Gently stroking Shizaiya Kaoru's soft little hand, Li Youfeng asked in a naughty tone:"Ah? Your voice is too soft, I can't hear it"

"Awooo~! Why are you like this?"

As I said before, this bitch has been like this for too long, just like a dog can't change its nature!

Especially when seeing Izayoi Kaoru's shy expression, Li Youfeng's heart really felt like when the neighbor's rooster was crowing early in the morning, and you suddenly threw a match cannon at the rooster's feet.

Seeing the rooster frightened by the explosion and fainted due to lack of oxygen, how can I describe that feeling?

It was very nice!!!

"Boss, say it again louder, what do you want me to call you?"

"Hate it, you bully me!"

"No way, you are my boss. I can bully anyone but you. Tell me quickly, what do you want me to call you?"

"Woo woo~ I, I don’t know anymore!"

"Wow, I didn't expect You Feng to have such a bad taste!"Looking at Li You Feng teasing Shizaiya Xun, Yujia Longer couldn't help but sigh.

"I think You Feng is just dancing like crazy on the edge of a cliff!"As the person who knows Izayoi Kaoru's strength best, Honda now thinks that Li You Feng is simply a brave man who has conquered the devil.

"Well, I suddenly feel that it is not difficult to understand why Miss Xun beat You Feng!"As a girl, Masaki Anzi is of course the most qualified person to express her opinion.

"Battle City final, contestant Li Youfeng, contestant Muto Yugi, you will now be given 30 minutes to adjust your decks. I hope you are ready!"

"Below the Sky Arena, there is a room specially prepared for the contestants, where you can make the final adjustments to the decks you are going to use!"

Standing in the Sky Arena, Isono loudly announced the upcoming competition. After hearing this, Li Youfeng also ended his playfulness with Izayoi Kaoru, and looked at Yami Yugi who was also looking at him, and Li Youfeng's eyes were already full of fighting spirit.

"You Feng, I have to go get ready first, see you later!" After smiling and greeting Li You Feng, An Yuzhi walked towards his lounge.

"Xiaoxun, I also need to adjust my deck."

"Well, Youfeng, you must do your best!"

After gently patting Izayoi Kaoru's hand, Li Youfeng also walked towards his own player lounge.

As the final opponent, Li Youfeng dared not be careless at this time. Not to mention that Yugi has two God Cards in his hand, Li Youfeng has witnessed Yugi's growth during this period of time with his own eyes, and now Yugi is several times stronger than he was in the original book.

Returning to his own player lounge, Li Youfeng placed the cards to be used in the void deck on the table, because the next game was to deal with Muto Yugi who had two God Cards, so Li Youfeng did not dare to underestimate the enemy at this time.

"Well, first of all, the cards that can be drawn cannot be reduced. Without cards, I will be at the mercy of others. So I need one Life-Reducing Treasure Card, three Pot of Greed, three Angel's Charity, and one Bitter Choice. After all, my deck is a graveyard deck!"

Due to the restrictions of the competition rules, Li Youfeng can only form a deck of 40 cards.

This means that the mowing flow cannot be used now. In his deck, there can only be two systems at most. Otherwise, he will be stuck due to insufficient starting points.

"Although Yugi's strength has improved a lot, judging from the original Yu-Gi-Oh and his previous performance, Yugi at this time still hasn't discovered the disadvantages of the God Card. He must think that the God Card has absolute resistance to all traps."

"Therefore, just like the battle with Kaiba President, Yugi will inevitably build his deck around the two God Cards as the basis."

"And if I'm not wrong, the first God Card he summoned should be Obelix's Giant God, because only the Giant God has the ability to die together with my Sun God's Winged Dragon."

After careful consideration, Li Youfeng selected seven red pits and turned his attention to the monster cards.

"Well, Kite Robot, Death Guardian, and Lonely Roll, let's take one each. After all, the issue of saving lives should be considered first. Then the main axis of the deck should be the Witchcraft series, because God cards cannot be destroyed by magic cards, and even Sky Dragon can only accept magic effects for one round. When trap cards don't work, Silver City is at a disadvantage against God cards."

"That's not right. In fact, I can also use the City of Silver to suppress the game and prevent it from unfolding!"

"Bah! Li Youfeng, you are also arrogant, aren't you? The person opposite is Yugi Muto, you want to stop him from unfolding? Dream on!"After driving out some unrealistic thoughts from his mind, Li Youfeng picked up a few more cards.

"For the secondary axis, I'll use Half-Dragon Maid, Washing Dragon Maiden, Dormitory Dragon Maiden, and Nursery Dragon Maiden. The associated cards of these three cards are must-haves. Then there's the extra deck. I definitely have to bring the home fusion. I can also use a few of the cards Pegasus gave me, and the Black Magician Cavalry. If there's a chance, I can also give the game a trick."

"Finally, it's my three-piece set of God Cards and some scattered cards. Hehe, Yugi definitely didn't expect this routine, so let him also taste the warmth of being sent by others!"

Muto Yugi's lounge.

Like Li Youfeng who was adjusting the deck, due to the rule limit of 40 cards, Dark Yugi and Table Yugi were also discussing fiercely at this time.

"aibo! God Cards are not afraid of the effects of Trap Cards, nor are they affected by the destruction effects of Magic Cards. As long as we can successfully summon God Cards, the advantage will tilt to our side. Therefore, we cannot add so many Trap Cards to our deck. I also suggest that in addition to Pot of Greed, we should bring at least two Treasure Cards from Heaven and one Treasure Card of Life-Severing!"

