Thinking of this, An Yugi and Biao Yugi became more certain of their previous thoughts. Looking at Li Youfeng who was showing a"panicked" look, An Yugi decisively launched an attack.


Knowing that he couldn't miss this great opportunity, An Yuzhi confidently pointed his finger at Li Youfeng.

"Red-Eyes Dragon Knight, attack the Witch Craft Agent Leader!"

"Red Spiral Gun Kill!"

Seeing the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight rushing over, the"panicked" Li Youfeng activated the special effects of his monsters on the field with a lack of confidence.

"Game, don't even think about succeeding. At this moment, I'm going to activate the special effect of Witch Craft Master Weir. By showing magic cards with different names in my hand, I can increase the attack power of one of our Witch Craft monsters by 1,000 points!"

"You Feng, I think you should be the one who doesn't want to succeed!"

At the moment when Li You Feng just activated Wei Er's special effect, An Yugi also activated the special effect of Red-Eyes Dragon Knight.

"Red-Eyes Dragoon's second special effect is activated once per turn. When the opponent's magic, trap, or monster effect is activated, you can discard a card in your hand to negate that effect and destroy it. After that, Red-Eyes Dragoon's attack power increases by 1000 points!"

Red-Eyes Dragoon's attack power is 4000!

(I want to point out that this card was revised on December 21, 2019. One of the changes is that the attack power cannot be increased if the second special effect does not destroy the opponent's card. The original comic version is used here, so readers can understand it. )

Everyone:"What a powerful special effect!"

"The special effect of Witchcraft Alley is activated, invalidating the destructive effect of Weier this time!"Seeing that the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight's spear was about to hit Weier, Li Youfeng activated the effect of the Continuous Magic Card without hesitation and directly offset the destructive effect this time.

"It doesn’t matter!"

After a faint smile, An Yugi pointed at Li Youfeng and said:"Although it is impossible to destroy the Witch Craft Master Weier, the special effects of this monster cannot be activated, so the attack power of the Witch Craft Acting Master cannot be increased!"

"What a terrifying monster! I never thought that the game actually had such a powerful monster hidden inside it, which could suppress You Feng to such an extent!"After seeing the power of the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight, Kaiba Seto broke out in cold sweat. Looking at Li You Feng who was suppressed by the game, Kaiba Seto felt even more unwilling.

"I really didn't expect that this Red-Eyes Dragon Knight was so powerful that he could suppress You Feng by himself!"

"What a powerful little dwarf! I really underestimated him. It's hard to imagine that he has grown to this point after just a few months of not seeing him!

Seeing that the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight was about to slap him in the face, Jonouchi and Peacock Dance also sighed at the same time.

"You Feng, you only have 1000 HP and you can't take this damage. I'll win this duel!"

Thinking that he could easily defeat the acting leader, An Yugi smiled confidently.

However, at this moment, An Yugi never expected that the"panicked" Li You Feng would change his attitude and use another trap card with a grin.

"Trap card activated, Holy Armor Mirror Armor!"

"It's useless!" Without waiting for Li Youfeng to explain, Yami Yugi spoke first,"Red-Eyes Dragon Knight cannot be selected as an effect target, so the effect of this Trap Card cannot be activated on it!"

"You think too much!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Li Youfeng explained:"The effect of this card is not targeted at your monster, but at the monster on my field!"

"The effect of this card is that when a face-up monster on our field is selected as an attack target, it can be activated, and the attack power of the attacked target becomes the same as the attacking monster's attack power!"

"In addition, I would like to add that this trap card has an effect that does not take a target!"

Witchcraft Acting Master's Attack Power 4000UP!

"How could this happen!"Under Yami Yugi's surprised gaze, Red-Eyes Dragon Knight and Acting Master collided with each other without any hesitation!


Because the attack power was the same, the two monsters shattered at the same time after exchanging damage, and entered the cemetery together.

"You Feng!"

Seeing Li You Feng's calmness, where was the slightest bit of panic he had before? Suddenly realizing something, An Yugi couldn't help but ask,"You already knew the special effects of Red-Eyes Dragon Knight, right? So all your previous performances were just acting me, and then luring me to attack, right?"

As the chosen one of this world, An Yugi's dueling talent is absolutely amazing. After just a brief recollection of Li You Feng's previous actions, An Yugi immediately realized the various inappropriate things in it.

