Her pretty face was filled with anger. It was as if Weier was woken up from a sweet dream and was in a bad mood. She waved her crystal staff and stood in front of Li Youfeng without hesitation.

Li Youfeng LP4000﹥1000


Seeing that Li Youfeng's health had been deducted by the system, the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight glared at Wei Er coldly and turned back to his own field.

"Wei'er, thank you so much. Damn, my happiness for the rest of my life is almost gone." Having luckily escaped the oncoming bullet in the waist, Li Youfeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

"Master, you have to be careful, this monster is not easy to deal with!"

It seems that he has completely woken up. Although Weier did not speak, her voice appeared in Li Youfeng's mind.

Weier's voice is very soft and cute, and it also reveals a bit of laziness, which makes people feel very comfortable listening to it.

Looking at the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight with gritted teeth, Li Youfeng said with resentment:"Well, don't worry, speaking of this monster, I know its special abilities better than anyone else. Although its effect is powerful, it is not that there is no way to deal with it!"

"You cannot attack during the turn when the fusion monster is successfully fused. My turn is over." After dealing such a huge amount of damage to Li Youfeng in one go, Dark Yugi was quite satisfied with the performance of Red-Eyes Dragon Knight.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Li Youfeng was also a little surprised and was stunned for a few seconds

"Hehe~ I didn't expect to draw this card at this time, it's really timely."

With a sinister smile on his face, Li Youfeng slapped the card on the duel disk with a playful expression.

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Friendship!"

Everyone:"Friendship?! Masaka?"

Kajiki Yuta in front of the TV:"Damn! It's this card?! Li Youfeng, this shameless and despicable villain, actually wanted to use that trick?"

"Yes, Yugi, I just want to shake hands with you now. It has nothing to do with the competition. It’s just because of the pure friendship between us!"

Li Youfeng said those touching words, trying his best to make his expression look more decent. While he was talking, he walked to the center of the duel field with a smile on his face and stretched out his right hand to An Yugi.

Everyone:"I’m speechless. Could it be that Youfeng really wants to shake hands with Yugi just for the sake of friendship?"

""Braise!" Seeing Li Youfeng standing in the center of the duel field with a smile on his face, An Yugi's face couldn't help but twitch violently.

"How could he be so shameless?!"

As a friend of Li Youfeng, An Yugi naturally knew what this card represented.

"Another me." Just when An Yugi was hesitant, the voice of Biao Yugi appeared in his mind,"I once made an agreement with You Feng that as long as he extends his hand, I will hold it without hesitation, regardless of whether it is a duel or not! So, if you can't accept it, then let me do it instead.""

"Aibo, what nonsense are you talking about." With a faint smile, Dark Game, who understood instantly, calmly replied,"To me, You Feng is also my friend, so this agreement is valid for both of us."

Like a true warrior, Dark Game at this moment fully demonstrated the fearless temperament of the king.

He knew that the road ahead was a trap, but in order to maintain the purity of friendship and bond, he walked towards Li Youfeng without hesitation.

In sharp contrast to the despicable Li Youfeng, Dark Game had a faint smile on his face, and soon walked to the center of the duel field and decisively shook Li Youfeng's right hand.

"Yugi, you are indeed my best friend. I admit that I really didn't expect you to do this!"Li Youfeng was very moved by An Yugi's actions.

Of course, it can only be two seconds at most, no more!

"You Feng, don't say that." With a gentle smile, An Yugi shook his head and said,"Our duel has nothing to do with who wins or loses. Just like we agreed at the beginning, I will hold your hand, just because you are my best friend!"

Listen to this, everyone!

What is pattern?

What is friendship?

What is credibility?

The quality of being a person is simply judged!

Looking at the two young men holding hands in the center of the Sky Arena, not only the audience standing below the arena instantly had red eyes, but even the duelists standing in front of the TV watching this live broadcast were moved to tears.

"Yugi Muto, he is a true duelist, and a duelist of high character!"As the most direct victim of the handshake, Kajiki Yuta couldn't help but be the first to express his admiration in front of the big TV screen in Tojino Square.

