"Alright, stop talking, that's enough, really enough!"

Li Youfeng had never expected that Jonouchi would be so aggressive and add all the cards he gave him into the deck. He patted Jonouchi's shoulder with some pain and gave him a thumbs up.

"Jonouchi, I believe in you. The next duel is up to you!"

""Oh! Okay, I'll try my best!" Although he was a little confused, Jonouchi was very happy to accept Li Youfeng's praise.

After getting the recognition of Li Youfeng and Yami Yugi, and confirming that he would fight the next duel, Jonouchi's fighting spirit became more and more high.

Since it was a battle between duelists, Li Youfeng and his party did not worry about encountering any assassination or anything. After the four of them passed through a passage, they came to an empty hall on the second floor of the building at the same time.

Looking around, Yami Yugi said:"The door in front is obviously locked. This area should be guarded by the Card Professor."

Touching his chin, Li Youfeng glanced at Yami Yugi calmly. At the same time, while recalling the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh, he secretly complained:"The third Card Professor? If I remember correctly, there should be a plot kill here."

In fact, just as Li Youfeng guessed, many traps had been set up in this hall. Just like in the Duel Kingdom, he was attracted by Kajiki Yuta's grilled fish. Sure enough, Jonouchi once again played the role of cannon fodder in the plot.

""Huh? Why is there a card here?"

Because Li Youfeng was recalling the original plot, he didn't notice Jonouchi at all. Without his intervention, the plot seemed to be pulled back on track. The card placed on the floor was still noticed by Jonouchi.

Without reminding Li Youfeng and others, Jonouchi ran over by himself. Honda, who was the first to notice something was wrong, asked in confusion after seeing this scene:"Hey, Jonouchi, where are you going?"

"What?"Awakened from his memories by Honda's voice, Li Youfeng quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of Jonouchi,"Fuck! Jonouchi, come back, that's a trap!"

"Hey, let me see what card this is!"

Although Li Youfeng had already reminded him the moment he reacted, it was still too late for Jonouchi. He picked up the card on the ground. When Jonouchi saw the pictures and words written on the card, he was stunned.

"Booby Trap~!!!"


Just as Jonouchi read the words on the card, the trap under his feet was triggered, and the floor opened at an angle. Jonouchi himself slid down without even a chance to escape.

"Ah! Which bastard dug this hole here? I won't accept this!"

"Within the city!"

"Damn, that idiot!"

Seeing Jonouchi fall into the trap, Li Youfeng, Honda, and Yami Yugi naturally couldn't remain indifferent.

"Yugi, Youfeng, I'm going to find that idiot, you two go first!"

As Jonouchi's best friend, Honda certainly couldn't ignore his good friend. Knowing his own duel level, he grabbed Li Youfeng and pushed him aside.

(Li Youfeng: Damn! It hurts!)

He turned over and jumped into the trap. Honda turned back in mid-air and shouted,"Jonouchi and I will catch up with you later, Youfeng, Yugi, you must not lose!"

"Don't worry, Honda, You Feng and I will never lose!"

Seeing Honda's loyalty, An Yugi stood there and nodded heavily with a moved look on his face. However, he didn't expect that Honda used too much force in a hurry, so that Li You Feng, who was pushed aside by him, inadvertently stepped on another trap!

"Oh my god, why are you using so much strength? Um, what is this? Ahhhhh!"

Li Youfeng stepped on a chute trap similar to the one in Jonouchi. He lost his balance and fell into it without any time to react.

"You Feng!"

Turning around and seeing Li You Feng falling down with a scream, An Youxi felt confused and at the same time didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He quickly lay down on the edge of the chute where Li You Feng fell. An Youxi shouted at Li You Feng who was struggling hard:"What are you doing again!"

"Honda pushed me over here, I didn't want to do this! Game, leave me alone, don't stop!"

You can refer to the posture of Li Youfeng when he fell into the chute!

