After raising his hands to signal Yami Yugi and Li Youfeng, Isono said loudly:"Now, please ask the two contestants to do the final inspection!"

"I'm fine!" After inserting the deck into the duel disk, Yami Yugi's eyes instantly became serious.

"I have no problem either!" Li Youfeng also showed his readiness to fight.

"Then I declare that the final battle of the Battle City Duel King Tournament will begin now!"


"You Feng, I got the first attack. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Knowing that Li You Feng likes to use trap cards, An Yugi decisively chose to take the first move at the suggestion of Biao Yugi, in order to avoid Li You Feng's first wave of attacks.

"Just like Jonouchi, he took my initiative. This should be Yugi's suggestion."Yan Yugi's actions naturally did not escape Li Youfeng's eyes. After taking a look at his hand card, Li Youfeng even showed a treacherous smile in a very obscure way.

"I Normal Summon, Electromagnetic Warrior β, face-up Defense Position!"(Attack 1500 Defense 1500)

"The special effect of Magnet Warrior β is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, you can add a Magnet Warrior of 4 stars or less from your deck to your hand."

"I added Magnet Warrior Delta to my hand, then covered two cards on the backfield, and my turn was over!"

"Yugi is indeed a cunning old man!"

It clearly requires three sacrifices to summon the God Card, but Yugi only summoned one monster and ended his turn when he could have deployed it. Looking at Yami Yugi's mysterious operation, except for Li Youfeng who secretly admired it, the audience under the Sky Arena all looked puzzled.

"It's strange. The game could clearly continue, so why did my turn end so easily?"


Hearing Jonouchi's question, Kaiba Seto snorted with disdain:"Have you forgotten the lava monster in Youfeng's hands that made you suffer?"

"So that's how it is!" After hearing what Kaiba Seto said, Jonouchi immediately realized,"Yugi's sense of duel is really strong!"

"Yugi, you are very careful. This is not like your usual self. It's my turn. Draw a card!"

Li Youfeng praised Dark Yugi with a smile and drew a card from the deck.

The Magic Trap Affinity was activated. There were two remaining times in this game.

"I activate the Magic Card Angel's Gift from my hand, draw three cards from my deck and discard two"

"Next, I will continue to activate the magic card, Bitter Choice!"

"The effect of this card is that I choose five cards from my deck, and then the opponent chooses one. The chosen card is added to my hand, and the rest of the cards are thrown into the graveyard."

"I choose Witch Craft Narrow Alley, Witch Craft Chaotic Combination, Witch Craft Master Weir, Witch Craft Slowdown, Witch Craft Tailor Heine!"

"Okay game, now it's your turn to pick one for me"

"Hehe~ You Feng is really worthy of his name, he is merciless when he strikes!" After a faint smile, An Yugi raised his hand and pointed to a card,"I choose Witch Craft Master Weier!"

After throwing the other four cards in his hand into the graveyard, Li Youfeng raised his hand and took out a card

"I put a card on my backcourt, and my turn is over!"


Seeing that Li Youfeng also performed a mysterious operation, the audience below the arena once again made puzzled sounds.

"What is You Feng doing this time? Is his hand stuck? Seeing that Li You Feng is even more outrageous than Yami Yugi, Jonouchi's eyes widened again.

"You Feng would never do something meaningless. What is he up to? President Kaiba, do you understand You Feng's intention?"As a duelist, although Kong Quewu saw the abnormality, she did not understand the mystery behind it.

"I don't understand!" A puzzled expression also appeared on his face. At this time, Kaiba Seto was more unwilling to accept the result."You Feng's opening is too weird. This kind of unconventional duel method is the first time I have seen it!"

In the Sky Arena, seeing that Li You Feng actually put down a cover card to end his turn, Yami Yugi's expression became even uglier.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Aibo, did you see what move You Feng was going to use?"Since the appearance of the game has been studying Li You Feng's duel skills recently, the dark game immediately asked in his mind.

"I don't understand, but according to common sense, a covered card can't control the situation at all, at least I can't do this, unless……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless the cover card is a trap card that will only be triggered after attacking, such as Holy Shield Reflector Force!"

"So that's it!" Nodding secretly, Dark Yugi quickly decided on the next plan to be carried out,"But if this happens, You Feng will miscalculate."

Looking at the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk in his hand, Dark Yugi showed a card from his hand.

"The magic card Angel's Charity is activated. I draw three cards from my deck and discard two."

"Next, I'm going to open a cover card on the field!"

"Magic card magnet induction activated!"

"The effect of this card is that, when there is a Level 4 or lower Magnet Warrior Monster on your field, it can be activated to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Magnet Warrior Monster with a different card name from the one on your field from your Deck!"

"In addition, after the effect of this card is activated, until the end of this turn, the Magnet Monsters and Magnet Warrior Monsters on our field will not be destroyed by battle or the opponent's effects!"


Looking at Dark Yugi in the arena, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but say:"Yugi did this to prevent the sacrifice from being destroyed by Yu Feng's trap card. Does this mean that Yugi will summon a god this turn?"

In the arena, Dark Yugi, who activated the magnet induction, continued his operation

"I Special Summoned from the Deck, Electromagnet Warriorγ!"

"The special effect of Magnet Warrior γ is activated. If this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can Special Summon a Magnet Warrior monster other than this card from your hand. I choose to Special Summon Magnet Warrior from my hand.δ!"

"The special effect of Magnet Warrior δ is activated. If this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can send a 4-level or lower Magnet Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard!"

