Without any control over himself, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon on his field reluctantly switched to defense mode.

Just as Jonouchi was about to end his turn with a look of reluctance, Hizo Souta drew a card and, with a grim smile, ordered the Dragon Destroyer to attack.

"Haha, Jonouchi, you are finished, Dragon Destroying Swordsman, attack the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon!"

"Blade of Destruction!"

Jonouchi stared at the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman with gritted teeth and said to himself:"Fortunately, the monsters on my field are in defense mode. As long as I can survive this round, I will definitely have a solution!"


The Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon was broken. Just when Jonouchi thought that this wave had been defended, Hizo Sota, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly burst into laughter.

"Haha, Jonouchi, the duel is over, and another special effect of the Dragon Destroying Swordsman is activated!"

"When this card attacks a monster in Defense Position, it inflicts battle damage equal to the attack power that exceeds the defense power of the monster."

"The Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's defense is only 2400 points, so you will suffer 3400 points of damage!"

Jounouchi LP2700>0

"What? This is impossible!"Looking at his life counter in disbelief, Jonouchi's face was filled with pain.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the big"You lost" on the game console's monitor undoubtedly brought Jonouchi back to the cruel reality again.

"Jonouchi, you lose!" Having torn off the hypocritical mask, Hizosato no longer concealed his true purpose,"Say, quickly hand over the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to me as agreed. As a duelist, you certainly won't cheat, right?"

"Asshole, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is Jonouchi's soul card, how can I give it to you!"

Honda slammed his deck on the duel table and said angrily,"This is my deck, you can choose any card in it, I won't say anything even if you take all of them, are you satisfied now?"

"Hehehe~, how could I possibly like your junk card? What I want is the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon. Jonouchi, stop wasting time and give me the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon quickly!"

"You bastard, stop being so aggressive. Oh, I see. It turns out that you have already set your eyes on Jonouchi's Soul Card, so that's why you made the agreement to gamble on the card. Am I right?"

""That's enough, Honda!"

Seeing Honda and Hizosato about to fight, Jonouchi lowered his head and trembled as he took the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon from the duel table. When he thought about losing this precious Soul Card again, Jonouchi felt like a knife was cutting his heart, and he secretly swore that he would never participate in a duel based on the gambling card rules again.

"I'm not someone who can't stand losing. This card is for you."

"Hehe, that's right, Jonouchi, it seems you are still quite courageous, I will accept this card without hesitation."

He stretched out his hand to take the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, and just when Hizokuzota was looking very proud, suddenly an arm stretched out and snatched the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon from Jonouchi's hand.

This sudden change made everyone present slightly stunned, but when everyone turned their heads to look at the same time, they saw Li Youfeng holding the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon card, and staring at Hizokuzota with an angry face.

"Hey, what are you doing? Give me my card back!"Seeing Li Youfeng snatch the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, Hizo Sota immediately protested.

"Your card? Haha, what a joke, why don't you ask Jonouchi who the original owner of this card is?"

Ignoring Hizosouta, Li Youfeng turned his gaze to Jonouchi. As for why Li Youfeng came over suddenly, it was because he accidentally heard the cry for help from the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon Duel Elf, so he hurriedly put down his work and came over.

"Jonouchi, what's going on? Don't you know that our store doesn't allow gambling with cards? Why did you agree to such a duel? Do you think you deserve the card I gave you?"

"You Feng~"

With shame on his face, Jonouchi slowly lowered his head.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I promise you, there will never be a next time"

"Humph, be more careful in the future. You don't even know you've been plotted against!" After returning the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to Jonouchi, Li Youfeng looked at Hizosato with cold eyes.

"Tell me, who asked you to come to our store to cause trouble?"

"Making trouble? Haha, what are you talking about!" He shrugged his shoulders in a ruffian manner and replied with a smile:"Hey~ Hey~! Don't say such harsh words, I am a serious customer, you are just a waiter, you have no right to talk to me, you should quickly call the manager of this store, I would like to ask, how can you, a small waiter, have the qualifications to interfere with the duel of customers, unless, you also want to duel with me?"

"What's going on?"

Upon noticing the commotion, Izayoi Kaoru, Ota Yugi and others hurried over. After briefly asking Li Youfeng about the whole story, Izayoi Kaoru said to Hizo Sota angrily,"Dear customer, our store has a clear rule that we do not accept gambling card rules. I don't care whether you have a prior agreement or not. In short, such an unreasonable precedent cannot appear in the Lavender Game Store. I can't control it outside, but it's not allowed in my store!"

"In addition, I want to make it clear that this store is a card game store, not a casino. If you continue to make trouble, I will have to call the police!"

Xiaye Xun's righteous speech also resonated with many customers. For most customers, this game store is a treasure land for them to relax their minds, and naturally they will not allow it to be affected by some bad atmosphere.

"Yes, Miss Xun is right, this is not a casino, and such conditions are unreasonable in themselves!"

"You bastard, get out of here now. How dare you defile this game store? You don’t deserve to be called a Duelist!"

"This person looks so familiar to me, I seem to have seen him somewhere before, but judging from his appearance, he is definitely not a good person!"

Seeing so many guests denouncing him, the alone Bizo Souta broke out in sweat on his forehead. However, at this moment, the hooded man came over, looked at Izayoi Kaoru and sneered and said,"Rules are dead, but people are alive. Since we have agreed on it in advance, you are not allowed to deny it. No matter what you say today, I will take this Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, unless you can take out a card of corresponding value, otherwise, I will never let it go!"

"Who are you?"

