"Oh? Interesting!"

Li Youfeng naturally didn't take Momoya Masumi's shouting seriously.

"Stop smiling foolishly, if you think you can break through my blockade then just come on!"

"As you wish!"

Slapping the card in his hand on the duel disk, Masumi Momono laughed and said,"I will activate the magic card hurricane from my hand, and bounce all the magic cards and trap cards on both sides' fields back to the hands of their owners!"

""Tsk, what did I think it was!"

Shaking his head in boredom, Li Youfeng also opened the card he had just blocked in the backcourt.

"Counterattack Trap Card activated, Anubis's Punishment!" (Original anime effect, Lishid's signature card, Li Youfeng liked it very much, so he didn't return it to him)

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when the opponent destroys or bounces our trap cards and magic cards. The activation of that card is invalid, and all monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed, and then the opponent is inflicted with half the attack power of the destroyed monster!"

"How could this happen!"


As if setting off firecrackers, the two monsters on the field exploded instantly. Momo

Masumi's LP1000>250 was destroyed. All the monsters in the front field were destroyed, and he was unable to summon monsters. At this time, Momo Masumi was completely desperate.

"Too cruel!"

Looking at the Momoya Masumi who had lost his fighting spirit and was kneeling on the ground with a decadent look on his face, not only did the person involved sigh in despair, but even all the"spectators" around him couldn't help but say these three words:

"By the way, I remember that after the little angel Tellus enters the cemetery, he will leave behind a derivative with 0 attack and defense points. So, don’t give up hope, you still have a chance to be summoned by a higher level. Come on, I’m rooting for you!"

Everyone:"Keep your eyes on your sister! Isn’t this exciting?"

At this moment, in everyone’s eyes, Li Youfeng completely turned into a terrifying image with devil horns on his head and devil wings spread out behind him. The idea that they must not cause trouble in the Lavender Game Store also appeared in the minds of all customers at the same time.

"So strong! Is this the strength of the Duel King?"

Looking at the cards in his hand, Momono Masumi couldn't find a way to break this blockade. Although he left a derivative of the Angel Tellus on his field, he couldn't summon any more monsters under the effect of the Continuous Trap Card Dark Healing.

"I can't win, I have no other options!"

In this period of time when there was a lack of cards to destroy the opponent's backcourt, the deck in Bai Ye Ma Cheng's hand also did not have many cards that could target the opponent's backcourt.

Although he had roughly investigated Li Youfeng when he came here, Bai Ye Ma Cheng, who lived in the nearby town, did not expect that the opponent did not use the Nephthys Phoenix God deck shown in the Haiba Group's information, but instead used a method that he had never seen before.

"Hurry up and make your move, your turn is not over yet!"

Hearing Li Youfeng's urging, Bai Ye Zhencheng had lost the courage to face Li Youfeng again. He lowered his head, knelt on the ground in despair and said slowly in a crying voice:"I~, I give up."

"It's amazing that the game store vandals could be made to admit defeat and surrender?"

"The Duel King's strength is indeed worthy of his reputation. It seems that I was worrying too much just now."

"Great, our happy duel place has been saved. We will have a place to play happily in the future."

"Duel King!"

"Duel King!"

Amid the cheers of the onlookers, Masumi Momono left with his two followers, leaving behind a hundred decks of cards snatched from duelists.

Looking at Li Youfeng, who was surrounded by the crowd, a faint smile appeared on Yami Yugi's face. In his mind, an inappropriate idea suddenly emerged.

"You Feng, I have a feeling that the duelist who can send me back to the underworld might really be you."

The commotion caused by the game store destroyers disappeared like a flash in the pan. As for Bai Ye Zhencheng and the other two, they also left Tong Shiye and never appeared again. As for the ownership of the 100 decks of cards, Li Youfeng naturally did not take them for himself.

After logging them into the void deck and unlocking many cards from his previous life, Li Youfeng took the trouble to make a rough registration on the computer, and then he also released a message through the electronic network of the Seahorse Group.

The message was that if any duelist in Tong Shiye and Linzhen had his card stolen by the game store destroyers, he could go to the Lavender Game Store to claim it for free.

Once this message was sent out, the popularity of the Lavender Game Store in Tong Shiye and Linzhen inevitably increased again. Not only did the sales increase a lot, but the number of customers who came here to play on weekdays also continued to increase, so that sixteen Ye Xun had to use his family's connections to expand the activity space on the first floor once again.

