Seeing that Tianma Yuexing's expression did not seem fake, Li Youfeng took a step forward and said,"Tianma, although I don't know why you hate me so much, but in my impression, it seems that I have never offended you, right?"

""Li Youfeng, stop pretending!" Pointing at Li Youfeng's nose, Tianma Yuexing said with gritted teeth,"It was because of you that Mr. Pegasus was killed, and you, the nameless Pharaoh. If it weren't for you, how could Mr. Pegasus be involved in this dark dispute? Now, do you still dare to say that you have no responsibility?"


Hearing this, Li Youfeng and An Yugi looked at each other at the same time. An Yugi really couldn't respond, while Li Youfeng was a little confused. He had clearly reminded Pegasus, so this guy shouldn't be in trouble again. Is it really hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words?!

Observing the expressions of Li Youfeng and An Yugi keenly, Tianma Yuexing believed in his previous judgment even more.

(Note: At this time, Tianma Yuexing was controlled by his younger brother Tianma Yexing, and his mind was still controlled by Yexing. This problem was discovered by An Yugi after he defeated Tianma Yuexing in the original comics.)

"Haha, forget it, it’s not important to say these anymore!"

Closing his eyes and shaking his head in disappointment, Tianma Yuexing continued:"Speaking of which, your strength is indeed beyond my expectations. It’s really hard not to admire you for killing six card professors in such a short time!"

"Especially you, Duel King Li Youfeng, your skills are beyond my expectations. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to call it art. No wonder Mr. Pegasus thinks so highly of you."

"Jonouchi really lived up to our expectations, and he is still making great strides now!"Hearing Tianma Yuexing's words, An Yugi and Li Youfeng thought of Jonouchi at the same time.

"Come with me, Youfeng, Youxi, let's go to another place!"

After saying this, Tianma Yuexing turned and walked towards the side door. Li Youfeng and An Youxi were unwilling to fall behind, so they quickly followed along the stairs.

"Duel King!"

Looking at Li Youfeng and Yami Yugi who just ran up the stairs, Maiko Kato said with a serious face:"You have to be careful, this person is a powerful existence known as the perfect duelist among our card professors. This title was recognized by Pegasus himself!"

"A perfect duelist? How pitiful.

Unlike Yami Yugi who looked shocked, Li Youfeng had a look of pity on his face.

"Ms. Maiko, thank you for your reminder, we will be careful!"

"Thank you, Ms. Maiko."

Li Youfeng and Yami Yugi expressed their gratitude for Maiko Kato's kindness. After they ran up the stairs, a middle-aged butler in a suit appeared in front of them.

"Duel King Li Youfeng, and Muto Yugi, I am Mr. Tenma's personal butler, Croquet. Please follow me to the duel stage."

Knowing that they did not have much choice, Li Youfeng and An Yugi followed Croquet into the large theater with a side door. Looking at Tenma Yuexing who was already standing on the stage, Li Youfeng and An Yugi's eyes both burst out with a strong desire to fight.

Standing on the big stage of the theater, Tenma Yuexing showed his duel plate and said coldly:"Well, who of you wants to come up and duel with me first?"

"You Feng, you have just experienced a battle, it is better to rest now, so can you let me take care of this duel?" Reaching out to stop Li You Feng who wanted to step forward, An Yugi asked with a serious face.

"Yugi." Seeing that An Yugi took the initiative to accept the challenge, Li Youfeng naturally would not stop him,"Ah, then I'll leave it to you, come on Yugi!"

"Don't worry, I will never lose!" He took off his coat, handed it to Li Youfeng, and walked up the stairs to the stage of the theater.

"Haha, Muto Yugi, the best friend of Duel King Li Youfeng, and the strongest duelist who is as strong as him!"

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from Dark Yugi, Tianma Yuexing was naturally excited.

"I know that Obelisk's God Warrior is in your deck now. If I win, you must give it to me. Also, if I lose, I will let you meet Mazaki Anko. How do you think about this?"

"You Feng, can you trust me?" Instead of immediately agreeing to Tianma Yuexing's conditions, An Yugi turned to look at Li Youfeng.

Giving An Yugi a thumbs up, Li Youfeng smiled and said,"No problem, just do it boldly, Yugi, I will support you unconditionally. Although the God Card is very precious, it is far less than the friendship between us, so don't feel any pressure!"

"Haha, of course!" He also showed his duel disk. With the support of his partner, Yami Yugi could feel that he was in the best condition.

"Tianma, you should have heard what You Feng said. I agree to your conditions. Let’s get started!"


Tianma Yuexing LP4000

Dark Game LP4000

"I'm the first to attack, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Yami Yugi couldn't help but smile confidently.

"Pegasus, I'm going to attack. I'm going to Normal Summon, Magician's Staff Attack Position!" (Attack 1600 Defense 100)

"Magician's Wand's special effect is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, you can add a Magic or Trap Card with the name of Dark Magician from your deck to your hand."

"I added this card from my deck to my hand!"

"Next, I cover a card in the backcourt, and my turn is over!"

Looking at the staff floating on the dark game field, Tianma Yuexing said coldly:"Huh, the black magic staff, I heard that this card seems to be given to you by Li Youfeng? Being able to accurately retrieve a black magic card, it is indeed as Lord Pegasus said, the effect of this card is really a bit difficult!"

"You are right!" Nodding slightly, Yami Yugi replied,"This card is the card of friendship and bond between Yu Feng and me, and it is also the symbol of our sincere friendship."

"Humph, what a boring friendship!"

