Li Youfeng was very satisfied with his new underworld deck after unexpectedly tricking his opponent. After glancing at the two covered cards on the field, Li Youfeng thought for a few seconds and took out another card from his hand.

"I cover this card on the back field, and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Peter pulled a card from the deck while enduring the severe pain in his back. He said that he would go to the hospital immediately after the duel. He glared at the amoeba on his field and played a card from his hand while enduring the trembling legs.

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Eye of the Future!"

"The effect of this card is that you can check the covered cards on the opponent's field. Li Youfeng, let me see what your three covered cards are!"

"This won't do!" Raising his hand to interrupt Peter's words, Li Youfeng also activated the cover card on his field,"Counterattack Trap Card activated, magic power extraction!"

""Say, Peter, make your choice. Do you want to discard a magic card to invalidate my trap card? Or do you want to not discard the card to invalidate your Eye of the Future?"

As an absolute quality of a ghost, there must be a few cards in the deck to counterattack the opponent. In Li Youfeng's own words, you can look at my trump card, but you have to pay a little bit of price!

""Damn Li Youfeng!" Looking at the time movement of the magic card in his hand, Peter knew that he must not lose this magic card in his next tactics.

After struggling for more than ten seconds, Peter finally gave up the idea of checking Li Youfeng's covered card, and slowly said:"I choose to invalidate the Eye of Foresight"

"Li Youfeng, don't be too proud. My turn is not over yet. I will free the amoebas on the field and then summon telekinetic users. Mutated Super Brain Man is in defense mode!" (Attack 0 Defense 2500)

"I cover a card in the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After adding the card he just drew to his hand, Li Youfeng took out another card.

"I summon this monster in face-down Defense Position, and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng ended his turn so easily, Peter suddenly laughed out loud after drawing a card.

"Li Youfeng, you miscalculated. Do you think I will fall for your cheap trick again?"

"I will transform the mutant super brain man into attack position, and then activate the special effect. When this monster attacks, it can transfer the control of the opponent's monster in this round to me. In addition, when the mutant super brain man controls the opponent's monster, the reversal effect will not be triggered!"

"What?"After hearing Peter's words, Li Youfeng said that he was a little surprised by such a statement.

However, his surprise was not because of the reversal effect of his own monster, but because of Peter's enthusiasm. As for the reason, it was naturally because the monster covered by Li Youfeng on the field was actually the second Amoeba!

Because it was attacked, the Amoeba directly appeared on Li Youfeng's field in the form of face-side defense. Seeing that the mutant super brain man's telekinetic tentacles grabbed the Amoeba and were dragging it to his own field, Peter said that he was really a little stunned this time. Pah

Pah Pah!

"Hahaha~! Awesome! What a cool operation! You are worthy of being the Card Professor, I admire you very much!"

After taking a look at the reflective mirror force and the Book of the Sun that he had covered on the field, Li Youfeng couldn't help but applaud after being silent for two seconds.

After all, Peter's operation could be described as"seeking his own death". As a ghost, how could Li Youfeng not be moved by such a noble act of self-sacrifice?

Of course, he was only moved for two seconds!

It was only because for a professional ghost like Li Youfeng, he usually wouldn't laugh in a duel unless he couldn't help it.

For the smiling Li Youfeng, Peter, who was in a state of mental collapse, was already full of roars.

Especially when looking at the amoeba monster wrapped around the tentacles of the mutant super brain man, Peter's anus was aching slightly and he shouted loudly:"Don't fucking come over here!"

Unfortunately, since the effect has already been activated, Peter cannot cancel the special effect of the mutant super brain man. Looking at the amoeba that was dragged over and appeared in front of his face, Peter said that this wave really made him numb!

"Amoeba's special effect is activated. When control of this monster changes, it inflicts 2000 damage to the controller!"

"Take it, Thousand Year Kill Combo!"


The familiar scene appeared again, accompanied by Peter's screams of fear, and the tentacles of the amoeba once again stabbed Peter's anus fiercely.


The familiar screams echoed in the hall. Peter slowly fell to the ground with his hands covering his anus. The cards in his hands were scattered all over the floor. The snot and tears on his face vaguely told what kind of inhuman treatment he had suffered.

Peter LP2000﹥0 gave Peter a thumbs up. Li Youfeng smiled sunnyly and said,"I won. It was a really interesting duel!"

