"Are these meaningless words your last words?" After spending so much time with Li Youfeng, An Yugi inevitably learned some Chinese culture from the former."Instead of barking here, it won't be too late to say these nonsense after you defeat me!"

"You bastard, you shorty bastard, I'm going to teach you a lesson!"


Dark Game LP4000

Di Hughes Lu LP4000

"I got the first move!"

After more than a month of precipitation, and the purchase of many newly released card packs to expand the strength of his deck, Yami Yugi's strength has also improved a lot compared to the original work.

As a typical figure of the underworld playing cards on the earth, Yami Yugi decisively chose to take the first move.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I Normal Summon the Black Magic Wand, in Attack Position!"(Attack 1600 Defense 100)

"The special effect of the Black Magic Wand is activated!"

"When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can add a Spell or Trap Card with the name of Dark Magician from your Deck to your Hand."

���I add this card from the deck to my hand and then cover it on the backfield. Next, I cover two more cards on the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"Oh! Isn't this the bond card that You Feng gave to Yugi? It appeared so soon!"

"Hehe, I have personally experienced the power of this card, and Yugi has become stronger and stronger!"

Seeing that Dark Yugi made a good start, Jonouchi and Honda immediately cheered on the side.

"Humph, Yugi Muto, I will accept your bounty without hesitation!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

For Dixiuzi Lu who works for the Illusion Club, he still looks down on Yami Yugi and others in his heart, just because in this world, the United States is the first country to start professional duelists, and it is also the country that hosts the most large-scale competitions in the world. Otherwise, President Kaiba would not always go on business trips to the United States.

"I Normal Summon Mobile Fort Gear in Defense Position!"(Attack 800 Defense 2200)

"Then, I cover two cards in the backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"A monster in defense position, plus two cover cards in the backfield, hmm, it feels familiar. Seeing the two cover cards in the opponent's backfield, An Yugi couldn't help but glance at Li Youfeng and pondered for a few seconds.

"Open the cover card!"

"Dimensional magic activated!"

"The effect of this card is that when there is a Spellcaster-Type monster on your field, you target a monster on your field, Release that monster, then Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand, after which you can select a monster on the field and destroy it!"

"I release the Black Magic Wand and choose to Special Summon Chaos Black Magician!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2600)

"Another effect of the dimensional magic is activated. I choose to destroy the mobile fortress gear on your field!"


As the destruction magic was activated, the Chaos Black Magician waved his staff and directly hit the mobile fortress gear with a dark light wave. After a burst of explosions, the latter was directly blasted into the cemetery.

"Fight, Chaos Black Magician, attack directly!"

"Open the cover card!"

At the moment when Dark Yugi declared his attack, Dexiuzi Lu decisively opened the trap card on his field.

"The attack is disabled!"

"The effect of this card is to negate the opponent's attack once and force the battle turn to end!"

"So you have set a trap card like this." Dexus Lu's move seemed to have been expected by Dark Yugi, so after seeing this trap card, Dark Yugi was not too surprised.

"My turn is over, but at this stage, I want to activate the special effect of Chaos Black Magician. At the end of the turn when this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can add a Magic Card from your Graveyard to your hand. I choose to add Dimension Magic to my hand!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Humph, I didn't expect you to be so difficult, but I'm afraid that's the extent of your strength!"

Laughing and mocking Dark Yugi, Dixiuzi Lu showed a magic card from his hand.

"I activate the Spell Card, Resurrection of the Dead, from my hand to revive the Mobile Fortress Gear in the Graveyard. Next, I will Free this monster and then Upgrade Summon it from my hand."

"Iron Wall Gate, Defense Display!"(Attack 0 Defense 2400)

"Next, I will activate the magic card Brainwash from my hand, and turn the Chaos Black Magic on your field into my monster this turn!" (In the original work, Brainwash does not require life points)

"The special effect of Iron Wall Gate is activated once per round, and you can use your monsters as cannonballs and attack the opposing player!"

"Game, take it!"

"Monster Cannon!"

"Haha, I see, it seems that my guess is right, open the cover card!"

Seeing the Iron Wall Gate launching an attack, Dark Yugi immediately opened the cover card on his field.

"Trap card activated, magician navigates!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon a Black Magician monster from your hand, and then Special Summon a Level 7 or lower Magician-Type Dark monster from your deck."

"Come out, Black Magician (Attack 2500 Defense 2100), Black Magician Girl (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)!"

"Haha! It's useless!" Seeing two monsters suddenly appear on Dark Yugi's field, Dixiuzi Lu laughed immediately,"Iron Gate's special attack is directly applied to the opponent's player. Your front field monsters can't stop this wave of attacks. Just bear 2800 points of damage!"

"What? Ah!"

The shell from the Iron Wall Gate hit him hard in the abdomen. Dark Game took several steps back to stop despite the severe pain.

Dark Game LP4000﹥1200

"Yugi!"X2 saw that Dark Yugi's health was down first, and Jonouchi and Honda immediately screamed nervously.

"Don't worry, Jonouchi!"Li Youfeng stretched out his hand to stop Jonouchi and Honda who were about to rush forward, and said calmly,"This duel game has already been won, so there is no need to be so nervous."

"Already won?"

Jonouchi and Honda were both confused by Li Youfeng's words. In fact, just as Li Youfeng expected, Yami Yugi had already laughed coldly.

"Humph, you're still laughing with only 1200 health points left. I don't think you're that good. My turn is over. Game, it's your turn!"

"Hehe, of course I can laugh, because I have seen through your tricks!"Rubbing his abdomen slightly, An Yugi straightened his body again.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Your name is Dixiuzi Lu, right? Next, let me show you the latest card that I worked so hard to get in order to defeat You Feng!"

