"Duel King?! Are you Yugi Muto? The strongest duelist who is as famous as the duelist king Li Youfeng?"

After hearing what Dark Yugi said, the four teenagers reacted immediately, and one of them even recognized the Dark Yugi in front of him.

It was because in the final match in the Sky Arena, in the eyes of the audience, Yugi Muto had been pressing Li Youfeng to the ground and rubbing him repeatedly from beginning to end.

Unfortunately, Yugi Muto did not seize the opportunity to kill Li Youfeng, who had only 1,000 health points left, on the spot, which led to the final collapse.

Although Li Youfeng eventually won the comeback, Yugi Muto was recognized by all the duelists with his extraordinary strength.

Because of this, everyone agreed that only Yugi Muto was qualified to be Li Youfeng's opponent and compete with him.

Of course, these words inevitably reached the ears of President Kaiba, so Seto Kaiba, who was busy working in the United States, went berserk on the spot!

If it weren't for Kaiba Keihei's desperate clinging to Kaiba Seto's thigh and begging him with all his might under the pretext of work, President Kaiba, who had an extremely strong desire to win, would have parked the modified fighter jet of Blue-Eyes White Dragon in front of the entrance of the Lavender Game Store.

In fact, anyone can probably tell how addicted to cards and how strong his desire to win is to President Kaiba.

Li Youfeng showed his duel disk and looked at Momono Masumi and said indifferently,"Since you want to bet on cards, what do you have to bet on?"

"How about the 100 decks I have on me?" Showing the deck in his windbreaker pocket, Masumi Momono said with a bit of pride,"As for your bet, use the three God Cards and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. How about that? I'm really taking good care of you."

"Haha, so I have to thank you?" Li Youfeng took out a set of cards from the card box on his waist, shuffled the cards and inserted them into the duel disk,"Come on, the execution begins!"


Momono Masumi LP4000

Li Youfeng LP4000

"I made the first move, Duel King!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Glancing at Li Youfeng coldly, Momono Masumi said to himself,"Let me first see what color your deck is, Li Youfeng!"

"I Normal Summon the Angel Tellus in face-up Defense Position!" (Attack 500, Defense 500)

"Next I cover a card in the backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"The Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two more cards from the deck."

Looking at his hand, Li Youfeng almost laughed out loud, and took out four cards from it, and Li Youfeng directly inserted them into the duel disk.

"I cover four cards in the backfield, and then Normal Summon, Sub-Robot!"(Attack 800 Defense 1800)

"Fight, submarine robot, attack the player directly!"

"Deepwater torpedo!"

"What?"Seeing that Li Youfeng actually ignored his front court and attacked him directly, Bai Ye Zhencheng immediately opened the cover card on the field.

"Trap Card activated, attack disabled!"

"The effect of this card is to negate one attack of the opponent's monster and force the battle turn to end. Humph, Duel King, your strength is not that good!"

"Ah, yes, yes, you are right!" Facing the provocation of Momoya Masumi, Li Youfeng just shrugged casually,"The submarine robot on my field can change to defensive position after attacking. Okay, my turn is over, it's your turn."

"Humph, it's my turn, draw a card! Duel King Li Youfeng, right? Now, I'll let you know how powerful I am!"

He stuck out his tongue and licked the card he had just drawn. Just when Bai Ye Masumi was about to slap it on the duel disk, Li Youfeng smiled and activated the trap card on his field.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Mask of Sacrifice Seal!"

"As long as this card exists on the field, both players cannot release cards for advanced summons!"

"Okay, please continue your operation!"

Li Youfeng made a gesture of invitation to Bai Ye Zhen Cheng, and a bright smile appeared on his face at this time.

"You bastard!"Looking down at his hand, Bai Ye Masumi was dumbfounded.

The reason was that all the high-level monsters in his hand were blocked by Li Youfeng at once. He had no way to perform a high-level summon, and he was undoubtedly in a passive situation.

"Humph, you really are worthy of being the Duel King. I underestimated you a little. I cover this card on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Li Youfeng drew a card from the deck and smiled as he clicked on a covered card on the field.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, side effects of drugs!"