"You farted! Your grandma's legs are so funny!"

Covering his anus with both hands and shaking on the ground, Peter said that Li Youfeng's move was absolutely murderous.

"Tsk tsk~ You are such a low-class person!"

Picking up Peter's ID card from the scattered cards, Li Youfeng gave the former a cool turn and walked directly into the elevator.

"The chrysanthemums are withered, the ground is full of wounds, your smile……"

Looking at Li Youfeng's back as he left, Peter regretted why he had troubled Li Youfeng, especially the song Li Youfeng sang when he walked into the elevator, which made Peter faint.

Although separated from Yugi and others, the three duels took place almost at the same time. Basically, they defeated their opponents without distinction. The current position of Li Youfeng and others has also changed.

Jonouchi and Honda are in the basement, looking for the stairs to the upper floor.

Li Youfeng was lucky to take the elevator directly to the third floor.

As for An Yugi, who was a step slower, he opened the passage to the third floor of the building with his ID card and was rushing here quickly.

Basement, basement.


"Um, Jonouchi, did you hear any noise?"Walking up the stairs leading to the upper floor, Honda asked with some confusion.

"Sound? Ah, yes, over there!"

Following the direction of the sound, I saw a person rolling out of the garbage channel and falling heavily into the garbage dump.

"Huh? Why is it a person? Tsk tsk, this is a pretty heavy fall!"

"Who knows? Maybe he was defeated by Yugi or You Feng and left here."After looking at each other, Jonouchi and Honda nodded in tacit understanding.

"It’s none of our business, just pretend you didn’t see it!"

"Yes, saving Xingzi is the most important thing now, so let's hurry up!"

Ignoring Kak Dixon who fell into the garbage dump, Jonouchi and Honda ran up the stairs. At the same time, Li Youfeng, who took the elevator to the third floor of the building, also came out of the elevator.

"Well, is this the third floor? It looks like a leisure area!"

Since the Haima Group's building was originally intended to be a commercial and entertainment center, the original purpose of the three-story hall was to allow guests who come to play to rest.

It has to be said that the space on this floor is really too large. The hall on the third floor is not only equipped with many seats and tea tables, but also has a bar in the corner for guests to order food or buy drinks.

Looking around, Li Youfeng suddenly found that in an inconspicuous corner, an old woman in a wheelchair was leisurely drinking tea. It seemed that she noticed that Li Youfeng had discovered her, and the old woman took the initiative to greet Li Youfeng.

"Oh, what a rare guest! I didn't expect that there would be a guest visiting at this time. How about coming and having a cup of tea with me?"

Looking through the window at the setting sun, Li Youfeng walked to the old woman, nodded slightly and said,"Then I'd better obey your command!"

Sitting down on the chair opposite the old woman, Li Youfeng picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of hot tea. After taking a sip, Li Youfeng smiled and nodded and said,"This black tea is really delicious. Unfortunately, I don't like black tea with honey. For me, Biluochun, a specialty of our China, is more in line with my appetite."

"Oh? Does this kid know about tea ceremony?"After hearing what Li Youfeng said, the old lady became interested.

"Whether you understand or not is secondary. The main thing is that, apart from wine, the biggest hobby of us Chinese people is drinking tea!" Putting the teacup on the table, Li Youfeng explained with a smile,"Personally, drinking tea can refresh the mind and relieve fatigue, and it has many benefits for physical health."

"Chinese tea, well, it is indeed very famous. After hearing what you said, I, an old woman, want to try it."

Li Youfeng picked up the teacup on the table, blew a few breaths of hot air and drank it all.

Standing up from the chair, Li Youfeng raised his duel disk and said to the old woman with a smile:"Okay, the tea is finished, shouldn't we do business? After all, I am in a hurry to save people, the card professor of Pegasus Night Travel!"

"Oh? How did you figure that out?"Surprised at Li Youfeng's observation skills, the old woman asked in surprise.

"Humph, would I tell you that I have read the original novel and therefore I already knew about your existence?"

After sneering a few times in his heart, Li Youfeng pointed at the old woman's wheelchair and said pretentiously:"Let's not talk about the obvious abnormality of your wheelchair. You are the only one in this empty three-story hall. Anyone would find it a bit strange, right? More importantly, the strength of a duelist is not closely related to his age."

