In the Sky Arena, after taking a look at the Magnet Warrior and the Giant God Soldier in front of him, Yami Yugi finally made up his mind to launch an attack.

Just as Yami Yugi has always believed in, trap cards are meant to be stepped on. If you don't step on them, then the trap card will never disappear from the opponent's field! (This view is the original plot of Yami Yugi's anime, without any deletions or changes))

""You Feng! Wake up!"

Pointing at Li You Feng, An Yugi said loudly:"No matter what kind of trap card you use, it can't stop the footsteps of God. Use your body to experience your stupid tactics!"

"Obelisk's Giant God Soldier, attack directly!"

""God's Fist Crushing Blow!!!"

Izayoi Kaoru:"Youfeng, be careful!"

Seeing the giant god's fist about to hit Li Youfeng, Izayoi Kaoru's heart almost jumped out of his throat. Since he had already established a relationship with Li Youfeng, Izayoi Kaoru now completely put his heart on Li Youfeng. In the

Sky Arena, seeing the giant fist of Obelisk coming towards him, Li Youfeng calmly showed a card.

"When Kite Robot's special effect is activated and the opponent's monster attacks directly, you can discard this card from your hand, and the damage of this direct attack is reduced to 0 points!"

"The body is made of steel, the blood is made of fire!"

"The blood is as strong as iron and the heart is as clear as glass!"

With a majestic soundtrack, everyone seemed to hear the self-narration of the kite robot in a trance.

It appeared in front of Li Youfeng without hesitation. With the weak body of a one-star monster, it bore the huge pressure that a monster of this star should not bear!

It is the invincible kite robot!


With a deafening roar, the kite robot used its tiny fists to block the giant fist of Obelisk, as if subverting the common sense of the world. This little"ant" showed contempt for God and used its thin body to firmly block the attack of the God Card!

Li Youfeng's life value did not move!

The attack failed, not only did Dark Game's face twitch fiercely, but even the giant god soldier with his own life looked at the daring"ant" blocking him in front of him with some disbelief. However, for the current kite robot, it will not indulge anyone, just because it is, the invincible kite robot!

(Kite Robot: I said it long ago, even if a god comes, I can still stop him!)

After raising a middle finger with great disdain towards the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk, the Kite Robot turned around and clapped hands with Li Youfeng. Under Li Youfeng's admiring gaze, it rolled into the cemetery smoothly.


"Damn, I miscalculated!" Kaiba Seto clicked his tongue lightly, his expression was a little subtle,"I thought that bastard You Feng would yell for help again."

In the arena, just when Obelisk's Giant God Soldier's attack ended, Li Youfeng waved his hand, then smiled sinisterly and opened the cover card in the backcourt.

"Trap Card Activated!"

"The disturbing duo!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon two Disruptor Tokens (0 Attack, 1000 Defense) to your opponent's field in Defense Position!"

(Tokens are commonly known as tokens. In order to take care of most readers, the author uses the clearer term"Tokens" as an explanation. Please forgive me, after all, not all readers of this book are Card Masters.)

"Okay, Yugi, the trap card has been revealed, please continue your performance!"

Laughing, at this time Li Youfeng was already showing a sly smile without disguising it. Seeing Li Youfeng showing such an expression, An Yugi's face became even uglier. However, he was already in a difficult situation and could only bite the bullet and launch another attack.

"Magnet Warrior, the Electromagnetic God, attack directly!"

"It's useless. I will remove the lonely (bone) bet (pig) in the cemetery and invalidate the direct attack of the Electromagnetic God of War this time!"


The Electromagnetic God of War's long sword slashed towards Li Youfeng fiercely. At this critical moment, a pig suddenly appeared in front of Li Youfeng.

The entire skeleton in its body sneezed on the face of the Electromagnetic God of War. This selfless pig used its body to protect the safety of its master again!

The attack was dramatically blocked by a pile of broken bones. Even the Electromagnetic God of War, whose power was far greater than that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, had to return empty-handed.

"I fuck~~!"