More than ten days passed in a flash. One afternoon in Tong Shiye, the sky was covered with dark clouds. More than a dozen uninvited guests broke the peaceful daily routine and broke into the headquarters of the Seahorse Group Building in Tong Shiye.

Uncle Isono, the acting president of the Seahorse Group in Sakura Country, also reacted very quickly. After quickly organizing all the bodyguards in the headquarters to put up a stubborn (fighting) and strong (cards) resistance, they were finally completely suppressed by the invaders due to their lack of strength.

In just a few hours, the headquarters of the Seahorse Group in Tong Shiye fell completely under the control of the invaders.

In the system center of the Seahorse Group, a man dressed and looked seven points similar to Pegasus appeared here. Looking at Noa who appeared on the computer screen in front of him, the man sneered and began to introduce himself.

"My name is Tenma Yexing, and I am the head of the Asian headquarters of the Illusion Society. Noa, for your safety, I advise you to hand over the management rights of the Kaiba Group's Duel Link Server to me. Otherwise, I don't mind ending your hypocritical life here once and for all!"

"Pegasus Night Walk, right? I warn you, stop trying to scare me!"

Haima Noa, who has already regarded the Haima Group as his own private property, will definitely not obey Pegasus Night Walk's warning.

"If you want a real-time video server, then use your strength to defeat me!"

"Hum, Naia, it seems that you don't understand how terrifying I am. In this case, I can only use this card to punish you!"

(Hippocampus Naia:"It's just a preserved egg card, who are you trying to scare?")

Ten minutes later


Hima Naia LP600 ﹥ 0

"Damn, what kind of card is that? Why is it as powerful as the God Card?"

Because of the defeat in the duel, Naia has completely lost control of the server. Not only that, his virtual personality is also firmly controlled by the card in Tianma Yexing's hand.

"Noa, I don’t want to disturb Kaiba Seto right now, so you just sleep well in the prison I set up for a while!"

"Bastard, just wait for me, I will never let you go"

"Humph, it's just the barking of a loser!"

After completely imprisoning Noa's virtual personality, Tianma Yexing looked up at the server of the Kaiba Group and said gloomily:"Li Youfeng, the culprit who killed Lord Pegasus, wait, I will make you pay a heavy price, including your friends!"

The next morning, Lavender Game Store

"You Feng, I have a cosmetics commercial to shoot tonight so I will be back late, so don't wait for me to eat."

"How late can it be? It doesn't matter. I'm not hungry anyway. At most I can wait for you to come back and have a midnight snack together."

"You Feng, you are so nice to me, I really like you~! Hehe~ Give me a kiss first!"

Unable to bear the coquetry of Shizayoi Kaoru, Li You Feng had to hug the former and kiss her gently on the forehead.

"Bo~! Okay, you are not shy to wake up early, hurry to school, and drive slowly on the way!"

"Oh~ Why are you kissing my forehead? You are so stingy! Oh, by the way, You Feng, I have prepared lunch and put it in the freezer. You can take it out and heat it up before eating when you are hungry."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore and I can take care of myself!"

"Hehe~ Then I'm really leaving this time, muah! See you tonight."

Since the two of them confirmed their relationship, in the past month or so, Izayoi Kaoru has become more and more daring.

Just like her passionate personality, Izayoi Kaoru, who is no longer satisfied with just being close to him, will even take the initiative to ask for a kiss in private. This move undoubtedly makes Li Youfeng put on the mask of pain again.

(Li Youfeng: So sad (dry), so heartbroken (get) sick (beautiful), so crazy (bright)!

Although the marriage laws of Sakura Country are very different from those of China, Li Youfeng still has his own moral bottom line in his heart.

To put it bluntly, except for a few scumbags, most Chinese men are really good at talking!

Don’t be fooled by the fact that they brag about themselves like a charmer on weekdays. When they really encounter such a thing, I’m afraid most of them will be as timid as a lion seeing a honey badger, because the latter is an animal that can easily cause death when it gets impulsive without considering the consequences!

However, what Li Youfeng didn’t expect was that when Izayoi Kaoru hadn’t walked far on the way to school, three burly men with sinister smiles on their faces blocked him in the middle of a street.

"Miss, you must be Izayoi Kaoru, our boss wants to talk to you about something, please come with us!"

