(This book has actually made it to the twelfth place on the list of follow-up updates. To be honest, the author himself did not expect such a result.

Here, the author is very grateful to the book friends who have accompanied him all the way. Your support is the biggest motivation for the author to update.

In the future stories, the author will try to bring more joyful stories to readers. It is the greatest encouragement to the author to let all book friends relax and laugh (big) heartily (shout) (wow↗) when reading. In addition, I would like to explain that there will be two updates every day this month.)

The following is the main text:

After hanging up Li Youfeng's phone, Pegasus hesitated for a few seconds and finally made up his mind.

He took out a delicate small square box from the back of a cupboard. After opening the box, he saw three cards and a highly simulated Millennium Eye inside.

Pegasus, who originally planned to meet the enemy in person, was silent for a few seconds. After taking a look at the fortune-telling boy wearing the Millennium Wisdom Wheel that appeared in the surveillance camera, he immediately threw the highly simulated Millennium Eye in his hand to a figure standing in the dark corner.

After that, Pegasus turned around and walked into the secret passage of the study without looking back.

The next morning, Pegasus disappeared. In the private office of the Duel Castle, there was a pool of blood and traces of the dark forces. In order to avoid panic, the news was strictly sealed by the Illusion Society.

Two days later, the Lavender Game Shop

"Brother You Feng, your last duel was so awesome, can you give me an autograph?"

"Boss, is your activity of giving away rare card lottery tickets when drawing card packs true? Are you going to give away such precious rare cards like that?"

"Wow, is this the three mythical cards? So beautiful, so amazing, I feel so lucky to be able to see the cards of God at such a close distance"

"This is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. I never thought there actually is a fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the world. It’s worth my trip here from the UK. Boss, how much is this Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Just name your price!"

"Duel King Li Youfeng, a living legend, handsome boy, tell me how much you want to offer, I will support you!"

With the title of Duel King, the Lavender Card Store has completely made a name for itself in Tongshiye. In addition, Izayoi Kaoru proposed to use the Three Phantom God Cards as exhibits as a marketing tool. For more than a month, the Lavender Game Store can only be described as crowded.

As a world where playing cards is respected, the people in this world have an obsession with the game of Duel Monsters that is engraved in their blood. Although there have been customers who want to snatch the God Cards these days, in front of the extremely exaggerated bulletproof glass customized by the Izayoi family, they can only be knocked down and caught by the yamen runners for tea.

"Autograph? Sure, haha. Actually, I'm not a celebrity. Do you see the clothes I'm wearing? I'm just a waiter. You don't have to worship me so much."

"Well, the rare card coupon event is real, but you need to buy a certain number of card packs to have a chance to get it."

"Sorry, sir, that Blue-Eyes White Dragon is not for sale. We don't sell it."

""Sister, Xiaoke is already in a relationship and will not accept any support. So, can you please stop touching my butt? This is harassment, okay?"

After taking out the box of cards that Kaiba Seto had given him, Li Youfeng selected some valuable cards at the suggestion of Izayoi Kaoru and placed them directly in the display cabinet. After all, he had already established a relationship with Izayoi Kaoru, and now Li Youfeng also wanted to earn some money to get married in advance.

It is worth mentioning that Izayoi Kaoru originally did not want to sell the cards used as lottery tickets, and all the cards that were borrowed were returned to Li Youfeng. For Izayoi Kaoru, although she usually looks careless, she is actually a very frugal and nostalgic traditional girl.

Izayoi Kaoru's actions naturally made Li Youfeng laugh and cry. Although he always emphasized that there was no need to divide so clearly, for a stubborn girl like Izayoi Kaoru, she always felt that she was not good enough, so she also put all her heart on Li Youfeng.

"Hey, auntie, what are you doing? Do you know that this is my man? Are you treating my boyfriend like that?"

"That's right, sister Xun is right, auntie, if you harass brother You Feng again, I will have to call the police."

Seeing someone taking advantage of the opportunity, I couldn't care less about receiving guests. Shizuka Kawai, who was in charge of the cash register, was also dissatisfied after seeing this scene, and quickly joined in.

"Damn it, I'm only 20 years old this year, how can I be an old lady? Besides, freedom of love is my business, what do you two yellow-haired girls know?"