It was rare for Dark Game to swear. Dark Game's mentality was also a little broken at this time. He ended his attack phase unwillingly. However, what Dark Game did not expect was that his unexpected nightmare had just begun.

"At the moment you finish the battle phase, I will activate the Trap Card from my hand!"


With Li Youfeng's shout, not only did Yami Yugi open his eyes in confusion, but even Kaiba Seto and others below the arena also looked puzzled and cast their eyes on Li Youfeng.

"颉颃(xié háng) Victory or Defeation!" (Note: This card is also known as illiterate victory or defeat. This card must be familiar to card players.)

"This card can be activated from your hand when there are no cards on your field, and can only be activated during the battle end phase of your opponent or yourself. Its effect is that the opponent player must select cards on his field and banish them face down, so that the number of cards on his field is the same as the number of cards on your field."

"It's useless!" Seeing Li Youfeng activate the trap card from his hand, An Yugi immediately showed his powerful ability of talking nonsense,"Any trap card is invalid for God, so your trap card cannot activate its effect!"

"Haha, I expected you to say that!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Li Youfeng continued what An Yugi said,"Unfortunately, the effect of this card is not aimed at the God Card, but at the player. This is an extremely powerful trap card that targets the opponent's player. So Yugi, please use your hand to choose which card you want to exclude."

"In addition, I want to remind you that derivatives cannot be excluded from the inside, so please start making your choices!"

"How could this happen?"After hearing Li Youfeng's explanation, An Yugi suddenly realized it. He looked at the giant god soldier on the duel disk with a dull look. An Yugi began to realize that God was not invincible.

""Except, and exception again. You Feng, this bastard, really likes exceptions!"

Li You Feng's explanation was naturally heard by Kaiba and others below the Sky Arena. At this moment, not only did Yami Yugi's mentality collapse, but even Kaiba Seto below the arena also collapsed.

The myth of the invincibility of God's Card was easily broken by Li You Feng. This situation undoubtedly broke the wonderful fantasy of Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto that God is invincible!

"You Feng, what on earth are you thinking about, you bastard?"

Staring at Li You Feng standing in the arena with a smirk on his face, veins popped out on Kaiba Seto's forehead.

"It was so simple to resolve the attack of the God. You Feng, how strong are you really? Why can you always think of things that I can't?"

"You Feng, you are worthy of being my nemesis. You are the only enemy that I must defeat personally. Wait, I will not give up until the day when I completely defeat you comes. I will never give up!"

Just like President Kaiba at this moment, Yami Yugi also had a distraught expression on his face. He took down the Electromagnetic God of War and Obelisk's Giant God Soldier from the duel disk with a painful look. Yami Yugi knew that unless he drew the only card that Aibo insisted on adding to the deck, otherwise, it would be difficult for his two trump cards to have a chance to appear in this duel.

"Don't worry, my other self!" Noticing that Yami Yugi was feeling a little down, Biao Yugi hurriedly said,"Have you forgotten the card I asked you to add to your deck? Believe me, that card will definitely be our chance to turn the tables!"

"Ah, of course I haven't forgotten. Don't worry, it's just a small setback. It won't be so easy to defeat me!"

Because of what Table Yugi said, Dark Yugi once again cheered up,"I cover a card on the back field, and my turn is over."

"This is incredible!" Seeing Yami Yugi go from an absolute advantage to a disadvantage in an instant, Jonouchi couldn't help but say,"I still don't understand how���What's going on? You Feng turned passive into active so easily. Is this his true strength?"

"The trap card that You Feng first placed on the backcourt can be said to be a trap or a bait!"As if she had thought of something, Kong Que Wu also spoke up,"It's not just us who think so. I'm afraid that Yugi at the time also believed that a single cover card would not be enough to stop the Colossus."

"This is an invisible chain trap!"Nodding in agreement, Kaiba Seto took over the topic of Peacock Dance and said,"I'm afraid You Feng has already guessed from the beginning that Yugi will summon Obelisk's Giant God Soldier. After all, only my Giant God Soldier has the ability to fight against the Winged Dragon of the Sun God."