"Yes, I am indeed playing you. In addition to protecting the two cards, Witchcraft Alley and Mirror Armor, from being destroyed, Anubis's Sanction also deliberately showed you the remaining monster-destroying effects. In fact, I already knew that Red-Eyes Dragoon could not be destroyed by effects, but if I didn't play you like this, how could you have been so confident and bold to launch an attack like this?"

For a monster with strong resistance and effects like Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragoon, this monster can only be eliminated by combat destruction. In addition to solutions like Old Man Satan, Lava Golem, and Winged Dragon Egg, the simplest and most violent method is to use Mirror Armor's non-targeting effect to directly exchange with the opponent.

But the only thing to note when using this method is that you must first trick out the magic trap destruction effect of Red-Eyes Dragoon, which is also the direct reason why Li Youfeng deliberately played the game.

"You are so strong, You Feng, you are really a hidden talent. You are worthy of being my acknowledged enemy. You are indeed worthy of being my stepping stone!"Below the Sky Arena, seeing that Li You Feng had resolved the crisis again with such a simple method, Kaiba Seto looked at him with even more passion.

"Oh no, the other me, it turns out that You Feng had been prepared. His performance just now was all fake. We were fooled."

"There is nothing we can do about it, after all, that person is You Feng."

After exchanging a glance with the spirit-state Yugi, Dark Yugi took out a magic card from his hand and slapped it on the duel disk.

"I activate the magic card Pot of Greed and draw two cards from the deck!"

Looking at the five cards in his hand, Yami Yugi picked out four of them.

"I put four cards on my backcourt. You Feng, come over if you have the guts. My turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Holding the card he just drew, Li Youfeng stroked his chin and thought.

"I clearly know the special effects of Witch Craft Tailor Heine, but I still put down four cover cards in the backcourt. Yugi is obviously trying to trick me!"

As the chosen one, Li Youfeng is of course very clear about Yugi's abilities, and looking at his calm face, who knows what card he will suddenly print for you.

"However, just this kind of words can't bother me!"

"I activated the magic card from my hand, Witchcraft Creation, and added a Witchcraft monster card from the deck to my hand."

Pulling out a card from his hand, Li Youfeng smiled sinisterly and slapped it on the duel disk.

"Magic card witch craft three-dimensional cutting is launched!"

"The effect of this card is to target the Spell or Trap Card on the opponent's backfield, and bounce it back to the hand according to the number of Witch Craft monsters on my field. I currently have two monsters, Witch Craft Master Weir and Tailor Heine, on my field, so I'm going to bounce both cards back!"


Knowing that he couldn't hide anymore, Dark Game launched the cover card on the field.

"Open the cover card, the devil's sanctuary!"

"The effect of this card is to Special Summon a Demon-Type Token with 0 Attack Points on your Field in Attack Position. Next, I will open another face-up card and multiply!" (Original effect in the anime)

"The effect of this card is that it can split any monster I place on the field with 500 ATK or less. Based on this effect, I Special Summon four Fiend-Type Tokens!"

"It turned out to be a demon derivative, Yugi, you have a dirty heart!"

As a veteran autistic player of the underworld, Li Youfeng had of course used such a card before. Although the effect was not quite the same as in his previous life, the routine was basically very similar.

Although Yugi did not explain it, Li Youfeng knew that the battle damage caused by the demon derivative was all borne by the opposing player.

After taking a look at the witch craft master Weier on his field, Li Youfeng smiled and showed a card

"Although your move is very insidious, it doesn't matter (broken voice), because next I will activate Weier's special effect, which will negate the effects of all monsters on your field by throwing a card into the graveyard!"

"You Feng, I haven't said it's over yet!"

He sneered at Li You Feng, and An Yugi opened the third cover card again.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Cry of the Living Dead!"

"The effect of this card is that it can Special Summon a monster in the Graveyard in Attack Position. I choose to summon the Super Magic Knight - Red-Eyes Dragon Knight!"

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Dragoon is activated, and I throw the last card in my hand into the Graveyard. Although I cannot destroy Weier on your field, I can negate the special effect of this monster!"

"Hey! Are you kidding me? This is possible?"Looking at his duel disk in disbelief, Li Youfeng said that this wave of games was definitely using tricks outside the disk.