"The effect of this card is that as long as it exists on the field, the effect of restoring the opponent's life points will be changed into an effect of inflicting life damage to the opponent!"

"Next, I will activate the Spell Card from my hand, Upstart Goblin!"

"The effect of this card is that I can draw a card from the deck, and then the opponent recovers 1000 LP points, but due to the side effects of the medicine, you will lose 1000 life points!"

Momoya Masumi LP4000>3000

Dark Game:"Oh? I didn't expect it to appear so soon, You Feng's unique trick tactics!"

Jonouchi:"Haha, You Feng's tactics are still so interesting, I never get tired of watching them!"

Honda:"Did you see Momoya Masumi's face, it's as black as the bottom of a pot!"

Xingzi:"Isn't this a normal situation? You Feng has taken action, how can these troublemakers still have good juice to eat? Unfortunately, Miss Wu is not here, this kind of scene, she likes to watch the most."

Compared to the smiling faces of the main characters such as Yami Yugi, Momo Masumi's face was not so good.

Not only was his attack blocked, but now he couldn't even perform a higher-level summon. Looking at his hand cards, he could only hope to draw a card that could destroy the opponent's backfield as soon as possible.

Revealing a monster from his hand, Li Youfeng smiled sinisterly and slapped it on Momo Masumi's field!

"Now I will Special Summon this monster to your field in face-up Defense Position. How about that, am I very generous?"

"Come out! Silent Shark!"(Attack 1000 Defense 2000)

Yes, you read it right, Li Youfeng did give a monster to Momono Masumi, but the price of getting this monster is that it is a little bit big.

"The special effect of Silent Shark is activated. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, the holder of this card can draw a card from the deck, and the opponent can recover 2000 health points!"

"How about that, am I very generous? Oh~NO! How could I forget that since the side effect of the drug only applies to you, my health will increase by 2000 points. How unfortunate!"

"Next, I'm going to open a cover card, the pawn shop's monster ledger!"

"The effect of this Trap Card is to activate it by targeting up to 2 monsters on your opponent's field, banishing them until the End Phase of your turn. Then, you can recover 1000 points of Life equal to the number of monsters that left the field due to this effect."

"However, due to the side effects of the drug, the increased health points were reduced by 2000 points!"

Li Youfeng LP4000>6000

Bai Ye Zhencheng LP3000>1000

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

After only one round, Li Youfeng reduced her to low health. Only then did Bai Ye Zhen Cheng realize the extremely terrifying strength of her opponent, especially this extremely autistic tactic. Bai Ye Zhen Cheng, who had dominated countless commercial streets, had never encountered such a thing before.

"Well, now I will activate this Field Magic Card from my hand, Magic Bell Cave!"

"The effect of this card is that if the number of monsters on your opponent's field is greater than the number of monsters on your field, your opponent cannot activate monster effects or declare an attack."

"My turn is over, and it's your turn to perform. At the same time, the monsters that were temporarily removed from the field return to your field!"

"Oh my god! What the hell is this card? Is this a duel?"

After just one round, Li Youfeng made it like this. Momoya Masumi's mentality was already a little broken, especially when he looked at the three continuous effect cards on the opposite field. A thought slowly emerged in Momoya Masumi's mind.

That is, how dirty must this person's heart be to do such a thing.

Silently looking at the polarizing prism (original comic effect, counterattack the opponent's attack once) covering his field, Momoya Masumi knew that this card might be of no use.

Placing all the hopes of a comeback on the next card draw, Momoya Masumi gritted his teeth and placed his hand on the deck.

"Damn it, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew nervously, a look of surprise immediately appeared on Bai Ye Masumi's face.

That was because he finally drew a card that could destroy the opponent's backcourt, cyclone!

Looking at the three cards on Li Youfeng's field, the Magic Bell Cave, the Mask of Sacrifice Seal, and the Side Effects of the Drug, Bai Ye Masumi instantly decided on the target he wanted to destroy.

"I activate the magic card cyclone from my hand to destroy the mask sealed by the sacrifice on your backfield!"


With the activation of the cyclone, the mask sealed by the continuous trap card sacrifice on Li Youfeng's backfield was broken. Without the restrictions of the superior summon, Momono Masumi also expanded again at this time.