"You Feng!"

His fists hit the closed floor heavily, and An Yugi roared with grief and anger:"I have never heard of this joke of yours, please stop being naughty at this time! Qi Kexiu! You Feng, you idiot, don't you think about who can understand what you said!"

"Humph, now you have finally separated all your friends!"

Just when An Yugi was about to cry, a man in military uniform and glasses appeared in front of An Yugi with a sneer.

"Yugi Muto, I heard that you are always accompanied by companions when you fight, and it is rumored that when your companions are around, you can exert your extraordinary strength to twelve points. This duel style is different from us card professors!"

"Although the rumors are groundless, it is better to eliminate such unstable factors in advance!"

Staring at the man in front of him, An Yugi gritted his teeth and said coldly:"Did you deliberately separate You Feng and Jonouchi from me?"


That ’s right!���Yami Yugi saluted in a very pretentious manner, and the man introduced himself:"My name is Kak Dixon, and I'm also a card professor!"

"But then again, your companions are really interesting. They fell into the simplest trap I set so easily, and even tricked the Duel King Li Youfeng. Haha, it really made me laugh to death. I prepared so many back-up plans, but they are completely useless, right?"

Dark Game:"……"

Seeing that Dark Yugi was still kneeling on the ground without any movement, Kak Dixon continued to taunt:"Okay, Yugi, you are also worth 100,000 beautiful coins, don't waste time, let's start the duel"

"Or, without your companions protecting you, you can't fight with all your strength?"

Slowly standing up from the ground, Yami Yugi asked with a gloomy face:"Where are my companions?"

"Well, actually I am not too sure!

" Kak Dixon shrugged his shoulders pretentiously.

At this moment, he had no idea how terrible the enraged Wang Yang was.

With a look of contempt on his face, Kak Dixon laughed and said,"This building is worthy of being the headquarters of the Seahorse Group.

Many interesting traps have been set up for safety reasons.

In fact, this is my first time to come into contact with these.

If you want to know where your friends have gone, you should try to ask the owner of this building.


"But as far as I'm concerned, your friends should have gone to the place that is most suitable for them. For example, the garbage dump is pretty good, hahaha!"

"You bastard!" Pointing at Kak Dixon, An Yugi was extremely furious."How dare you insult my friends like this? I will never forgive you. Come and duel with me. I will use your defeat to compensate them!"


Dark Game LP4000

Kak Dickson LP4000

"I'll take the first attack, draw a card!" In order to avenge his companion, Yami Yugi took the first attack.

"I place two cards on the field, and Normal Summon Electromagnetic Warrior γ in Defense Position!" (Attack 800, Defense 2000)

"Electromagnetic Warrior γ? Such a high defense!" Seeing the magnet monster on the dark game field, Dixon couldn't help but frowned.

"It's not over yet, I'm going to activate the special effect of Electromagnetic Warrior γ!"

Pointing to the Magnet Monster on his field, Dark Yugi continued:"This card can only be activated when it is successfully summoned or special summoned. Special summon 1 Magnet Warrior monster of level 4 or lower other than Electromagnetic Warrior γ from your hand."

"I choose to Special Summon Magnet Warrior δ, also in Defense Position!" (Attack 1600 Defense 1400)

"The special effect of Magnet Warrior δ is activated. This card can only be activated when it is successfully summoned or special summoned. Send a Magnet Warrior monster below level 4 from the deck to the graveyard."

"Well, my reply is over!"

"He summoned two monsters in an instant. He is indeed the strongest duelist on par with the Duel King Li Youfeng. Yugi, you are indeed worthy of being defeated by me!"

Licking the corner of his mouth, Kak Dixon placed his hand on the duel disk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I normally summon a mech warrior to attack position!"(Attack power 1600 Defense power 1500)

"Then activate the magic card Brotherhood from your hand!"