Knowing that it was a trap, but for the sake of justice, Yami Yugi still chose to move forward bravely. Let me ask everyone present, how can such an action not be admired?

"Game, to be honest, I am really moved!"After expressing his feelings with his eyes closed, Li Youfeng~~he finally revealed his insidious and cunning true face

"But unfortunately, because of the friendship effect, we have to split the life points! Wahaha~! Yugi, pay a heavy price for your naivety (broken voice)!"

"How tired are you?"


Hearing An Yugi suddenly say this catchphrase, Li Youfeng also instantly realized that things seemed a little bad.

"Haha, do you really think I would fall for your despicable trap? You Feng, you should be the naive one (broken voice)! After all, do you think I, who have seen your many despicable tricks, would shake hands with you without any defense?"The real purpose was revealed, and in the confused eyes of the crowd, the pure and noble king also revealed his true face.

"To tell you the truth, when you activated Friendship, I had already excluded the Black Magic Navigation in the graveyard. The effect of that card is to negate the activation of the opponent's trap card or magic card once, so your idea of splitting my life points has long been bankrupt!"


Stunned, not only the audience watching the duel on the spot were stunned, even the duelists watching this duel in Tongshiye were stunned on the spot.

No matter they were in admiration, respect, or moved to tears by the friendship between the two, at this moment, the duelists who had these thoughts suddenly had the same thought in their minds, that is, I really seemed to be a hopeless idiot for believing in the pure friendship between you!

Everyone:"Fuck! Sincere friendship has deteriorated! Give us back our feelings~! You two bastards!!!""

(Li Youfeng: You have to pay extra!)

In the Sky Arena

"Damn! You've learned bad things from playing games. You actually used this method to trick me!"

"You're talking nonsense! It was you who was the one who set me up first, You Feng. I'm going to make this clear today. If you want to do this to me, you can't!"

"Youxi, you damn dwarf, I misjudged you. I didn’t expect you to have such a dirty heart!"

"You Feng, how shameless do you have to be to say this? It was clearly you who activated the magic card, and I was just fighting back legitimately. You should be the one who is truly despicable and shameless!"

"You, you are such a heartless villain. Just because of our relationship, what's wrong with me giving you a little life value? How can you be so unreasonable?"

"Damn it! You Feng, stop confusing right and wrong here, you bastard. At the beginning, I only agreed to shake your hand, not to split your life points. Besides, that's just a little life points? Now we are in a formal duel, you want to blackmail me morally? Haha, you are daydreaming!"

"Game! You%$&!"

"You Feng! You are a @&;%!"

Biao Yugi:"Stop arguing, please stop arguing!"

Looking at the two people arguing in the arena, Biao Yugi, who witnessed and silently endured it all, covered his face and sighed helplessly:"What the hell is this!" With a complicated expression, Isono came up and said righteously:"Muto Yugi, Li Youfeng, if you two continue to make trouble like this, I will sentence you both out!"


(Jonouchi: This referee is so indecisive, why don't you just rule them both out! Damn it, the runner-up of the Duel City Tournament is gone just like that!)

"Humph! Yugi, let's wait and see! ��Glazing at An Yugi fiercely, Li Youfeng said that he would remember this grudge!

"Tsk~! You Feng, do you think I'm afraid of you?" He gave Li You Feng a sneer of contempt, and An Youxi said that the real king is fearless!

Everyone:"Who said that only women have fake friendships? Isn't the friendship between card players also unable to stand the test?!"

"I exchanged a friendship card for your Magician Navigation. This wave is totally worth it!"

Although he cursed on the surface, Li Youfeng was actually very happy in his heart. Li Youfeng originally put this friendship card into the deck with a try-and-see attitude. Now it has played such a big role. It can be said that it is worth it.

"I activate Witch Craft Slowdown from my hand and Special Summon Witch Craft Tailor Heine from the Graveyard in Attack Position!"

