"How dare you mock me, you bastard? Wait, I will use my card to hit your nose!"

"Haha, where does a mortal bone player, as Kaiba calls him, get so much confidence? Come on, Jonouchi. The person standing in front of you is the card professor, Mr. Mendushino. Bow your head with respect, idiot!"


Jonouchi LP4000

Mendusino LP4000

"I'll start the attack first!"

After drawing a card from the deck, Mendushino showed a card in his hand.

"My slave card normally summons Mantis, attack position!" (Attack 1500 Defense 1200)

"Next I cover a card on the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"Humph, your attack power is only 1500 points, you are nothing special!"After mocking Mendushino with a curled mouth, Jonouchi placed his hand on the duel disk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Iron Knight in Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1600)

"I cover two cards in the backfield!"

"Fight, Red-Eyes Iron Knight, attack Mantis!"

"Cross Sword Slash!"

Seeing the Red-Eyes Iron Knight rushing over, Mendushino said calmly:"Jounouchi, you are indeed an ordinary player, no wonder Kaiba Seto looks down on you, open the cover card!"

"Counterattack Trap Card activated, forced recovery!"

"The effect of this card is that it can bounce a card on the opponent's field back into the hand. Disappear, Red-Eyes Iron Knight!"


Amid Jonouchi's exclamation, the Red-Eyes Iron Knight screamed and turned into a stream of light and returned to Jonouchi's hand.

"Damn, what kind of dirty and underworld tactic is this? This is the first time I’ve seen it!"

"Haha, Jonouchi, your turn is over, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Amidst a burst of laughter, Mendushino drew a card from the deck.

"Now I will activate this continuous magic card, Hardship of Labor!" (Original manga!)

"The effect of this card is that each time both parties Normally Summon a monster they have to pay 1000 Life Points!"

"Next, I will activate this continuous magic card, Mantis Egg!" (In the original comic, according to the original explanation, this card is a special environment card. It is explained here as a continuous magic card to help readers better understand)

"The effect of this card is that when there is a Mantis monster on your field, once each turn, you can Special Summon a small Mantis with 500 attack points!"

"Also, let me remind you that since it is a special summon, I don’t have to pay life points!"

"Come out, little mantis!"(Attack 500 Defense 0)

(Note: These special summoned monsters are considered Mantis derivatives and are special monsters that can be released and summoned at higher levels.)

"Fight, Mantis, little mantis, attack the city directly!"

"Sharp sickle!"

"Damn! Ouch~ It hurts!"Because he lost the monster in the front field that could protect him, Jonouchi could only take the blow hard!

Jonouchi LP4000>2000

"Haha, Jonouchi, my turn is over, it's your turn!"

"Damn bastard, you actually played dirty tricks on me!"

Looking at the two blocked cards in his backcourt, Jonouchi couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva.

"My backfield is covered with Red-Eyes Triumph and Red-Eyes Soul. These two cards are of no use to me now. I can only rely on this card draw!"

Putting his hand on the deck, Jonouchi closed his eyes and murmured:"Please, my deck, save me!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

He opened his eyes nervously, and when Jonouchi saw the card in his hand, he couldn't help but cheer on the spot.

"Haha, I said my luck is pretty good!"

"Brat, are you crazy?" Folding his arms, Mendushino sneered with disdain,"Under my combination, no matter what monster you summon, it will be in vain. Don't waste my time, surrender quickly!"

"Haha, you want me to surrender? Don't be ridiculous!"

Showing the cards in his hand, Jonouchi said loudly:"I activate the magic card Red-Eyes Fusion from my hand, sending Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Holy Knight from the deck to the graveyard and then special summoning them from the extra deck!"

"Look, this is the new form of the Black Dragon clan, and it is also the new power I just obtained!"

"Show yourself, Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"Fusion Summon, Attack Power 2800?!" Staring at the armored black dragon that appeared on the ground in the city, cold sweat broke out on Mendushino's face.

"Humph, what a pity, Jonouchi, have you forgotten that the fusion monster cannot attack in the first round after the fusion is successful?"

"Of course I remember!" After a sinister smile, Jonouchi directly opened a face-down card on his field,"The continuous trap card Red-Eyes' Triumph is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that if there is a Red-Eyes Monster on your field, once per turn, you can Special Summon a Normal Monster from the Graveyard. Come out, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"How about it, Mendushino, because this is a special summon, I don't have to pay life points either!"

Two monsters were special summoned in an instant. Such strength is definitely the top level in the current duel environment. Looking at the two dragon monsters roaring at him angrily on the ground in the city, Mendushino has lost his original calm at this time.

"What the hell! Is this bastard really only worth 200 pretty coins? Pegasus Night Walk is kidding!"

"��Hey, Mendushino, do you really think that trap card can save you? This round, let me avenge the last arrow I shot at you!"

Showing a card from his hand, Jonouchi smiled and slapped it on the duel disk.

"Magic card activated, black flame bomb!"

"The effect of this card can only be activated when there is a Red-Eyes Black Dragon on our field. By discarding this attack, you can directly inflict damage to the opponent's player with the original attack power of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"That is 2400 points!"

"What? How can there be such a card? Are you sure you are not cheating?"

Just as Mendushino was in disbelief, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon was not polite to him. He opened his mouth wide and sprayed a fireball directly on Mendushino's face.


"Ouch! Shit, it hurts!"

A huge fireball exploded on Mendushino's face. The former fell to the ground with his hands covering his face and screamed in pain.

