Disliking the slow speed of Kaiba Group's duel airship, Yugi and other members of the protagonist group came to the jetliner that Izayoi Kaoru took after coming down from the duel tower at Jonouchi's suggestion.

As the owner of this plane, Izayoi Kaoru was very excited because Li Youfeng won the title of Duel King.

He took out drinks and various exquisite snacks from the refrigerator of the plane, and Izayoi Kaoru directly proposed to have a tea party on the plane.

Just as this luxury jet plane gradually took off, a blue-eyes white dragon approached this side at a very fast speed. Looking at such a realistic blue-eyes white dragon, everyone thought it was a three-dimensional image at first, but when the monster got close to it, they found that this blue-eyes white dragon was actually a modified jet fighter, and the driver was Kaiba Seto!

"Yu Feng!"

After connecting the communication devices on the two planes, Kaiba Seto's voice came through very clearly.

"This decision is just the beginning. The three God Cards will be kept with you for the time being. One day, I will take away everything from you!"

"Now, I am going to the United States to fulfill my dream. Just as you said, I will definitely stand at the top of the world and build the world's number one amusement park. When the time comes, I will be merciful and invite you to come and play together~, hahaha!"

After saying this, Kaiba Seto drove the Blue-Eyes White Dragon-style fighter jet in the sky with a loud laugh and made an extremely exaggerated tailspin, and then quickly disappeared into the distant horizon.

"Hey, everyone, is there such a possibility?"

Touching his chin, Li Youfeng said thoughtfully:"The president drove a modified fighter jet that was not legally registered to the United States. Is this considered illegal entry? And his plane is so exaggerated. If it were me, it would be reasonable to launch two missiles to intercept it, right?"


"It's really possible!!!"

Li Youfeng is indeed a bad-mouthed man. As he expected, as he was driving a fighter jet with an extremely outrageous appearance, President Haima was intercepted by the US Air Force after flying into the US airspace. After dodging dozens of missiles from the US Air Force with great disdain, President Haima was finally forced to land at a military airport under the interception of dozens of US fighter jets.

(The U.S. military: You sour bitch! Where the hell did this Langmie come from? His driving skills are so amazing!)

After being detained by the U.S. Air Force for several days due to illegal entry and unprovoked provocation, Kaiba Keihei used his company's connections to get the president out. This experience naturally became one of the few black histories of Kaiba's president in his early years.

What's even more outrageous is that Noa and Kaiba surprisingly unanimously believe that such an outrageous thing is normal operation, which also made Kaiba Keihei, the housekeeper, very troubled.

The story returns to Li Youfeng. Amidst laughter and joy, the plane they were on landed smoothly at the Izayoi family's private seaside airport on the outskirts of Domino before sunset that afternoon.

"I have a suggestion!"

After getting off the plane, Xun Izayoi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said excitedly:"To celebrate my son You Feng winning the Battle City Competition, I will host the party tonight. How about we all go to the largest seafood stall in Tongshiye to have a party?"

"Yeah! I agree!"

"That’s fine with me too!"

"Then I'll be grateful for Miss Kaoru's hospitality."

After hearing this proposal, Jonouchi and others immediately agreed when they heard that there was something delicious to eat.

After touching his hair, Biao Yugi said a little embarrassedly:"Well, I have no problem with that, but I want to report to Jijiang first before I go. I wonder if Miss Kaoru has a phone here that I can use?"

"Hey, why are you still reporting safety? Why don't you just take the Shuangliu Chicken Sauce as well?"

After saying this, Izayoi Kaoru waved to a bodyguard beside him and said,"Go arrange a car and send everyone to the Emperor Seafood Stall. By the way, I want a bigger private room and a VIP seafood set meal. Ask them to arrange both for me."

""Yes, young lady!"

As if she had something to say, Izayoi Kaoru deliberately left herself and Li Youfeng to the end. After watching everyone get on the limousine and leave, Izayoi Kaoru looked at Li Youfeng standing beside her with some trepidation.

After hesitating for a long time, Izayoi Kaoru plucked up the courage to say to Li Youfeng:"Youfeng, I have something to tell you."

In the duel tower, Li Youfeng could be said to have understood Izayoi Kaoru's feelings. As a man, he would naturally not push all such emotional matters onto a sixteen-year-old girl.