"Haha, you are worthy of being the game king, your observation skills are amazing!"

Nodding with a smile, the old woman's momentum suddenly changed. As the duel disk unfolded on the wheelchair, the old woman looked at Li Youfeng with a fierce look in her eyes.

"As you guessed, my name is Maiko Kato, and I am the card professor guarding the third floor."

"Duel King Li Youfeng, I have watched your matches on TV. Whether it is the Sakura Country National Competition or the Duel City Competition, your performance is really good. Even some of my grandchildren regard you as an idol."

"The reason I'm telling you these things is that I hope you won't treat me like an old man. Unlike playing with my lovely grandchildren at home, this time, I can fight without any scruples."

"Ms. Maiko, you worry too much!"

Pulling some distance from Maiko Kato, Li Youfeng took out a set of cards from the card bag on his waist and shuffled them a few times.

"My motto is that I will never look down on anyone, and I will never overestimate anyone. As long as someone stands in front of me, he or she will have only one identity, and that is a duelist!"

"Ms. Maiko, you originally wanted to kill me here, so even if I kill you in return, you have no right to complain!"

Nodding with great satisfaction, Maiko Kato said coldly:"Well said, you are worthy of being the Duel King, let's get started!"


"Ms. Maiko, I got the first attack, it's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate the magic card Angel's Charity from my hand, draw three cards from the deck and discard two!"

Looking at his hand, Li Youfeng directly took out two cards.

"I cover these two cards on the backcourt and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn to play, draw a card!"

Pulling out a card from the deck, Maiko Kato asked in confusion:"Duel King, you don't even summon a monster, are you looking down on me?"

Shrugging at Maiko Kato, Li Youfeng smiled and said:"Haha, who knows? But~, if you are confident, Ms. Maiko, why not call me and give it a try!"


With his eyes narrowed slightly, Maiko Kato slapped a card on the duel disk.

"I Normal Summon a Pokémon, in Attack Position!"(Attack 400 Defense 200)

"After that, I will activate the equipment magic card Poison Crossbow to equip the elf!"

"Duel King Li Youfeng, let me see what you are capable of!"


"Elf, attack directly!"

"It's just as I expected!"

For Li Youfeng, as the only old woman in the Evil God Chapter, Maiko Kato's fighting style impressed him the most among the thirteen card professors, in addition to her appearance.

So after Maiko Kato summoned the elf monster, Li Youfeng naturally knew the tactics she would use next.


Extra Chapter 5.

China, Tianjin Coast

""I have finally swum back after going through so much hardship!" At sunset, a ragged blue-haired young man appeared on the beach like a downtrodden beggar.

His eyes were sunken, his lips were chapped, and his whole body was soaked by the sea water. Fortunately, there were not many people on the beach at this time, otherwise, the blue-haired young man would have been mistaken for a Naga from the deep sea.

The young man seemed to have consumed a lot of energy. After throwing a piece of driftwood aside, he lay on his back on the beach and gasped for breath. However, at this moment, a sudden voice came into his ears.

"Deng Yingxiang, you are really amazing. You jumped into the sea halfway and lost contact on the sea for two days. You really want to die!"


He gritted his teeth and climbed up from the beach. He saw three figures appear in front of him. These three people were all familiar to him.

"President, and Vice President, haha, Abel, are you here just to hinder me?"

"What? What do you mean by"President"? Damn Deng Yingxiang, don't I deserve a name?"

"Damn, what do you mean by"vice president"? My name is Wuming. Remember this cool name in your mind, idiot. If you don't respect me, I'll deduct your salary this month!"

Deng Yingxiang:"……"

After two seconds of expressionless silence, Deng Yingxiang took out the duel disk from the waterproof bag and put it on his left arm.

"Abel, I'm asking you again, are you here to hinder my revenge?"

"Damn it! You treat me like air!"

"Lin Bei, you little brat, I'm going to teach you a lesson!���Yingxiang ignored him, Tianchengkong and Wuming started to shout on the spot. As for the blond teenager Abel, he hid aside with a twitch in his mouth and waved his hands with sweat on his forehead, saying:"Deng Yingxiang, don't get me wrong, I just came with the president. This matter has nothing to do with me. I am innocent, so don't talk nonsense!"

Yes, although he is only seventeen years old, this blond mixed-blood teenager Abel with Chinese nationality is the real strongest killer of the Hanno Knights.

