Facing the elf holding the poisonous crossbow, Li Youfeng knew that in the original comic, this equipment card had the special effect of ignoring defense and attack power and could directly destroy the opponent's monster.

Therefore, facing this extremely despicable tactical play, only a storm-like attack could completely destroy it!

"Open the cover card!"

"Quick attack magic, Gale's Skyfang Group!"

"The effect of this card can be activated by targeting a Voidfang monster in your Graveyard, and that monster is Special Summoned in Defense Position."

"I choose to special summon Cargo Rex of the Skyfang Group!"

"Rex's special effect is activated. This card can only be activated when it is successfully summoned or special summoned. Add a Spell or Trap Card from the deck to your hand."

"The card I want to add to my hand is the Quick Attack Magic, New Wind of the Sky Fang Group!"

"It’s not over yet, next I’m going to chain open another covered card!"

"The continuous trap card is activated, the Kongya Group is training!"

"Useless Duel King!"

Seeing Li Youfeng activate the Perpetual Trap Card and summon another monster from the graveyard, Maiko Kato said disapprovingly:"The elf equipped with the Poison Crossbow can ignore the attack and defense of local monsters. Therefore, no matter what kind of monster you summon, it will be the same!"

As if to confirm Maiko Kato's words, the elf aimed the crossbow at Rex, and a poisonous arrow hit Rex's heart. The latter turned into pieces and entered the graveyard with almost no decent resistance.

"Ms. Maiko, to be honest, your combination of Pokémon and Poison Crossbow is really powerful, but it is quite powerless against the warriors of the Skyfang Group!"

Pointing to the continuous trap card on his field, Li Youfeng said loudly:"The training effect of the continuous trap card Skyfang Group is activated. Once per turn, when a Skyfang Group monster on your field is destroyed by battle or the opponent's effect, you can activate it by targeting that monster and Special Summon a Skyfang Group monster with a lower level than the original level of that monster from the deck."

"Come out, Firo, the herald of the Skyfang Group!"(Attack 0 Defense 0)

"Can I continue to summon monsters while the monsters are destroyed? Haha, you are worthy of being the Duel King. I cover two cards in the back field, and my turn is over."

"Ms. Maiko, next, I'm going to fight back. It's my turn, draw a card!"

"The special effect of Skyfang Herald is activated. During the Main Phase of your turn, you can Special Summon 1 Skyfang monster from your hand except this card."

"I choose to special summon, Swordsman Bit of the Skyfang Group!" (Attack 1200 Defense 500)

"The special effect of the Skyfang Swordsman is activated. This monster can only be activated during your main phase. Special Summon a Skyfang monster other than this card from your hand."

"I choose to special summon the Sniper Donpa of the Skyfang Group!" (Attack 500 Defense 1000)

"Next, I will activate the second special effect of Skyfang Swordsman. This card is already in the Monster Zone. You can only activate it if you have a Skyfang monster Special Summoned other than this card on your field. Add a Skyfang monster other than Skyfang Swordsman from your deck to your hand."

"Summoned three monsters?"Looking at the monsters that suddenly appeared on Li Youfeng's field, Maiko Kato's forehead was sweating unknowingly. In order to be on the safe side, she decisively opened a cover card on her field.

"Continuous magic card activated, deep forest!"

"The effect of this card is that monsters below four stars can hide in the forest and will not be attacked!"

Pointing at the monsters on Li Youfeng's field, Maiko Kato said coldly:"Of course, this effect also applies to monsters below four stars on your field. Okay, Duel King, what should you do?"

"Not much to do!" Shaking his head with a smile, Li Youfeng directly showed a magic card,"I activate the magic card Dalan from my hand to destroy all the magic cards and trap cards on both sides' fields!"

"This won't do. Open the face card, the magic will be lifted!" (Original comic effect) Just as Li Youfeng expected, after he launched the Great Storm, Maiko Kato really counterattacked.

Seeing the opponent open the last face card on his field, Li Youfeng's mouth corners also slightly raised, just because everything was exactly as Li Youfeng calculated.

"The effect of this card is to negate a magic card activated by the opponent. Duel King, you miscalculated!"

"My turn hasn't ended yet, how do you know I miscalculated?"

After shrugged, Li Youfeng said to Maiko Kato with a smile:"I'm sorry, Ms. Maiko, this duel ends here, because in this turn, I will kill you in seconds!"

"Kill me in seconds?" Looking at the cards on his field, Maiko Kato suddenly laughed,"Haha, young man, don't be so confident. If you really can do it, just give it a try!"


Li Youfeng nodded heavily, pointed at the monster on his field and said:"The special effect of the sniper of the Kongya Group is activated!"

"During the Main Phase of your turn, this monster can Special Summon 1 other Akufang monster from your hand. While this card is already in a Monster Zone, if you Special Summon another Akufang monster on the field, you can target a face-up card on the field and destroy that card."

"I choose to Special Summon the Skyfang's Bravo from my hand, and then activate the Skyfang's Sniper's special effect to destroy the Pokémon on your field!"

After receiving Li Youfeng's order, the Skyfang's Sniper picked up his sniper rifle and aimed directly at the Pokémon on Maiko Kato's field. Since it was a destructive effect, the Pokémon had nowhere to hide!

After a gunshot, the Pokémon was hit directly in the head.���After a sharp scream, the monster turned into pieces and disappeared on the field.

"Li Youfeng, you did a great job, but unfortunately, because you destroyed the elves, your behavior also aroused the anger of the forest!"

""Huh? The anger of the forest?" Shaking his head disapprovingly, Li Youfeng sneered,"The soldiers of the Kongya Regiment under my command are not afraid of the anger of the forest. If you have the ability, just go ahead and make a move!"

"As you wish!"