"Hehe~, You Feng, Lava Golem can only be special summoned if you sacrifice two monsters on the opponent's field during your turn. And under the effect of Magnet Induction, your Trap Cards cannot destroy my monsters. This operation of mine can be said to have perfectly restrained your tactics!"

"Awesome! It's really awesome!"

After nodding vigorously, Li Youfeng imitated Runfa's movements in the previous life's God of Gamblers movie and applauded for An Yugi.

"You can actually understand my tactics to this extent, you really are worthy of being called a game master!"

"Hum~ You Feng, it's too early to be surprised now, my turn is not over yet."

Taking out a card from his hand, Dark Yugi showed it to everyone. As expected by Li Youfeng, this card is really the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk, one of the three mythical gods!

"What's going on? Could it be that You Feng really didn't prepare any tactics to deal with the God Card?"

After showing it to Li You Feng for a long time, Yami Yugi frowned in confusion when he found that the former still had no action.

"I have already done this much, but You Feng still has no reaction. Could it be that the covered card on his field is really a trap card that will be triggered after entering the battle phase?"

After taking a look at the God's Card in his hand, An Yugi raised his head and said loudly to Li Youfeng:"You Feng, no matter what trap card is covered on your backcourt, it will have no effect on God. You are too careless this time!" He slammed the God's Card in his hand on the duel disk. At this time, An Yugi would naturally not miss this great opportunity to kill Li Youfeng.

""O Giant God of Obelisk, accept my sacrifice and descend upon my land!"

The three magnet monsters turned into azure light and rushed into the sky. Dark Yugi's body was also enveloped by the dazzling blue light. The clear sky was covered with dark clouds again, accompanied by the sound of lightning and thunder. God responded to Dark Yugi's call.

"When it arrives, a scorching wind will blow the earth to wasteland, and the living will become corpses!"

"Be amazed, tremble, and then witness the power of God!"

"Obelisk's Colossus! Descend!"(Attack 4000 Defense 4000)

Seeing that Dark Yugi summoned Obelisk's Colossus so easily, not only the audience in the Sky Arena were excited, but even the duelists watching the live broadcast in front of the TV were excited.

"You Feng, what on earth are you doing, you bastard?���Are you letting him win on purpose?"

Obelisk's Giant God Soldier was standing on the dark game field. This development made Kaiba Seto, who was standing below the arena, lose his composure. You know, in Kaiba Seto's heart, he always regarded Li Youfeng as his nemesis. How could he watch his acknowledged opponent being defeated by Yugi so easily?

"Guess what?"

Looking at the Kaiba president who was yelling at him from below the arena, Li Youfeng just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. This move naturally caught the eye of Dark Game.

Facing such a confident Li Youfeng, Dark Game, who had already summoned the Colossus, was actually in a serious choice dilemma for a while. A few drops of cold sweat slowly oozed from his forehead, and he was struggling in his heart whether he should launch an attack or not.

"Another me, although the card on Yu Feng's field is a little weird, the Giant God Soldier cannot be destroyed by the Trap Card. Although Yu Feng's duel style is uncertain, you have to trust your own judgment!"Feeling Yami Yugi's anxiety, Omi Yugi hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

"You’re right!" Encouraged by Biao Yugi, Yami Yugi’s eyes became firm,"Aibo, I believe in my deck, because this is the strongest deck that you and I have spent countless efforts to form. The God Card is invincible and can never be destroyed by Trap Cards, so no matter what is hidden ahead, I will definitely keep moving forward!"

"Come on, another me!"

"Ah, I know what to do!"

After communicating with Biao Yugi in his mind, An Yugi pointed at Li Youfeng.

"You Feng, although I don't know what tricks you are playing, all your methods are useless against God. In order to truly defeat you in this round, I decided to use all my strength!"

"Come on, play the game! Use all your strength, don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower, hit me hard!"


Seeing Li Youfeng's mean expression, not only the audience in the arena couldn't stand it, but even An Yuzhi in the arena was a little upset.

"The special effect of Magnet Warrior δ is activated!"

"If this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can banish three other Level 4 or lower Magnet Warriors and activate this card, ignoring the conditions, to Special Summon a Magnet Warrior Electromagnet from your Deck or hand!"

"Based on this effect, I Special Summon from the Deck, Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Warrior!" (Attack 3500 Defense 3850)

"What? When did Yugi prepare such a back-up plan? Could it be the charity of the angel? Seeing that Dark Yugi actually had such a hidden trick, Kaiba Seto's face also showed an expression of amazement.

"The attack power of 3500 has completely surpassed the attack power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Awesome, Yugi is really amazing!"I never expected that Dark Yugi would not only summon the Giant God Soldier within two rounds, but also summon a Magnet Warrior with an attack power far exceeding that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Jonouchi, who witnessed all this, was extremely excited at this moment.

"This little dwarf is really amazing. No wonder he was able to fight You Feng on equal terms in the Duel Kingdom. The outcome of this match is really unpredictable!" Having personally experienced Yugi's dueling skills, Kong Que Wu knew very well that, unlike his skinny appearance, Yugi Muto was a powerful duelist!

"You Feng, what the hell are you doing! God, please power off the duel disk of that dwarf in the game! Amitabha! Wuliang Tianzun!"Unlike Li Youfeng who looked calm, Izayoi Kaoru was completely nervous at this time, with cold sweat oozing out of his palms. Izayoi Kaoru kept praying for Li Youfeng.



He glanced at Izayoi Kaoru coldly and cursed in his heart:"What the hell are you talking about, you superficial woman? The duel disk I invented is carefully designed, how could there be a power outage? What kind of bad taste is this?"

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