"Yellow-haired girl?"X2 not only showed anger on Izayoi Kaoru's face when she heard this, but even Shizuka, who always had a good temper, suddenly became gloomy. Although she never said it, for a girl, how could she not care about her figure and appearance?

""Haha, what a joke!"

Holding Li Youfeng's arm, Shizayoi Xun sneered in a sarcastic tone:"Oba-san, you have to admit that you are ugly, and you have to stand firm when you are beaten. Even if you want to eat young grass, you have to have some shame! By the way, there is a private plastic surgery hospital 500 meters left when you go out. I suggest you go there for the surgery first and then come here. Otherwise, even if you don't scare my guests, it will be bad to scare the flowers and plants!"

"Damn little girl, don't think that I'm afraid of you just because you're the Princess of Flowers. Now I'm going to formally challenge you to a duel. How about the loser voluntarily withdrawing?"

""Huh? I will lose? What a joke!"

Hearing the other party's request for a duel, Izayoi Kaoru's addiction to playing cards instantly came up. Just like the world view of the original Yu-Gi-Oh, if people in this world have a dispute, most of them will solve it by duel.

Releasing the arm that was holding Li Youfeng, Izayoi Kaoru showed her duel disk. After taking out a set of cards from the card bag on her waist, she sneered at the woman provocatively:"Come on, you are poaching me and you actually dug my head. If the lion doesn't show his power, do you really think my hair is permed in white?"

(Li Youfeng:"It seems that lioness doesn't perm her hair?")


"That’s great, there’s a duel to watch, and I can actually see Miss Xun’s duel live. I’m so lucky today!"

"The Flower Princess. Although I have heard that Izayoi Kaoru is also a duelist, I don't know how strong she is."

"Come on, didn't you hear what she said just now? As the girlfriend of the Duel King, is it possible that she is not strong enough?"

"I am a die-hard fan of Flower Princess. Although I am very sad to know that she has a boyfriend, it does not stop me from supporting her!"

"Flower Princess!"

"Flower Princess!"

"Come on!"

Since the first floor of the Lavender Game Shop is very large, after Li Youfeng won the title of Duel King, Izayoi Kaoru completely renovated one side of the front hall. In addition to adding four game tables, an area for real-time duels was also vacated.

Amidst a burst of laughter, Izayoi Kaoru and the unknown young woman began to stand on both sides of the duel field with duel disks. After seeing this scene, the customers present immediately became excited. After all, in this world, as long as duels are mentioned, it is like a drug addiction for these duelists.

"Brother You Feng, is Sister Xun okay?"Because she was worried about Izayoi Xun, Kawai Shizuka came over a little nervously.

"Don't worry, Xiaoxun is fine!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Li Youfeng said as he refilled the card packs on the shelf:"The deck that Xiaoxun is using now is specially tailored for her. In terms of strength, even if Kaiba Seto comes, I'm afraid it will be a tough battle."

"Is it that powerful?"

Although she felt that Li Youfeng was exaggerating, Kawai Shizuka, a novice in dueling, was too embarrassed to say anything. Although Shizuka had asked Li Youfeng about dueling during this period, she was still far behind Jonouchi and other protagonists in terms of talent.

As Li Youfeng said, what he prepared for Izayoi Kaoru was the Aroma Garden deck that he got before the Duel City Tournament.

As a deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Duel game that uses blood recovery as the main offensive means, the Aroma deck has therefore become synonymous with disgust.

The ability to recover blood and the ability to destroy blood recovery effects are undoubtedly a nightmare for duelists who are extremely lacking in means to deal with the backfield at this time.

(In the original story, duelists of this period were very weak in clearing the backcourt. In the original anime, there was even a permanent magic card or trap card that was not cleared until the end of the game. It was really out of line!)

With Li Youfeng's special match, this deck has many more ways to protect its backcourt, and also adds some ways to use its high HP to directly kill the opponent.

And this scene is also being ruthlessly played out on Izayoi Kaoru and the unknown young woman.

Izayoi Kaoru LP8500﹥10000

"No~ Impossible, how could your health be restored so quickly?"

Seeing this terrifying 10,000 health points, the unknown young woman was a little overwhelmed.

"Oh ha ha! Now you know how powerful I am. I told you not to overestimate your own abilities!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Sorry, I'm going to finish you off this round!"