Faced with the provocation of the three burly men, Izayoi naturally did not take it to heart.

Waving her hands boredly, Izayoi Kaoru yawned and said,"Sorry, I'm not interested in meeting your so-called boss, and I'm in a good mood recently, so I don't want to fight with anyone, you can get out!"

"You little bitch, you are not going to take my toast, brothers, follow me! Ten consecutive nail punches!"

"Watch out! Everything is moving!"

"I fight! Ripple rush!"

Seeing the three strong men rushing towards him, Izayoi Kaoru shook his head helplessly and said:"Human life is actually very short, but why do you three idiots have to choose to take shortcuts?"

"Hey! Yeah! Ha!"

"Oh! Ah! Wow!"

Five seconds later!

"Ah~ My leg is broken~! This~ this little bitch is simply not a human being!"

"My chin was kicked crooked! It hurts so much~!"

"Help! Help! My hand is broken! Call an ambulance!~!"

Looking at the three strong men who fell to the ground and screamed in pain, Izayoi Kaoru clapped his hands with disdain.

"Humph~ You have to force me to take action. Don’t you know that pretending to be a lady every day is really tiring? Tell your boss, if he dares to hit on me again, I will twist his head off and kick it like a ball!"

After saying these words, I walked towards the school humming a song as if nothing had happened.

As a duel idol, I am not surprised by such things. The blind hooligans like Domino have been almost scared by Ishikawa. More young masters from big consortiums who want to pursue her have also been beaten up by her because of such actions. Anyway, there is her own consortium hospital to back her up, so I said that as long as she is not beaten to death, she can beat her as much as she wants. At most, I will bear the medical expenses.

In fact, most of the blind young masters of the upper class in Sakura Country have also experienced it. Do you think you will be fine after entering the hospital?

Don't be funny, you have offended your own family. The eldest lady, as the attending physician, most of those experts are from the Izayoi family.

The disease will definitely be cured, but the treatment process, hehe, whether to use anesthesia depends on the extent to which you have offended the eldest lady. There is no doubt that these family disciples will definitely do it to vent their eldest lady's anger.

So, if it weren't for the fear that Li Youfeng would worry about her and wanting to establish the image of a gentle and considerate lady in front of her sweetheart, Izayoi Kaoru would not be so sneaky.

Unlike Izayoi Kaoru, who has an explosive force, on another way to school, Mazaki Anko was also kidnapped. It's a pity that she was not like the former. With such a high level of fighting power, after being knocked unconscious, Masaki Anko was secretly sent to the headquarters building of the Kaiba Group.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Lavender Game Shop.

Since all the students have to go to school, apart from the weekends, this afternoon tea time is definitely the most pleasant time for Li Youfeng.

After cleaning the game shop, Li Youfeng made himself a cup of oolong tea, and then listened to music and began to sort out some of his existing cards.

Sitting in front of the counter and looking up at the empty frame where the three phantom god cards were placed, Li Youfeng smiled and shook his head, just because yesterday the game suddenly proposed to take the three god cards to the museum after school to see if it could work. In order to restore his memory, Li Youfeng lent all three God Cards to him.

But what Yugi didn't know was that the three Phantom God Cards that had logged into the Void Deck no longer belonged to Pharaoh. The power of these three cards with God's deposit was far beyond those of ordinary duel elves. It can be said that as long as Li Youfeng had a thought, they could instantly return to the hands of their original owners.

This was why Li Youfeng lent the three God Cards to Yugi so generously. Moreover, Li Youfeng also knew that according to the current plot, it was not yet time for Dark Yugi to completely return to the underworld, so Dark Yugi's actions were nothing more than a waste of feelings.

"You are Li Youfeng?!"

Just as Li Youfeng was sorting out his cards, a man suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

"Haha, I never thought that the Duel King would be a waiter in such a shabby little shop. This is really laughable!"

"Who are you? We don't seem to know each other!"

Unable to sense the aura of a living being on the other person, Li Youfeng immediately realized that the man in front of him was probably an image created by virtual technology.

"Oh~ This is so rude!"

Shaking his head at Li Youfeng, the man said coldly:"I am Pegasus Night Walker from the Illusion Society, and I am also the adopted son of Lord Pegasus!"

"Li Youfeng, today, I come here as a duelist to challenge you. As the duel king, you have no reason to refuse me! Now, let's have a duel!"

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