"It's only 6,000 points of attack power, Pterosaur, kill the Sky Dragon for me!"

Although the Sky Dragon increased its attack power, it was still no match for Pterosaur. The golden flames bombarded the Sky Dragon, and the latter screamed and was directly smashed into pieces!


The attack of the Pterosaur can come from the power of the gods. Even if it is only 500 points of damage, it is not something that ordinary people can withstand without injury. As the Sky Dragon was defeated, the aftermath of the divine flame bombardment inevitably affected Dark Game.

Dark Game LP3400>2900

"Pterosaur, stop it!"

Seeing that the Pterosaur of the Sun God seemed to be venting his anger, Li Youfeng quickly stopped it. It was Dark Yugi who first ordered Sky Dragon to offend it, so it was inevitable that the Pterosaur would be angry.

""Constrain your strength and only destroy the monsters on the opponent's field. Do not cause any harm to the players!"

Nodding to Li Youfeng, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God obediently withdrew the excessive strength.���After seeing this scene, not only was Yami Yugi surprised, but even Isis and Malik opened their mouths involuntarily.

Looking at Yami Yugi with an apologetic look, Li Youfeng quickly bowed his head and said,"Yugi, I'm so sorry, this is also my first time controlling the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, so I didn't mean to hurt you."

Because he had watched the original anime when he was a child, Li Youfeng knew very well that the three mythical gods, which existed as gods, were completely different from other ordinary monster cards, because the attacks of the three mythical gods would directly affect the opponent's players, and the original anime also clearly showed that when the ancient Egyptian priests used duels to resolve disputes, they would really gamble their lives.

"What's going on? This is the first time I've seen Pteranodon put himself in such a low position. Is he still the head of the three mythical gods with a bad temper?"

"Too powerful, even the most powerful upper god among the three mythical gods bowed down to him, is this the strength of You Feng?"

As tomb keepers, Isis and Malik naturally knew what the card of the Sun God's Winged Dragon represented. A thought emerged from the minds of Ishdar and his brother at the same time, that is, whether Li Youfeng also had an unknown hidden connection with ancient Egypt three thousand years ago

"Don't worry, You Feng, I'm fine!" He slowly stood up from the ground in a half-squatting position, and the momentum of An Yugi at this time gradually emanated invisibly.

"You Feng, my feeling was right. You are really a powerful duelist."

"But unfortunately, the winner of this duel finally belongs to me, because the puzzle pieces of victory have been completely assembled just now!"


With a confident smile on his face, Li Youfeng made a gesture to An Yugi to come over.

"Game, although we are good friends in private, I will not show mercy to you in a duel, just use whatever means you have, I will take them all!"

"Okay, my turn is over. Game, attack with all your strength!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card from the deck, Yami Yugi pointed at the cover card on his field without even looking at it and said:"Open the cover card, return from another dimension!"

"Aibo, thanks to you, we have a chance to turn the tables. To be honest, I didn't expect this trap card to be so valuable. Turning his head to look at the spirit floating beside him, Dark Yugi smiled and nodded.

"Come on, another me, only you can defeat You Feng!" For the praise from An Yugi, the gentle Biao Yugi naturally would not take all the credit on himself.

Looking at Li You Feng again, An Yugi said loudly:"The effect of Dimensional Return is that it can be activated by paying half of the life points, and special summon as many of our excluded monsters as possible from the game!"

"Heed my call and return to my field, Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Warrior, Magnet Warrior α, Magnet Warrior β and Magnet Warrior γ, and - Obelisk's Giant God Soldier!"

Dark Game LP2900>1450

The azure divine light burst out on the Dark Game's field, accompanied by the sound of the earth shaking, Obelisk's Giant God Soldier once again descended on the Dark Game's field.

Five monsters, instantly spread across the field!


Seeing that Dark Yugi actually brought Kara back to the field, Li Youfeng was stunned for a moment.

"Game, I am excluding the face-down side. How do you know that these two cards are monster cards when the information cannot be confirmed?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Shrugging at Li Youfeng, An Yugi said calmly,"From the beginning to the end, apart from the three magnet monsters, only these two monster cards of mine were excluded by you, so, are you joking when you say this? Do you think I'm stupid? And what does it mean to exclude the inside out? They are all excluded. Is there any difference?""

Fuck?! Are you talking nonsense?

And from what you said, it seems that there is no explanation for excluding the inside out yet!?

Oh my god, if that's really the explanation, I really can't refute it?!