Looking at Izayoi Kaoru sitting in a wheelchair with a smile, Li Youfeng smiled gently and said:"Xiaoxun, just say whatever you want to say. We have been together for so long, there is no need for us to be like this."


Hearing Li Youfeng calling her Xiaoxun, Izayoi Xun's face became even more shy.

"Well, I want to say that you are different now than you were before. Actually, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just want to say that if you are still a clerk in the Lavender Game Store after becoming the Duel King, it would be too unfair to you. So I want……"

"Are you going to chase me away?"

Before Sixteenth Xun finished speaking, Li Youfeng's face suddenly darkened. After all, he had lived in the Lavender Game Store for almost half a year. It was absolutely impossible to say that he had no feelings for it.

Moreover, as a homebody player, Li Youfeng was very fond of his home. After settling in a place, he was unwilling to leave easily.


It's not like that.

Why would I chase you away? I just think it's unfair for you to continue being a waitress.

I'm afraid you'll be wronged, so I want to find you a better job.

After all, with your current status, I'm afraid there will be people vying for you wherever you go.

I'm afraid you'll think I'm bullying you.

" He choked up a little as he spoke, and Ishiya Kaoru continued,"You Feng, there are some things I don't want to hide from you.

In fact, children of big families like me basically have no right to choose their own lives.

If my parents hadn't loved me, I'm afraid I would have been like the daughters of those big families in Sakura Country, only able to receive education in the family, and then become a victim of family marriage.


"However, even so, my grandfather still arranged a marriage for me early on. The reason why I ran away from the family and opened my own game store and worked part-time as an idol was that I wanted to control my own life, especially my other half. I would never marry someone I don’t like because of my grandfather’s words."

"The reason why I said these things to you is that I don't want you to misunderstand me because I was born in a big family. After all, I know what my personality is like, and I'm just afraid that you will hate me because of this."

As she said these words, two lines of tears fell from the corners of Shizaiya Kaoru's eyes. Understanding Shizaiya Kaoru's feelings, Li Youfeng felt extremely distressed and secretly cursed himself for not being a man.

As a time traveler, Li Youfeng had already reached adulthood in his previous life. To be frank, if you calculate the age, Li Youfeng, who lived to the age of 28 in his previous life, was twelve years older than Shizaiya Kaoru.

Now, seeing a sixteen-year-old girl confessing to him, how could Li Youfeng remain indifferent?

"I thought it was something else, so it turned out to be like this."

Li Youfeng took out a handkerchief from his inner pocket, with a gentle smile on his face, and gently wiped the tears from Shizayoi's face.

"Since you said so, Xiaoxun, I won’t hide it anymore. Xiaoxun, I tell you solemnly now that I like you, I like you very much. Being a waitress in the Lavender Game Store is not just because of my interest, but more importantly, you are there to accompany me. Now, I have already regarded it as my home."

With a smile, Li Youfeng gently held Izayoi Kaoru's hands, looked into her eyes and said seriously:"No matter what your identity is, I like you as a person. I don't understand the political marriage of your big families, and I don't want to understand it. I only know that my heart is actually very small, and it can only accommodate you in this life! So, starting today, no one can take you away from me."

"You Feng~woo~!"

With a smile that was so happy that she cried tears of joy on her face, Izayoi Izayoi struggled to stand up from the wheelchair with the help of Li Youfeng.

Leaving her coat on the wheelchair, Izayoi Izayoi was now wearing a white Chinese Tang suit with gold thread embroidery, which made her look as beautiful as a blooming rose. As a humble author, I have to satisfy some LSP’s hobbies while typing!

Looking at Izayoi Izayoi dressed like this, Li Youfeng knew very well that the real reason why the girl changed into the classic Chinese clothes was because she was Chinese.

She threw herself into Li Youfeng’s arms, and because she felt relieved, Izayoi Izayoi no longer suppressed her emotions, and burst into tears without caring about her image.

""Xiaoxun, I'm sorry, I didn't confess to you, it's all my fault, dear~ let's not cry anymore."

Li Youfeng hugged Izayoi Xun's soft body tightly, saying that it was really nice to hold her in his arms. Although his boss was extremely powerful, in fact, she was just a young girl who cried with joy after her confession was responded to.

"You Feng~ I can't live without you in this life."

Deep in love, Izayoi Kaoru no longer suppressed her emotions.