As one of the three strongest duelists in the entire Chinese Duelist Alliance, unlike his current timid and submissive appearance, Abel in the duel has the title of Branded Demon God. Although

Tianchengkong is the highest leader of the Hanno Knights, in fact, his talents are more reflected in foreign negotiations and management. You must know that as the first duelist guild in China, the Hanno Knights have nearly 100,000 formal members, and the main jobs of these members involve extremely wide ranges. Therefore, from this point, it can be seen how strong Tianchengkong's management ability is!

As for dueling~

Haha, the whole guild knows that he has never won a duel. He is really a noob and loves to play!

As for the black-haired young man standing next to Amagi Sora, who looks to be around 25 years old, he is one of the three vice presidents of the Hanno Knights and is in charge of finance. Although he is a bit stingy, strictly speaking, he is also an elite talent with outstanding skills and good at calculating. However, he is also a rookie in dueling. Like Amagi Sora, he is a typical example of a noob who is addicted to playing cards.

"Deng Yingxiang!"

Take a step forward and Tian Chengkong showed the golden duel disk on his arm in an extremely chic manner. After all, as the president of the Hanno Knights, he must play cards with dignity.

"You are such a good guy. If Bai Xiaoyi hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known that you had jumped ship. So what do you want to do? Don't you want to live anymore?"

"Haha, I can't give up halfway in a duel. The Fool is a good opponent. I must get back at him. Abel, since you are not here to stop me, I will remember this favor. Thank you and goodbye!"

After saying these words, Deng Yingxiang turned around and was about to leave. He was ignored again. Tian Chengkong said that he must establish his authority.

"Deng Yingxiang, I will never allow you to attack the police. If you want to seek revenge on the Fool, you'd better give up on this idea!"

"Haha, who said I have to attack the police before I can get in?"

With a sneer on his face, Deng Yingxiang sneered with disdain:"It's the same as being cuckolded, so I decided to seduce Vice President Bai Xiaoyi's unmarried fiancee. If she doesn't obey, then I'll drug her, and then……"

"Fuck! I will never allow you to do this. Come and fight me. If you lose, go home."

"Haha, President, you really have no���It's a good thing to know yourself. Well, this will reduce trouble, right?"


Deng Yingxiang LP4000

Tianchengkong LP4000

"I got the first attack! Draw a card!"

Take out a card from the golden duel disk, and a smile instantly appeared on Amagi Sora's face.

"Humph, this hand is such a great start that I don’t know how I lost!"

"Deng Yingxiang, let me teach you how to behave!"

"I normally summon my wife!"

"Look at her, this is the gentle saint, this is the pure white rose that is romantic and considerate!"

"Come out, the Saint of Teaching—Ecclesia!" (Attack 1500 Defense 1500)

"Ecclesia's special effect is activated. This card can only be activated when it is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned. Add a Tutorial card other than Tutorial Saint from your deck to your hand."

"I cover three cards on the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Deng Yingxiang drew a card expressionlessly and slapped a card from his hand onto the duel disk.

"I activate the magic card Dalan, destroying all the magic cards and trap cards on the field!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Looking at the words exploding on his field, Tianchengkong said that he was a little bit

"Hehe, the punishment of teaching, the encounter of teaching, the reflective power of the holy shield, President, you really dare to cover everything. By the way, you didn't activate the encounter of teaching, so your hand must be stuck, right?!"

Because of Deng Yingxiang's words, Tianchengkong's mouth twitched fiercely. Just as the former said, his hand did not have the cards that could be triggered by this trap card.

"Now it's my turn!"

"I cover this card on the field, then activate the Spell Card, Gem Knight Combine!"

"By sending three Gem Knight cards from your hand to the Graveyard, then Fusion Summoning!"

"Jewel Knight Girl Sparkling Diamond!"(Attack 3400 Defense 2000)

"The special effect of Jewel Knight Xiaoli is activated!"

"When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can add a Gem Knight Normal Monster in the Graveyard to your hand!"

"I added Gem Knight Garnet to my hand!"

"The magic card Gem Knight's combined effect is activated!"

"When this card is in the Graveyard, you can banish a Gem Knight monster and add it to your hand!"

"I choose to exclude the Gem Knight Xiaoli!"