"You Feng deliberately showed weakness, because he calculated that Yugi would believe in the power of the Giant God Soldier. In fact, not only Yugi, but I also made the same mistake. Yu Feng's skills made me have to admit that I also believed too much in the power of the God Card in previous duels."

Everyone:"I see!"

Just as Kaiba Seto explained to everyone, Li You Feng activated Magic Trap Affinity and drew a card from the deck, and then began his own operation.

Magic Trap Affinity, 1 time left in this game

"Game, here's my attack!"

"Magic card Half-Dragon Maid's hospitality activated!"

"According to the effect of this card, I can select a Half-Dragon Maid monster from the Graveyard and Special Summon it in Defense Position. After that, I can throw a card with a different star level of the selected monster from the Deck into the Graveyard."

"I chose to Special Summon Half-Dragon Maid Nursery Dragon Girl, and threw Half-Dragon Maid Earth Dragon Girl from the Deck into the Graveyard!"

"The special effect of Half-Dragon Maid Nursery Dragon Maid is activated. When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon a Half-Dragon Maid monster of level 4 or lower from the Graveyard."

"I choose to special summon, Washer Dragon Lady!"

As Li Youfeng's bond card, the Washer Dragon Lady with the Duel Spirit is more agile than other monsters. After appearing on the field, she took the initiative to turn around and gave Li Youfeng a fairly standard maid salute.

Smiling and nodding at the Washer Dragon Lady, Li Youfeng said:"The special effect of the Washer Dragon Lady is activated. When this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, three cards from the top of the deck can be thrown into the graveyard."

"Next, I will activate the quick attack magic card from my hand, Witch Craft Demonstration"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon a Witchcraft Monster from your hand, and during the turn of this Special Summon, your opponent cannot use magic, traps, or monster effects against the summoned monster."

"I choose to special summon, Witch Craft Master Weir! Attack Position!"(Attack 1000 Defense 2800)"

Accompanied by a dazzling white light, Witch Craft Master Weir also appeared on Li Youfeng's field. It seemed that because she was not awake, she rubbed her eyes and looked at Li Youfeng with great resentment.���

Since he had never dealt with this duel elf, Li Youfeng only learned from Atlas Worm Demon that this duel elf was greedy and loved to sleep. Li Youfeng smiled helplessly. He instinctively realized that this duel elf should not be a pushover.

"He summoned three monsters in a flash. You Feng is indeed the one! Seeing Li Youfeng summon three monsters in a flash, the audience in the arena also exclaimed in admiration.

"I put a card on my backcourt"

"The battle started. At this moment, the special effects of the half-dragon maids, the laundry dragon lady and the baby-raising dragon lady, were activated!"

"These two monsters can activate special effects when entering the battle phase. This card can be returned to the owner's hand and a Seven-Star Monster can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard!"

"Come out, Canghe Dragon Girl, Dici Dragon Girl!" (Attack Power 2600 Defense Power 1600)

"Canghe Dragon Girl, Dici Dragon Girl, attack the two Disruptor Elementals separately!"

After receiving Li Youfeng's order, Canghe Dragon Girl and Dici Dragon Girl rushed towards the two Disruptor Elementals on the dark game field at the same time. With two explosions, the two Disruptor Elementals were directly smashed into pieces.

"The special effect of the Disruptor Derivative is activated. When these two derivatives are destroyed, each one can deal 300 damage to the controller!"

Muto Yugi LP4000>3400

"Awesome, you are worthy of being You Feng!"After losing 600 health points, An Yugi was also very surprised. He originally thought that he would not lose blood if he defended, but who would have thought that these two disruptor monster derivatives would have such an effect.

"My turn is over, but at this moment, I will activate the effect of the Witch Craft card in the graveyard."

"When my turn ends and there is a Witchcraft monster face-up on the field, I can place the continuous magic card Witchcraft Alley in the backfield, and then I can also retrieve the four magic cards Witchcraft Sabotage, Chaos Combination, Creation, and Cooperation from the graveyard."


Extra Chapter 4:

China, the Headquarters Guild of the Knights of Hanno

"President, something bad has happened!"