Mendushino LP4000>1600

Seeing that Mendushino's expression did not seem fake, Jonouchi murmured to himself in confusion:"What's going on, did that bastard Kaiba increase the damage of the virtual image again?"

(Seto Kaiba:"A-choo! Damn it, who is saying bad things about me behind my back?!")

""Jionouchi, you bastard!"

He got up from the ground with gnashing teeth, and veins were already all over his face.

"Hehehe~ How is it, this tastes good, right?"

As the saying goes, it's better to lose the battle than the fight, looking at Mendushino's hair that had already exploded, Jonouchi laughed like a villain on the spot.

"This is what happens when you offend Master Jonouchi. Let’s see if you dare to call me a fool again. Hehehe, my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, because of the effect of the mantis egg, another little mantis is added to my field!"

Putting a card on the duel disk, Mendusino said loudly:"I will offer the mantis and the little mantis as a sacrifice, and then pay 1000 life points to summon this monster!"

Mendusino LP1600>600

"Come out, mantis holding the death scythe, the scythe killer!"(Attack 2300 Defense 1600)

"The special effect of the scythe killer is activated!"(Original manga)

"This monster can sacrifice the little mantis on its field and permanently increase the attack value of the sacrifice!"

"I offer the little mantis as a sacrifice and permanently increase the attack power of the Scythe Killer by 500 points!"

The attack power of the Scythe Killer is increased by 2800!

"Fight, Scythe Killer, attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

After receiving the order from his master, Scythe Killer rushed directly towards Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Due to the difference of 400 attack points, Red-Eyes Black Dragon could only be sent to the graveyard with an unwilling roar.

Jonouchi LP2000>1600

"Hehe, Jonouchi, my scythe killer's attack power is permanently increased. My next turn will be your doom.���The round is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate Pot of Greed from my hand and draw two cards from my deck!"

"Next, activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck and discard two!"After changing his hand, Jonouchi couldn't help but reveal a confident smile.

"It’s a pity, Mendusino, you don’t have the next round, because in this round, I will defeat you completely!"

"Tsk, stop bluffing, Jonouchi, you can't do it!" Hearing Jonouchi's statement that didn't sound fake, Mendushino couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Why don't you try it and you'll know?"

Pointing to the Continuous Trap Card on his field, Jonouchi said with a smile:"The Triumph effect of the Continuous Trap Card Red-Eyes is activated. Once per turn, you can summon a Normal Monster from the Graveyard. Revive it again, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Dark Dragon is activated. When this card is in your hand, you can Special Summon it by sending a Red-Eyes Black Dragon on your field to the Graveyard, and its Attack Power is increased by the number of Dragon monsters in your Graveyard multiplied by 300 points!"

"Come out, Red-Eyes Dark Dragon!" (Attack 2400 Defense 2000)

"Because there are Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Red-Eyes Flying Dragon in our graveyard, Red-Eyes Dark Dragon's attack power is increased by 600 points!"

Red-Eyes Dark Dragon's attack power is increased by 3000!

"Attack power 3000? Damn, this attack power is already higher than that of the Scythe Killer!"

Looking at the Geka in his backcourt, Mendusino secretly calculated

"However, I have forced recycling in my backfield. As long as Jonouchi launches an attack, I can return this monster to its owner. Even if it is exchanged with Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, I can use Resurrection of the Dead to revive it in the next round. Combined with the 500 attack points of the sacrificed Mantis, by that time, Jonouchi will definitely be powerless to recover, so the victory will always belong to me!"

"Let's fight!"

As expected by Mendushino, with such a huge advantage, Jonouchi would not miss such a good opportunity.

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, attack the Scythe Killer!"

"Haha, Jonouchi, you miscalculated!"

With a burst of laughter, Mendushino opened his cover card directly.

"Trap card activated, forced recovery!"

"I choose to return Red-Eyes Dark Dragon to your hand, Jonouchi, Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon has the same attack power as my Scythe Killer, come to the graveyard with me!"

Watching the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon disappear from the field and return to Jonouchi's hand, Mendushino couldn't help but burst into laughter

"Haha, who told you that the attack power of Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon is only 2800 points?"


After shaking his head in disdain, Jonouchi activated its special effect directly under Mendushino's horrified gaze.

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's special effect is activated. Once per turn, when a Red-Eyes monster on your side of the field declares an attack, you can activate this effect by targeting a Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard. That monster is used as an Equip Card with an attack power increase of 200."

"I equip Red-Eyes Iron Knight in the graveyard to Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon as an equipment card, and increase its attack power by 200 points!"

Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's attack power 3000 UP!

"Fight, Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, attack the Scythe Killer!"

""Sharp blade slashes!"


Due to the difference of 200 points in attack power, the Scythe Killer was directly destroyed by the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon and entered the graveyard.

Mendusino LP600>400 wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sneered as if he had survived a disaster and said:"Haha, Jonouchi, although you destroyed the Scythe Killer, I still have enough health points left. Your turn ends here. In the next round, I will defeat you completely!"

"No, you don't have a next turn!"

With a sneer, Jonouchi opened the last face-up card on his field and said loudly:"The trap card Red-Eyes Soul is activated. The effect of this card is that it can revive a monster with the Red-Eyes character in my graveyard. I choose to revive Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon, obey my orders and bring me victory!"

"Direct attack!"

"Breath of black fire!"

"Shit! Does your monster regard the cemetery as its home? Is it possible to jump back and forth like this? Ah! Don't hit me in the face!"

Menduxino LP400>0

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