(Note: The inside out exclusion cannot interpret the card information.

Except for some specific cards, the meaning of inside out exclusion is no different from tearing up the card.

However, in the Duel City chapter, due to rule issues, there is no explanation for the concept of inside out exclusion.

In fact, just like the traditional novels of fighting monsters and leveling up, the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh are constantly being improved with the protagonist's activities.

In the subsequent stories, the problem that fused monsters cannot attack in the round where the fusion is successful will be unlocked.

"Damn, these fucking duel rules are too lax. No, I have to wait until the Duel City Competition is over, and I must propose to amend the existing duel rules!"

"Obelisk's Giant God Soldier?! Is Yugi going to decide the outcome in this round?"Seeing that Dark Yugi summoned five monsters in one breath, the audience below the Sky Arena immediately realized that Dark Yugi wanted to decide the outcome in this round.

"You Feng, if there is no problem, I will continue my turn!"

Seeing Li You Feng nodded to him, An Yugi started his operation again.

"Next, I will activate another top-level special ability of Obelisk!"

"By offering Magnetron α and Magnetron β as sacrifices, Obelisk can use another special effect - Soul Energy MAX!"

"Soul energy MAX, this is a miracle that arouses the wrath of God, and it is also the highest level ability of Obelisk. I didn't expect that Yugi could actually activate it actively!"Below the arena, seeing that Dark Yugi could actually use another special ability of Obelisk, Kaiba Seto's eyes also showed a hint of admiration.

As the power continued to rise, the azure body of Obelisk's Giant God Soldier was gradually shrouded in red light. This is the great power of being the God of the Earth, this is the infinite power that is enough to fight against the God of the Sun! The attack power of Obelisk's Giant God Soldier∞!

"Even the top sun god will be defeated by the infinite attack power of Obelix!"

Pointing at Li Youfeng, Dark Yugi, who was emitting azure divine light all over his body, seemed to have turned back into the invincible king he once was.

"I’m going to attack, You Feng, God’s Hand Impact Fist!"

Everyone:"Infinite attack power, as long as this attack succeeds, You Feng’s health will be directly reset to zero!"

"Yugi, is this your full strength?"The corners of his mouth slightly raised a little arc, it can be said that every move of An Yugi has been calculated by Li Youfeng.

"Open the cover card!"

"The continuous trap card Sun God Fusion is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that once per turn, you can activate the Winged Dragon of the Sun God on your field to restore your health and attack power!"

Li Youfeng LP1000>7500!

"What?" Seeing this scene in front of him, Yami Yugi was instantly confused,"Is there such a trap card for Pterosaur? Why do you have this card, You Feng? In addition, the Pterosaur that can easily control the sun god, You Feng, who are you?""


Because it lost its target, Obelix's explosive attack directly hit a lonely person.

(There is no battle replay in the Duel City chapter. Those who have read the original anime know that it is common sense. I will not explain it in detail.)

"Hehe, game, my effect isn't over yet!"

"The effect of the Sun God's Winged Dragon - Phoenix is activated!"

"This card cannot be Normal Summoned. It can only be activated when Winged Dragon of the Sun God is sent from the field to your Graveyard while it is in the Graveyard, allowing it to be Special Summoned!"

"Come out, Godly Phoenix!"(Attack 4000 Defense 4000)

"What's going on here?" Seeing this scene, Isis' eyes widened even more."Why are there two cards of Pterosaur? What's going on here?""

"Impossible, I've never heard of a Pterosaur having two cards!" Malik was also shocked. Looking at the Immortal Bird on the Youfeng field, Malik was also in a state of confusion.

"Game, the effect of the Phoenix is more than that. Now, I will pay 1,000 life points, ignore the conditions, and destroy all monsters on your field!"

"The Immortal Bird!"

Li Youfeng LP7500>6500


Accompanied by a shrill cry, the Phoenix God rushed to the Dark Game's field immediately after receiving 1000 health points from Li Youfeng. Under the burning of the sun's fire, both Obelisk's Giant God Soldier and the Magnet Warrior Monster were completely destroyed with screams!

So, Yu-Gi-Oh is an anime that showcases facial expressions.

Bang, bang, bang!

Explosions rang out one after another, and the Dark Game's field was cleaned up by Li Youfeng in just a moment. The feeling of clearing the field for others was so great that Li Youfeng couldn't help but make a"nice" gesture!