Closing his eyes and shaking his head, Tianma Yuexing placed his hand on his duel disk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I normally summon a monk in defense mode!" (Attack 800 Defense 1600)

"Next, I will also activate the special effect of Summoning Monk. Once per turn, you can Special Summon a 4-star or lower monster from your deck. I choose to Special Summon Seraph Trooper, and put it in Attack Position!" (Attack 1600 Defense 1500)

"I cover three cards on the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"Tenma, I won't let you summon the evil god so easily. It's my turn now, draw a card!"

With a confident smile on his face, Yami Yugi added the card he had just drawn to his hand and activated a cover card on the field.

"Quick attack magic dimension magic is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that when there is a Spellcaster-Type monster on your field, you can activate it, release that monster, and then Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand. After that, you can select a monster on the field and destroy it!"

"I release the magician's staff, and then summon the black magic girl from my hand!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)

"Summoning Monk, destroy it according to the effect of dimensional magic!"

As the main axis of Tianma Yuexing's summoning, An Yugi certainly would not leave this monster on the field. The dimensional magic was launched brazenly, and a black magic missile flew out of the magic card and hit the Summoning Monk directly.

"Humph, I knew you would do this!"

In fact, just as Tianma Yuexing thought, such a mocking monster could not help but be targeted by Yami Yugi. He calmly opened a cover card on the field and said loudly:"Trap card activated, subspace teleportation device"

"The effect of this card is that you can remove a monster on your field until the end of the turn. I choose to remove the Summoning Monk, so the destruction effect of your Dimensional Magic is invalid!"


Seeing that the other party actually used Kaiba Seto's routine, Yami Yugi couldn't help but twitch his lips

"So it’s this trap card, but it doesn’t matter. In that case, I will destroy another monster on your field!"

"I Normal Summon Queen Knight (1500 ATK, 1600 DEF) from my hand, in Attack Position! Fighting, Black Magician Girl, attack Seraph Cavalry!"

Watching the Black Magician Girl rushing over, Tianma Yuexing sneered and opened another face-up card.

"Trap Card Activated, Afterimage Shield!" (Original manga!)

"The effect of this card is to transfer the damage of a monster to the player, so your idea of destroying my monster failed!"

As Tianma Yuexing said, the attack of the Black Magic Girl directly penetrated the Seraph Cavalry and hit the former hard.

Tianma Yuexing LP4000>2000


Gritting his teeth and groaning, Tianma Yuexing, who had taken the attack from the black magic girl, was not depressed at all, but instead showed a crazy smile.

"Hehe, game, the attack power of the Queen Knight is not as good as that of the Seraph Cavalry, so your attack should stop here!"

"Damn it!"

Feeling a palpitation, An Yugi looked at his hand and frowned slightly.

"What a powerful guy! I didn’t expect that he would rather suffer heavy damage than not protect the monsters on the field. And what’s going on with this terrifying aura? Does he already have the Evil God Card in his hand?"

"It's a pity that I haven't drawn the Black Magician yet, otherwise, I could have definitely cleared his backcourt just now. Now, I can only endure it temporarily."

After taking a deep breath, Yami Yugi's eyes became firm again.

"I cover two cards on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"At the moment you end your turn, the Summoning Monk is back on my field!"

Because of the power of the evil god, Tianma Yuexing has gradually lost his rationality.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Accompanied by the flash of black light, Tianma Yuexing drew a card emitting a black aura into his hand. After seeing this scene, Li Youfeng, who was standing below the stage, immediately widened his eyes, because he knew that the card of the evil god had been drawn by Tianma Yexing.

In the original comics, there was a description of the three evil gods' cards, that is, the three evil gods were opposite to the three phantom gods, and their power was born to suppress the three phantom gods.

In this world, after Pegasus made the cards of the three phantom gods, he immediately made the cards of the three evil gods, but because the heart of darkness was destroyed by Li Youfeng, he had thought about destroying the cards of the three evil gods on the spot.

However, due to some of the reasons, Pegasus finally chose to completely seal the cards of the three evil gods. However, what he did not expect was that on the second day of his disappearance, the three evil gods he sealed actually found his adopted son, Tianma Yexing!

Feeling the pressure of the evil god card, Li Youfeng couldn't help but said to Yugi,"Yugi, be careful, the evil god is coming!"

"Ah, I've felt it too!"

Nodding heavily at Li Youfeng, An Yuzhi couldn't help but sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Come on, Tianma, let me see what the evil god in your hand is capable of!"

"Haha, it's really worthy of being Yugi. The strongest duelist who is as famous as the Duel King is really good. I didn't expect that you have already sensed its presence!"

Faced with Yami Yugi's provocation, Tianma Yuexing laughed crazily.

"Hahaha, come on, Yugi, kneel down before the evil god!"

"I activate the special effect of Summoning Monk to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my deck."

"Come out, Seraph Gunner!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1200)

"I offer the three monsters on the field as sacrifices!"

"This is the ruler of the mind, this is the source of endless fear!"

"Swallow emotions and show your power!"

"Evil god, please listen to my call and descend upon me!"

"The evil god who controls the mind - the source of fear!"(Attack 4000 Defense 4000)


As if the gate of hell was opened, the dark evil breath emanated from the source of fear.

Like the three mythical gods, the source of fear as an evil god is of course also a terrifying power that can compete with the former. Under the pressure of the evil god, An Yugi and Li Youfeng couldn't help but lower their bodies at the same time.

"This pressure that makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts, is this another evil god?"Looking at the source of fear that appeared on the stage of the Grand Theater, Li Youfeng couldn't help but secretly complained,"I didn't expect the evil god in this world to be so terrifying. I believe its special effects are probably completely different from what I knew in my previous life!"

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