Accompanied by a rapid knock on the door, a blond boy wearing the orthodox uniform of the Knights rushed into the president's office.

"Abel, I've told you so many times to stay calm when encountering things. Look how flustered you are. How disgraceful!"

"But President, our……"

"Oh, I told you not to worry. As the saying goes, if your heart is as clear as ice, you won’t be startled even if the sky falls! Cultivation~, do you understand?"

As the number one guild in China, the kind-looking man in front of him, who looks only about 30 years old, is the general guild leader of the Hanno Knights, Amagi Sora!

By the way, he is a punching bag guild leader~!

Just because he has never lost in an argument and never won in a card game. Although he is not good at dueling, you can't stand him because he is a rich second-generation!

Moreover, the financial resources of the Amagi family are extremely strong. Its strength is comparable to China's largest krypton gold guild"You Don't Understand the World of Kryptonians". This is also one of the main reasons why the Hanno Knights can always remain the strongest duelist guild in China.

"Oh ~ okay!"

After hearing what Tianchengkong said, Abel immediately chose to lie down and walked to the desk casually. He poured himself a cup of tea and sipped it slowly.

"Um, by the way, Abel, what exactly did you want to say just now?"

"Oh, actually it's nothing. I just want to tell you, President, that our Rongguang Bank was robbed. The criminals have taken many hostages. The police are confronting the criminals at the door of the bank."

"Poof! Cough cough~!"

He spit out a mouthful of tea and said that he almost choked to death.

"You bastard, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Isn’t this what you said, President, not to be anxious and to cultivate yourself?"

"OK, OK, you are awesome!" Giving Abel a thumbs up, Amagi Sora continued,"Who is on duty in the safe of Rongguang Bank today?"

"Reporting to the president, the person on duty should have been Vice President Bai Xiaoyi, but this guy was drunk yesterday, so he switched shifts with Deng Yingxiang!"

"Damn, who are you talking about? Deng Yingxiang? That jerk? He was assigned to guard the bank vault? Didn't I say he was transferred? Who arranged this?"

"Uh~ this~!"Touching his hair, Abel said helplessly,"It should be Vice President Bai Xiaoyi. After all, they drank together yesterday. Deng Yingxiang's drinking capacity is so high that even if there are ten presidents, you can't beat him. So, you know!"

"Fuck you!"

He slapped the desk and quickly picked up the coat on the hanger.

"Inform the Knights Templar members on standby at the headquarters guild that if they have nothing to do, they should immediately go to the Glory Bank for support. This is related to the credibility of the Knights Templar. This precedent must not be set! Deng Yingxiang, you reckless fellow, remember your identity clearly. You are a bodyguard. You just need to delay time and wait for support. Don't do anything reckless!"

The door of the Glory Bank vault was closed.

"Wow~ You little thief, you actually come to pick a fight while I'm on duty, it seems you don't know how powerful I am!"

Wearing the coat of the Knights Templar of the Hanoi Order, Deng Yingxiang with blue hair was looking coldly at the masked man in front of him.

"I don't kill nameless people. Tell me your name!"

The masked man wearing a large windbreaker and a hood said coldly:"Dark Tarot, Fool!"

"Oh, it seems to be a big fish!" Deng Yingxiang wiped his nose with disdain and then showed his duel disk,"I have heard that there are only twenty-two people in the Dark Tarot. I didn't expect to have the honor to meet them today. It seems that today is really my lucky day. Come on, little thief, I will defeat you here completely today!"


Deng Yingxiang LP4000

Fool LP4000

"I got the first strike! Draw a card!" Pulling out a card from the black duel disk, the Fool slowly placed it on the duel disk.

"I activate the Ritual Spell Card Proclaimer's Divine Trust from my hand!"

"Send a twelve-star monster from your hand to the graveyard and ritually summon it, Herald of the Soaring Light, in defense position!" (2000 attack, 3000 defense)

"I cover three cards on the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"Hey, little thief, let me show you my fast break tactics!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, I want to open the cover card!"