"You Feng, you are amazing. I covered two cards on the field, and my turn is over!"

Because Li Youfeng had warned him in advance, the Phoenix God did not affect An Yugi with the Fire of the Sun. Looking at the Winged Dragon that returned to Li Youfeng's field very obediently, An Yugi could only end his turn after saying a word of praise.

However, looking at the Phoenix God that appeared in front of him, An Yugi asked in confusion after ending his turn:"You Feng, what's going on with you? Why does the Winged Dragon of the Sun God have two cards?"

"I don't know either."

Li Youfeng smiled and shrugged his shoulders, then said,"It was like this when I got this card, but you got one thing wrong, there are more than just two copies of this card."


"The special effect of the Phoenix is activated!"Since the game ended, Li Youfeng also activated another effect of the Phoenix at this time."At the end of the round, the Phoenix will return to the graveyard, and then it can be special summoned from the deck, graveyard, or hand."

"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God—in spherical shape!"

Everyone exclaimed at the same time:"The third card of God?"

"Malik, what's going on? The Winged Dragon of the Sun God actually has three cards?"Shocked, Kaiba Seto turned to look at Malik.

"No, I have never heard of Pterosaur having three cards!" He was also in a state of confusion, looking at the Pterosaur on Li Youfeng's field.���Malik has almost fallen into autism.

"There can only be one explanation for this!" As Malik's sister, Isis said loudly with her imagination open,"As the highest-level God Card, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God must have special abilities that we don't know about, and this ability cannot be brought into play in our hands. This situation can only mean that we are not qualified at all!"

"So that's how it is!" After hearing Isis's explanation, Jonouchi suddenly realized,"So the reason I can't use Pteranodon is because I'm not qualified?"

After hearing Jonouchi's question, Malik and Isis answered in unison,"That's the explanation!"

"how so~"

"Haha, I knew it would be like this, Jonouchi, it seems like you've been disliked by the Pterosaur!"

""Honda, can you please be more polite? Can't you see that Jonouchi's soul is almost blown away?"

Holding his hair with both hands, Jonouchi sat on the ground with a look of dejection. As for Honda and Mika Ryuji, the two bad friends, they took the opportunity to mock Jonouchi fiercely.

"Jonouchi, don't be discouraged. Even if you don't have the Winged Dragon, you still have the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon. Come on, cheer up!"

Looking at Jonouchi's current appearance with some reluctance, Peacock Dance quickly reached out and pulled him up

"Mai-chan, you are still good to me"

"No way, I just don't want to see you in such a miserable state, it's not good for you at all."

"I am also happy about this. Being able to comfort me means that you care about me."

"Damn, what are you talking about? There are so many people here, you really have no shame!"


"It's my turn now!"

Just as Jonouchi and Kongquewu entered their world of two again, Li Youfeng drew a card from the deck and launched an attack.

"Magic card ancient spell activated!"

"The effect of this card is to add a Winged Dragon of the Sun God in the Graveyard to your hand."

"Next, I will activate the special effect of the Sun God's Winged Dragon Ball!"

"By releasing this card, you can Special Summon Winged Dragon of the Sun God from your hand, and when you summon Winged Dragon in this way, you can increase its Attack and Defense to 4000 points!"

"Descend upon my field, Winged Dragon of the Sun God!" (Attack 4000 Defense 4000)

"Is it coming?" Seeing the Winged Dragon of the Sun God appear again on Li Youfeng's field, An Yugi, who had no monsters on the field, couldn't help but sweat.

"Aibo, do you think we can block You Feng's attack this time?"

"I don't know, but we have made sufficient preparations this time. I think we should be able to survive this round. Another me, don't give up."

"Don't worry, I will never admit defeat until the last moment."

Turning his gaze to Li Youfeng again, An Yugi said loudly:"Before that, I will open the cover card, the mirage of the nightmare of the continuous magic card!"

"The effect of this card can replenish your hand to four cards during your opponent's Main Phase!"

"Next I'm going to activate another cover card!"

"The magic card Unusual Food is activated. By sending Nightmare's Mirage to the Graveyard, I can recover 1000 HP!"

Dark Game LP1450>2450

"Come on, You Feng, if you can defeat me, just come at me!"

""Haha, game, this is my final decisive blow!"

With a domineering wave of his hand, Li Youfeng, who was now enveloped by golden divine light, looked like a god descending from heaven.

"Winged Dragon of the Sun God, attack directly!"

"Divine Flame Cannon!"

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