"Next, I will continue to activate the effect of the magic card Gem Knight Combination!"

"Send the Gem Knights Garnet and Obsidian in your hand to the graveyard and then Fusion Summon them!"

"Gem Knight Ruby!"(Attack 2500 Defense 1300)

"The special effect of Twinkle Diamond allows you to Special Summon it from your Deck by sending the Gem Knight Ruby to the Graveyard."

"Gem Knight Master Diamond!"(Attack 2900 Defense 2500)

"The special effect of the Jewel Knight Master Diamond is activated!"

"Eliminate the Gem Knight Ruby in your Graveyard to gain this monster's ability!"

"The special ability of the same name of the Gem Knight Master Diamond is activated, which can���Only release the face-up Gem Knight monster, and then get the attack power of this monster. I choose to release Gem Knight Shining Diamond!"

"Since there are four Gem Knight monsters in the graveyard, the attack power of Gem Knight Master Diamond increases by 400 points again!"

Gem Knight Master's attack power 6700 UP!

"Open the cover card, the Treasure Card from Heaven, the effect of this card is that both players can add six cards to their hand."

"Hehe, it's coming as expected!"

After a sinister smile, Deng Yingxiang activated another magic card in front of Tian Chengkong's dull eyes.

"The magic card quick attack is activated. The effect of this card is that it can allow the fusion monster to directly attack the moment it is successfully fused!"

"Let's fight! Master Gem Knight Diamond, kill the president's wife for me!"

Hearing Deng Yingxiang's fierce words, Amagi Sora shouted in horror:"Oh no, stop it!"

Under Deng Yingxiang's order, the Master Gem Knight had no mercy on women. He picked up the sword in his hand and stabbed it directly into Ecclesia's heart. This scene, wow!

Extremely cruel!

Amagi Sora LP4000﹥0

Looking at Deng Yingxiang who walked away after winning the duel, Wuming asked with a twitching mouth:"President, are you okay?"

"Damn you! This thief! He killed my wife!"

Holding the card of the teaching saint in both hands, Sky City screamed heartbreakingly:"I am not done with this guy, deduct his salary this month, I want him to know the consequences of attacking my wife!"

"President, don't worry, I will avenge you now!" He also showed his duel disk, pointed at Deng Yingxiang and said loudly:"Deng Yingxiang, stop right there. You want to leave without defeating me? No way. Come and duel with me. If you dare to refuse, forget about this month's salary!"


After thinking for a moment, Deng Yingxiang showed his duel disk with a complicated expression. After all, revenge can be put on hold. If he loses his salary, he won't be able to buy a card pack this month.

"Okay, come on!"


Deng Yingxiang LP4000

Wuming LP4000

"Vice President, I won the first attack. It's my turn. Draw a card."

Giving Wuming a complicated look, Deng Yingxiang inserted a card into the duel disk.

"I cover this card on the back field, and my turn ends."

"What? There was actually a card covering the backcourt? Haha, Deng Yingxiang, since you are looking for trouble, you can't blame me!"

"My turn, draw a card!" He confidently drew a card from the deck, and with a wretched look on his face, he slapped the card on the duel disk.

"Hehehe, Deng Yingxiang, you didn't expect that my deck is composed of sixty cards. Next, I will let you see what real strength is!"

"Magic card, neighbor mowing the lawn is activated!"

"At this moment, I'm going to open the face card!"

Interrupting Wuming's words, Deng Yingxiang sneered and pointed at his backcourt and said:"The continuous trap card, Temptation of the Dead, is activated. The effect of this card is that every time a card is sent to the graveyard, both players will receive 300 points of damage. Okay, Vice President, you continue!"

"I'll continue, sister!"

Looking at the card of Mowing the Neighbor on his duel disk, Wuming was already in tears.

A total of 20 cards were sent to the graveyard!

This is 6,000 points of damage!

Wuming LP4000> minus 2000 pawns!

"Tsk, you are such a novice and you love to play. If it weren't for me~……"

Plop, before he could finish his sentence, Deng Yingxiang also fell to the ground.

To be honest, he had been swimming for two days without taking a drop of water in the sea, and had fought two duels just after coming ashore. If he didn't faint again, it would be unforgivable!

Looking at the three dead bodies lying on the beach, Abel shook his head helplessly and sighed:"Alas! I knew that I would have to clean up this mess."

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