The cloudless sky was covered with dark clouds again, and strong winds blew and thunder roared!

Under the background of all these strange phenomena, Osiris's traitor dragon~Oh no! Wrong, it should be Osiris's sky dragon that revealed its true appearance from the clouds and slowly landed on Yami Yugi's field. The attack power of Osiris's sky dragon is determined by the number of cards in the player's hand. Yami Yugi now has four cards in his hand, so the current sky dragon has an attack and defense value of 4000 points.

Looking at the huge red dragon on Yami Yugi's field, Kaiba Seto said with some confusion:"I can't believe that Yugi has once again summoned the God Card first, but Yu Feng still has no reaction. Could it be that he didn't add the Winged Dragon of the Sun God to the deck at all?"

"It is indeed possible."After thinking for a while, Isis nodded in agreement and said,"As the most powerful god among the three mythical gods, if you want to control the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, you must learn the ancient Egyptian priest's blessing. You Feng doesn't understand that at all, so it is understandable that he doesn't use the Winged Dragon."

Taking into account what happened in Jonouchi before, the protagonists in the arena quickly accepted this statement.

However, just when everyone thought that Yami Yugi had the upper hand, Malik suddenly said:"In the current situation, even if You Feng doesn't have the God Card on the field, Yugi can't attack."

"Although it seems that Yugi has the initiative in the current situation, after all, You Feng has three Witchcraft Magic Cards in his hand. Even if it is a god, if he attacks rashly in such a weak situation, he will be counterattacked by the monsters on You Feng's field."

"According to my personal judgment, You Feng's strength is slightly higher than Yugi's, so it is still unknown who will win this match."

Everyone:"I see!"

In the Sky Arena, after redrawing the card, An Yugi became a completely different person. Just when Li Youfeng secretly complained that this could bring you back to life, An Yugi played another card.

"I activate a Spell Card from my hand, Hurricane!"

"The effect of this card is that it can bounce all the Magic Cards and Trap Cards on both sides' fields back to their holders' hands. Next, I will activate the Magic Card Thunder Strike to destroy all the monsters on your field!"

""Fuck me!!!"

Li Youfeng instinctively felt something was wrong the moment Witchcraft Alley was bounced back to his hand.

As expected, he watched dozens of lightning bolts of different sizes strike his field. Li Youfeng, who was squatting on the ground with his hands on his head, said that he felt numb all over.

"My iron wall defense is like paper in front of the Chosen One! This is not a God draw, it's obviously a card printing, right?"

"So, why do I feel so irritated when playing cards with you, the sons of destiny?"

The front and back fields were empty, Li Youfeng said. To be fair, with the scene he created, if it was a normal game, the opponent would have lost confidence and surrendered long ago. How could it be like this, just printing two cards and clearing your field.

Really~ there is no place to reason?

The whole person has been completely exposed in front of the sky dragon. Although the sky dragon now has only 2000 attack points, for Li Youfeng, whose health is only 1000 points, this is enough to KO it directly!

"You Feng, let me see how you can hide now!"

With a bright smile on his face again, An Yugi pointed his finger at Li You Feng.


"You Feng, this is the final blow, just get out of here!"

"Superconducting lightning cannon!"

"Sure enough, no matter how careful you are, it is not too much to deal with a duelist like you!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Youfeng raised his hand and said loudly:"I will activate the special effect of the kite robot in the cemetery!"

"By banishing this card, the opponent's direct attack damage is reduced to 0 points!"


With a loud explosion, the invincible Kite Robot once again proved himself!

Not only did he hit the face of the God Warrior, this time, the Kite Robot also slapped the face of the Sky Dragon!

The myth of the invincibility of the God Card was completely broken here. Just like he would not indulge the God Warrior, the Kite Robot waved his tiny fists to block this wave of attacks, and with an extremely contemptuous smile, he raised his middle finger to the Sky Dragon!

(Friendly reminder: Please turn on the music and play the Flower of Hope BGM when reading the following paragraph to achieve the best reading effect!)


Hearing Li Youfeng's touching cry, the kite-robot, whose body gradually turned into pieces and slowly decomposed, turned its back to its master and gave a thumbs up. Its resolute voice also reached Li Youfeng's mind at this time.

"Master, I finally understand. A monster like me doesn’t need a final place to stay. I just need to keep moving forward!"

"As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to extend. Yes, I understand. I won't stop. As long as you don't stop, the road ahead will definitely have my presence, so don't stop!" After hearing the inner monologue of the kite-machine man when he disappeared, Li Youfeng was already slightly tearful at this time. However, all this was not the case in the eyes of Dark Game.