"When the effect of Aroma Garden is activated, if there is an Aroma Monster on your field, you can recover 500 HP. After this effect is activated, the attack and defense of the Aroma Monster on your field will increase by 500 points until the end of the opponent's next turn."

"The special effect of Aroma Wizard Bergamot is activated. Once per round, when our HP is restored, the attack and defense power will be increased by 1000 points."

Aroma Wizard Bergamot's attack power is 3900UP!

"The Continuous Trap Card Thirsty Wind is activated. When my life points are restored, I can destroy a face-up monster on my opponent's field. I choose to destroy the electronic dinosaur on your field!"(Attack 2500 Defense 1900)


With an explosion, the dinosaur monster on the young woman's field exploded instantly. She looked at the three monsters on Izayoi Kaoru's field with an unbelievable look on her face, and she fell into autism.

"How could this happen? Wasn't it said among duelists that the Flower Princess was just a vase princess? Why was she so powerful? Why did I lose so miserably?"

"Haha, this is the final blow, the aromatic wizard Bergamot, attack directly!"


Female youth LP300>0

"Wow, this is a crushing victory!"

"She is truly worthy of being the Princess of Flowers. Her strength in this duel is extraordinary!"

"Idol Duelist Kaoru Izayoi really lives up to her reputation!"

Listening to everyone's praise, Kaoru Izayoi's face was full of pride. Ignoring the young woman who had left in disgrace, Kaoru Izayoi said loudly to the customers in the store:"Today our store manager is in a good mood, so we are holding a 20% discount promotion. All card packs are discounted. You must seize the opportunity!"

"Oh! Great! I want all of these limited edition packs!"

"Damn, have some shame, please? You've already taken more than ten bags, leave some for me!"

"Oh my god, this is a limited edition card pack. It is said that it is currently only sold in the United States!"

"Are you stupid? Don't you know that Duel King Li Youfeng and Mr. Pegasus are good friends? It's not surprising that there is an exclusive purchase channel here!"

Because of Izayoi Kaoru's temporary promotion decision, the Lavender Game Store was boiling again. Just when everyone was scrambling for card packs, Yugi and the other four members of the protagonist group who had just finished class also walked in together.

"You Feng, wow, it’s so lively here!"

"Huh? Why are so many people grabbing card packs? Is there a new event?"

"Oh? It's Yugi and Jonouchi, Apricot, Honda, you're here too, welcome!"

Li Youfeng smiled and explained helplessly,"Xiaoxun just won a duel, so she was so excited that she decided to give a 20% discount on all the card packs in the store. Look, the customers here are all grabbing the card packs they want."

"What? Limited edition card packs are on sale at 20% off? There's such a good deal?" Looking at Shizuka who was busy at the cash register, Jonouchi ran into the store with a big laugh,"Just so happens that I heard that the Red-Eyes series is also releasing new cards, and I must get them all this time.""

"This guy from Jonouchi"

"Sure enough, he has been fidgeting since he learned this morning that the United States is releasing the Red-Eyes series of cards, and he has been muttering that he will come over to take a look after class."

Looking at Jonouchi who has joined the looting army, Kyoko and Honda both laughed helplessly.

One thing to point out here is that Isis directly transferred a large sum of money to Jonouchi's bank account to compensate for Malik's mistakes, so Jonouchi is now an invisible rich man.

"Games, I remember Mr. Pegasus also increased the purchase share for your game store. How come you did that?"

"Haha, that's right."

After a slight smile, Biaoyouxi said a little embarrassedly:"Although Jijiang's game store has obtained some shares, the goods it has imported are still too few.

I also want to strengthen my card deck recently, so I have used up a lot of them myself.

In addition to the card packs sold, my family has already sold out the goods that have just been imported.

This is why we discussed coming to your place after class.

After all, the direct sales channel of the Illusion Society has the largest share in the entire Tongshiye except for my game store.


"In that case, you can take a look at the game here, maybe there is a card pack you want."

Walking into the Lavender Game Shop, Yugi Muto and the others were immediately infected by the atmosphere of the shop full of happy smiles.

In front of the four game tables, many duelists who had just bought card packs and wanted to test the effects were sparring with each other. In the real-time duel arena, two customers rented the game store's free duel disks and were fighting. Everything in front of them made Yugi Muto, Kyoko and Honda couldn't help but participate in it with great joy.

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