"Listen carefully, Yugi."

Handing the ID card in his hand to Dark Yugi, Dixiuzi Lu said helplessly:"This building is now divided into more than a dozen areas, and each area has a card professor in charge. If you want to reach the top floor, you can only defeat them one by one."

""Yugi, you really deserve to be the strongest duelist along with the duel king Li Youfeng. I am convinced of my defeat in this duel. Well, it's time for me to leave. I wish you good luck!"

After saying these words, Dixiuzi Lu walked down the stairs without looking back. Looking at his back as he left, Jonouchi couldn't help but complain:"This guy is really weird. Is he selling out his teammates?"

"I don't think so."

He smiled and shook his head, then inserted his ID card into the card reader at the main entrance of the Kaiba Building.

"For duelists, they always fight in an upright manner, so I think this information is nothing big."

"Yugi is right." Li Youfeng also agreed with Dark Yugi's point of view,"Since the other party deliberately lured us here, it's nothing more than wanting a fight, so there's no need to hide or anything."


As the door was opened, Li Youfeng and others entered the lobby on the first floor of the Kaiba Building. The lobby was very empty. As for the staircase door to the second floor, it was sealed by an electronic lock.

Feeling that the atmosphere around him was a little wrong, Honda said solemnly:"This is the main hall. According to the information provided by Dexiuzi Lu, this place should also be guarded by Professor Card."

"Very good! Now it's time for me, Jonouchi, to show my skills!" Hearing that he would soon meet a card professor again, Jonouchi's duelist soul began to burn,"Hehe, no matter what kind of enemy appears, I, Jonouchi, will defeat them all!"

"Hey, Jonouchi, please wake up, we are here to save Anzi!"

"What's wrong, Honda? Is there something wrong with what I said? Don't we have to fight to rescue Kyoko?"

"I'm talking about your attitude. Do you understand your attitude? You really don't have any sense of tension!"

"You are so nagging. I am obviously very serious. Please don't dampen my enthusiasm, okay?"

Li Youfeng & An Yugi:"These two jokers are really hopeless."

Just when Honda and Jonouchi were arguing about the duel, mist suddenly appeared in the hall without any warning.


Accompanied by extremely rhythmic footsteps, the hall on this floor suddenly turned into an ancient abandoned courtyard. As the footsteps approached, a figure emerged from the mist and appeared in front of Li Youfeng and others.

"Everyone, welcome to my duel courtyard!"

The voice of a mature woman came from the mist, and a short-haired woman wearing a classic Western dress also emerged from the mist.

"My name is Tillamuk, and I am the second card professor. Who among you will be my opponent?"

"Wow, what's going on, are we outside?"

"Calm down, Jonouchi, this is just a 3D image"

"Haha, he's really a little kid."Looking at Jonouchi who was still a little panicked, Tillamuk said with a smile,"My master is sleeping in my deck, and I always duel on a battlefield suitable for him."

"My master has the power of immortality, and you will be completely defeated by him in this courtyard."

"The ability to be immortal, are you kidding me?"

Li Youfeng took a step forward and immediately retorted,"You dare to say such shameless words even though you live in such a garbage yard. Madam, your mental age and your appearance are really not in line with each other."

"Li Youfeng, you dare to insult my master, do you know what kind of power he possesses?"

"Oh my god!" Li Youfeng was a little embarrassed by what Tillamuk said. After all, such a statement could be described as a late-stage patient of Chuunibyou.

"Well, I've graduated, so I don't want to waste time talking to you. Don't you want to duel? Come on!"

Having read the original novel, Li Youfeng certainly knew what cards Tiramuk used.

The reason for having this duel, in addition to wanting to justify the vampire deck, was mainly because the vampire lady, who was a duel elf, had appeared beside him on her own initiative and was already angry because of Tiramuk's remarks.

"Of course you can duel!"Tillamuk pointed at Yami Yugi and said, showing the ID card in his hand,"I will use this ID card leading to the upper level as a bet, and if you lose, you must let Muto Yugi give me the card that seals Masaki Kyoko's soul."

"Yugi, can you trust me with this duel?"

"You Feng, what are you talking about? Just go ahead boldly!"

Turning his head to look at Tillamuk, Li You Feng said loudly:"Okay, what's the matter with Tillamuk? You should have heard it, but I have a question. If I separate from Yugi and don't have the card that seals Xingzi's soul, will you still agree to duel with me?"

"That's for sure!"Yin smiled and nodded, and Tiramuk said slowly,"Masaki Anzi's card is just a voucher. If I can defeat you, I can get a bounty of 100,000 beautiful coins!"

"One hundred thousand beautiful coins?"Hearing this, Jonouchi was immediately dumbfounded,"Is You Feng so valuable?"

"Well, that's about 12 million Sakura coins!"Handan said seriously, hugging his arms.

Suddenly thinking of something, Jonouchi hurriedly asked:"You Feng's bonus is 100,000 beautiful coins, so how much is the game"

"It is also 100,000. After all, he is the strongest duelist on par with the Duel King."

"Games are so valuable?"

Thinking of his good result of winning fourth place in the Duel City Competition, Jonouchi pointed at himself and asked expectantly,"Then how much am I worth?"

"You? Hehe~!"

With a somewhat disdainful sneer, Tiramuk said expressionlessly:"Ten beautiful coins, so get out of here right now, you're an eyesore!"

"What? I'm only worth ten dollars?"