Just when Deng Yingxiang had just drawn a card, the Fool directly opened the two cover cards on the field.

"The continuous magic card Nightmare Mirage is activated. The effect of this card is that during the opponent's standby phase, you can draw up to four cards from the deck. Next, I will activate another magic card, the Extraordinary!"

"The effect of this card is that you can send the magic card or trap card on your field to the graveyard and restore 1000 life points!"

Fool LP4000>5000

"Okay, it’s your turn!"

"Damn you, you clever bastard!"

He smacked his lips secretly and cast a magic spell.

"I activate Gem Fusion from my hand. The effect of this card is……"

"The special effect of Soguang Herald is activated, and by discarding an Angel-Type monster from your hand, you can negate your Magic Card Gem Fusion!"

"I'm Nima~!"

Gnashing his teeth with anger, Deng Yingxiang then played another card.

"The magic card Pot of Desire is activated, and I can draw from the deck……"

"The special effect of Soguang Herald is activated. By discarding an Angel-Type monster from your hand, your magic card Pot of Greed can be invalidated!"

The magic card he activated was invalidated again. Deng Yingxiang, who was always impatient, was immediately a little impatient.

"You bastard, are you dueling? You are a robber! Are you sure you are serious when you play so dirty?"

"Hehehe, what do you care about me?" Ignoring Deng Yingxiang's provocation, the Fool sneered,"This is how I, as a fool, duel. If you can't stand it, you can surrender!"

"You son of a bitch, you want me to surrender? From the time I was born till now, I have never known what surrender means!"

"I activate the magic card……"

"The special effect of the Soguang Herald is activated, invalid……"

"You fuck~!"

"Wow haha~!"

Rongguang Bank lobby

"Boss, do you think the Fool is reliable? It’s been almost an hour, why hasn’t he come out of the vault yet?"

"Damn it, how would I know what's going on? If it weren't for the fact that the vault can only be opened by dueling, do you think I would hire someone from the Dark Guild to help?!" Grabbing his hair fiercely, the armed robber leader was also a little confused,"Strange, didn't the Dark Guild say that the Fool's strength is guaranteed? Why hasn't it been done for so long?"

"Boss, I've heard a rumor that the Fool's playing style seems to be a bit torturous, and I've also heard that he has never taken the initiative to attack, and every duel is won by the opponent who surrenders voluntarily."

The robbers:"!!!"

"My Dark Guild sent a slow-witted guy to help me rob a bank? ? ?"


Da da da!

Accompanied by a burst of gunfire, the fully armed special forces suddenly rushed into the Glory Bank.

"Put your hands up, you are surrounded!"

"Area A has been suppressed, only one robber was slightly injured, and the rest were all captured!"

"Area B has been suppressed, two armed robbers were shot dead on the spot, and the hostages are safe!"

"The third team is heading to the vault, requesting follow-up support!"

Rongguang Bank Vault

"Damn it, I will never surrender!"

"Haha, your deck is almost empty, so if you want to be tough, now is the time to do it!"


Just when the Fool was getting carried away, dozens of cold gun barrels were pressed against his forehead at the same time.

"Boy, surrender now, you are under arrest!"

"No~ Our duel is not over yet, you can't catch me!"

A pair of cold"silver bracelets" were put on the Fool's hands, and the Fool let out an unwilling wail!

"Deng Yingxiang, you despicable villain! This duel is not over yet. I will definitely seek revenge on you when I come out. Remember this!"

Clenching his fists, the reckless Deng Yingxiang suddenly said loudly with fighting spirit:"No need to wait for you to come out. I'm going to commit a crime and come in to find you. You are special forces, right? Does it count as attacking a police officer now?"……"


Before he could finish his sentence, a fist hit Deng Yingxiang's head hard. Looking at Deng Yingxiang who had a big bump on his head and fainted on the ground, Tian Chengkong took a deep puff of his cigarette and said to Abel beside him in a bad mood:"Fuck you~ You still want to attack the police? Arrange this brat on Bai Xiaoyi's boat. I will let him have a happy New Year on the sea this time!"

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