"Damn~, this monster is really a lot of drama!"

Although he was a little speechless, after seeing Li Youfeng activate the special effect of the kite robot, An Yugi could only smack his lips helplessly.���I learned this move from You Feng, and the master can use it too, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"I cover two cards in the backcourt, and my turn is over!"

Since there are two less cards in the hand, the attack power of Osiris's Sky Dragon has dropped to 0.

Although the Sky Dragon is now extremely weak, Li Youfeng, who only has 1,000 health points, dare not attack rashly without destroying the opponent's cover card.

"Kite Robot, I will keep going! My turn, draw a card!"

It is destined to be activated with one draw, and there are 0 times left in this game!

After taking a deep breath, Li Youfeng directly activated his last and most powerful skill with extremely harsh triggering conditions.

""Haha, this skill is really abnormal!" Looking at the card in his hand that exudes golden phantom power, Li Youfeng showed a lewd smile on his face.

If you want to beat a superman player like Yami Yugi who can talk nonsense and print cards, in addition to using moves he has never seen before, the best way is to join him directly. After all, the feeling of dueling with Yami Yugi is really like fighting against a gold saint. It's disgusting!

Moreover, if you can't beat him, just join him, this is actually not shameful!

"First, I will activate the continuous magic card Witchcraft Narrow Lane. Then, I will activate the magic card Witchcraft Slowdown from my hand."

"By this card's effect, I Special Summon Witchcraft Deputy Master from the Graveyard in Defense Position!"��Attack 2700 Defense 2800)

"At this moment, Osiris's Sky Dragon special effect was activated!"Even though it only has 0 attack power, the Sky Dragon's special effect is still very powerful. Seeing that Li Youfeng has summoned a monster, Dark Game will naturally not let it get too comfortable.

"Whenever your opponent summons or special summons a monster in defense mode, you can reduce its defense by 2000 points!"

(The special effect of Sky Dragon is that you reduce its defense in defense mode and its attack mode in attack mode.)

""Summoning Thunder Bomb!"

A huge ball of lightning spewed out from the other big mouth of the Sky Dragon and directly hit the acting headmaster. For Li Youfeng, who had long known the special effects of the Sky Dragon, he had already taken this into account.

Acting headmaster's defense power 2800 > 800

"The effect of Witchcraft Demonstration is activated. The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon a Witchcraft monster from your hand. I choose to Special Summon Witchcraft Edel in Defense Position."(Attack 2000 Defense 2300)

"Sky Dragon's special effect is activated, reducing the opponent's monster's defense by 2000 points, and summoning thunder bombs!"Seeing that a witchcraft monster appeared on Li Youfeng's field again, Dark Yugi instinctively realized that something was wrong.

Witchcraft Edlu Defense 2300 > 300

"Because the effect of Witch Craft Demonstration was activated, the special effect of Acting Master was also activated. One of the special effects of this card is that it can Special Summon a Witch Craft monster of Level 6 or lower from the deck!"

"I choose to special summon Witchcraft Schmidt, and I still put it in defense position!" (Attack 1800 Defense 600)

"Sky Dragon's special effect is activated, reducing Schmidt's defense by 2000 points, and summoning thunder bombs!"Seeing that Schmidt's defense has dropped to 0 points, Dark Yugi added again,"Since Schmidt's defense has returned to 0, it will be directly destroyed!"

"Yugi, this won't work. You seem to have forgotten the effect of my continuous magic card Witchcraft Alley. Once per turn, the Witchcraft monster on my field can prevent one effect from destroying it."

"Humph, I knew it would be like this!"I already knew the special effects of the Continuous Magic Card Witch Craft Alley, so Dark Yugi didn't say anything more.

"Three sacrifices, does You Feng want to summon the Winged Dragon of the Sun God?"

"This is unlikely, ordinary people simply cannot control the winged dragon of the sun god, Jonouchi is a living example."

Jonouchi:"Hey, why do you want to drag me out and whip my corpse? It was just an accident, okay? Don't keep talking about it!"

"Sister, you can't say that. You Feng and Jonouchi are different. He can save me from the dark abyss of despair, so he must not be an ordinary person. Therefore, I believe he will create a miracle!"

Jonnouchi:"What the hell? I'm talking to you, okay? Can you respect me a little? Am I really that bad compared to You Feng? Do you know how to speak?"

