After slapping a card on the duel disk, Kak Dixon said loudly:"I Normal Summon Warlord Covington in Attack Position." (Attack 1000 Defense 600)

"The special effect of War Officer Covington is activated!"(Original comic effect)

"When this card is on the field, you can combine all mechanical armors!"

"Haha, take that, mecha fusion!"

Pointing at the mecha monster that had just been assembled on his field, Kak Dixon laughed wildly.

"This monster's attack and defense are the sum of all the mecha monsters on the field. Watch the game, this is the strongest combined monster, special summon of the mecha unit!"(Attack 4600 Defense 4100)

"When facing the strongest mecha monster, the only way out for you is failure!"

"I'm about to attack. The mecha troops must pay 1,000 health points each time they attack. Now, attack the black magic girl!"

"Mechanical claw!"

Kak Dixon LP3000>2000

"Humph, it's just as I guessed!" Facing the attack of the mecha troops, An Yugi sneered,"Open the cover card and make the attack ineffective!"

"I don't need to explain the effect of this card. Your turn is over!"

"Humph, lucky guy, I didn't expect you to cover such a card. But don't be complacent, facing my strongest monster, you have no chance of winning. I cover a card on my backcourt, and my turn is over!"

"How dare such a monster claim to be the strongest? How ridiculous!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!" He casually added the card he had just drawn to his hand, and said loudly:"Kake Dixon, next, I will let you see what real power is!"

"I will offer the three monsters on the field, the Electromagnetic Warrior, the Black Magician Girl, and the Electromagnetic Stone Warrior γ, as sacrifices!"

"When it arrives, the scorching wind will blow the land to waste, and the living will become corpses! When light and darkness meet, the ritual of summoning the obelisk begins! Descend, Obelisk's Giant God Soldier!"(Attack 4000 Defense 4000)


The dazzling blue light enveloped Dark Yugi. After accepting the sacrifice, accompanied by a roar that shook the earth, Obelisk's Giant God Soldier descended on Dark Yugi's field!

"What?! This~is this one of the three mythical gods, Obelisk's Colossus?"

Facing the burly Colossus, Kak Dixon's back was instantly wet with cold sweat. You know, the three mythical gods are real gods in this world, and the power possessed by Obelisk's Colossus is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary duel monsters.

Although he really wanted to complain about Yami Yugi's lack of martial ethics, after noticing Obelisk's attack power at this time, Kak Dixon said with a glimmer of hope:"Obelisk's attack power is only 4000 points. Even if it is a god, it is still no match for the mecha troops!"

"Humph, who said that Obelisk only has 4000 attack power?"

"Have you not?"

"Open the cover card!"

Under the horrified gaze of Kak Dixon, Dark Yugi directly opened the last cover card on his field.

"Trap Cards, Return from Another Dimension!"

"The effect of this card is to pay half of your Life Points to activate it, and Special Summon as many of your monsters removed from the game as possible to your field!"

"Come back from the other dimension, my magnet warriors!"

Dark Yugi LP4000>2000 swish swish swish!

As the trap card was activated, the three magnet monsters that were just eliminated all appeared on Dark Yugi's field in a flash of light.

"These are the three magnet monsters that you removed from the graveyard when you summoned the Magnet Warrior just now?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Pointing at the Colossus on his field, Dark Yugi said loudly:"Obelisk, accept my sacrifice and vent your anger on my enemies!"

"Soul energy MAX!"

Obelix's Giant God Soldier has infinite attack power!

"Obelix, give me the attack mecha troops!"

"Goudouhandou Krasha!"

"No, I absolutely do not admit it!"Looking at the giant soldier with a red body punching at him, as if struggling to death, Kak Dixon quickly opened the cover card on his field.

"Witness my final struggle! Trap Card Activation - Exploding Armor!"

"The effect of this card is that you can destroy your opponent's monster when it attacks. Go to hell, Obelisk's Colossus!"

"The effect of the trap card is ineffective against Obelisk!"

Waving his hand to interrupt Kak Dixon's words, Yami Yugi said loudly:"Because Obelisk is not a monster, it's Kami!"



Kak Dixon LP2000>0

(Obelix: Dare to show off in front of me, I will kill you with one punch!)

"Ah~ah! How could this happen? Why did I lose!"

Knocked to the ground by Obelisk's punch, Kak Dixon was mentally traumatized because Dark Yugi showed no mercy.

All the cards on Kak Dixon's body, including the ID card leading to the upper floor, were scattered on the ground. With his physical and mental strength severely depleted, he slowly retreated and accidentally stepped on the trap he had set.



After a scream, Kak Dixon was thrown directly into the trash can because he stepped on the springboard. Just as he said before, trash should go where trash belongs!

"What an idiot, he stepped into the trap he set"

���Looking down at the floor, Yami Yugi gritted his teeth and murmured worriedly,"Yu Feng, Honda, Jonouchi, you must be safe!"

"The other me, don't worry, You Feng is the strongest duel king who has defeated us, and Jonouchi has relied on his own abilities to step by step reach the arena of the Sky Arena. I believe they will catch up with us!"

"Aibo!" Looking at the game that appeared beside him in spirit form, Dark Game smiled and nodded heavily

"Ah, our friendship and bond have connected us closely together. I also believe that Yu Feng, Jonouchi and Honda will definitely overcome the difficulties!"

Picking up the ID card leading to the upper floor from the ground, Yami Yugi's face was full of fighting spirit again.

"You Feng, Jonouchi, this time let’s have a competition to see who can defeat Pegasus Night Walker first!"