Patting Jonouchi's shoulder, Honda nodded heavily and said,"Be content, Jonouchi. If converted into Sakura currency, it should be about 1,200 dollars."


"Damn Pegasus Night Walk, they actually look down on me like this! My fourth place in the Duel City Contest is only worth ten dollars?!"Kneeling on the ground in despair, Jonouchi's face was filled with grief and resentment.

"Well, that's enough time for small talk!" Showing his duel disk, Tillamuk pointed at Li Youfeng and said,"Duel King Li Youfeng, I accept your title and prize money!"

"Okay, if you have the ability!" Li Youfeng also showed his duel disk. He took out a deck of cards from the card bag on his waist, shuffled it quickly and inserted it into the duel disk.


Li Youfeng LP4000

Tillamook LP4000

"Duel King, I'll take it if I attack first, draw a card!"

With a blank expression, Tillamuk drew a card from the deck and inserted it into the duel disk.

"I cover a card on the back field, and then Normal Summon Bloody Shakaman in Attack Position!" (Attack 1300 Defense 1500)

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the vampire lady he just drew, Li Youfeng couldn't help but raise a little arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Tillamuk, you want to lure me into attacking you? That's easy. I'll help you!"

"I Normal Summon a Vampire's Familiar from my hand in Attack Position!"(Attack 1200 Defense 0)

"Next, I will activate the Magic Card Angel's Gift from my hand, draw three cards from my hand and discard two."

"I cover a card on the backfield, and then activate the Continuous Spell Card, Vampire's Field!"

"Vampire?!"Seeing the vampire monsters and exclusive cards on Li Youfeng's field, a trace of surprise flashed across Tillamuk's indifferent face.


Without giving Tiramuk time to react, Li Youfeng declared an attack.

"Vampire's followers, attack the bloody Shaka people!"

""Stop joking!" Pointing at the vampire's followers on Li Youfeng's field, Tiramuk said coldly,"The vampire's followers are no match for the bloody Shaka people, you are committing suicide!"

"Hum, is that really the case?"

Li Youfeng took out a card and slapped it directly on the duel disk.

"The special effect of the vampire lady is activated!" (Attack 600 Defense 2000)

"The special effect of this card is that it can be activated when a monster declares an attack, and this card can be Special Summoned from your hand in Defense Position!"

"I Special Summon Vampire Lady in Defense Position, and activate this card's second Special Effect!"

"Every time your vampire monster fights your opponent, you can only activate it once by paying 100 times its life value. The attack power and defense power of this monster will only increase by the paid value when calculating battle damage!"

"I choose to pay 3000 HP and then increase the attack power of the vampire's followers!"

Li Youfeng LP4000>1000

Vampire's followers' attack power 4200UP!

"Attack power 4200?!"

Seeing a harmless puppy suddenly turned into a Roaring Sky Dog, not only Tiramuk's eyes widened, but even Yugi and others couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's easy to surpass the attack power of God. Now it seems that not only we have grown, but even You Feng has become stronger. However, the price of paying 3,000 health points is indeed a bit too high. In my impression, You Feng should not use such an extreme tactic."

In the eyes of Yami Yugi with admiration and doubt, the strengthened vampire followers pounced on the bloody Shaka people fiercely.

With such a huge difference in attack power, the bloody Shaka people could only scream helplessly and were torn into pieces by the vampire followers!

Tillamuk LP4000>1100

"The field effect of the continuous magic card vampire is activated!"

"While my vampire monster causes combat damage to the enemy player, I can restore the health of the damage caused!"

Li Youfeng LP1000>3900

"What a powerful combo!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng had severely damaged his opponent and restored his own health at the same time, An Yugi and others couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Honda:"No matter how many times I see it, You Feng's duel is always so unique!" Jonouchi

:"You Feng is really bold and careful. Such tactics do look very exciting at first glance, but the risks that the duelists themselves have to bear are also not small!" An Yugi

:"This shows that You Feng has calculated that his opponent is luring him to attack, otherwise, the cautious You Feng would never use such extreme tactics!"

After defeating the monster on the Tillamuk field, Li Youfeng said with a sneer on his face:"Okay, I have launched the attack as you wished. Next, let me see what cards you have hidden!"

"Humph, Li Youfeng, you did a good job, open the face card!"

Just as Li Youfeng expected, Tillamuk's face card is a trap card that can only be activated when the monster on his field is destroyed.

"Trap card activated, Blood Thirst!" (Original manga card)

"The effect of this card is that when a monster on your field is destroyed, you can summon a level 4 or lower Vampire monster from your deck.��"

"I choose to summon, Vampire Lady!"

This is the real card

""Oh, so that's what you were thinking. Well, my turn is over!"

Seeing the monsters on the Tillamuk field, Li Youfeng finally understood why the vampire lady's duel elf was angry. After all, the vampire deck was the earliest deck he used in his previous life. Seeing that the opponent also used vampire monsters to attack his master, as a self-aware vampire lady, she would naturally not allow such a thing to happen.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Not noticing the extremely humane and cold expression of the vampire lady on Li Youfeng's field, Tillamuk still had an extremely confident smile on his face.

"Is this a civil war among vampire monsters?"

Seeing the appearance of vampire monsters on both sides' fields, Yami Yugi, Jonouchi and Honda looked at each other in bewilderment, and they also faintly smelled the breath of a fierce battle.

Holding his arms, Li Youfeng said with great disdain:"Tillamuk, you just said that this courtyard is a battlefield you specially provided for your master. Now let me see what kind of person you call your master is!"

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