Putting a card on the duel disk, Maiko Kato said:"When the residents of the forest are defeated, I can special summon the Forest Guard Green Baboon from the deck by paying 100 life points!" (Attack 2600 Defense 1800)

Maiko Kato LP4000>3900

"What do you think, Duel King? None of the monsters on your field can defeat the Forest Guardian. What are you going to do next?"

"Ms. Maiko, you underestimate my warriors too much!"

As if they resonated with Li Youfeng's words, the four monsters belonging to the Kongya Group standing on the field all made postures ready to attack.

As a deck famous for its extremely strong offensiveness, the members of the Kongya Group named"Fierce Wind" will never retreat.

To put it simply, the purpose of the Kongya Group's deck is, either you kill me in one turn, or I kill you in one turn, well, it's that simple and brutal!

Showing a card in his hand, Li Youfeng said loudly:"I am going to activate the special effect of the Kongya Group's fighter.

During my main turn, I can special summon a Kongya Group monster other than this card from my hand!


"Come out, Rafael, the hero of the Skyfang Group!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2200)

"Attack power 2800?"

Seeing the monster appearing on Li Youfeng's field, Maiko Kato smiled as if relieved.

"As expected, you are worthy of being called the Duel King. No wonder my grandchildren regard you as their idol. If I tell them that I duelled with you this time, they will surely be very happy."

Knowing that she had lost, Maiko Kato also placed both hands on the duel plate of the wheelchair.

"Come on, King of Duel, my honor as a duelist does not allow me to surrender, come and give me the final blow!"

After taking a look at the fighters of the Kongya Group, Li Youfeng said with a smile:"Ms. Maiko, you are a duelist worthy of respect, let me pay my last respects to you!"

"Bravo, the fighter of the Skyfang Group, activate your special effect!"

"While this card is already in the Monster Zone, you can activate this effect only if you Special Summon a Skyfang monster other than this card on your field. Increase the ATK and DEF of all Skyfang monsters on the field by 500 until the end of the turn."

Skyfang's Herald ATK 500UP!

Skyfang's Swordsman ATK 1700UP!

Skyfang's Sniper ATK 1000UP!

Skyfang's Fighter ATK 2400UP!

Skyfang's Hero ATK 3300UP!

"A brave and fearless warrior of the Empty Fang���Ah, show your unity and strength!"

"Attack, the raging waves of the gale!"

Facing the attack of the soldiers of the Sky Fang Group, the Forest Guard with only 2600 attack points was directly defeated by Rafael, the hero of the Sky Fang Group. Looking at the other four soldiers of the Sky Fang Group rushing towards him, Maiko Kato smiled and nodded slightly.

Maiko Kato LP3900﹥0

"Young man, you are really great. I am very happy to fight with you. The title of Duel King is really well-deserved."

Maiko Kato took out the ID card from his sleeve and handed it to Li Youfeng generously.

"You are too kind, Ms. Maiko. I am honored to fight with an old senior like you."After taking the ID card from Maiko Kato, just as Li Youfeng was about to move forward, a voice suddenly came from the direction of the stairs.

"You Feng? You are here?"

""Yuyou? Haha, you caught up with me too, that's great!"

Seeing that his friend was safe and sound, Biao Yuyou immediately showed a happy smile on his face and ran over quickly.

"You Feng, didn't you fall down the chute? How did you end up here?"

"Oh, this, actually I just fell from the second floor to the first floor. After I defeated a card professor there, I used the ID card I got to go directly to the third floor."

"So that's how it is, well, I'm glad you're okay!" He nodded with a smile, and then Biao Yugi turned his gaze to Maiko Kato,"You Feng, who is this old lady?"

"Oh, let me introduce you, this is Ms. Maiko Kato, the card professor guarding the third floor. But I have already won the duel and got the ID card, so Ms. Maiko will not embarrass us anymore."

"Great! I didn't expect that You Feng ended the battle so quickly. Now we can move on."

"Well, let's go now, Ms. Maiko, we still have to save people, so we won't delay here."

After saying goodbye to Maiko Kato, just when Li Youfeng and Biao Yugi wanted to move on, a familiar voice suddenly came over.

"Haha, he is worthy of being called the Duel King, his strength is extraordinary"


"Are you Pegasus Night Walker?"

Following the voice, Li Youfeng and Biao Youxi looked up and saw a man wearing a black leather jacket suddenly appear in the leisure area on the upper floor of the third floor lobby. Except for the different clothes, he looked almost exactly like Pegasus Night Walker.

"This should be Tenma Yexing's twin brother, Tenma Yuexing! However, according to the original plot, he should be controlled by Tenma Yexing now."Seeing this man, Li Youfeng instantly recalled the plot of the original Yu-Gi-Oh that he had read.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, and seeing the culprit who took away Xingzi, An Yugi immediately showed up and took the initiative to replace Biao Yugi.

Pointing at Tenma Yuexing's nose, An Yugi shouted angrily:"Damn bastard, the grudges between men should not involve innocent women. If you still have some honor as a duelist, give Xingzi back to me quickly!"

Looking at the furious king, Li Youfeng hesitated for a few seconds and decided to remain silent, only because Tenma Yuexing had been controlled by Tenma Yexing because of the evil god at this time. If he wanted to rescue him, the only way was to defeat him in the duel.

"Haha, don't say that, Yugi, you should understand that you are a challenger now, and you have no right to tell me what to do!"

Looking coldly at An Yugi and Li Youfeng, Tianma Yuexing showed a deck of cards in his hand.

"The reason why I am waiting for you here is that I want to try out this newly formed deck."

"This deck contains a new evil god, and it is the most perfect deck!"

"How about it, Yugi, Youfeng, do you two want to try fighting this deck?"

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