"Damn it! This annoying thing actually popped up again! I knew you could print cards, Youxi!" Looking at the monster that he had finally dealt with, Li Youfeng couldn't help but twitched his eyes twice,"Okay, you're awesome! But, Youxi, do you really think I didn't think of this?"

"Yugi, I'm afraid you don't know yet, when Red-Eyes Dragon Knight activated the special effect to destroy Wei'er's special effect, it also triggered the effect of another trap card of mine!"

Pointing at the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight on the dark game field, Li Youfeng laughed wildly

"Now, let me show you the trap card I prepared specially for you!"

"The trap card is activated, and the insect falls into the hole!"

"The effect of this card is that when the opponent Special Summons a monster and activates a special effect, it can be activated to negate the effect of this monster and destroy it!"

"Red-Eyes Dragoon, get back to the graveyard!"


Due to the effect of the Insect's Hole Fall, the effect of Red-Eyes Dragoon was invalidated, and it was directly destroyed.

"So the card you set up long ago actually has this effect? You Feng, you are amazing! I knew you wouldn't let me summon Red-Eyes Dragon Knight so easily!"

"Hehe~, Yugi, what's so strange about this? After all, I'm a trap master. Although I didn't expect you to summon Red-Eyes Dragoon, it's always better to be cautious, right?"

"Haha, You Feng, I agree with what you said. It's always right to be careful!"

Hearing An Yugi's confident answer, Li Youfeng's heart couldn't help but thump. The reason was that An Yugi must have printed cards on the spot again.

"Open the last face-up card, Messenger of Peace. This turn, my monsters cannot be destroyed by battle and will receive 0 points of damage. You Feng, can you defeat my Demon Derivatives?"

"Damn it, having the devil's sanctuary is not enough, you actually came up with a double insurance?!"

After a little thought, Li Youfeng threw a card into the cemetery.

"I will activate the special effect of Tailor Heine, and destroy one of your Demon Tokens by discarding the magic card Witchcraft Sabotage!"

Since it is an effect destruction, even the Messenger of Peace cannot save the Demon Token. Although one was destroyed, there are still three Demon Tokens left on Dark Yugi's field.

"There is no other way. Even if Weier's effect is not invalidated, the Demon Token cannot be destroyed by battle. Facing a ruthless person like Yugi, I can only wait until the next turn to replenish magic cards from the graveyard before making plans."

After thinking carefully about his next tactics, Li Youfeng said,"My turn is over, but at this moment, I will retrieve the Witch Craft Slowdown from the graveyard, Chaos Combine these two cards and add them to my hand."


Taking a deep breath, Dark Yugi knew that if he didn't draw the key card, then this round would be his last.

Placing his soul-state hand on Dark Yugi's hand, Biao Yugi said firmly:"Another me, calm down. You have to believe in the bond between us and the deck. As long as you believe in the card, it will definitely respond to you."

"You are right!" Nodding heavily, Dark Yugi showed a relieved smile,"Aibo, this deck is the result of the hard work of you and me. I have always believed that our cards will never let us down!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

After pulling out a card from the deck, Yami Yugi took a look at it and smiled as he slapped it on the duel disk.

"I activate a magic card from my hand, a life-destroying treasure!"

"According to the effect of this card, I can draw from the deck until I have five cards in my hand, and discard all cards at the beginning of my fifth turn."

Looking at the empty-handed An Yugi filling his hand again, Li Youfeng's mood at this moment can only be described by the word"fuck you".

Swish! Swish!

An Yugi drew four more cards from the deck, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You Feng, it seems that the goddess of victory is still on my side!"

(Li You Feng: Since you can print cards, of course I have to stand on your side!) He showed a red card from his hand, and at this time, An Yugi smiled and said:"I'm so sorry, because the second God card has been drawn by me, You Feng, I don't believe you have any cards that can exclude God. This time, use Osiris's Sky Dragon to decide the outcome!"

After saying this, An Yugi raised his hand and slapped the card on the duel disk.

"I sacrifice the three Demon creatures on the field!"

"When the sky is thundering and in chaos, gather the ancient magic books in the chain and their power will be infinite!"

"Accept the sacrifice, and descend upon my grounds!"

"Osiris the Sky Dragon!"

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