"Another me, don't forget that You Feng also has a God card in his hand!"

Seeing that Dark Game had shaved off so many red pits that he had added to the deck, Biao Game also expressed his opinion

"Although we have both grown a lot in the duels during this period, we are still far inferior to You Feng in terms of tactics and utilization of the graveyard. As I said before, while God Cards are powerful, they also increase the difficulty of summoning. The trap cards I added are completely adjusted for You Feng. You must think carefully about this."

"Aibo, I understand what you mean, but don't forget that according to the competition rules, our deck is limited to 40 cards."

"Our focus must be on the God Card, otherwise, we will definitely fall into You Feng's trap again. The two God Cards are our advantage, and we must make good use of it."

"To be honest, I'm not trying to discourage you, aibo. Do you think you have a chance of winning if you and You Feng play trap against trap now?"

After a few seconds of silence, Biao Yugi finally compromised. Looking at the several trap cards he liked on the table, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Another me, I understand, but if we do this, our main axis can only use the Black Magic deck"

"Of course I have considered this too!" Taking out several cards from the monster cards on the table, Dark Yugi said confidently,"I will exclude all cards related to the Fantasy Beast and Dark Knight Gaia from this duel. The problem of the God's sacrifice will be solved with the magnet monster. I also got a very powerful monster before. At the critical moment, it should also bring a big surprise to You Feng."

"Well, another me, the focus of this duel is still on you. Since you have made up your mind, let’s do as you say. When you need me, I will also give you suggestions. Let’s work together to defeat You Feng!"

"Ah, aibo, this duel is not just to regain my lost memories, but more importantly, it is about the sense of honor as a duelist. It is time to wash away the failure in the Duel Kingdom here!"

Thirty minutes passed quickly. For Li Youfeng and Muto Yugi, who were concentrating on adjusting their decks, this time was just a blink of an eye.

After receiving the notification on the radio, the two put the adjusted decks in the card bags on their waists, and almost came to the sky arena on the top floor of the Duel Tower at the same time.

"Look, Yugi and Youfeng are here!"

Thirty minutes was not too long for Kaiba and the others who were waiting here. Seeing the two of them coming out of the elevator at the same time, Jonouchi immediately shouted excitedly.

"The final duel is finally about to begin, You Feng, Yugi, let me see who of you two is better!" Looking at the two people who walked onto the sky arena at the same time with reluctance, Kaiba Seto felt a mixture of emotions at this time.

Mitsurugi:"Yugi, You Feng, both of you have to come on!" Jonouchi

:"Haha, I can finally enjoy the top duel, I can't wait!"

Peacock Dance:"Hehe, I just don't know if Yugi will make You Feng lose his mind this time, but I've always been looking forward to seeing this scene!"

Honda:"Miss Wu, your idea of gloating is very dangerous!"

Izayoi Kaoru:"You Feng, come on, the Duel King is yours, defeat that dwarf!"

Masaki Kyoko:"Huh? Miss Kaoru, how can you say that? Yugi, come on, defeat that dirty villain Li You Feng completely!"

Hearing Izayoi Kaoru's shout, the originally shy Masaki Kyoko immediately became bolder. She put her hands to her mouth in a trumpet shape, as if she was competing with Izayoi Kaoru. Kyoko also stood at the side of the arena to cheer for Yami Yugi.

"Please ask the two contestants to come forward and exchange decks, and shuffle the cards for each other!"Seeing that the two contestants were already in place, Isono also fulfilled his duties as a referee in a responsible manner.

Walking to the middle of the arena, Li Youfeng smiled and took out his deck from the card bag on his waist. At the same time, Yami Yugi also handed his deck to Li Youfeng.

"Wow, Yugi really added two God cards to the deck."

Because he could feel the power of the elves, the moment he took the deck from Yugi, Li Youfeng saw the red and blue lights emitting from the deck.

"As I expected, Yugi really intends to focus on the God Card, but only Yugi dares to play with such a deck.

If it were someone else, you would be stuck to death.

" Just as Li Youfeng was secretly complaining about Yugi while shuffling the cards for him, An Yugi, who was standing in front of him and shuffling his own cards, said with a smile:"Youfeng, I have stood here with you as agreed.

Next, aibo and I will go all out to defeat you.

Unlike the time when we competed in the Duel Kingdom, now I can challenge you again as a duelist without any worries, so you should also be mentally prepared!


"That's for sure!" After handing the shuffled deck back to Yugi, Li Youfeng also had a bright smile on his face,"As a duelist as well, I will also do my best to deal with your attacks, but I'll be frank with you, Yugi, the method I'm going to use next may surprise you!"

"This is the best. Aibo and I want to defeat you fairly. Let's have a wonderful duel without any regrets!"This is the dark game that is smiling on the surface.

"Humph, You Feng, are you too naive? Being upright is just a gimmick! There is no need to talk about morality when dealing with people like you! The trap you think is omnipotent can only become a ridiculous and useless act in front of God!"This is the secret game of the true thoughts in the heart.

"You are right! As duelists, we have to fight openly. This time, neither of us has any psychological burden! So, in the next battle, let's both fight with all our strength!"This is what Li Youfeng, who is smiling on the surface, said.

"Hehehe~Game! I have prepared several hellish meals for you to enjoy. A fair duel? What a joke, who would give you a fair duel?"This is what Li Youfeng really thinks. It's all very realistic!

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