Hugging Li Youfeng tightly, Izayoi Kaoru suppressed her shyness and mustered up the courage to offer her cherry lips to her beloved boy.

Since it was the first time for both of them, Li Youfeng said that people who said that the first kiss was great were just pretending!

As the sun set, countless seagulls flew happily in the sky. At the beach airport of Tongshiye, the boy and the girl kissed each other awkwardly.

This feeling really gave Li Youfeng a feeling of pain and happiness, just because his lips were hit by Izayoi Kaoru's teeth, and he felt... It hurts a little~, and I feel a little suffocated!

Such an accident made Li Youfeng, who was hugging Izayoi Kaoru tightly, feel like dying. He wanted to let go but didn't want to.

It was really~ embarrassing!

After a long time, their lips parted. Not only did Li Youfeng feel a little unbearable, but even Izayoi Kaoru was also breathing in the air in big gulps due to lack of oxygen. After they smiled at each other very awkwardly, the girl's beautiful shy smile was deeply imprinted in Li Youfeng's mind.

So, at the end of summer of his first year in Tongshiye, Li Youfeng's first kiss, which he had treasured for two lifetimes, was ruthlessly taken away by Izayoi Kaoru.

(Li Youfeng: I would like to state in advance that I am the victim.)

More than a month later

"Mr. Pegasus, you are so polite. I didn't expect you to agree to cooperate with the Seahorse Group so quickly. Then can my suggestion to modify the duel rules be implemented as soon as possible? What? It takes time to adjust and re-formulate the duel rules? Okay then."

"Yes, I received your card. I like it very much. Thank you so much!"

In the Lavender Game Store, Li Youfeng, who had been idle for a month, received another card box mailed by Pegasus.

Unlike the loose cards last time, what Pegasus mailed this time were the recently published and released Elemental Hero series cards. Unlike the primary elemental heroes that Li Youfeng had, Pegasus mailed more fusion monster cards and more powerful masked hero cards this time. As the monster card commonly used by the underworld people,"Friends End Hero" was among them.

"Congratulations! You Feng boy, your duel is still so interesting. It's a pity that I was looking for inspiration that day and missed watching the game live. I felt very regretful afterwards."

"Now, I want to tell you solemnly that You is a true duelist, and the title of Duel King is well deserved. I will discuss your request with Kaiba Boy as soon as possible, and I believe you will be able to see it soon."

"Well, I am looking forward to the introduction of the new rules. In fact, Mr. Pegasus, you are too kind. I was almost killed by the game in the last game. I won in the end just because of good luck. It's not as great as Mr. Pegasus said."

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Youfeng's expression suddenly became serious.

"Mr. Pegasus, I called you because I have something important to tell you. Just this morning, I heard Yugi tell me that Tapir hasn't come to class for a long time. This matter is very important. I have a bad feeling in my heart, so I hope that Mr. Pegasus can stay out of the limelight for a while. If not, you can stay at my place for a few days and treat it as a vacation."

"Tapir boy? The boy with the thousand-year-old wisdom wheel who was suspected to be controlled by the dark natives? Ok, I'll think about it"

"But, Youfeng boy, I think you are making a big deal out of nothing. The Duel Kingdom is my private island. Without my permission, not even a fly can fly in!"

"Mr. Pegasus, this is the problem!"

The reason why he wanted to remind Pegasus was because Li Youfeng knew very well that the Rabbit Ear Demon King was a special existence who was famous for being very good at real-person PK but very bad at dueling monsters. With Pegasus's small body? Haha, I'm afraid he really can't beat him.

His tone became gloomy, and Li Youfeng slowly said:"I believe you should be very clear that the holders of the Millennium Artifact are not easy to deal with, and Tapir Liang's ability is even more incredible. You also know the horror of the Dark Game. After so many failures in the Dark Game, he can still come out to cause trouble. Isn't such an ability worthy of our attention?"

"Mr. Pegasus, as a friend I hope you can listen to my advice. You can't control the Millennium Eye. For your safety, it is better to give it up as soon as possible!"

"OK,I know !"

Knowing that Li Youfeng would not say these words for no reason, Pegasus also showed a solemn expression on his face.

"You Feng boy, I will take your words seriously���Well, okay, I will leave here as soon as possible, don't worry, Me is not the kind of person who likes to take risks."

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