Three sacrifices were gathered in an instant. Not only did Kaiba Seto show an excited grin on his face, but even Isis and Malik also showed a very complicated expression. As for Jonouchi, who was angry and embarrassed beside him, he was selectively ignored by the three of them.

Like the rising sun, a soft and dazzling golden light slowly wrapped around Li Youfeng's body. Holding up a golden card in his hand, Li Youfeng took a deep breath and slammed it on the duel disk.

"I offer the three monsters on the field as sacrifices. Accept my sacrifice and then obey my call!"

As the three witch craft monsters turned into golden meteors and rushed into the sky, a golden light column that could almost penetrate the atmosphere suddenly descended from the sky. Li Youfeng was enveloped by this golden light column, and a sacred and supremely majestic aura suddenly burst out from his body.

"The spirits sing, the eternal power governs all things! Their lives, their souls, and even their bodies"

"Declare that you must obey my orders and my life depends on you!"

"Come now, Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"


Blazing golden flames burst out from Li Youfeng's body. As the strongest upper god among the three mythical gods, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God descended in front of Li Youfeng in its complete form. The

Winged Dragon of the Sun God's attack power is 6500UP!

"Attack power 6500? It's actually a fully formed Pteranodon? How is this possible!" Seeing this scene in front of her, Isis was the first to exclaim in a very uncontrollable manner.

""You Feng, haha, you are indeed qualified to be my nemesis, I really didn't misjudge you!" He laughed excitedly. In addition to surprise, Kaiba Seto was more happy because of Li You Feng's strength. After all, President Kaiba was essentially a man who was willing to disregard everything for playing cards.

"Such a situation actually occurred. Could it be that You Feng was also related to ancient Egypt three thousand years ago? No, the Pteranodon looked like it was willing to serve You Feng. Could it be that the Pteranodon wanted to betray the Pharaoh?"For Malik, who once owned a Pteranodon, he knew the Pteranodon's temper too well. Seeing with his own eyes that the high and mighty god actually put on such a humble attitude, Malik's heart was extremely shocked.

"You Feng~ He can actually control the God Card?!"

Seeing the golden divine light radiating from Li You Feng's body, Izayoi Kaoru was so surprised that she stood up slowly from the wheelchair unconsciously. Her red eyes were full of deep love. Izayoi Kaoru put her hand to her mouth and shouted loudly:"You Feng, come on! You are the strongest duelist!"

"At this moment!"Cold sweat could not help dripping from his forehead. Dark Yugi raised his finger and pointed at the Winged Dragon of the Sun God and said loudly,"Sky Dragon of Osiris, activate your special effect, summon thunder bomb!"

""Hmph, Yugi, don't waste your energy!"

Without any resistance, Li Youfeng just looked at An Yugi and said with a smile:"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God is the highest-ranking upper god among the three mythical gods. The special effects of the lower gods will not have any effect on it!"

Just as Li Youfeng said, the lightning ball sprayed by the Sky Dragon was directly bounced away by the golden flame without even touching the hair of the Winged Dragon.

As if feeling offended, the Winged Dragon roared at the Sky Dragon in anger. It seemed as if he was saying to the Sky Dragon, you kid are so bold that you even dare to offend me? Are you looking for death? After being roared by the Winged Dragon, the Sky Dragon also shrank back in a very humane way. It trembled with only 0 attack power, and repeatedly cast its eyes on the sweaty An Yugi.

That look seemed to explain, boss, don't be angry, this is not my intention, it was this kid who instigated me to do this.

"Game, in fact, I have roughly guessed what one of the covered cards on your field is!"

"Before attacking, let me also replenish my hand. The magic card Life-threatening Treasure Card is activated, and I can replenish my hand with five cards from the deck. You know the effect of this card, so I won't explain it."

Li Youfeng raised his hand and inserted two cards into the duel disk, and said loudly:"I will cover my backcourt with two cards, and then enter the battle phase!"

��Winged Dragon of the Sun God, attack the Sky Dragon of Osiris!"

"Divine Flame Cannon!"

"Damn it, open the cover card!"

Facing the Winged Dragon of the Sun God with an attack power of 6500 points, Dark Yugi knew very well that if this attack went through directly, he would be blasted to pieces by the Sun's Fire.

"Treasure card falling from the sky!"

"The effect of this card is that both parties replenish their hand cards to 6. Due to the increase in hand cards, Osiris's Sky Dragon's attack power increases to 6000 points!"

(A classic scene from the original anime, Yami Yugi once used this move to Yin Kaiba Seto, but it was unsuccessful.)

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