"The special effect of the Witchcraft Acting Master is activated, destroying a cover card on your field!"


The Acting Master, who received Li Youfeng's order, swung his staff and shot out a wave of light. At the moment when the cover card on the field was shattered, Li Youfeng could see its true appearance.

"Heh~ So it's the attack that's disabled. With Red-Eyes Dragoon on the field, you can still cover this kind of card. Yugi, you're pretty careful in your studies now."

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two more cards from my deck!"

"After that, I cover three cards on my backcourt, and my turn ends. However, at the same time, I will retrieve Witchcraft Chaos Combination from the graveyard to create these two magic cards."

Looking at the three covered cards on his backcourt and the continuous magic card Witchcraft Narrow Alley, Li Youfeng showed a very subtle and sinister smile on his face.

"Just in case, I had to cover the hole where the insects fell in advance. Red-Eyes Dragon Knight, right? Let me use the simplest method to get rid of you today."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng did not launch an attack, after drawing a card, An Yugi looked calmly at Biao Yugi who appeared beside him in the form of a soul.

"aibo, You Feng has three cover cards in his backfield. Do you think he will use the trap card that is activated based on the conditions of the opponent's player?"

"I don't think it's possible, after all, that kind of card is too rare, I think You Feng just got one by chance."

Shaking his head slightly, Biao Yugi nodded to An Yugi and said,"Another me, You Feng actually summoned a monster in attack position, and buried a face-up card. Now it seems that he has no idea what kind of special effect Red-Eyes Dragoon has. The reason he did this is nothing more than wanting to use the chain combo of the trap card to destroy Red-Eyes Dragoon. Unfortunately, You Feng didn't know that Red-Eyes Dragoon cannot be destroyed by effects."

"Hehe, aibo, you are right. After all, this is the first time we summon this monster. It is natural that You Feng does not know its special effects."

"Another me, although this���But we still have to be careful"

"Don't worry, I understand. I will test it before launching the attack!"

Knowing that he couldn't cover the card now, Dark Yugi immediately launched the attack.

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Dragoon is activated. Once per turn, it can destroy a monster on the opponent's field, and then inflict damage to the opponent equal to the original attack power of that monster!"

"I choose to destroy the acting leader!"

""Hey, you can't do that, Yugi!" Pointing to the continuous magic card Witchcraft Alley on his field, Li Youfeng sneered,"The effect of Witchcraft Alley is that it can only be used once per turn. The Witchcraft monsters on our field cannot be destroyed by battle or effects, so the destructive effect of Red-Eyes Dragon Knight is offset."

"You Feng, it is precisely because I know the effect of the witch craft narrow alley that my goal is to let you offset the destructive effect this time!"As Dark Game guessed, Li Youfeng must respond to his own conspiracy.

"Next, I will activate the magic card whirlwind to destroy a covered card on your field. I choose the one on the far left!"


Watching a whirlwind rolling over from the dark game field, Li Youfeng's mouth corners also raised a very subtle arc

"Sorry game, some trap cards really can't be destroyed casually!"

"What? Is that card a trick?"

"No! You guessed wrong!" Shaking his head slightly, Li Youfeng directly activated the effect of this trap card,"Trap card activated, Anubis's punishment!" (The original effect of the anime, Li Youfeng took it from the other party's deck when he defeated Xilid)

"This card can be activated when your opponent activates the effect of a Spell or Trap Card to destroy your side, negating that destruction, destroying all monsters on your opponent's field, and then inflicting damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK of the destroyed monster!"

"It's useless. The special effect of Red-Eyes Dragoon is that it cannot be destroyed by the effect of cards, so I won't lose health points due to this effect!"

I never thought that Li Youfeng would plant such a"mine". An Yugi's eyes were full of admiration for Li Youfeng.

"Awesome, worthy of being You Feng, he uses trap cards so well that it is really hard for people to judge the authenticity!"

"It's just a pity that you chose to use the effect to destroy Red-Eyes Dragoon. It seems that you really don't understand the special effects of this monster."

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