"The effect of this card is that by paying 1000 LP points, you can Special Summon two Level 4 or lower monsters of the same type as those on the field, but these monsters cannot attack or be used as sacrifices."

"I Special Summon 2 Mecha Monsters from my Deck"

"Come out!"

"Shoot the mecha!"(Attack 1800 Defense 800)

"Protective Mecha!" (Attack Power 1200 Defense Power 1800)

Kak Dixon LP4000﹥3000

"He summoned three monsters at once, but these monsters couldn't be used as sacrifices. What good would it do for him to summon them?"

Just when An Yugi was puzzled, Kak Dixon took out two more cards.

"I put these two cards on the backcourt, and my turn is over."

"Kake Dixon, right? Since you don't dare to hit me, then let me do it!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After taking a look at the card he just drew, a plan instantly took shape in Yami Yugi's mind.

"I activate the Magic Card Angel's Gift from my hand, draw three cards from my deck and discard two!"

"Next, I will liberate the magnet warrior δ and then upgrade it!"

"Black Magic Girl!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)

"The special effect of Magnet Warrior δ is activated!"

"If this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can banish three Level 4 or lower Magnet Warrior monsters from your Graveyard except Magnet Warrior δ to activate this effect. Special Summon a Magnet Warrior Electromagnet Warrior from your hand or deck, ignoring the summoning conditions."

"I banish all three Magnet Warriors from the Graveyard and Special Summon them!"

"Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic God!"(Attack Power 3500 Defense Power 3850)

"What? So this is your real intention of activating the effects of Magnet Warriors and Angel's Charity to continuously send monsters to the graveyard?"

Looking at the three monsters on the dark game field, cold sweat instantly seeped out of Kak Dixon's forehead.

"Damn it, you are indeed the strongest duelist who is on par with the Duel King Li Youfeng. I still underestimated you!"


Glancing at the two cover cards on the backcourt of Kak Dixon, An Yugi said that the pit is for people to step on!

"Black Magic Girl, give me the attack protection mecha!"

"Black magic explodes!"

Seeing the black magic girl launch an attack, Kak Dixon laughed and opened a cover card.

"Haha, Yugi, you were careless this time! The trap card enemy attack alarm is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, and a monster is Special Summoned from the hand. As long as the monster Special Summoned by this effect exists face-up on your field, the opponent cannot select other monsters as attack targets, and the monster Special Summoned by this effect can return to the owner's hand at the end of the battle phase."

"I Special Summon it from my hand, and place it in Attack Position!" (Attack 2700, Defense 2000)

"Tsk tsk~ Poor thing, Yugi, that lovely female magician on your stage has such a short life, just go to the cemetery!"

"The Thunderbolt Chariot strikes back, repelling the enemy's cannon!"

"Humph, what a mess!"

As if he had expected this to happen, Yami Yugi sneered and opened a cover card on his field.

"Trap card activated, hexagram curse!" (original anime effect)

"The effect of this card is to select a monster on the opponent's field. The selected monster's ATK decreases by 700 points, and this counterattack is invalid, and the display cannot be changed."

Thunderbolt Chariot ATK 2000!

"Damn, you little dwarf, you have so many dirty tricks!"

"Hum~! Same here!"

After sneering twice, An Yugi waved his hand and launched another attack.

"Electromagnetic God of War, give me the attack and protection mecha!"

"Damn it, there is no other way, I can only use the last cover card."Facing the electromagnetic warrior with an attack power of 3500 points, Kak Dixon dared not take its attack head-on.

"The attack is disabled!"

"The effect of this card is to negate one attack of the opponent's monster and force the battle phase to end. At the same time, the Thunderbolt Chariot returns to my hand due to the effect of Enemy Attack Alarm!"

"Hum, I see. I'll cover another card in the backcourt and end my turn!"

Perhaps he understood what Kak Dixon wanted to do, and a confident smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Game, next I will show you what the strongest mecha troop is!"

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