Looking at the appearance of the visitor, Izayoi Kaoru knew that this was the mastermind who came to her store to cause trouble, so she didn't give him a good look.

"My name is Masumi Momono!" The long-haired man with a sinister look slowly pulled down his hood and introduced himself with a smile,"I'm the strongest duelist with a hundred decks of cards. I also have another title, that is, the game store destroyer!"

Not to mention Misawa Daichi, even Tosawa Daichi is weak in front of this guy!

"Game store destroyer? And a hundred decks?"

After hearing Momono Masumi's self-introduction, Li Youfeng said that Misawa Daichi and the like are simply weak, okay!

Look at his equipment, the whole windbreaker is full of pockets, and each pocket is filled with a deck of cards. This is the real way to play cards, it's really cool, okay?!

"That's right!" After nodding to Li Youfeng, Momoya Masumi pointed at the three phantom cards on the top of the window and grinned,"Of course, if you insist on standing up for Jonouchi, I'm willing to duel with you, but if you lose, I'll not only take your store's sales share, but also the three god cards!"

"Oh my god, you have a big appetite, aren't you afraid of eating yourself to death!"

Faced with his arrogant attitude, Li Youfeng said, you are using your life to mock the short attack distance of Star Platinum!

Well, such a player must be punished!

"You Feng, this matter was caused by me, let me solve it myself!"Unable to bear the threat from the other party, Jonouchi quickly stood up

"It's none of your business, come back here!"

Pulling Jonouchi back, Li Youfeng said earnestly:"Jonnouchi, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but don't you understand that the opponent's target is not you at all? Even if you hand over the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to them, they will still come to make trouble!"

"You Feng said,"Not bad." I don't know when he transformed again, and An Yugi stepped forward and said,"These three guys must have planned it long ago. This morning on the way to school, I accidentally heard someone talking about the game store vandals in Tong Shiye. At first I thought it was a prank, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Haha, you are Yugi Muto?"

Glancing at An Yugi, Momono Masumi said sarcastically with a look of disdain:"It is said among the duelists in Tong Shiye that you are the only duelist whose strength is comparable to that of the duelist king Li Youfeng. Now it seems that you are just so-so. What's the matter, do you want to stand up for this game store?"

"What you said is just nonsense!"

Feeling the cheerful atmosphere of this game store, An Yugi also fell in love with this game store. He raised his hand and pointed at Momo Masumi, and angrily said:"Your shameless behavior is not worthy of the title of Duelist at all. You are parasites that suck the blood of the card game store. Pests like you, of course I have the obligation to drive you all out on behalf of my good friends!"

"Games, are you saying that these three guys are the game store vandals that have been causing a stir on the block recently?"

"Yes, Jonouchi, they are the rubbish that threatens the store and steals the customers' rare cards!"

I have heard that someone used targeted counter decks to threaten game stores and customers who came to the game store to buy card packs. Jonouchi finally realized that the reason why he lost so badly was that he was maliciously targeted in advance.

"Damn it, how dare you plot against me, damn it, how could I lose to such a scum!" Gnashing his teeth, he looked at Momoya Masumi and the other two, and Jonouchi's eyes revealed three parts of frustration and seven parts of anger.

"Let me handle the games. After all, this is the game store between Xiaoxun and me. As a man, I cannot allow anyone to run wild on my turf!"

"You Feng is right. This matter should be the responsibility of our Lavender Game Store. Besides, this store is opened by You Feng and I. I also cannot tolerate people messing around here." He took off his apron and handed it to Izayoi Kaoru. Li Youfeng took a duel disk from the counter and put it on his left arm.

Turning to look at Momono Masumi, a sinister smile appeared on Li Youfeng's face unconsciously. This expression would only be revealed inadvertently when he wanted to play a trick on someone.

"Your name is Momoye Masumi, right? Come out! You are not worthy of occupying the real-time duel field of the game store, and gambling cards are not allowed in the store, so let's go outside to solve the problem."

Following Li Youfeng's footsteps, Momoye Masumi and the other two walked out of the Lavender Game Store. Seeing that the Duel King actually took action himself to deal with the game store destroyer, the guests in the store were also extremely excited and all followed him out of the store to watch the duel.

However, just when the two men stood face to face, the four teenagers rushed to the crowd regardless of everything and shouted,"Stop this duel, you are not his opponent, otherwise, this store will be destroyed by them!"

""Huh?" Hearing the shouts of the four boys, everyone present was a little surprised.

Walking up to the four boys angrily, Izayoi Kaoru asked with veins on his forehead popping out:"Hey, you four little brats, can you please stop cursing my game store? Do I really look like someone who is so easy to bully?"

"Uh, big sister, that's not what we meant!"

With a look of grief and unwillingness on his face, the boy with glasses said angrily:"We all live in the neighboring town, and we all have the dream of becoming duelists, but one day, when we were holding a small duel competition in the game store in the neighboring town, three guys suddenly broke in."

"They are very strong and we are no match for them. Logically, if we lose, we lose. I will accept the lack of strength. But who would have thought that these three bastards not only threatened the store owner to collect protection fees, but also took away everyone's rare cards. Thanks to these three bastards, the place where everyone in our Lin town can duel happily has completely disappeared, so I will never forgive them!"

"So that's how it is."After hearing what the four boys said, Izayoi Kaoru finally understood.

"You all don't have to worry anymore."

At this time, An Yugi came over with Jonouchi and others. Looking at Li Youfeng standing opposite Momoko Masumi, An Yugi smiled and said,"The good luck of these three pests has come to an end, because they are about to face the strongest duel king of Tong Shiye!"

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