"To defeat me?"After hearing what An Yugi said, Li Youfeng, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but show an extremely embarrassed expression on his face.

As if he didn't hear Li Youfeng's complaints, An Yugi immediately showed two cards from his hand.

"First, I will activate the magic card from my hand, Thousand Blades, to destroy the Iron Wall Gate on your field!"

Placing the magic card Thousand Blades on the duel disk, the Black Magician immediately activated his own magic. However, just when Yami Yugi thought that this wave was stable, Dexiuzi Lu suddenly laughed again.

"Haha, I thought it was something else, it turned out to be a magic card. Unfortunately, my Iron Wall Gate cannot be destroyed by the effect, so your magic is invalid!" (Original comic effect))

"Won't it be destroyed by magic? It doesn't matter, I have other ways!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Dark Yugi slapped another card on the duel disk.

"This card cannot be Normal Summoned and can only be Normal Summoned by releasing two Level 6 or higher Magician-Type monsters on your field!"

"I free the Black Magician and the Black Magician Girl and Special Summon them from my hand!"

"Come out!"

"Black Magic Priest!" (Attack 3200 Defense 2800)


Seeing this monster appear on the dark game field, Li Youfeng exclaimed without caring about his image before Dexiuzi Lu could say anything.

This card is very unfriendly to a heavy autistic player like him. Some autistic players even gave this card a rather helpless nickname.

""Old Six Terminator!"

Li Youfeng gritted his teeth and said the other name of this card. He hated this card to the core.

"Yugi, you are really cruel!"Looking at the monster on the dark game field, Li Youfeng's eyes became more and more unfriendly.

Just because of the power of this card, countless predecessors of the underworld players died on the spot. That kind of deep helplessness and powerlessness is simply not something that those Yu-Gi-Oh players who take the normal route can understand!

(In that era, especially players who like the backcourt five covers, when they see this monster, they can directly click on the quick win (bet) profit (surrender))

"At this moment, I will open the cover card on the field!"

Without waiting for An Yugi to start his own operation, Di Xiuzi Lu directly opened the last cover card on his field. However, for Di Xiuzi Lu, he had not yet realized what he would face next.

"Trap card activated, forced trade!" (Original comic, no actual card)

"The effect of this card is that when the opponent summons a monster, you can activate it by sacrificing all monsters on your field and paying half of your life value, and take all monsters on your opponent's field for yourself!"

"Phew! It's over!" Seeing that Dexiuzi Lu actually activated the trap card without knowing whether to live or die, Li Youfeng, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but cover his face with one hand,"It's too tragic, I can't bear to watch it."

Dexiuzi Lu LP4000>2000

""Hmph, Suoleiwaduogana!" As if he was watching a clown show, An Yugi said his catchphrase with disdain. Just as

Li Youfeng said, Dixiuzi Lu, who thought he could snatch the monster on An Yugi's field, snatched it away in vain. An Yugi didn't even need to say anything. The black magic priest raised his staff and shot a black magic at the trap card on Dixiuzi Lu's backfield.


The forced transaction of the trap card was broken, and at the same time, Dixiuzi Lu's heart, which had always been a fool, was also broken.

"What's going on here?"

With his eyes wide open, Dixiuzi Lu looked at the monster on the dark game field with a puzzled look on his face.

"I forgot to tell you, Mr. Dexiuzi Lu!"

Pointing at Dexiuzi Lu, An Yugi declared victory.

"The special effect of the Black Magic Priest is that as long as this monster is face-up on the field, it can be activated when a Trap Card is activated, invalidating and destroying that Trap Card, and this effect has no limit of once per turn, so you lose this duel!"

"How~ How is it possible!"


Looking at the black magic priest on the dark game field, Di Xiuzi Lu was completely panicked.

"Black magic priest, attack directly!"

"Black magic!"




Glancing at Dixiuzi Lu coldly, An Yugi turned around and said,"In this duel, the friendship between me and the monsters has won an absolute victory!

" After easily defeating Dixiuzi Lu, An Yugi also got the ID card of the main entrance of the Seahorse Building from him.

However, what Yugi and his companions, including Li Youfeng, did not notice was that their every move was already under the surveillance of Tianma Yexing.

In the central control area of the Seahorse Group, Tianma Yexing was sitting in front of the monitoring desk, watching coldly everything that happened on the screen.

The Evil God Card Abata that defeated An Yugi was placed close to his hand.

However, at this moment, a big hand sneaked towards the Evil God Card.

"Don't touch my card, or I'll take your hand!"Just as this hand was about to touch the evil god's card, Pegasus Night Walk's voice came over like a cold winter wind.

"Haha, did you notice me coming in?"

"Of course, and I also know that your hands and feet are not clean!"

"So that's how it is. By the way, our general, what's the current situation?"

"Dexuz Lu lost, it was the game that defeated him"

"What? Li Youfeng didn't even make a move?"Hearing what Tianma Yexing said, the man wearing sunglasses suddenly laughed,"What a bunch of rubbish, so it's only a matter of time before they get here."


Turning around from his seat, Tianma Yexing looked at the man in front of him and said coldly:"Thief Keith, most of those people were hired by you, right? Is it really appropriate for you to say these sarcastic words here?"

"Haha, General, didn't you acquiesce to my doing this?" In response to Tianma Yexing's question, Keith shook his head and laughed,"Why do you have to make it so complicated? Anyway, we have to fight Li Youfeng to win. Is it really meaningful to set up so many levels?"

"Meaning? Haha, of course it does!"

Turning his head to look at Mazaki Kyoko imprisoned in the chair, Tianma Yexing said coldly:"As a duelist, I have an instinctive premonition that the RA plan can only be carried out in actual combat, and Li Youfeng and others are the key figures in the success of my plan!"

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