"Haha, Li Youfeng, you are finished. Thank you for giving me this monster. Next, I can perform a higher-level summon by releasing these two monsters!"

"Oh? You dare to thank me?"Li Youfeng nodded his head repeatedly to express his affirmation for Bai Ye Zhencheng's thanks,"It's okay, it's a pleasure to help others, but before your superior summons a monster, I want to open the last cover card."

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Dark Therapy!"

"The effect of this card is that when the opponent summons a monster in face-up display, reverse summons, or special summons a monster, you can select one of said monsters and restore the opponent's life points equal to half of the monster's attack power!"

"Remember, it is you who restores the health points, not me, so please start your performance!"

""Fuck you, you old bitch!" Looking at the trap card on Li Youfeng's field, Momono Masumi was completely defeated.

Superior summon?

His life points are only 1000 points, and the superior monsters in his hand have more than 2000 attack points. How do you summon?

The moment he summons, it's the moment he kills. Others don't even have to do it themselves. I killed myself directly.

Because of the effect of the magic bell hole, the monsters on his field can't attack now. Even if they can attack, they are no match for the submarine robot with a defense of 1800 points.

"Is this the strength of Duel King Li Youfeng?"Looking at Li Youfeng with a smirk on his face, Bai Ye Zhen Cheng knew that he was going to fail this time.

Especially facing a player like Li Youfeng who didn't play by the rules, Bai Ye Zhen Cheng felt deeply powerless for the first time.

"I cover a card in my backcourt, and my turn ends"

"Hehe, Momono Masumi, from now on you can only keep three cards in your hand, so throw away your extra cards!"

" Li Youfeng, what are you trying to do now?"

Ignoring the frustrated Momoya Masumi, Li Youfeng explained with a smile:"To tell you the truth, the Silent Shark actually has another special effect, which is to limit the number of cards in the holder's hand to three. The effect of the Magic Bell Cave cannot affect the continuous effect. You must remember this."

Killing people and destroying their hearts!

This is going to kill me completely!

Cold sweat oozed out of his forehead, and Momoya Masumi was feeling extremely regretful at this moment.

Although he is very good at forming targeted decks and using them to defeat his opponents, for a player like Li Youfeng who does not play by the rules, Momoya Masumi's previous dominance in the business world is not easy.���The little tricks on the street are not enough.

"My turn, draw a card."

Li Youfeng slowly drew a card from the deck and said calmly,"I will cover the backcourt with this card, and my turn is over."


Seeing that Li Youfeng ended his round so simply, the spectators immediately expressed strong confusion.

"Li Youfeng, you are insulting me!"

As the opponent, Bai Ye Zhencheng immediately understood Li Youfeng's intention.

"Yes, I am insulting you, come and bite me if you have the guts!"You come to your own store to cause trouble and blame the boss for being too strong, what kind of moral kidnapping are you doing?

For such players, Li Youfeng said, I just want you to surrender on your own initiative, that's what I call relief!

In fact, this quirk is not only Li Youfeng. Under the condition of a huge difference in strength, the greatest pleasure of Yu-Gi-Oh Hell players is to watch their opponents being forced into a corner and then surrender on their own initiative.

This feeling of watching the opponent with a"howling" face and finally giving up helplessly. It

's really like changing into a new pair of underwear on the morning of the first day of the new year. It's really cool!

(Author's suggestion: Don't play like this in a real card environment, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you if you get beaten into the hospital!)

"This is too scary. Winning the duel is not enough. Do you have to completely destroy your opponent's confidence?"

As a good friend of Li Youfeng, it was the first time that An Yugi saw Li Youfeng use this style of duel. It can be said that rationally, An Yugi was extremely opposed to this approach. However, facing these three scumbags who were not worthy of being called duelists, An Yugi was instantly relieved.

"Li Youfeng, you will regret this. It's my turn. Draw a card!"

With a last bit of struggle, Bai Ye Zhencheng drew a card from the deck. After seeing the card, he burst into laughter, almost mentally collapsing.

"Li Youfeng, regret your arrogance, because this card will bury your arrogant behavior!"

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