"aibo! I'm moving on!"

"Well, come on! Another me!"

At the same time.

While Yami Yugi was dueling with Kak Dixon, Jonouchi, who fell from the trap, and Honda, who caught up with him, met the new card professor in the basement of the Kaiba Group Building.

"Hehe, I never thought that someone would fall into such a childish trap. When I drew lots and was assigned to the basement, I thought I had no chance to fight again. Now it seems that my luck is still pretty good!"

Looking at the short boy in front of him with a hairstyle similar to Astro Boy, Jonouchi couldn't help but asked:"Are you the card professor in charge of this area?"

"That's right!" With a sinister look in his eyes, the short boy said with contempt,"My name is Klamath, Jonouchi, although you only have a ten-dollar bounty, I still won't let you go. If you want to pass here, you have to knock me down!"

Honda came up to Jonouchi and asked quietly,"What do you think, Jonouchi, are you sure?"

"Don't worry!" With a confident look on his face, Jonouchi smiled and replied,"My deck has been thoroughly strengthened at the Lavender Game Shop, and now I am incredibly strong!"

"Humph, how shameless of you. Jonouchi, to tell you the truth, today is my lucky day, let me see how capable you are!"

"Haha, what a joke, Tiramus, I don’t have time to waste here with you, and speaking of luck, my luck has always been good!"


Jonouchi LP4000

Klamath LP4000

"Jonouchi, I took the first attack. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Karamas couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Haha, Jonouchi, it seems that I drew a good card right at the start!"

"I Normal Summon an Antlion, and my turn is over!"(Attack 1500 Defense 1000)


Although the opponent had summoned a monster, the field was indeed empty. Seeing this, Jonouchi touched his head and asked in confusion:"Hey, is your duel disk broken? Where is your monster? Why can't I see it? Why are you making trouble for me from here?"


Klamath smiled sinisterly and said,"You don't seem to understand the situation, Jonouchi. Stop talking nonsense and come over here!"

Honda seemed to have thought of something and said from behind Jonouchi,"Jonnouchi, be careful. I always feel that things are not that simple!"

"Don't worry!" Nodding to Honda, Jonouchi placed his hand on the duel disk,"I am no longer the same person I used to be. I have played against You Feng and Miss Xun many times on weekends, so I no longer care about such little tricks!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card in his hand, Jonouchi said in his heart:"During the holiday, when I played against You Feng, he once said that if you don't know the effect of the opponent's monster, you should be prepared for both situations, especially if you don't have the support of the card. If you attack rashly, you may suffer a heavy blow. Here, I will try it out a little!"

Slapping a card on the duel disk, Jonouchi said loudly:"I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Iron Knight in Attack Position!" (Attack Power 1800 Defense Power 1600)

"Fight, Red-Eyes Iron Knight, attack directly!"

After receiving the order from Jonouchi, Red-Eyes Iron Knight raised his sword and rushed towards Klamath. However, at that moment, something strange happened! A quicksand vortex suddenly appeared on the empty field. In the center of the vortex, Klamath's monster ant lion suddenly attacked the Red-Eyes Iron Knight.

"Haha, Jonouchi, you idiot, the special effect of the Antlion is that after entering this monster's territory, the opponent's monster's attack power will decrease by 500 points, Jonouchi, give me blood!"

Red-Eyes Iron Knight's attack power is 1300!

""So that's what's going on!" Seeing the opponent's monster showing its health bar, Jonouchi said that he would never throw away Red-Eyes Iron Knight this time.

Slapping a card on the duel disk, Jonouchi said loudly:"Quick attack magic activated, Angel's Dice!" (Real card effect)

"The effect of this card is that you can target a monster on your field and increase its attack power by 100 points!"


Klamath couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw that Jonouchi was also on guard!


As the angel's dice took effect, a little angel wearing a red hat threw a blue dice.

The dice bounced several times in the middle of the field, and then six big black dots appeared in everyone's sight.

""Haha, six!" Pointing to the number on the dice, Jonouchi laughed,"Red-Eyes Iron Knight, attack power increased by 600 points!"

Red-Eyes Iron Knight's attack power increased by 1900 points!

""Bra! Jonouchi, you are such a lucky guy!"

Klamath, who was totally unprepared, was in tears.


Due to the change in attack power, the antlion that had been biting the Red-Eyes Iron Knight had its teeth broken by the former. While the other party was wailing in pain, the Red-Eyes Iron Knight chopped it into the graveyard with a knife!

Klamath LP4000﹥3600

"Hehe, next I will show you the new tactics I learned from You Feng!" Looking at the three cards in his hand, Jonouchi secretly laughed sinisterly,"I will cover three cards in my backcourt, and my turn is over!"

"Jonouchi, don't think your good luck will continue. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Klamath took out three cards and slapped them on the duel disk one by one.

"I Normal Summon Red Cyclops in Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1700)

"Next, I will equip the Mecha Armor with the Magic Card Gunpowder to the Red Cyclops to increase its attack power by 700 points!"

"Haha, this isn't the end yet. I'm going to activate the card I just drew and evolve it 2!"

"The effect of this card is that it can double the effect of equipped magic cards!"

Red Cyclops's attack power is increased by 3200!

"It's not over yet. I'm going to activate the Spell Card, Resurrection of the Dead, and Special Summon the Monster Antlion that you destroyed last turn in Attack Position!"

"A monster with an attack power of 3200 and a monster with an attack power of 1500?!"

Seeing that Klamath had strengthened his monster to such an extent, Jonouchi and Honda could not help but exclaimed.

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